2019 HM Impact Report

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TobringglorytoGodalonethroughtheproclamationof thegospel andChrist-likecaretothoseinneed.


F r o m t h e Pr e s i d e n t .............................................. 4 M i n i s t r y H i s t o r y .................................................... 5 A b o u t U s .............................................................. 6-7


K e n y a ................................................................... 8-10 Ph i l i p p i n e s ............................................................. 11 G u a t e m a l a .............................................................. 12 Ba l t i m o r e ............................................................ 13-14 T h e o l o g y Fa m i n e Re l i e f ....................................... 15 F i n a n c i a l .................................................................... 16 C h e e r f u l G i v i n g .................................................... 17-18 Ev a n g e l i s t i c A p p a r e l / Bo o k s .............................. 19 C o n t a c t U s ............................................................ 20

Rom ans 10 :14 -15 14 How t hen will t hey call on him in w hom t hey have not b elieved ? And how are t hey t o b elieve in him of w hom t hey have never heard ? And how are t hey t o hear wit hout som eone p reaching ? 15 And how are t hey t o p reach unless t hey are sent ? As it is w r itten, ?How b eaut iful are t he feet of t hose w ho p reach t he g ood new s!?



Sovereig n God we g ive you t he p raise and g lor y for all you d o for your creat ion. Even for us w ho are so undeser ving of your g race you g ive it as a free g ift t o t hose w ho place t heir fait h in you and in you alone. You are sovereig n, reig ning over all t hing s, decreeing all t hing s and w or king all t hing s for your g lor y and our g ood . You care for t he m ost vulnerab le and com m and us t o g o and m ake d isciples, love ot her s as our selves, care for t he or p han and t he wid ow. We are honored t hat you have g iven us t he op p or t unit ies t o ser ve t hose in need by p rovid ing for t heir need and m ost im p or tant ly

t o share your g ood new s, t he Gospel. We p ray t hat t he seed s planted will fall up on g ood soil and t hat fr uit will g row and we will see m any com e t o salvat ion. We t hank you for t hose w ho have g iven sacr ificially by d onat ing to The Hope Movem ent , g iving cheer ful t o help ot her s. We p ray for t hem and t heir fam ilies and ask t hat your will b e d one in t heir lives and t hat t hey will b e d raw n closer t o you. We g ive you honor, g lor y and p raise oh Sovereig n Alm ig ht y Holy God , and seek your face and ask you t o cont inue t o use us for your g lor y and sanct ify us t o b e confor m ed int o t he im ag e of your Son J esus Chr ist . Grace and Peace,

JonathanM.Roiz Found er/ Pr esid ent The Hop e Movem ent

Not tous,Lord,not tous, but toyour namegiveglory becauseof your faithful love, becauseof your truth. - Psalm115:1 May t he p assion of hear t s and t he test im ony of our act ions b e Chr ist -centered and God g lor ifying . For our p ur p ose on t his ear t h is t o b r ing God alone g lor y, our call as Chr ist ians is t o m ake d isciples t hroug h t he p ower of His w ord .

2003?2004: FOUNDING W hen our founder star ted The Hope Movem ent 14 year s ag o he w as a kid wit h a d ream . No m oney, no connect ions, only a p ain in his hear t for t hose in need and a calling from God t o help t hem . A few fr iend s, fam ily m em b er s and even strang er s heard t he cr y of his hear t and t ook a chance in b elieving in him and g ave, opening t he d oor t o star t The Hope Movem ent .

2005?2007: BEGINNINGS Since t hen b ecause of your financial sup p or t we have b uilt a hom e for a fam ily in El Salvad or, a roof of a church in Costa Rica w hich now has hund red s of m em b er s and sup p or t s feed ing p rog ram s in Hait i, found t he fam ily of a child b eing dep or ted from t he U.S. to Mexico, raised aw areness ab out hum an trafficking , fed t he hung r y in t he am azons of Iq uit os, Per u, fed child ren in t he Philip pines.

2008?2017: EXPANSION Provided m osq uit o net s in Afr ica t o p revent m alar ia, fed and evang elized t o Muslim and Hind u com m unit ies in Bang ladesh, p rovided tens of t housand s of m eals in Guatem ala and Kenya, transfor m ed t he lives of child ren wit h cleft lip, or g anized m ed ical m issions p rovid ing free healt h care, installed a w ater well for an ind ig enous com m unit y, evang elized in near ly ever y cont inent , p reached t he Gospel in p ub lic schools, star ted a Bib le Inst it ute in Guatem ala raising up t he next g enerat ion of leader s, rescued w om en and child ren from ab use, p rovided ed ucat ion and counseling t o hund red s, launched two online weekly t heolog y classes in Eng lish and Sp anish as well as ot her teaching ser ies, p rovided w heelchair s t o child ren and ad ult s, we helped wit h hur r icane relief in t he United States, evang elized in t he street s,, p rovided shelter and scholar ship s for 120 or p hans in Kenya, reg istered as a non-p rofit in Kenya, transfor m ed vacant lot s in Balt im ore Cit y int o Haven of Hope Com m unit y Gardens w hile p roclaim ing t he g ospel, p raying wit h t he people and m eet ing t heir p hysical need s.

2019: TOTHEGLORYOFGOD In 20 19 just t o nam e a few t hing s t hat t ook place, over 51,927 m eals were ser ved . In Guatem ala, we sup p or ted feed ing center s, funded treat m ent for a child wit h b rain com plicat ions, and cond ucted a m ission tr ip p reaching in churches, p r isons, hospitals, trash d um p s, and shelter s. In Kenya, 120 or p hans attended school t hroug h our scholar ship s,

MINISTRY HISTORY Deb orah, one of our or p hans g rad uated from Hig h School. or p hans received food , shoes, clot hing , and housing . several churches were planted , over 120 Sw ahili Bib les were d istr ib uted , we cont inued our b ib le school and sent p ast or s t o several conferences for fur t her training . In t he Philip pines, we p urchased a vehicle for our m ission p ar t ner s Dwig ht and Cr ist i Spear s. They were ab le t o assist local churches, p rovide food t o t he need y, d istr ib uted Bib les and evang elist ic m ater ials in t he nat ive lang uag e, assisted wit h t yp hoon relief and shared t he g ospel t o m any. In Balt im ore, we cont inued our w or k wit h our com m unit y g arden, evang elizing and p rovid ing food , clot hing , and p rayer t o over 1,50 0 people. Hope Movem ent Pub licat ions developed new evang elist ic shir t s, we developed t w o new tract s and translated evang elist ic m ater ials in Sw ahili and Sp anish, and we cont inued our t heolog y ed ucat ion t hroug h online video teaching ser ies w hich reached t housand s around t he w or ld .



Our Mission: To b r ing g lor y t o God alone t hroug h t he p roclam at ion of t he g ospel and Chr ist -like care t o t hose in need .

ABOUTUS: The Hope m ovem ent is 50 1 (c)(3) Chr ist ian m inistr y w ho str ives t o b e an effect ive m ed iat or b et ween t he g iving Church and fait hful Chr ist ian m inistr ies in rem ote p ar t s of t he w or ld . We p rovide t hese m inistr ies financial resources for life-transfor m ing p rog ram s, p roject s, and act ivit ies. We p rovide t heolog ical and evang elist ic develop m ent and resources t o ed ify t he b od y of Chr ist and p roclaim t he tr ut h of God 's Word t o t he end s of t he ear t h. We p rovide log ist ical g uid ance t o develop efficacious Chr ist -like m ission w or k. We d o t his in ob ed ience t o God 's Word , devot ion t o our Lord and Savior J esus Chr ist , and love for our neig hb or, all for t he g lor y of God alone.

Under t he g uid ance and d irect ion of J esus Chr ist , and t he lead ing t he Holy Spir it all for t he g lor y of God alone, we desire t o ser ve t he LORD fait hfully wit h all our hear t (1 Sam uel 12:24 ), consider ing w hat g reat t hing s He has d one for us. Declar ing His g lor y am ong t he nat ions, His m ar velous w or ks am ong all t he peoples (Psalm 96:3). We are deter m ined t o p resent our selves to God as one ap p roved , unasham ed , r ig ht ly hand ling t he w ord of tr ut h (2 Tim ot hy 2:15). For we are His w or km anship, created in Chr ist J esus for g ood w or ks, w hich God p rep ared b eforehand , t hat we should w alk in t hem (Ep hesians 2:10 ). As a b ib le-ob ed ient m inistr y, our fir st p r ior it y is t o love t he Lord our God wit h all our hear t , wit h all our soul, and wit h all our m ind (Matt hew 22:37). We d o t his by com plete ob ed ience to Scr ip t ure as t he final aut hor it y as t he Holy Spir it lead s us t o develop init iat ives t hat b r ing g lor y t o God and hope t o t hose in need . We reject t he p ract ice of cater ing t o cult ure and p ract icing our r ig hteousness b efore ot her people in order t o b e seen by t hem (Matt hew 6:1-4 ), b ut rat her stand fir m on t he Word of God and choose Chr ist over cult ure, for He is our rew ard . We are com m itted t o loving our neig hb or as our self (Matt hew 22:39). Pour ing our selves out for t he hung r y and sat isfying t he desire of t he afflicted , so t hat our lig ht shall r ise in t he d ar kness (Isaiah 58:10 ). In knowing t hat for our sake God m ade him t o b e sin w ho knew no sin so t hat in him we m ig ht b ecom e t he r ig hteousness of God , we devote our ent ire life t o p roclaim ing Chr ist . We train, eq uip and teach t he b od y of Chr ist and cond uct evang elist ic outreach as am b assad or s for Chr ist , im plor ing t he lost t o b e reconciled t o God t hroug h Chr ist J esus (2 Cor int hians 5:18-21).

m any, are one b od y in Chr ist , and ind ivid ually m em b er s one of anot her (Rom ans 12:4 -5). We are b rot her s and sister s in Chr ist , p redest ined by God for ad op t ion as sons t hroug h J esus Chr ist , accord ing t o t he p ur p ose of His will (Ep hesians 1:5). We w ant our love t o b e g enuine. Ab hor r ing w hat is evil; hold ing fast t o w hat is g ood . We desire t o love one anot her wit h b rot her ly affect ion. Out d oing one anot her in showing honor (Rom ans 12:9-20 ). As each has received a g ift , we will use it t o ser ve one anot her, as g ood stew ard s of God 's var ied g race: w hoever speaks, as one w ho speaks oracles of God ; w hoever ser ves, as one w ho ser ves by t he streng t h t hat God sup plies? in order t hat in ever yt hing God m ay b e g lor ified t hroug h J esus Chr ist (1 Peter 4 :10 -12). We cast our hear t s up on t he p oor, t he or p han and wid ow and show Chr ist -like com p assion. W it h d iscer nm ent and b ib lical wisd om , we reach out t o t hose in d istress d irect ly and t hroug h collab orat ions t o p rovide care and relief. W here t here is t hir st , w ater. W here t here is hung er, nutr it ion. We t here is no hom e, shelter. W here t here is no access t o knowled g e, ed ucat ion. We are com m itted t o d oing t hat w hich is p ure and undefiled b efore God , t he Fat her, car ing for t he or p hans and wid ow s in t heir afflict ion, and t o keep our selves unstained

from t he w or ld (J am es 1:27).

Therefore, having t his m inistr y by t he m ercy of God , we d o not lose hear t . However, we have renounced d isg raceful, under handed w ays. We refuse t o p ract ice cunning or t o tam per wit h God 's w ord , b ut by t he open statem ent of t he tr ut h, we w ould com m end our selves t o ever yone's conscience in t he sig ht of God . For w hat we p roclaim is not our selves, b ut J esus Chr ist as Lord , wit h our selves as your ser vant s for J esus' sake. For God , w ho said , ?Let lig ht shine out of We collab orate wit h aut hent ic d ar kness,? has shone in our b ib lical b eliever s, m inistr ies, m issionar ies, and churches hear t s t o g ive t he lig ht of t he around t he w or ld t o streng t hen knowled g e of t he g lor y of God our united effor t s t heolog ically, in t he face of J esus Chr ist (2 strateg ically, log ist ically and Cor int hians 4 :1-6). financially. For as in one b od y we have m any m em b er s, and t he m em b er s d o not all have t he sam e funct ion, so we, t houg h



Feedin g t he Hu n gr y The Hope Movem ent p rovides nutr it ion t o t hose in desperate need of food in collab orat ion wit h shar ing t he Gospel and p rovid ing ot her resources t o m eet t heir spir it ual and p hysical develop m ent .

Or ph an an d Widow s The Hope Movem ent answer s t he Chr ist ian?s call t o care for t he or p han and wid ow t hroug h t he sup p or t of or p hanag es and church-b ased foster p rog ram s around t he w or ld .

Love of Neigh bor The Hope Movem ent under t he g uid ance of t he Holy Spir it resp ond t o t he cr ies of help from t hose in need around t he w or ld . Help can com e in m any for m s. We ser ve t hose in need t o b reak t he cycle of p over t y and m ost im p or tant ly show t he love of Chr ist not just t hroug h deed s b ut t hroug h t he p reaching of t he Gospel so t hat t hey m ay b e saved and in Chr ist J esus.

Qu alit y Edu cat ion The Hope Movem ent p rovides scholar ship s t o child ren so t hat t hey can attend school from p r im ar y t o colleg e. We also develop ed ucat ion p rog ram s in our church-b ased center s t o teach child ren t heolog y, read ing , w r it ing and m at hem at ics and assist t hem wit h t heir school st ud ies.



Ch u r ch Plan t in g The Hope Movem ent is plant ing hom e churches or assist ing estab lished trad it ional churches t o ret ur n t o t heir root s following t he uniq ue desig n by God .

Evan gelism The Hope Movem ent p roclaim s t he Gospel around t he w or ld t o t he lost by teaching t he Word of God and eng ag ing in loving b ut b old ap olog et ics calling people t o repentance as t he Holy Spir it reg enerates t heir hear t .

Th eology Edu cat ion The Hope Movem ent p rod uces m ater ials and teaches using a system at ic t heolog y ap p roach. The Hope Movem ent along wit h p reaching t he Gospel and teaching t heolog y in churches, conferences, sem inar s and outreach m issions, we also p reach and teach t hroug h our online b road cast in var ious lang uag es, w hich have b een w at ched by hund red s of people around t he w or ld .

Exposit or y Teach in g The Hope Movem ent teaches p ast or s, church elder s, teacher s and all Chr ist ians how t o p reach t he Gospel by b reaking d ow n t he Bib le teaching t he p rofound tr ut hs t hat can b e found by analyzing each ver se rat her sim ply teaching a t opical m essag e.

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HM Publicat ions Live Online Theology Famine Relief Broadcasts English/ Spanish Online Teachings and Sermons Evangelism Apparel (100% Revenue Goes Toward Mission Work) Multi-language Book/ Materials Publications Christian Music Publications


HOPEFORKENYA In Kenya, Afr ica t here is a w onder ful m an nam ed Past or Fred r ick Manhanu. He p ast or s a sm all church and has a hear t for t he p oor. For t he last 5 year s Past or Fred r ick has b een w or king wit h 120 or p hans w ho lost t heir p arent s b ecause of HIV/AIDS, Malar ia or ab and onm ent . Not

having an or p hanag e he d id som et hing creat ive, he called up on t he church t o b e t he hand s of God and open t heir hom es t o t hese p recious child ren. The church m em b er s resp onded and t hat b ir t hed a foster p rog ram w here church m em b er s are caretaker s of t hese 120 or p hans.

SCHOOLSCHOLARSHIPS The Hope Movem ent p rovided all 120 or p hans food , sup plies and scholar ship s t o attend school. Deb orah Mur ung a w ho w as st ud ying t o b e a teacher g rad uated from colleg e t his p ast Decem b er, KERREN Nafula, Sofia Nekesa, Hillkia Walekhw a, Fait h Neem a are

in Hig h School and 115 ot her or p hans are in p r im ar y school all b ecause of your d onat ion.

PROCLAIMINGTHEGOSPEL Along wit h car ing for or p hans we now have 25 churches under The Hope Movem ent - Kenya and a Bib le School. We p rovided t hem wit h m ater ials and sound Bib lical teaching Bib les in Sw ahili, training t o help t hem g row in Chr ist and effect ively p roclaim t he Gospel t hroug hout Afr ica.

PASTORALTRAININGCONFERENCE We p rovided t he fund s t o send g roup s of p ast or s t o several conferences w hich p rovided fur t her training . It w as a life-transfor m ing exper ience w hich has p rod uced m uch fr uit .

MEETOURCHILDRENINKENYA Ag nes Nanjala Alfred Wanjala Alice Nasibw ond i Am os Lub ao Am os Sim iyu Am ose Yanje And rew Jum a Ann Muyoka Ann Sikuku Bonface Barasa Br ianWafula Caleb Sim iyu Caren Wanyonyi Cyp r ian Chong ane David Nyong esa Deb orah Mur ung a Deb orah Nyong esa Dorcas Sikuku Dor icas Khalayi Dorot hy Mafwete Ed it h Mukheb i Ekesa Nekesa Elizab et h Nafuna Elizab et h Nakhum icha Elkia Walekhw a Em anuel Sifuna

Em anuel Wafula Em anuel Wekesa Em m anuel Wafula Er nest Wasw a Est her Wekesa Eug ene Sind ano Eunice Wekalao Fait h Wafula Gab r iel Waful Getr ude Asiko Grace Am b eza Hezekiah Wafula Hilar y Wanjala Ib rahim Wekesa Ib rahim Sikuku Ir ine Nasong o J anfer Sim iyu J ason Sit um a Joan Nasibw ond i Joan Nyong esa Joel Silali Joel Wekesa Wafula Josep h Ng ig e Jo y Mut oro Juliet Wang we Kevin Kitayi

Kevin Wakasala Lavin Wanjala Lavine Wekesa Lena Nasong o Linnet Wafula Linus Wep ukhulu Lyd ia Nafuna Lynne Naliaka Mag d ild a Nasio Mar g ret Nyong esa Mar r ion Siara Mar r ion Wafula Mar t ha Mafwete Mar t ine Cheyew a Mar y Nafula Mellyckister Sim iyu Mercyline Ashika Mercylyne Naliaka Micheal Wanyonyi Mild red Nasio Mir iam Wekesa Mir r iam Nasam b u Mir r iam Wang ila Modeccai Nyong esa Moses Wang ila Moses Wekesa Movat Sim iyu Nancy Nalika Suleim ani Hussein Naom i Kut w a Susan Nelim a Naom i Mulong o Sylvester Wekesa Neem a Fait h Synt hia Barasa Neem a Wafula Veronica Wafula Nehem iah Wekesa Wafula Rueb en Nelly Khasande W ycliffe Sud i Nivah Nyong esa Yusufu Wasw a Oscar Kalam ia Paul Jum a Pauline Lukhale Peter Maur ice Sikuku Reg inald a Nang ila Richard Jum a Rod ah Ng o ya Rut h Sim iyu Sam uel Ekesa Sam uel Wanjala Sam uel Wesong a Sarah Nab isw a Sarah Sim iyu Silvier Coney Song w a Sim on Wekesa Sop hie Wanyonyi Stellah Wang ila Step hen Jum a Step hen Wakhung u





Thanks t o a g enerous d onor we were ab le t o send ad d it ional fund s t o Kenya t o cover ur g ent m ed ical care for 10 ill child ren w ho are suffer ing from d ifferent illnesses such as skin d isease and t yp hoid . We were also ab le t o p rovide ad d it ional m osq uit o net s t o p rotect t he child ren from m alar ia.

People have b een com ing t o Chr ist all around t he reg ions as we have b een d oing t he house m eet ing s wit h t he b ib le school st udent s t o exercise w hat t hey have lear ned . They are teaching t heolog y, evang elizing t o t he lost , p raying wit h people and lead ing d iscipleship p rog ram s t o develop new b eliever s t o spir it ual m at ur it y.

NEWPROJECTORFORBIBLESCHOOLAND EVANGELISM In Feb r uar y we were ab le t o send ad d it ional fund s along wit h our m ont hly g iving for t he or p hans t o help p urchase a new p roject or. This p roject or will b e ut ilized in our Bib le School to show t heolog ical teaching s to instr uct t he st udent s. It will also b e used for evang elism p ur p oses t o share t he g ospel t hroug h a var iet y of videos and p resentat ions.

BIBLESCHOOL It has b een encourag ing t o see t he g row t h of t he Bib le school w here over 50 st udent s attend t o st ud y t he Word of God . The school ut ilizes videos and m ater ials we p rovide and we are in t he p rocess of developing a new cur r iculum in Sw ahili w hich will fur t her develop t heir knowled g e and spir it ual m at ur it y. Out of t he Bib le school churches have b een b ir t hed and planted in com m unit ies t hroug hout t he reg ion.

PURCHASEDAROOFFORASCHOOL We sent fund s t o Bung om a, Kenya (Sam e count y w here we care for 120 or p hans) t o J eff and Step hanie Bys, a m issionar y couple w ho have opened an or p hanag e for near ly 10 0 child ren, planted a refor m ed b ap t ist church and are opened a school called Neem a (Grace) Chr ist ian Academ y. They were b uild ing t he school w hich needed t o open in a few weeks b ut t hey ran out of fund s t o com plete t he roof. W it h t he fund s we sent t hey were ab le t o com plete t he roof and now t he child ren are st ud ying in t he new school.


NEWMINISTRYPARTNER United Ministr ies Gospel Outreach (UMGO) w as founded by Dwig ht and Cr ist i Spear s and is b ased in t he Philip pines w here t hey operate t heir m inistr y and offer sup p or t w herever t here is a need and w herever God lead s. They sup p or t churches in t he Philip pines by ship ping sup plies from t he U.S., d istr ib ute Bib les in Eng lish and in nat ive lang uag es, p rovide b ib lical m ater ials, assist in church plant ing and b uild ing , p rovide ed ucat ional sup plies

t o local child ren, cond uct Bib le st ud ies and str ive t o ed ify t he b od y of Chr ist in m any ot her uniq ue w ays. As a m inistr y p ar t ner wit h The Hope Movem ent we have t he vision t o sup p or t t hem by raising need ing fund s, allowing t hem t o focus on m inistr y and p rovid ing for t he m any need s, p rovide evang elist ic sup plies, and assist t hem in p roclaim ing t he g ospel and helping t hose in need .

2019HIGHLIGHTS Many excit ing m om ent s t ook place in 20 19 and here

are just a few hig hlig ht s. - Distr ib ut ion of Bib les t hroug hout t he countr y. - Renovat ion for a p oor church and constr uct ion of b enches. - Provision of food d istr ib ut ion to feed ing p rog ram s operated by local churches. - Distr ib ut ion of clot hing , b ooks and t o ys t o p oor child ren. - Gospel p resentat ions in var ious churches, fishing com m unit ies and rem ote areas. - Provision of b ack t o school school sup plies for hund red s of child ren.


In 20 19, we cont inued sup p or t ing t w o feed ing center s ser ving t hose in need and teaching t he Bib le p rovid ing t housand s of m eals. We were also by t he g race of God ab le t o help anot her p roject in Chiq uim ula, Guatem ala w ho are ser ving t he p oor living and w or king in t he trash d um p. We were ab le t o cond uct our b est m ission tr ip t o d ate. We were ab le t o travel hour s in d ifferent d irect ions t o p reach t he g ospel in churches, hospitals, shelter s, p r isons, trash d um p s, p olice dep ar t m ent and in t he m ountains w hile also feed ing t he hung r y, d istr ib ut ing clot hing and p aint ing a shelter.



t he g ospel wit h him .

This center is located in Guatem ala Cit y in Nuevo Am anecer p rovid ing weekly m eals, counseling , and Bib lical t heolog y classes.

In June we traveled t o Guatem ala wit h a sm all team . On t he fir st d ay we traveled t o a t ow n called Villa Lob os w here we taug ht t heolog y wit h q uest ions and answer s. We t hen shared t he g ospel, sang song s wit h t he child ren and ser ved m eals t o each child . In t he evening we p reached on Ad op t ion from Ep hesian 1.

The next d ay we traveled 4 hour s t o Chiq uim ula t o p reach at trash d um p s w here we also d istr ib uted clot hing , a p r ison, shelter w here we also p ainted t he b uild ing , in t he hospital, at a p olice stat ion and cond ucted a rad io inter view w here we shared t he g ospel t o m any listener s.

PROJECT005: VILLALOBOS This center is located in Guatem ala Cit y in Villa Lob os p rovid ing weekly m eals, counseling , and Bib lical t heolog y classes.

PROVIDINGEMERGENCYMEDICALHELP We helped a Chr ist ian fam ily in t he m ountains of San Juan Sacatepeq uez, Their son Ped ro Jose w as having convulsions and has fluid on t he b rain. The financial assistance helped cover t he em er g ency sur g er y and after care.

The following d ay we traveled t o t he m ountains w here we p reached a ser m on and shared t he g ospel, feed t he child ren, had fund wit h pinatas and g ave fund s for m ed ical care for Ped ro. That evening we went t o a church t hat sp oke Eng lish and a young m an w ho w as dep or ted from t he U.S. showed up and we were ab le t o share

We t hen d rove 5 hour s sout h t o Escuint la t o visit child ren we have know n for year s t o spend som e t im e wit h t hem and share t he g ospel.


The Hope Movem ent w or king along wit h local churches, com m unit y leader s and t he com m unit y it self has a vision t o develop a strateg ic plan of act ion t o transfor m t he m ost im p over ished com m unit ies in Balt im ore Cit y int o havens of hope.

FROMVACANTLOTSTOHAVENSOFHOPE Balt im ore Cit y has developed an ag reem ent wit h The Hope Movem ent t o ad op t and m anag e vacant lot s w here g ang s, p over t y, d r ug s, alcoholism , violence and fam ily d ysfunct ion are consum ing t he people. The Hope Movem ent m ob ilizes a local m ovem ent of people from churches, b usinesses and ind ivid uals from t he

com m unit y to unite and volunteer t heir t im e to develop t hese lot s int o com m unit y g ardens, safe p ar ks for fam ilies and we p rovide food p rog ram s, p rayer and evang elism . The vacant lot s we have b een w or king on in 20 19 are located on t he not or ious Nor t h Avenue, know n for t he r iot s in 20 15 and w as ab and oned wit h hig h g rass, hang ing b ranches, trash, m attresses for t he hom eless and p rost it ut ion, d r ug need les and m ore. However, t od ay it s a place wit h flower s, veg etab les for t he com m unit y, places t o sit , sig ns wit h Bib le ver ses wit h a b eaut iful fence creat ing a haven of hope in t he m id st of desp air.

EVANGELISM The Hope Movem ent has team s w or king on com m unit y develop m ent in t he g arden and feed ing p rog ram s and anot her team for evang elism . We p reach t he Gospel wit h b old ness to open eyes t hroug h t he p ower of t he Holy Spir it and His Word plant ing seed s in t heir hear t s and calling t hem t o repentance.


COMMUNITYOUTREACH In 20 19, God exp anded out team of local m issionar ies from var ious churches. The w or k has really b ecom e a special m inistr y for our local church Fait h Fellow ship. It has b een w onder ful t o see t he b od y of Chr ist unit ing as one t o p roclaim t he g ospel, p ray wit h people, feed t he hung r y, d istr ib ute clot hing , care for t he com m unit y g arden w hile encourag ing ot her b rot her s and sister s in Chr ist .

Throug hout t he year we not only m aintained t he com m unit y g arden and planted flower s and veg etab les. We had m any op p or t unit ies t o street p reach and p ray wit h people, shar ing t he g ospel and t he hope only found in Chr ist . We cond uct m ission act ivit ies m ult iple t im es a m ont h ser ving over 1,50 0 people. Just t o share ab out a couple of t he outreaches in Feb r uar y we were ser ving food and we were infor m ed of a young w om an consider ing suicuide. They g ot us and we went t o her. We spent at least an hour wit h her shar ing t he g ospel and by t he end of t he conver sat ion she w as repent ing of her sins. We g ave her a Bib le, taug ht her how t o read it along wit h som e ot her resources. We g ave Sp anish and Eng lish Bib les t o a Hisp anic fam ily w ho desired a Bib le of t heir ow n. In Novem b er we had a full cour se Thanksg iving m eal. We ser ved a com plete t hanksg iving d inner t o ab out 10 0 people in t he

com m unit y, shared t he g ospel and p rayed for ind ivid uals. Throug h a sim ple com m unit y g arden t hat w as a vacant lot in a d ang erous p ar t of t he cit y, God has p rovided w onder ful op p or t unit ies t o p ray wit h people and share t he love of Chr ist . We have m eet so m any lovely people and p ray t hat God will use t his in inspire t he church t o g o int o t his place and evang elize and plant a church, d iscipling m any t o b ecom e aut hent ic follower s of Chr ist . May God b e g lor ified and people com e t o Chr ist .


We are called t o share not our b ib lical inter p retat ions, not a denom inat ion b ib lical inter p retat ion b ut teach w hat t he Bib le act ually says w hile under stand ing t hat t here are m any sub ject s in t he b ib le w hich are a m yster y b ut b ecause of our fait h in J esus Chr ist and t he sovereig nt y of our awesom e God we tr ust in His w ord , even in t he areas w hich are d ifficult for hum ans t o under stand . Because of our fear of God and love of His w ord , we carefully teach ind isp utab le tr ut hs of t he Bib le in order t o g lor ify God and b r ing m an t o a deeper under stand ing of Him allowing t he Holy Spir it t o reg enerate souls t o b r ing t hem t o repentance and salvat ion.

The Hope Movem ent p rod uces m ater ials and teaches using a system at ic t heolog y ap p roach. ?System at ic? refer s to som et hing b eing p ut int o a system . System at ic t heolog y is, t herefore, t he d ivision of t heolog y int o system s t hat explain it s var ious areas. The Hope Movem ent along wit h p reaching t he Gospel and teaching t heolog y in churches, conferences, sem inar s and outreach m issions, we also p reach and teach t hroug h our online b road cast in var ious lang uag es ever y week, w hich have b een w at ched by hund red s of people around t he w or ld .

In 20 19 we cont inued our weekly t heolog y classes in Eng lish and Sp anish, desig ned shir t s wit h t heolog y w ord s and Bib le ver ses t o share t he Gospel, p ub lished Gospel tract s and teaching g uides in var ious lang uag es, and trained p ast or s from Kenya and ot her countr ies. Hope Movem ent Pub licat ions now p ub lishes b ooks and are sold or g iven freely.


STEWARDSHIP We consider it a g reat jo y t o p ar t ner wit h you in t his w or k t hat is so close t o t he hear t of God ? a w or k t hat we know could not b e d one wit hout your g enerosit y. We also know t hat we have a g reat resp onsib ilit y t o b e g ood stew ard s over t he fund s t hat are entr usted t o us for t he b enefit of t he child ren and fam ilies we ser ve. Good stew ard ship, one of our core values, com pels us t o str ive t o achieve t he hig hest ind ustr y stand ard s of integ r it y and accountab ilit y. We w or k d ilig ent ly t o lim it our over head cost s, w hile m axim izing q ualit y child and fam ily focused p rog ram act ivit ies. As a result , less t han 1% of fund s are used for ad m inistrat ion.


You are The Hope Movem ent , we are a team in t he w or k of God , we can not fulfill our calling wit hout you. Just as our calling is t o g o and w or k in t he m ission field t o transfor m lives, you have a p rofound calling t o g ive t o help sustain t he w or k b eing accom plished . As t he w ord of God has d irected us in 2 Cor int hians 9, "Rem em b er t his: W hoever sow s sp ar ing ly will also reap sp ar ing ly, and w hoever sow s g enerously will also reap g enerously. Each of you should g ive w hat you have decided in your hear t t o g ive, not reluctant ly or under com p ulsion, for God loves a cheer ful g iver. And God is ab le t o b less you ab und ant ly, so t hat in all t hing s at all t im es, having all t hat you need , you will ab ound in ever y g ood w or k. As it is w r itten:


?They have freely scattered t heir g ift s t o t he p oor ; t heir r ig hteousness end ures forever.? Now he w ho sup plies seed t o t he sower and b read for food will also sup ply and increase your st ore of seed and will enlar g e t he har vest of your r ig hteousness. You will b e enr iched in ever y w ay so t hat you can b e g enerous on ever y occasion, and t hroug h us your g enerosit y will result in t hanksg iving t o God . This ser vice t hat you per for m is not only sup plying t he need s of t he Lord ?s people b ut is also over flowing in m any exp ressions of t hanks t o God . Because of t he ser vice by w hich you have p roved your selves, ot her s will p raise God for t he ob ed ience t hat accom p anies your confession of t he g ospel of Chr ist , and for your g enerosit y in shar ing wit h t hem and wit h ever yone else. And in t heir p rayer s for you t heir hear t s will g o out t o you, b ecause of t he sur p assing g race God has g iven you. Thanks b e t o God for his indescr ib ab le g ift ! We p ray God speaks t o your hear t and t hat you feel a connect ion wit h The Hope Movem ent , t hat you feel tr uly p ar t of t his m inistr y and p assionate ab out ser ving t hose in need around t he w or ld , knowing t hat your g ift s are im p act ing lives and is an act of w or ship t o God .

Current MonthlyProjects: -

Project Project Project Project Project Project Project Project Project Project Project

0 0 3: Feed ing Center - Nuevo Am anecer, Guatem ala 0 0 5: Feed ing Center - Villa Lob os, Guatem ala 0 0 8: Wor ld Evang elism 0 0 9: Balt im ore Missions 0 10 : Or p han & W id ow Care - Bung om a, Kenya 0 12: Bib le Distr ib ut ion 0 13: Church Plant ing 0 14 : Theolog y Fam ine Relief 0 15: Hope Movem ent Theolog ical Sem inar y 0 16: Hope Movem ent Pub licat ions 0 17: Hope for Philip pines

Special Projects: -

Land Purchase (Kenya School/ Or p hanag e): $18,0 0 0 School Constr uct ion (Kenya): $75,0 0 0 Mission Vehicle (Kenya): $5,0 0 0 Cow for Milk (Kenya: $50 0 Shoes and Sweater s for Or p hans: $2,50 0

Board of Directors

WaysToBe ACheerful Giver

Adopt-A-Program Giving m ont hly is is an op p or t unit y for you t o help t hose in need im m ed iately. We rely on m ont hly g ift s so t hat we know exact ly how m uch fund s we can depend on each m ont h allowing us t o sustain all of our p rog ram s and act ivit ies. Your m ont hly g ift s g ive us financial peace of m ind in knowing we can cont inue t he w or k of God .

GiveOnlineor Mail We depend on your d onat ions t o cont inue God 's w or k around t he w or ld . Even if you can not b ecom e a m ont hly d onor you can m ake an im p act by g iving online or by m ail.



If you shop online at am azon.com please consider using Am azon Sm ile and set The Hope Movem ent as your default non-p rofit . Ever y t im e you shop a d onat ion will b e g iven t o our m inistr y.


Goodsearch/ Goodshop The Hope Movem ent is a p ar t ner wit h Good Search.or g and Good Shop.com . Search t he web wit h Yahoo-p owered and t hey?ll d onate t o our w or k each t im e you search or shop !

DonateCell Phones The Hope Movem ent has p ar t nered wit h Shelter Alliance a Flor id a b ased recycling com p any. Shelter Alliance g ives a d onat ion for ever y cell p hone collected t o t he w or k of The Hope Movem ent .

PurchaseOur BooksandTracts This is a g reat op p or t unit y t o m ake a d ifference in t he lives of ot her s is by p urchasing our b ooks on Am azon (Pr int and Eb ooks) and evang elist ic tract s from our web site. You g et som et hing you can read or share wit h ot her s w hile revenue g oes t o w or ld wide m ission w or k.

PurchaseOur ClothingLine We have desig ned b eaut iful shir t s wit h Bib lical m essag es sold on and p rod uced by Am azon and 10 0 % of revenue g o t ow ard s t he w or k of The Hope Movem ent .

SHARETHEGOSPELWHEREVERYOUGO! Our shir t s are or ig inal desig ns of The Hope Movem ent wit h t he p ur p ose t o help share t he Gospel and m ake d isciples. Im ag e people seeing t heolog y w ord s w hich m any have never heard of wit h a definit ion and Bib le ver se, t his is a g uarantee t o sp ar k conver sat ion. These shir t s are b eaut iful, st ylish and uniq ue b ut m ost im p or tant ly t hey are a p ower ful w ay t o evang elize, share t he Gospel, teach t heolog y and b r ing g lor y t o God .

Lookstylish,ProclaimtheGospel and100%Revenuegoestotheworkof TheHopeMovement!



We are t hankful t hat our Sovereig n Holy God has called us t o p reach t he Gospel and help t hose in need . It is an honor t o w or k in p ar t ner ship wit h each d onor, volunteer and m inistr y t o fur t her t he king d om of God t hroug h our Chr ist -centered ap p roach t o m inistr y. Please cont inue your sup p or t and contact us at anyt im e we love t o hear from you and p ray for you. 112HapsburgCourt

www.facebook.com/hopemovement www.youtube.com/esperanzamovement www.instagram.com/esperanzamovement www.twitter.com/hopemovement

Baltimore,MD21234 www.hopemovement.com info@ hopemovement.com (410) 803-3777

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