Rise & Build 2013-14 Campaign

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In February 2013 we delivered our 2013-14 vision for C3 Church Townsville with the key word – LAUNCH!

“Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4)

1. Launch into our own (leased) facility – a building where we can continue to grow unimpeded, where God is glorified and people experience the presence of Jesus Christ in a real and tangible way. A building that can facilitate the expression of our vision - to connect the people of Townsville with the miraculous love of Jesus Christ. A place where people can be trained and equipped to live their best lives and where community groups can gather, taste and see the goodness of God. 2. Launch our connect groups – to facilitate meaningful friendship connections and discipleship beyond the weekend services. To promote a family like culture, doing life together, on the same journey of faith while embracing all on our path. We celebrate our triumphs together and we stand beside one another through our challenges. Connect groups are an expression of the love we have for God, for people and for life. 3. Launch our youth ministry and our kid’s church outreach – we want to raise up the next generation to love God boldly with audacious faith. A generation that walks with Jesus and shines His light everywhere they go. We believe that the future of our church, our city, our nation lies with the next generation. We want to do all we can to invest into their lives and lead them into a lifetransforming relationship with Jesus, providing worship that is relevant to their culture while pointing them to the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.

The vision is Christ centred and harvest focused. It has to be because that’s the heart beat of God. That’s why God sent His Son to die on the cross and raised Him three (3) days later. Jesus said that the “harvest is plentiful” (Luke 10:2) and in 2 Peter 3:9 we read that God Is “not willing that any should perish”.

“So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.” (Nehemiah 2:18b) The move to the new building will stretch our church to a new level of financial commitment, especially at the beginning with all consultant fees and fit out costs. But we believe that every vision requires stretching and that it takes stretching, sowing and sacrifice to reap the harvest. We want to invite you to join with us in this amazing adventure, to “rise and build”, to sow and stretch and to be a part of the exciting things God is going to do in our Church.

“Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power” (Psalm 110:3) We are encouraging all at C3 Church Townsville to seek God on how they should financially partner and volunteer with this vision. When each of us do our part at the level we are at, we position the Church for all that God wants to do. Finances given to “Rise & Build” will be used exclusively for costs associated with:  The immediate building move (and future buildings)  Investing in the harvest, especially the next generation

Not everybody can give at the same level, but everybody can sacrifice at the same level. In Matthew 14 we read the story of a little boy who gave Jesus his lunch - two (2) fish and five (5) loaves of bread. To the unsuspecting eye the gift amount didn’t look like much, but to the little boy it was a sacrifice, and to Jesus it was the faith-spark needed to produce a miracle that fed thousands of people. It’s not the amount of the gift that matters but the sacrifice involved.

You may be in a financial position where you think you cannot give anything. That’s fine, we respect that and God loves you regardless. But put aside thinking ‘giving’ and think ‘sacrifice’ instead. Now how much can you sacrifice? For example, you may be able to sacrifice one (1) cup of coffee a day. That’s $4/day amounting to $28/week or $1,456 in a year. At the hands of Jesus, your sacrifice can turn into a miracle that may feed thousands.

Prayerfully consider the level of giving pledge that you feel is appropriate for you. Please note that your “Rise & Build” pledge is an offering over and above your tithes. Your decision should be based on wisdom, prayer and faith.

Once you have decided what your “Rise & Build” pledge commitment will be, fill in a commitment card and place it in the offering bucket during church throughout our “Rise & Build” campaign in the months of June and July. If you are away during that time, you can still get involved by putting in your commitment card at any time throughout the year. Early pledge commitments help us to plan and budget more accurately.

You can make a one-off payment or regular payments, or even both. You can even pledge a gift other than monetary. Most people would give by regular payment because it suits their cash flow budget. Here is an example:

 I wish to make a bequest. Please contact me to discuss  I wish to give in other ways. Please contact me to discuss Signed ______________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________ 1. Immediate cash / credit / cheque gift of $______

Date _____ / _____ / _____

2. One year giving pledge of $______ per week / month

After completing the back of this card, PLEASE DETACH AND PLACE IN THE OFFERING BUCKET DURING CHURCH. Alternatively, post to: C3 Church Townsville PO Box 1942 Townsville QLD 4810

3. Other Pledge or Gift _________________ * PLEASE NOTE - Tax deductibility is not available at this stage CUT ALONG HERE

  1. Immediate cash / credit / cheque gift of $______ 2. One year giving pledge of $______ per week / month 3. Other Pledge or Gift _________________ * PLEASE NOTE - Tax deductibility is not available at this stage

 

My/Our ongoing giving will be by:  Credit Card  Direct Deposit (Please mark “Rise & Build”)  Cash/Envelope (Please mark “Rise & Build”)

Payment Deduction (s):  Amount: $______________  VISA | Mastercard (please circle one)  Frequency (please circle one below): one-payment | weekly | fortnightly | monthly

Name _________________________________________________

Credit Card No: _____________________________________

Address _______________________________________________

Expiry Date _____ / _____

Security (CVV) No. __________

Cardholders Name: __________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________

Cardholders Signature: _______________________________

Email _________________________________________________ CUT ALONG HERE


Thank you for partnering with us in our 2013/14 ‘Rise and Build’ adventure. Your generous commitment is contributing to the great things God is doing around here. Lives will be impacted forever because of your sacrifice!! Together we can do it. Ps Jorge & Claudia El-Khouri

Mark 4:29

Jorge & Claudia El-Khouri Senior Pastors

Ben Pitt Church Manager & Sound-Media Team Leader

Danny & Karen Vella First Impression Team Leaders

Peter Rickman Finance Administration Karly Pitt Music Team Leader

Janet Gurney Kid’s Church Team Leader

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