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ACCOLADE Debut 2019 Review Issue

Oganisational Quarterly Review


loco... and it’s


and everything from 2019


A YOUNG MAN’S GAME age proving no barrier to success


NETWORK LIKE A BOSS 7 questions to ask when networking


MALTA, MISSON 50 & MORE recognise and elevate yourself



flash toys or shrewd investments?


Accolade is commissioned by Pure Events Solutions Ltd Publishing and Marketing by Accolade Media Group Ltd Creative and Design by Corellian Creative Corellian Creative is a trading name of Accolade Media Group Ltd Advertising and Print Production by The Marketing Department Ltd The Marketing Department Ltd is a subsidiary of Accolade Media Group Ltd, International House, 64 Nile Street, London, N1 7SR


WOODY’S WORD an introduction from our Org Head as he sums up 2019


EDIBLE EXCELLENCE the food writer’s best restaurants in the world 2019


SUMMER R&R in Malta


CLICK BAIT best sweaters to buy online for under $100


MISSION 50 meet up in London




ENTREPRENEUR SPOTLIGHT who’s had a pristine twenty-nineteen!




ELEVATE AWARDS Haythrope Park witnessed Pure excellence


NETWORK LIKE A BOSS! 7 questions to ask when networking


THE RISE OF EPIPHANY a first year in business for our first advancement


COOL BRITANNIA Luxury British Hotels to hole up in this Winter


GOING LOCO five months of fasterthan-light success


A YOUNG MAN’S GAME age is no barrier to success at Pure

THE PENNY HAS DROPPED ...and it’s making a noise!

page 16


LOCO Twenty-three weeks ago they were just 3 strong in a strange City. In twelve months they’ll probably have 4 offices. We want to know what has got this partnership going loco.

ENTREPRENEUR SPOTLIGHT Who’s star is rising? Who’s on the verge of advancement?

page 11

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efore we look at how I would define this past year, I want to take this opportunity to introduce you all to this debut issue of Pure’s Organisational Quarterly Review. Accolade itself is something that has grown out of what I, and everyone I have the pleasure of working with everyday, has achieved this past twelve months.

Accolade will usually be a quarterly review of the biggest events, exciting rising stars, amazing advice and articles, as well as all the news and recognition of who and what has made a positive impact upon my Organisation over the previous three months. As this is the debut issue, and it is December (and it has been one hell of a year) I thought it best to introduce Accolade to you by looking back at all the amazing highlights from our entire year in business together. During this process of review it has really reaffirmed to me what an amazing network we have within our industry. Yes, it is fiercely competitve, but unlike other industries we know the value of helping others to achieve great things and Accolade is really just a celebration of that fact. How would I define 2019? Life-changing. Absolutely life changing. I know technically you can argue that is two words, but I also know that anyone who knows me won’t be suprised either. If pushed to sum up the past year in only one word by all you nit-pickers out there, I could just say ‘change’, but it is my magazine about my Organisation so I’m going to stick with ‘life changing’.

Many things have changed over this past year, Pure Events started 2019 in familiar territory and then in February it all started to change. Ten months have flown by and my business is now an Organisation with offices across the East and West Midlands. People’s lives have also changed, Dani, CJ, Jamie and Lizzie’s lives have changed in ways every Owner can relate to. All those dreams and apsirations, all those “wouldn’t it be amazing ifs” are now just another target to hit. Both new Offices are doing so well and I’m so immensely proud of all four new business owners we’ve advanced this year. Seeing those lives change has inspired others as well. This year has seen my Son, Ronnie, take huge strides towards Ownership. On a personal front as well, my life has changed, I’ve never bought Antique Motorcycles or Paintings by famous musicians before, nevermind as an investment. I’ve even bought shares in Amazon, Tesla, McDonalds (I no longer complain if Ronnie wants to stop for a Maccy D’s breakfast) and other globally listed corporations with an eye on my elderly dotage, obviously. This past year as been brilliant, an amazing and lifechanging year, both professionally and personally. Have an amazing Christmas, a wonderful New Year and lets do it all again in 2020.


Summer R&R Malta 01

Danny Wood ORG HEAD

One of the great things about our industry is the network. The community of likeminded entrepreneurs willing to network and grow towards a similar goal. One of the perks of our industry is that those networking and development opportunities are somewhere hot and sunny. This year’s Summer R&R was no different, we took several members from our Organisation to meet with, network with, and relax with people who are also building their own teams as well as those whom we have recently helped achieve their goal of running their own business. It’s a unique and amazing opportunity to recognise determination, drive and hard work but also a great way to reward those same attributes by combining further knowledge and relationship-building with a long weekend in the sun enjoying yourself.


Lizzie Hankinson & Jamie Lanigan LOCO-MOTIVE INTERNATIONAL

Obviously, we believe very strongly in a healthy work-life balance, but when your goal is to be your own boss, to be the master of your own destiny, and love going to work because it’s your company then that distinction blurs somewhat. This isn’t because everyone running their own companies are workaholic-burnouts, far from it. It is because being master of your own ship is one of the most rewarding and enjoyable things in life. Business owners naturally want to improve their business, talk to people about their business, and find out what other people doing likewise are discovering on their own journeys.


Pure Family FUN IN THE SUN

Top: The Pure Organisation; Epiphany Promotions, LoCoMotive International and Pure Events. Bottom Left: How much naked Wood can we get in one photo? Sun’s out, guns out! Bottom Right: Dapper Dan dying to get in that pool.



The photos opposite highlight how Pure Events has quickly become an organisation. We have former BA’s who having now been running their own company since the fourth of February. We also have two members who also went into business on July 1st 2019 and other team members who are one step away from Ownership as well. All learning from and educating one another. This unique industry is one with a very healthy open-door policy where information, and help on being successful in business, flows freely and we are very proud to be a part of it.


Graphic d es heresy, abn ign is the paradise o f individua ormality, h lity, eccent obbies and ricity, humors.

Open 5 much a 0 trading Of fi n open ces as q door, m or e an ui ickl y as is hu manl y p nv i t a t i o n ission 50 t o smash i ossible. No network ing t so t of f it’ events a re alway s h s amazin back in i n oppor tu g M a r ch es. g


nities to wa s a g r of what promote eat exam positive this g rea ple s throug t industr about. E hout the y is all industr y n tr e preneur with us s from e Office a all in one plac ve r y cross th e at one e countr th ti e m y all wit g e, oal of h focused h elping e on one g ach othe successfu oal. r be l in Busin T hat g o ess. W he would y al is sim re else open 50 ou find ple; trading that, in in d O what oth ustr y? ffices as as is hum er quickly anly pos sible. N an open o t s o mu H door, m e r e we a r e ch ore an in ag ain at smash it vitaion to amazing another off it’s h Mission ing es. 50 rally, fantastic at anoth W hen M ve n u e , a er ichael an t the Mis Christm d Ali fir s ion 50 a s in this d P a r st steere ty . D irection, o o n’t waste ppor tun d less than ities, use these ag o, the two year r e we r e them to yo u r ow s e inspire n ig ht office jour ney. off. T ha s ticked Network Boss, ha t still left ve a stud like a for ty-tw bottles o ent men o g reen build yo n their w ta li u ty r network and all. I’m offered . sure if y them 30 ou 0 % g r ow W hethe those tw r yo u a r th over o years th e a BA, Owner, ey would ES2 or bitten yo lo ok at th h a ur hand ve e big pic fr ont of y off ! ture in ou befo r e yo u e As of w rest of e n joy the riting th v ening. If is, the M Michael can insp nearly a ission is and Ali ire and h t thir ty o elp us to ffices, an thir ty off Or g anis o d with o p ic en ation alo e s in two ur ne lookin not set y years th between o e g u n r to w hy s elf hug e 3 and 6 open once tho in 2020 g oals? B bottles lo s th e e d o c o ause s e g reen minos s ok like th you’ll be tar t to fa e y wo n t much lo s m ll a s b h e lasting ng er. I d ing g ree right an n bottle on’t kno d centre anybody s left, w about and be w else, but w a y to build ell on yo I’d haza that eve in g ur r d a n Empir a guess r yone fi star t wit e. I t d o e nds that h Owne motivati s e n’t x r s tr hip and emely doesn’t ng. T he it cer tain stop wit Mission ly h 50 meeti O building wner ship ng a n d h av . Ke e p e a g reat tonight 2020, bu we’ll PA t RT Y !

Don’t wa ste opportun these ite them to i s, use ns your own pire jo Network urney. lik Boss and e a ke student m ep that entality.


I’m sure if you offered them 300% growth two years ago they would have bitten your hand off !


Hannah Moyden University of Nottingham Graduate, Hannah, is going for her Advancement to Business Partner at the time of writing. Glam, tanned and always cheery, however, there is a lot more than meets the eye when it comes to Hannah Moyden. A master of all aspects of Business and Entrepreneurship, she has a work-hard, play-hard philosophy to life and she looks set to be the first advancement into Ownership out of Epiphany. You cannot put a time limit on success.



T H G I L T O P S R U E N E R P E ENTR Luke is a force of nature within the Loco-Motive Office and his enthusiam and work ethic has proved to be something that rubs off on his team in the most positive and natural way. Currently at ES3, Jamie and Lizzie are 100% confident that Luke will continue to deliver consistantly great results and quickly advance to Business Partner and Owner with the same humility, eagerness to learn and succeed that has seen him rise through the Entrepreneur Stages at an eye-catching pace.




aythrop Park in Oxfordshire played host to arguably the biggest event in our industry. A huge awards rally where achievement and success is celebrated along with some healthy and light-hearted competition be- What about the future? Ronnie has been leading the tween businesses, and even between our own office, and charge in our office of late and delivering great results for our clients on multiple campaigns this year. To see him those we’ve helped advance into Ownership this year. win a Platinum Award for excellence in sales as well as progress to Entrepreneur Stage 3 (he now commands a On a personal note, our office scooped a whole host of team of eight), AND they were not the only awards he awards for business excellence, customer service, event came away with, which was brilliant. We have indeed booking and more, but it was seeing Epiphany Promotions receive awards for their sales excellence just seen great things from him as he has worked through ES3 and become Business Partner. six months after completing our business development programme and setting up on their own which brought All in all it was a great weekend, great to receive so many the best reward. awards and see our BA’s and Entreprenures doing great Our ethos is all about helping others achieve their goals things in business. There are way too many highlights and stars to recognise here so please do visit our social so to see how Epiphany Promotions and LoCo-Motive channels to find out more and see more photos of what International were growing so fast and achieving so made this year’s awards so great. much success so quickly was testament to that.

Glorious weather, a beautiful venue and the recognition of outstanding service and excellence in business. ELEVATE IS ALL ABOUT JUST THAT. RECOGNISING ENDEAVOUR, REWARDING ACHEIVEMENT AND ELEVATING BELIEF.









ASUDDEN DISCO VERY ORREAL ISATION Epiphany @epiphany.promotions




The fourth of February was really where the year took off for the Organisation, in fact it was the point where we ceased being a business and started being an Organisation. Dani and CJ are well known in this business. They are well known for their eambition, their fortitude and for having high and uncompromising standards, so Epiphany was always an inevitability. That doesn’t take anything away from how hard they have worked and how proud we all are to see them succeed. They describe themselves as “the number one sales and customer service solutions company in Nottingham”. We love to see that level of commitment continue from them both, because now they have to back it up! In all seriousness though, we love to see our Organisation be so self-motivated and driven because it makes us all work harder and strive to compete with them everyday, which can only be a good thing for our Organisation as a whole. It is fair to say as well, that they walk-the-walk as well as talkingthe-talk. High Performance Average awards are not easily won, nevermind created especially for you as a high-achieving Company. This is testament to the foundations within this Organisation that are reflected by CJ and Dani. Those standards are definitley not going to slip anytime soon, they have a great core of Entrepreneurs and Partners within their Office. People like Hannah Moyden who are building great teams within Epiphany, and are looking set to be advanced to Ownership in 2020. One thing that makes Epiphany successful is its sense of being a family. Dani and CJ have deliberately branded their business a ‘community’ with a ‘co-working hub’, and that soft approach to hierachy is something we think a lot of offices could benefit from. They’ve embraced the new ethos and direction of our industry and really put their own slant on it, and it is proving to be very successful. Where do Epiphany go in 2020? They will absolutely be promoting Owners and starting their own Organisation. They want to win, they want to be the most successful office within the Organisation there’s no doubt about that.


When it comes to growth, Epiphany are not going to hang about. They are already looking at how they will hit their professional and personal goals for 2020, which include getting themselves on the property ladder. CJ and Dani have a huge amount of industry experience to bring to bear in assistance with making that become a reality. As strong advocates themselves of taking every opportunity to learn from experienced experts in the business, they play a massive part in helping our Organisation to offer over 50 years of combined experience to help BA’s across our offices.


Twenty-three weeks ago they were just three-strong in a brand new City. This time next year they will probably INSPIRhave 4 offices. We want to know what has got this partnership...


“What seperated us from other people in the business was the level of our work ethic and our emphasis on having a positive team culture”. JAMIE LANIGAN


n a beautiful but unassuming building set back from Merrial Street in un-glamourous Newcastle-Under-Lyme something crazy has been going on. It is the same thing that has been going on since before Lizzie Hankinson and Jamie Lanigan were advanced to Ownership, only now it is out there under the bright lights for all to see. When Jamie and Lizzie were getting advanced they worked Saturdays and Sundays for three months solid. Those extra two days meant that by the end of the month they had an extra week on everyone else. An extra week of knowledge, an extra week of earnings so they advanced quicker. Since they have opened LoCo-Motive International they have built the same culture into their office. They started on the 1st of July this year with just one team member and twenty-three weeks later they have an office of twenty-seven. They have advanced no less than sixteen ES2’s and have promoted an average of one ES3 every month at least since opening. How have they not only grown, but retained entrepreneurs and Brand Ambassadors at such a good rate? “We create the feeling that everyone can take this opportunity by going in the field and showing people the level of work ethic needed to succeed and inspire early on” answers Jamie Lanigan. “Team Lo-Co is known for being the hardest working team and that makes everyone proud and more importantly it makes everyone confident enough to stay out until we all hit our goals”.

“We put in the extra effort in the field and we network exactly the same way. We ask questions that the answers to will help us get to where we want to be”. Most importantly, they implement those answers. You don’t open up in business for twenty-three weeks and all of a sudden be twelve months away from leaving four offices in the UK, while you start a new adventure in Australia, by paying lip service to advice from an expert-laiden and experienced network of Entrepreneurs. The most impressive thing about LoCo-Motive International is not just the consistant advancements, the maintained high standards, the £905,320 they have made for their clients since July 1st, it is how Lizzie and Jamie have engraved their ethos and culture into their business. It has therefore been little wonder that so many other offices and owners have been to visit them this year and that can only be a good thing for everyone invloved. It has been a crazy year (pun intended) for Jamie and Lizzie and their goals and focus are as sharp and as close as ever. In there own words, they “are not hanging about”, they are looking set to absolutely smash 2020 and I for one do not doubt for a second that they will be setting up a new venture in Australia by the end of 2021.


RONNIE WOOD Business Partner LOCATION Nottingham COMPANY Pure Events Solutions Ltd


t’s hard to believe that since CJ and Dani have opened Epiphany Promotions, and Jamie and Lizzie have opened LoCo-Motive International, that the senior guy at Pure Events now is twenty year old Ronnie Wood. We’ve decided to take a look at Ronnie’s situation and find out why age is proving to be no barrier to success for a motivated guy with a mature year, I was coaching and up-skilling members of sales teams, I business head on young shoulders.. was getting good at it. Ronnie started at Pure as an 18 year old and immediately found he had a gift for engaging with people, building relationships and selling. Encouraged by this start to his working life, Ronnie quickly became one of Pure’s top Brand Ambassadors. Despite being encouraged to do more Ronnie was, by his own admission, selfishly focused on his own sales and rewards. Often achieving the best results in the office, Ronnie looks back with great maturity at how he was more than content to cruise along “making the best part of £2000.00 a month consistently, why would I want responsibility as well”? However, there seems to have been a distinct turning point in Ronnie’s journey; “I had been at Pure for the better part of a


I got good at balancing my own performance and the performance of other people and I thought, ‘I should be doing this for myself, I could be growing a future for myself instead of just making money and spending money, rinse and repeat”. Since throwing himself into the Company’s Business Development Programme, Ronnie’s performance and success has continued. “The main thing I have changed is I’m completely honest with myself. We’ve all done it, we’ve all taken the easy choice or maybe slacked off when we think no one is looking but you’re only cheating yourself. These day’s that would never happen. I’ll always be honest with myself and do what’s right and choose what’s best for my business and the guys in my team that my business will be built on”.

When asking Ronnie where he sees that business taking place and how he sees it taking shape, you could be forgiven for expecting a young outgoing guy to be looking forward to making a success of himself in a metropolitan party-town with his closest pals; “Not at all. I’ve got my sights set on Sheffield but not because it’s a big Student city, but because when you look at Sheffield from a business point of view, there’s not really anyone there doing what we do. It’s far enough away to cut down on competition and close enough to maintain my network and contacts at Pure and within this industry as a whole” For a guy barely out of his teens, this level of maturity and business-awareness can cause a double-take at first, but lets face it, you have to have something about you to be successful in this business. To make Business Partner at twenty? You’ve got to have some serious game.

I got good at balancing my own performance and the performance of other people.




openhagen doesn’t immediately come to mind as a mecca of food, but Noma, in the Danish capital, is undoubtedly one of the most important restaurants of its generation. With New Nordic cookery Redzepi’s visionary approach to celebrating terroir via ingredientfocused, minimalist plates earned the first incarnation of Noma the title of The World’s Best Restaurant four years running.



nrivalled views of the French Riviera, three levels of cascading vegetable gardens churning out the sweetest produce and a team of outrageously talented cooks and front-ofhouse staff combine to make Mirazur the ultimate restaurant experience. Highlights from Mirazur’s tasting menu include salt-crusted beetroot from the garden with caviar cream, eggs from the chicken coop (when touring the gardens, keep an eye out for prize hen, Tina Turner) with smoked eel and hazelnuts and a brioche of potatoes with melting egg and white truffle. The restaurant’s perfect-for-sharing bread is infused with ginger and served with a Pablo Neruda poem.




Regular Fit V-Neck Sweater $98

3 Slim-Fit Pima Cotton Sweater $100



Polo Ralph Lauren

A camel crewneck sweater is a stylish cold weather move

Maintain a dim memory of warmer days with this Lacoste v-neck tennis sweater..

At least one lightweight crew in your closet is a sartorial necessity.

Rugged merino wool

Men U 3D Premium

two-button shawl-

Lambswool Mock Neck

collar pullover $98

Sweater $40

Signature Creame Cotton Fisherman Sweater $99



Write a Review

If you’re looking for a sweater you can wear instead of a blazer, this shawl collar one looks great with chinos and boots..

If you haven’t yet discovered the goodness that is Uniqlo’s sweater collection, now is the time.

You can never go wrong with a cream cable knit and let’s be honest, you feel wam just looking at it.

Washable Merino Crew Neck Sweater $88


Boost Your Team’s Morale During the Winter Months. BY SAQUIN MONAS

The cold weather and dark days of winter, paired with the typical post-holiday slump, can wreak havoc on your Team’s morale and productivity. With some people feeling ill and others feeling down or disengaged, it’s crucial to take immediate steps to liven up their mood if you want to pull through winter and retain or even grow your bottom line.

The cold, dark months of winter can also have a positive impact on your business, in that they may help strengthen the bonds between your team members

Peter Daisyme, co-founder of Hostt.



elow, seven entrepreneurs share their best tips on how to boost employee morale and keep productivity and engagement up during the months of winter.

1. Create a warm, welcoming office. A key aspect of keeping your team’s morale up is making sure your workplace is a warm, welcoming space that provides shelter from the ugly weather outside, especially in a place with harsh winters. “In my experience, it’s the small touches that count, like providing hot drinks and meals, organising office socials and generally making the office a warm, pleasant place to be,” says Ismael Wrixen, CEO of NYC-headquartered FE International. “Do it right and you may increase productivity during those cold, dark winter months,” he adds.

2. Do out-of-office Meetings. Kristin Kimberly Marquet, founder and creative director of Creative Development Agency, LLC, has experience with the “cold, dark and dreary” New York winters, as her business is also headquartered there. Marquet’s solution to combat workforce winter blues is to take the Team out of the office as much as possible. “I let everyone work remotely on Fridays to help lift team spirits. We also have a team night every week without fail.” she says.

3. Prioritize health. “The biggest danger with wintertime is seasonal affective disorder, or SAD for short. To help prevent this from occurring among my team members, I prioritize their health,” explains Bryce Welker, CEO of CPA Exam Guy. Welker ensures that “the break room is always stocked with vitamin D supplements and fresh fruit” and offers to sponsor team members’ gym memberships if they want to stay active.

4. Organize parties and giveaways. Another great way to boost employee morale is to make the winter months fun with team-building office parties and giveaways. Says ABN Circle CEO Fritz Colcol: “I mean, who doesn’t like free food, drinks and money giveaways?” Business Owners and Organisations can benefit greatly from offering extra cash incentives to their Teams during what seems like an endless dark and cold season. Collective goals are also a great way to stop Team members who may be feeling unmotivated from becoming isolated.

5. Hold side challenges with team members. “Every week we have a new challenge that stretches the team to think from a new perspective. This helps give them energy and enthusiasm,” says Sweta Patel, founder of Silicon Valley Startup Marketing. According to Patel, “it can be tough to want to do anything, but when you are challenged to give back or to do something beyond yourself, your focus changes.” Patel’s team decides on the challenge they want to take, with typically two or three ideas to pick from every week. At Pure Events we have in the past drawn pairs out of a hat and had them compete against each other for the week with a prize for the winner at the end. This kind of healthy competition really helps an Office get it’s mojo back after the long Winter break.

6. Organize summer activities. Michael Hsu, founder and CEO of DeepSky, puts another spin on team activities: “Poke fun at winter with summer activities

either in the office or outside of it. For example, have an indoor tiki pool party on a Friday afternoon.” Also, it’s a good idea to remind employees that their drained spirits might not be imagined and they may actually need more vitamin D in their diet, Hsu underlines. “Have a breakfast party with cereal and milk and boiled eggs. Showing concern will encourage employees to fend off the winter woes,” he says.

7. Spend more time together than remotely. The cold, dark months of winter can also have a positive impact on your business, in that they may help strengthen the bonds between your team members, thinks Peter Daisyme, co-founder of Hostt. “We switch off locations and work together more, setting up shop at one remote employee’s house or finding a co-working space,” he explains. “Having more time together in person helps with the cold and darkness because no one notices the weather when they are interacting with one another.”




Let’s be honest, without these amazing people our Organisation would actually be f*$%ed.


Staff love meeting up to discuss how it is really they who actually do all the work and without them there would just be Owners sat in offices with no territory or events for them to send none of the people they haven’t recruited.


Our wonderful Event CoOrdinator, Jade Burkey received an excellence award this year and rightly so. Jade loves having her photo taken so she’ll thank us for this..


Steph’s desire to help LoCoMotive grow has meant that they have an office full of amazing people with some incredible ambition.



Amazing Amy Sulley, our amazing Head of Administartion, has amazing posture. Which is a miracle considering she’s been carrying Danny Wood for the last decade. Well done Amy! Just think, you don’t get that for manslaughter.





Award-winning Recruitment Admistrators like Amber don’t come along everyday so we’ll be hanging on to this one. .



They say behind every great man there is a great woman. Well, in this industry it’s true to say that behind every Owner there’s an Adminsitrator biting her knuckles with frustration..


2019 has been such a good year for Pure as an Organisation and none of it would be possible without experienced, dedicated and talented Administrative staff.








dd ne s a t h ast, n e t w re , d r e e yo w e a d n d l u p e v t wo or k you g r it h t h e s s ro b e n r k i ng a l o u ow e v e e e b e n a b l s w i t o i s . re a in t o th s r yt xpe efi y k tch lan You dy k du f t o h i r i t s n o c d n s t h e h o n g e n c of w a re a j o m i g ow ry m w f r o e . n e s o e r s b, h t h e a a n d o m In t w m h ow e p ch y w e r e o u o r e o n nt i r o c av e i m n k ye e t u c e r ar w m a r u i r i n i ng w h e l y re l e ve p or or s t t m d a ? — , o u m n r a t an ki er n g t h e nt s t r y a n h a s o r e w g e d t f te st o p e a , s a , n y p . B at t c l i y o an n , e v r an p o r t l e s e t w e o u t h e e nt u r th d m peo p of e r y ge r d v r t of u n g an d or k l e s e s p e r y or i n y o d ay y o t o e y s e e p l e e t i i u u t i t i n t t s , i b t i i s l t e ab m r u b m n ie in us g l k a t sw g ou id su ut no y. A ply g n ill in hel fe t e t ? at i a l w h w e p f h i d t h e ss s ng b e n o t e r on w p ar in m — usin n it thi all ’t k eo net ou o s t w w es ’s n ng , ap no ple o r ha s r w be ki o i t i it t i n s w pro a c w h c au n g n ca h t h n t h e at h i at se w n e be gr wo p c o e d g a e q u at el r l d re t u r s o e s qu wo l, t h tio es do ty e f r nd e n ns t i o yo u fo ns e x e t . e r i e x ta r a to p W ng t t e lk e i qu a s r t s t a t h me k i l ic t s k y o e o k wh a an i l ge t d t t a u f d e n t h o a n i ind pa e n e i n t w i r r h an du s you l e or e c d f t r r ss k i u y s c o ng om m l o m e l f . nv U e f c i x e er se nd ar r, e d sa t i o a ny a t i o e r o n ’t n n s t of t s o ar he n te s e r. le






7 Questions to Ask While Networking


MISSION 50 (London)

--“Beginning networkers often make the mistake of giving away a stack of business cards but gathering none. The only way to ensure that you’ll be able to follow up with new contacts is to get their information; it keeps you in the driver’s seat”

Nikki Bruno

AN ARTFUL HONESTY Some people ask ‘what do you do then’, or enquire as to how your situation is, seemingly with the sub-text of assertaining how much respect they should afford you. Don’t be that guy.

1. “What brings you into this industry?” This light-touch question is a great way to begin a conversation, explained Michelle Tillis Lederman, author of The Connector’s Advantage: 7 Mindsets to Grow Your Influence and Impact. “This question shows you are interested in the other person and are not just trying to figure out how they can help you. Their response will give you a sense of what they are working on and what is on the front of their mind. That will lead you to extend the conversation and figure out how you can add value to them,” Tillis Lederman explained. “They will also likely ask you the question in return and give you an opening to share what your current objectives are.”

2. “How did you get involved in the company?” Once you know a little bit more about somebody’s professional background, ask them how they got their start. It can provide valuable takeaways for you, as well as make you seem more likable. “Finding out more about their journey leading up to their current role can offer an excellent insight into what you might need to do in order to work in that industry, role or company,” said Lars Herrem, group executive director at recruiting agency Nigel Wright Group. “Demonstrating your interest and enthusiasm is key to creating a lasting impression and making yourself memorable, something which will prove extremely beneficial if you end up reaching out to this person in the future.”

3. “Since you work in the industry, how do you feel about X?” Asking about a specific, timely event in the industry — whether it’s proposed legislation, a merger, a recent news story, etc. — is a great way to show the person you’re speaking with that you are knowledgeable and thoughtful, both of which are key to being memorable, said career coach Eli Howayeck of Crafted Career Concepts. “First impressions matter. The best thing you can do, besides being a nice person, is to demonstrate how you think and what you know about the marketplace,” Howayeck explained. “This helps direct the conversation and informs your conversation partner that you likely know what you’re talking about or, at a minimum, pay attention to what is going on in the world and [are] not only focused on yourself and your advancement.”

4. “How would someone progress in your office?” The ultimate objective of networking is often to get a new opportunity, but coming out and asking somebody you just met to help you get one can be pretty off-putting. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t approach the topic at all — you just have to do so delicately. This question “is a subtle way to ask about opportunities without coming right out and saying, ‘Do you know if they are hiring?’” said career coach Madelyn Mackie. “If you are lucky, they will ask you if you are interested and then provide you with a business card to follow-up with them after the event.”

6. “How do you spend your time outside of work?” At its heart, networking is all about forming connections with others, so don’t be afraid to veer towards lighthearted chitchat. Questions like this one help people open up, and make it clear that you don’t expect the interaction to be purely transactional. “This kind of question lowers the stakes and also gives the other person a chance to discuss what they’re passionate about,” Howayeck explained. “It also shows that you are actually interested in them as a person, and not just what they do and how it could help you.” Who knows? You may even bond over a shared interest or activity!

7. “What’s the best way for me to get in touch/follow up with you?” Ask this question, and you’re guaranteed to avoid one of the biggest mistakes that novice networkers make, according to career coach Nikki Bruno: “Beginning networkers often make the mistake of giving away a stack of business cards but gathering none. The only way to ensure that you’ll be able to follow up with new contacts is to get their information; it keeps you in the driver’s seat.” “Note that this question is intentionally different from ‘May I have your card?’” Bruno added. “Asking to stay in touch or to follow someone shows that you view him/her as a human being, not as a mere contact.”

Even if they aren’t able to help you out directly, though, you will likely gain some valuable insight that will help you in your job search process.

5. “Based on your journey, what do you wish someone would have told you earlier in your career?” This is a great question to ask if you’re speaking with somebody who is more senior than you are. It allows them to impart the knowledge they’ve acquired over the years with you, as well as appeals to their ego. “People are way more comfortable sharing their wisdom than they are sharing their contacts, and both can be very valuable,” Howayeck said. “Seeking to learn from others honors them and shows that you’re invested in growth. It also shows deference and can endear the person to you and deepen the connection.”


For sheer bucolic bliss, nothing beats an English countryside adventure at these sumptuous hideaways


BRITANNIA 3 luxur y British hotels to hole up in this winter

CLIVEDEN HOUSE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Since 1985, the Italianate mansion has been run as a hotel; but previously, from 1893, it was the headquarters of the quite extraordinarily wealthy Astor family, who made their way over from America to set up full time in England. The house exists as a living museum and ode to the family’s grand tastes. The French dining room morphs into a breakfast room come sunrise. A wealth of options, freshly baked olive breads, fruits and handmade granolas, are offered up beneath the lustrous 18-century Rococo panelling, brought all the way from the Château d’Asnieres near Paris. Take tea beneath a Singer Sergeant and alongside the 16th-century fireplace, extracted from a Burgundian château. Sip cocktails, an Old Fashioned or something more fitting, a Prince of Wales (after all, Frerick Prince of Wales did live here in the 16th century) or a Profumo, made with a medicinal lick of strawberry liqueur. Stroll the immaculate gardens where sculpture, topiary and artful landscaping fuse in rural perfection; from a yew peacock perched delicately on a column to a bright bed of roses. Bask in one of two pools at the spa, marvel at the gilded clock tower from a hot tub and enjoy a historical holiday in this one in a million hotel.


BEAVERBROOK SURREY Opened to much fanfare in 2017, Beaverbrook is the cool kid on the country house hotel scene. The former home of Lord Beaverbrook, the sprawling estate features two main buildings – the Main House and the Garden House – not to mention the Coach House spa and numerous cottages dotted amongst the shooting range, golf course and tennis courts. Susie Atkinson of Soho House fame has sprinkled her interiors fairy dust over everything, mixing original and modern pieces, adding in nice flourishes to remind guests of its past, including family photo albums, portraits of famous guests, and even a print of Beaverbrook’s cherished friend Rudyard Kipling’s poem, ‘If ’. While the location in the Surrey Hills and the country pursuits on site are no doubt major attractions, it’s the culinary offering that is the most thrilling coup for the estate, and one that draws in locals and guests alike. Ex-Nobu chef Taiji Maruyama helms the Dining Room, Beaverbrook’s Japanese restaurant, bringing big city glamour to the country with his exquisite nigiri rolls (one features ‘sea foam’, while another is topped with fois gras), truffle-and-sake infused cabbage and robata-grilled black cod.

ARTISTS RESIDENCE OXFORDSHIRE A foodie treat with nine fairy-tale lovely rooms, this thatched pub buried deep in the rolling green fields of South Leigh is one of those gems you want to keep to yourself for fear of never being able to book again. As part of the Artist in Residence’s elegantly bohemian empire of offbeat restaurants with rooms, it offers a sense of clubby intimacy and brilliant service, not to mention an extensive selection of local artisan Cotswolds gins and great locally sourced produce. It’s cosy and charming, and has everything you could want for a weekend away: deep copper baths, crackling fires, and a fabulous pub that serves simple but perfectly executed classics, like the grilled seabream with heritage potatoes. Here, you can cycle to nearby chocolate box villages, or pootle down the lane to admire its astonishingly beautiful church with its medieval frescoes or simply lose hours lounging around the courtyard garden romantically lit with fairy lights.

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