El rubius

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English project: 5 th. Form Information-likes-dislikesphysical description MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER His name is Ruben Doblas Gurdensen. He is 24 years old , he likes videosclips he has got long hair and blue eyes. He likes creating-making videoclips

His family is big. He is single he has not got sons or daughters he hasn t got any children He is from Noruega. I like him because he is funny he started doing video games when he was 19 years old. His first video was “Skyrim” I would like to tell you about my character´s likes and dislikes.He likes and he likes fish and Usa . He dosent like spiders and sport. My favourite character is Ruben Doblas Gurdensen. He has plans for these days. He goes to see his videoclips. He wakes up at 06:00 am every day. He has lunch at home but at night he goes to 2:00pm to practise his records. His favourite day is wednesday because he can play Counter Strike:Global Offensive,minecraft

He is short. He is slim. He has got short hair and brown eyes. He has got brown hair. He has got a good body. Her legs are long. Her voice is good. He is funny. He has a good mood because he does funny videoclips My favourite character is Ruben Doblas Gurdensen. He has got big body. His hair is short and dark. He has got small eyes and a big mouth. He has got long legs and he has got a nice body! NAMES:Alexander Cuenca,Andres Machuca,Benjamin Portillo, Ezequiel Lopardo and Nicolas Sanchez

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