Thank You, Mr. Joseph

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From Your Grade 3 Class

Dear Mr.Joseph Thank you for teaching us in grade three. I will miss you so much when you move to Brazil. I had so much fun in grade three when we played sprout tag . You were the best teacher I got in my life and I know you WILL be my favorite teacher forever. I hope that you will not forget us and of course I will NEVER forget you too. Thank you so much for being kind and nice to us. It was the best year I had. Again, thank you. Love, Koharu

Thank You Mr. Joseph Mr. Joseph we will REALLY miss you. I was soooo surprised because you are leaving I'm really sad .

MR.JOSEPH Dear MR. Joseph Thank you for teaching us. You are the best teacher I had. From Heather

H P E S O J .


From Ashley C

I will miss you a lot and I will never forget you and please don t forget us and have a good time at Brazil

Have fun at BRAZIL! It was liOle Pme for me, but I had a great Pme! Thank you!


From Yu

Mr.Joseph, you are best teacher I ever had. I’m really going to miss you. Have nice time in Brazil! (I will ask Sawa if she can e-mail you sometimes.)

Your Favorite Things! This is where I am from!

This is where you are from!

From Tae Min

This is your favorite things.

We will miss you!!!

From Ashley W

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