[YES] Can Sell This Product

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Related to attention span this applies specially with business opportunity builders. You have 2 months to involve them or else they're gone. If they don't see the results they expected with your product, service or opportunity, they will search the internet, click on a competitor's add and they are gone. There is no long term 'residual' income anymore. Downlines are just not hanging around enough to make this a reality. The reasons for this are: So much information is available at anyone's fingertips that people are easily distracted. There is such short attention spans that people begin to hop from message to message and makes them susceptible to 'program hopping' and this happens within weeks of a new marketer joining you and there is nothing you can do to keep them from the internet. We're living in the era of the 'PreLaunch' where new competing programs, courses and products are being designed every week and your customers and prospects are searching, finding and filling out forms on web sites left and right. This KILLS "Residual" Income. If you don't build a system that effectively deals with this issues you will burn out. Marketers are working harder, while their businesses are stagnating, or worse, decreasing in profitability. 4. Increase in Legal Oversight Big companies don't want the risk the inherent liability with allowing their inexperienced, unprofessional sales reps to market on the internet and potentially expose the company to lawsuits and complaints. Inexperienced marketers use hype and overexaggerated claims in their ads, blogs, sites and marketing messages and it's hard to control the quality of the marketing being published by hundreds of thousands of sales reps desperate to make a sale. The answer for big MLM companies? They prohibit online marketing. So those are the big four issues that have been created as the MLM/Network Marketing arena came to the internet. How do you get around this? I call it The Internet Marketing Success Formula and the main concept is simply this:  You, Inc. Direct Response Marketing. Attraction Marketing and List Building. The specific strategy is designed to accomplish a couple things: 1. Enable anyone  to generate free leads using online list building. 2. Allow Attraction Market to sell your opportunity for you automatically. This creates significant leverage. Traditional home business prospecting tactics provide no leverage. Phone prospecting provides NO leverage. You can only call so many people one on one each day to make a profit. No leverage. No system. Attraction Marketing and Online List Building allows you to leverage the power of the internet to use lead capture pages, web sites, autoresponders and email marketing to reach thousands of people each day on autopilot and deliver a simple, professional message whether you're new or

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