Poet Jordan Volume 2

Page 16

Edge of the World Standing on the edge of the world, viewing as far as the eye can see, pondering the next move to make, contemplating the future that lay before me, As I stand on the edge of the world, the world becomes more in focus, knowing that there is a risk that I could fall, puts everything I have into perspective, Standing on the edge will not help me if I do not act, I must have the fear within me to make choices, As I may not make them in any other circumstance, but yet acting now may cause me to fall, Yet the risk of falling or the risk of staying on the edge, Will not deter my feelings from the choices I make, I may only reflect on what I have thought from afar, but until I fall I shall not know what is there to fall upon, To what I fall upon or what I find once landed, Is the unknown we all face in life, in each day of every year, Once fallen I have to stand again, To stand again and look back from where I fell, The edge of the world may now seem so far away, As I look up at the edge I feared for so long, I now look to climb to that edge again.


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