How To Make a Mobile App

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HOW TO CREATE AN APP By John Marshall End Result By the end of this ebook you will know the exact steps you need to take to create a mobile app. This is how you make a mobile app quickly and easily. Common Problems Lots of people have problems with making a mobile because it can be complicated. Most people who teach it make It more technical and time consuming than it needs to be. But none of that matters because I’m going to give you shortcuts, so you get results a lot faster. My Story From Failure To Success My name is John Marshall and I am a mobile app developer. Previously, I had a career in finance and then set up my own business in the recruitment industry. I was very

fortunate and it made a profit every year it traded. I got married and the children arrived and that meant great change. My wife has a “real” job so we decided that I would look after the kids full time. Phew! That was hard work! Being knee dip in nappies day and night meant that I couldn’t run a business anymore so it was closed down. I then had to think of a way of making a living whilst still being at home. I researched and read books and looked at online ideas. I chose a work at home product and followed its advice methodically. It didn’t work. Then, I chose another. Again, I worked for months following the steps and the advice in great detail. No, that didn’t work either. Then I tried some very cheap “coaching.” Ahem, that was also a failure. But what did I really expect from a one off payment of $25? Does any of this sound familiar, by the way? My frustration knew no bounds. I worked whatever hours I

could and I got precisely nowhere. Thankfully, my wonderful wife said she believed in me and that I should keep going. Oh, how grateful I am for her â˜ş Eventually, I tried making my own smartphone apps. I got lucky, and I came across a very helpful gentleman that gave me some vital tips on how to make and create an income from android apps. I paid a fee to another developer to get me up and running as fast as possible and, hey presto, I could make a basic mobile app. Then, all of that knowledge that I had built up from previous endeavours came into use. I looked at the smartphone app creation and money making world in a very different way to most developers. I saw it in the eyes of a marketer. I was off! The kids started school and I had a little more time here and there. Still, not much time, but enough to gradually research and create apps. Things have moved on and I now have a nice portfolio of smartphone apps that earn me a recurring income. I am

expanded into the Apple Appstore as well as Kindle, too. Well, how lucky have I been? Very! I thought that I would like to help other people, too. You might be in a similar situation to me so this book is for you to read and, hopefully, learn a few things to help you to build your business. Feel free to drop me a line via my website (see below) if there’s anything you need to know and I’ll do my best to help, if I can. Common myths: Myth #1: You need to learn to code. That is ONE way to do things, if you have plenty of time and the patience to do it, but I will show you how to make your apps quickly, and without much of a learning curve. Myth #2: App Development costs a fortune. App development is only costly if you outsource it to a team of developers. I’ll show you how to do it yourself and still make a beautiful app. Myth #3 : Mobile Apps need lots of features Put too many features into your mobile app and it will become bloated, less responsive and use too much memory. Users will find it too complex and go for

something else. A simple, beautifully made app is the way to go.

A Step By Step Guide To Making An App Step 1: Pick a Niche You need to have a target market in mind right at the start. Your niche can be anything from dog walking to space exploration but you must have one. Step 2: Keyword Research There’ s no point in developing an app that nobody wants so you will also need to check that there is demand for the app, too. You should check that there are plenty of searches for the main keyword for your niche. Step 3: Find Content For Your App Now you need to find some genuinely useful and interesting content for your app. You will need a variety of articles and some images to include in your app. My emphasis is on quality because your users need to be engaged and receive value or they will go elsewhere. And they will not leave good reviews for a poor app so stay at the quality end of the market.

Step 4: Create Your Mobile App Using An Online App Maker You need to get your app made and uploaded to the app stores as quickly as possible so save yourself the time and trouble of learning to code. Instead, leverage the efforts of the developers who have done all of the hard work for you. You can make beautiful apps with the app maker which I own at which also gives you access to my help - a unique benefit not offered by any other app maker. Step 5: Write An App Description And Prepare Store Images You now have an app to upload but there are some preliminaries to sort out, first. All of the app stores need a description and some images. TIP - the app description and the images are often overlooked by app developers who are all too eager to get their app onto the app stores. Slow down and write a really great description and create some fantastic images because these will help you to generate a lot more downloads. Step 5: Upload Your App To Your Chosen App Stores Now you can go ahead and upload your files to the app

stores. Take some time to make sure that all of the information required is entered correctly. Fill out the forms as fully as you can. Step 6: Maintain And Update Your App No app is ever finished. There is always something else that can be done to improve it. Updating your app, even if it just uploading it with little or no changes, keeps it fresh in the stores and people are always interested in the latest version of things. It will help your app store optimisation, too. Step 7: Start Over Go back to the first step and start a new app. This means that you will be building a portfolio of apps which can generate an income for you. Build Your Business Now that you know how to create an app it is time for you to build your mobile app business like I did. The best way of doing that is to visit my website where you can find out what you need to do. You can benefit from my experience and save yourself a lot of time. I’ll happily share my business model with you once you start app developing and help you if get stuck. You can also avoid common mistakes which I see other

developers making. Make sure that you join my newsletter as soon as you get there and also take a look at the mobile app maker. Go there now Good luck, John Marshall Mobile App DeveloperLegal Information: This is a free eBook. You are free to give it away (in unmodified form) to whomever you wish. The information provided within this eBook is for general informational purposes only. While I try to keep the information up-to-date and correct, there are no representations or warranties, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information, products, services, or related graphics contained in this eBook for any purpose. Any use of this information is at your own risk. The methods describe within this eBook are the author’s personal thoughts. They are not intended to be a definitive set of instructions for this project. You may discover there are other methods and materials to accomplish the same end result. The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy

of the information within this book was correct at time of publication. The author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from accident, negligence, or any other cause. There is no guarantee that you will be successful in making mobile apps and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. You accept these terms by reading this document. Š Venture Technology Ltd 2019


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