Jolly Grammar Big Book 2

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Jolly Grammar Big Book 2 Sara Wernham and Sue Lloyd Illustrated by Lib Stephen The Jolly Grammar Big Book 2 is intended to be used with The Grammar Handbook 2. It provides a focus, in the form of big pictures, for some of the ideas introduced in The Grammar Handbook 2. Words can be added to the pictures by writing on the clear plastic sheet once it has been clipped to the page. Commas in Lists (Refer to:The Grammar Handbook 2, Grammar Sheet 5) Using the picture, the children suggest lists of words, e.g. farm animals, fruit, cold-weather clothes. A comma should be inserted between each item in the list until the last item, which is joined to the list with the word ‘and’. There is a list of zoo animals at the bottom of the page. Exclamation Marks (Grammar Sheet 6) The children suggest words which reflect the emotions shown on the faces. Using the plastic sheet, these words can be written in the speech bubbles with an exclamation mark after them. For example, ‘Oh dear!’, ‘Help!’, ‘Wow!’. Using a Dictionary (Grammar Sheets 7 and 13) Give the children some sets of two or three words. The children decide which of the words in each set would come first in a dictionary. Using the plastic sheet, the words can be written in alphabetical order on the books. The words in each set could start with the same two or three letters. Regular Past Tense (Grammar Sheet 17) This is similar to the children’s worksheet. The children decide how the past form of each regular verb is made. It can then be written on the appropriate clock, using the plastic sheet. Irregular Past Tense – Tricky Past (Grammar Sheet 18) In the picture the bees are doing many different activities. Most of the verbs illustrated have an irregular past. Ask the children to suggest as many verbs as they can from the picture and say them in the present and the past, e.g. ‘ride’ and ‘rode’. There are some examples of irregular past tense verbs written down the right- and left-hand edges of the page. Verbs – conjugating (Grammar Sheet 21) The past, present and future forms of the verb ‘to be’ are written on the right-hand side of the page. The children can say them, while doing the action for each pronoun, to help them learn this irregular verb. On the left side of the page, using the plastic sheet, other verbs can be written in their past, present and future forms. Conjunctions (Grammar Sheet 23) The children choose which conjunction (from the words written on the pillows) joins each pair of sentences together. The conjunction can be written, on the plastic sheet, in the empty patch between the two sentences. There can be more than one answer. Word Webs (Grammar Sheet 25) A word is written in the middle of a web using the plastic sheet, e.g. ‘pretty’. The children suggest other words that have a similar meaning and these are written in the spaces around the middle of the word web, e.g. ‘beautiful’, ‘lovely’, etc. Plurals – ies/s (Grammar Sheet 24) The children look for pictures of nouns that end in ‘y’. They then decide if the ‘y’ changes to an ‘ies’ or if they just add an ‘s’ to make the plural. The plurals can be written in the spaces, using the plastic sheet. Apostrophe ‘s’ (Grammar Sheet 28) The children look at the picture of the ‘Lost and Found’ office. Names can be chosen and, using the plastic sheet, written in the boxes under the people. The children then decide which object belongs to which person, e.g. ‘Bee’s umbrella’. Prepositions (Grammar Sheet 30) The children look at the picture and suggest all the things that Inky does as she goes on her walk, e.g. she walks ‘past the sheep’, ‘over the bridge’. The children can use the list of words provided on the left-hand side of the page to help them. Comparatives and Superlatives (Grammar Sheet 33) The children suggest adjectives which, using the plastic sheet, can be written on the page. The positive, e.g. ‘big’, is written in the smallest elephant. The comparative, ‘bigger’, is written in the next elephant and the superlative, ‘biggest’, is written on the largest elephant. Prefixes and Suffixes (Grammar Sheets 27 and 32) Using the plastic sheet, a different base word can be written on the body of each big fish. Prefixes can then be added to the head or suffixes to the tail. Some examples of prefixes and suffixes are written in the small fish. Parsing (Grammar Sheet 36) This page is the same as the children’s worksheet in The Grammar Handbook 2. By placing the plastic sheet over the page the different parts of speech can be underlined using appropriate pens.

Jolly Learning Ltd


in Lists

There are lions, penguins, goats and giraffes in the zoo.

Conjunctions and but while He listened to music He wanted to go to the party Mum said we could go to the cinema It was raining She went to the library He fell over She smiled We could have orange

Action: Hold hands apart with palms facing up. Move both hands so one is on top of the other.

so or because he was working. he wasn’t very well. the zoo. we stayed inside. she had to return her books. he didn’t hurt himself. the baby smiled back. apple juice.

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