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There is an amazing number of YouTube videos, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, as well as blogs and websites that bring to you the latest and the greatest of the coupons. An important consideration is to limit your exposure to such sites to prevent burnout, information overload, and subsequently, analysis­paralysis. Here is a trick I use to quickly scan over my favorite websites and RSS feeds. I use a Firefox internet browser and bookmark my favorite extreme couponing sites into a single directory under Bookmarks Toolbar. Under View/Toolbars, I enable the Menu bar, and my bookmarks toolbar directories show up there. For even more useful advice on Extreme Couponing, just click to http://howtostartcouponing.net/tlc_extreme_couponing.html

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.