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Keep Your Skin Perfect With These Tips Taking good care of your skin is essential, especially with what damage pollution and sun exposure can inflict. Keeping skin healthy should be a priority for you so read on for some great ideas on how you can protect your skin to keep it looking its best and treat various ailments and conditions that plague so many of us.

Avoid scratching dry skin. Though it might itch, scratching dry skin only exacerbates the problem. Apply lotion to moisturize the area. If necessary, you can even apply anti-itch creams that are specially formulated for dry skin. Applying products containing shea butter to dry patches of skin can also do wonders. To help with your acne, make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. One way to do this might be to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables, another way is to take a daily supplement. Whatever you do, as acne is often a sign of poor nutrition, making sure your diet is healthy is a good way to get great looking skin. If you want clear skin, you may have to sacrifice something else. The agents in teeth whitening products may actually be to blame for those breakouts occurring around your lips and mouth. Stop the whitening and you will notice a significant difference in your skin. You can also try a different whitening product to see if you can avoid a reaction. Maintaining healthy skin is an investment and a very wise one! Hopefully this article has given you some really smart ideas and tips on how to keep your skin nourished, healthy and protected. Unless you were born with perfect skin you need all the help you can get, just like most people, to keep up with the best tactics for great skin and putting your best face forward!

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