John Zimmel, Multi-Communications Company Owner has Advice for Young Influencers

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John Zimmel, Multi-Communications Company Owner has Advice for Young Influencers ​John Zimmel owns​ several communication companies and is a hard-working professional that often offers his advice to up and coming younger influencers. ​John Zimmel​ has this to say, “You might think that you’re a boring person or have nothing to offer, but that’s not what others see in you. I think it’s important to be yourself, but to show the world what you’ve got, or say what you want to say. Let your message or your products, or your opinions be heard.” John Zimmel began​ as an entrepreneur just a few years ago at the age of 21; he may be young, but he’s already established himself as an ardent entrepreneur with a vision and plans for future development. He owns several companies, such as Labyrinth 35x, which is a communications company with wild ambition, drive, and established credentials. John Zimmel continued, “I tell everyone just to try new things. It’s important to let your ideas be known. Don’t hold back. I don’t always know how things will turn out, but I take risks. Why? Because even though some things will fail, many will be successful. You have to try because you want to. Don’t be afraid or intimidated before you even attempt something. Don’t worry about what others will think or perceive. I believe staying focused on the mission is key. “For my four companies, I always try to visualize this statement when taking a risk, ‘If there is a problem, find a solution. If there is no problem, don’t create one in your mind before you even get started.’ Do what you can and make a difference in the world for the good of others. If you stay focused on that, you will find success. “My favorite quote is from President Barack Obama, ‘The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope; you will fill yourself with hope.’ When you stop focusing on self-gain and just try things for the right reasons, it almost always pays off in one way or another.” John Zimmel’s owns Labyrinth 35x that manages and operates West 35 Media and Grass Fed Audio. West 35 Media is a digital content creation agency. They have created websites, social media, and marketing for leading brands and celebrity talent.

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