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was the first time “The Rose� appeared.. The Magazine was created to serve as a tribute of ongoing memories, highlights and information for the members who are a part of

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A creative medium for Artists, Designers, Creators, Publishers and all the Supporters within the industry of Fine Art.. Technology with all it’s advancements allows a broad range of communication with folk’s from all around the world.. The Rose in the Prestige Stationery Industry is a leading guide and the official journal for all community members. The editorial and advertising provide immediate insight into publishers, new products, industry issues and news of the day. A wonderful opportunity to enhance and broaden the Community spirit within the Arts World allowing the creativity of it’s members never to be forgotten and Where relevant, To highlight special designs and creations with rewards and accolades at the appropriate time.

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For those who understand, no explanation is needed.

For those

who do not understand, no explanation is possible. One day I had lunch with some friends. Ron , a short, balding golfer type about 80 years old, came along with them--all in all, a pleasant bunch. When the menus were presented, we ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups, except for Jim who said, "Ice Cream, please. Two scoops, chocolate. I wasn't sure my ears heard right, and the others were aghast. "Along with heated apple pie," Ron added, completely unabashed. We tried to act quite nonchalant, as if people did this all the time.. But when our orders were brought out, I didn't enjoy mine. I couldn't take my eyes off Ron as his pie a-la-mode went down. The other guys couldn't believe it. They ate their lunches silently and grinned. The next time I went out to eat, I called and invited Ron . I lunched on white meat tuna. He ordered a parfait. I smiled. He asked if he amused me. I answered, "Yes, you do, but also you confuse me. How come you order rich desserts, while I feel I must be sensible?" He laughed and said "I'm tasting all that is Possible. I try to eat the food I need, and do the things I should. But life's so short, my friend, I hate missing out on something good. This year I realized how old I was. (He grinned) I haven't been this old before. So, before I die, I've got to try those things that for years I had ignored.

"I haven't smelled all the flowers yet. There are too many trout streams I haven't fished. There's more fudge sundaes to wolf down and kites to be flown overhead. "There are too many golf courses I haven't played. I've not laughed at all the jokes. I've missed a lot of sporting events and potato chips and cokes. "I want to wade again in water and feel ocean spray on my face. I want to sit in a country church once more and thank God for His grace. "I want peanut butter every day spread on my morning toast. I want un-timed long distance calls to the folks I love the most.

"I haven't cried at all the movies yet, or walked in the morning rain. I need to feel wind on my face. I want to be in love again. "So, if I choose to have dessert, instead of having dinner, then should I die before night fall, I'd say I died a winner, because I missed out on nothing. I filled my heart's desire. I had that final chocolate mousse before my life expired."

With that, I called the waitress over.. "I've changed my mind, " I said. "I want what he is having, only add some more whipped cream!“

Be mindful that happiness isn't based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people we like and respect. Remember that while money talks, CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM SINGS! I think you all get the drift‌.

Courtesy by Valued Member Hei Li

Courtesy by Valued Member Liesel Crisostomo Merza

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Joan Boix


Courtesy By VALUED MEMBER Renu Agarwal

Courtesy by Valued Member Liesel Crisostomo Merza

Photo Courtesy by Valued Member Liesel Crisostomo Merza

This 'holographic' show has all types of wildlife running amok on the main floor of the mall from dolphins to leopards, rhinoceros and even dinosaurs.

Courtesy By VALUED MEMBER Jenna Stone

Courtesy By VALUED MEMBER Renu Agarwal

Courtesy by Valued Member Meryan Hasan

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Courtesy by Valued Member Liesel Crisostomo Merza

Courtesy by Valued Member Renu Agarwal


Courtesy By VALUED MEMBER Renu Agarwal

Courtesy by Valued Member Liesel Crisostomo Merza

Beyond Eden, a multi-gallery event celebrating the LA’s New Contemporary art movement, will be hosted by the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery in October. The event has been put together by Andrew Hosner (co-owner / curator at Thinkspace) and made possible by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs. The New Contemporary Art Movement continues to build momentum on a national level and is finally starting to receive mainstream recognition from major institutions and publications the world over. With its foundation firmly planted in Southern California and a patron base here in Los Angeles that has been building over the past several decades, it’s easy to see why Beyond Eden has been welcomed with such open arms by the Los Angeles arts community and has become an anticipated annual event. It will be sad to see it go but due to rising costs associated with the City, we can simply no longer afford to put this on and have it live up to the standards of our past events. We plan to make this final event one for the history books and one you won’t soon forget. Beyond Eden 2015 will showcase the works of five New Contemporary art galleries and will be held during the weekend of October 3rd and 4th with an opening night celebration planned for Saturday, October 3rd from 6-11PM. Participating galleries include C.A.V.E. Gallery (Venice, CA), Copro Gallery (Santa Monica, CA), Spoke Art (San Francisco, CA), Hashimoto Contempoary (San Francisco, CA) and event organizers Thinkspace (Culver City, CA). In addition to the works on display from the participating galleries, Beyond Eden 2015 will also feature special solo showcases from both Meggs and Mear One. ‘Paving Paradise’ from Meggs will feature an array of new works from the Australian artist along with a large-scale painting / mural for all to enjoy. ‘Cognitive Dissonance’ from Mear One will showcase some of his largest and most iconic paintings to date. Live painting demonstrations on the gallery’s balcony will also be taking place during the opening reception on Saturday night.

Cleaning Poem I asked the Lord to tell me Why my house is such a mess He asked if I'd been 'computering', And I had to answer 'yes.' He told me to get off my butt, And tidy up the house. And so I started cleaning up... The smudges off my mouse. I wiped and shined the topside. That really did the trick... I was just admiring my good work. I didn't mean to 'click.' But click, I did, and oops - I found A real absorbing site That I got SO way into it I was into it all night. So nothing's changed except my mouse. It's as shiny as the sun. I guess my house will stay a mess..... While I sit here on my bum.

Courtesy by Valued Member Adrian Foster

"Beauty behind the madness"

Courtesy by Valued Member Liesel Crisostomo Merza

Last week marked the release of Chris von Wangenheim’s first monograph of his groundbreaking fashion photography. The book, titled “Gloss: The Work of Chris von Wangenheim”, explores his work for magazines such as Interview, Harper’s Bazaar, and Vogue from 1968 to 1981.Through his work, von Wangenheim’s revolutionized the way fashion was seen and depicted.

Lawrence Daws, Glasshouse Mountains with Poinciana, 2012, oil on canvas, 100 x 120cm; image courtesy the artist and Philip Bacon Galleries

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by JENNY MCFARLANE Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, 2015, exhibition view with Georgiana Houghton watercolours, Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne

A cardmaking website with card making tutorials; photos and step-by-step instructions on making greeting cards at home. Examples of Happy Birthday, Christmas, Thank You, With Sympathy cards and more together with detail writeup and images to help you understand the whole process of making each and every handmade card. You will also be able to find out some useful cardmaking tips and learn techniques to help you save time and money creating your own unique cards. Also instructions on starting a greeting card or craft business online.

Here's who you're looking at: (left to right): 1st Row: James Stewart, Margaret Sullivan, Lucille Ball, Hedy Lamarr, Katharine Hepburn, Louis B. Mayer, Greer Garson, Irene Dunne, Susan Peters, Ginny Simms, Lionel Barrymore

2nd Row: Harry James, Brian Donlevy, Red Skelton, Mickey Rooney, William Powell, Wallace Beery, Spencer Tracy, Walter Pidgeon, RobertTaylor, Pierre Aumont, Lewis Stone, Gene Kelly, Jackie Jenkins

3rd Row: Tommy Dorsey, George Murphy, Jean Rogers, James Craig, Donna Reed, Van Johnson, Fay Bainter, Marsha Hunt, Ruth Hussey,Marjorie Main, Robert Benchley

4th Row: Dame May Whitty, Reginald Owen, Keenan Wynn, Diana Lewis, Marilyn Maxwell, Esther Williams, Ann Richards, Marta Linden, Lee Bowman, Richard Carlson, Mary Astor

5th Row: Blanche Ring, Sara Haden, Fay Holden, Bert Lahr, FrancesGifford, June Allyson, Richard Whorf, Frances Rafferty, Spring Byington, Connie Gilchrist, Gladys Cooper

6th Row: Ben Blue, Chill Wills, Keye Luke, Barry Nelson, Desi Arnaz, Henry O'Neill, Bob Crosby, Rags Ragland

This is an amazing picture. What with all the egos in Hollywood , you may never again see a picture like this again. This is a promotional photo of many of the actors under contract with MGM at the studios 20th birthday party.

Courtesy by Valued Member Liesel Crisostomo Merza

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HOW A DOG HUGS A BABY... ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I thought you might like to know about this dog and his history. The ending is quite amazing after you read the beginning...........

The K9 is Brutus, a military K9 at McChord‌ He's huge - part Boxer and part British Bull Mastiff and tops the scales at 200 lbs.

His handler took the picture. Brutus is running toward me because he knows, I have some Milkbone treats, so he's slobbering away! I had to duck around a tree just before he got to me in case he couldn't stop, but he did. Brutus was the recipient of the Congressional Medal Of Honor last year from his tour in Iraq . His handler and four other soldiers were taken hostage by insurgents. Brutus and his handler communicate by sign language and he gave Brutus the signal that meant 'go away but come back and find me'. The Iraqis paid no attention to Brutus. He came back later and quietly tore the throat out of one guard at one door and another guard at another door. He then jumped against one of the doors repeatedly (the guys were being held in an old warehouse) until it opened. He went in and untied his handler, and they all escaped. He's the first K9 to receive this honor. If he knows you're ok, he's a big old lug and wants to sit in your lap. He enjoys the company of cats. K-9 Congressional Medal of Honor Winner – thought you'd find this interesting. Talk about animal intelligence and bonding with humans! Remember that they can't do a lot of things for themselves and they depend on you to make their life a quality life! Instructions for properly hugging a baby (from a dog's point of view):

1. First, uh, find a baby.

2. Second, be sure that the object you found was indeed a baby, by employing classic sniffing techniques. 3. Next, you will need to flatten the baby before actually beginning the hugging process.

4. The 'paw slide' Simply slide paws around baby and prepare for possible close-up.

5.Finally, if a camera is present, you will need to execute the difficult and patented 'hug, smile, and lLean so as to achieve the best photo quality..

Courtesy by Valued Member Liesel Crisostomo Merza

Courtesy by Valued Member Renu Agarwal

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Just Beautifully Stunning

Courtesy by Valued Member Liesel Crisostomo Merza


" had the idea of making a lot – 130 to 140 – of smaller works exploring all the possibilities I had in my head about painting. One of the things that’s difficult when you’re getting ready for an exhibition is you have all these fantasies about what sort of paintings you could make – and a lot of the time you can’t make them, because there’s not enough time or whatever. But here in my studio at Gertrude Contemporary I’ve been able to take my time and look at that dynamic. So I’ve been experimenting with many different styles in these small paintings: landscapes, abstractions, Futurism, figurative works, figures in landscapes, figures in abstractions… A lot of it was bad but a lot was good too, and it broadened my understanding of what goes into certain paintings. As I worked the small paintings began to feel too much like studies – I wanted to make something bigger, more generative of energy, more of a major work. So I did some studies along the lines of these small works and thought, ‘Well, why don’t I just blow these up and have a lot more room to play with them?’ These big paintings work a line between hard-edge abstraction and something more lo-fi. So, I’ll use masking tape to make rough measurements for the blocks of colour rather than to achieve strict edges, but in some parts of the paintings I do that too. There’s a lot of paradox and contradiction in there. At the moment I’m really into merging the lo-fi with the hi-fi, making things look like they’re perceived to be futuristic or talking of some sort of technological realm, but then at the same time the paint looks really deliberate and coarse. I’m interested in the immersive nature of contemporary technology, all the screens out there – computers, TVs, mobile phones, the proliferation of pop-up windows and sky gradients on computer screens. Cells, conduits and generative power, power plants and sources, energy matrices, foldback and coding – to me the works talk about several different aspects of our visual world." Trevelyan Clay

Courtesy by Valued Member Vince Spinello

Courtesy by Valued Member Renu Agarwal

Courtesy by Valued Member Adrian Foster

The Frozen Art World (illustration and Fantasy Art)

It gives me great honor to present to you my design. I call it “ The Valley Of Hell" Do you think you'll go to heaven or are you doomed to be in hell?


work on ideas, sketch and make prototypes in the studio space here

at the back of my house in Ormond. I also use it for my jewellery practice. I have another studio for my drawings and, when I’m scaling up sculptures, I’ll work with foundries or larger factory spaces. A typical day starts, before I even get to the studio, with emails and phone calls: I spend a lot of time negotiating with production people. Then I’ll work in the studio in the afternoon before I might head over to the foundry to check on a work being made in bronze. But there’s no such thing as a typical day – I’m not at all a nine-to-fiver – it just depends what I’m working on. I’m currently working on a piece for the McClelland Sculpture Survey. It will be a metre- high sculpture made in Yunan marble and based on a species of snub-nosed monkey discovered on the Myanmar–China border. It’s evolved a short nose but now global warming is causing precipitation and the monkey has started sneezing, which is how scientists found it. I’m working on a sound component with my long-time collaborator Charlie Owen. We’re recording a sneezing sound so, like the scientists, people will hear it in the McClelland bushland before they see it. The work comes from an ongoing series researching new species that have been discovered because their habitats are being destroyed. It’s a tragic paradox. I’m also working on an exhibition at Karen Woodbury Gallery in November based on a ‘love story’ between a gorilla and a woman. Bokito became famous after he broke out of his enclosure at Rotterdam Zoo and attacked a woman. When the zookeepers reviewed what happened, her injuries were consistent with ‘love bites’ that a dominant gorilla would inflict on one of his female concubines. It turned out the woman had been visiting him for years and felt they shared a connection. She said afterwards, ‘When I laugh, he laughs with me,’ and that’s the title of my show. But for gorillas to ‘laugh’ or bare their teeth is a sign of nervous aggression. The work is about complex communications, things you could probably relate to in your own everyday human relationships.

Courtesy by Valued Member

Hei Li

Louise Bourgeois: Late Works' installation view Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne Photograph: John Gollings

"I am currently working on a group of paintings for Darren Knight Gallery. These works are mainly mythic landscapes. Worlds that I work out in the studio using photos and natural objects. I make little dioramas on tabletops to use as models so I can focus on the detail of the forest floor or the way leaves hang. My studio is littered with collections of leaves, sticks, mossy rocks, lichens etc. I use oil paint and generally use a ground of cadmium orange or red to bounce the other colours off. I use a lot of very small brushes for the detail in the work, building up the painting layer by layer. I strive for a kind of stillness where – by going into more and more detail until it’s as if every molecule is glowing – I can give the objects life and strength. There are a few related themes among the current works but they aren’t strictly a series. There’s a diptych and another large oil-on-canvas that represent Australian flora and fauna, and then some smaller works that are loosely still lifes drawn from a domestic garden environment. The landscapes are imaginary. Either based on childhood memories of growing up in Papua New Guinea or the desert country of Australia. The desert where I have never actually been but based on stories of my father who was, in his younger days, a drover and worked on stations in Queensland and the Kimberley. Stories of the amazing country and people, and of stumbling over relics and rock art. Of the beauty and history of the landscape that had such a huge effect on him. My grandmother was a botanist and an interest in the bush and gardening runs in my family. I grew up near Goroka in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, so intense colours and exoticness have always fascinated me. Also the beliefs and animism of the local people, that every part of the landscape held a spirit or story. It’s the constant merging of reality and myth. I think that is why I don’t approach my paintings from a naturalistic perspective but am more interested in layered accumulations of incongruous animal and plant images." James Morrison

Another year has passed And we're all a little older. Last summer felt hotter And winter seems much colder. There was a time not long ago When life was quite a blast. Now I fully understand About 'Living in the Past' We used to go to weddings, Football games and lunches.. Now we go to funeral homes And after-funeral brunches. We used to have hangovers, From parties that were gay. Now we suffer body aches And wile the night away. We used to go out dining, And couldn't get our fill. Now we ask for doggie bags, Come home and take a pill. We used to often travel To places near and far. Now we get sore asses From riding in the car. We used to go to nightclubs And drink a little booze. Now we stay home at night And watch the evening news. That, my friend is how life is, And now my tale is told. So, enjoy each day and live it up... Before you're too damned old!

Courtesy by Valued Member Renu Agarwal

Courtesy by Valued Member Renu Agarwal

Aleks Danko incident – Ambivalence 1991–92 wood, galvanised steel and synthetic polymer paint and varnish Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

The design for the Heide II Kitchen Garden was first created in 1986. For garden enthusiasts and lovers of Heide's gardens, the design has now been translated onto a poster detailing the latin terms for the various roses and plants which continue to thrive. This poster is also supported by an image of the Heide II Kitchen Garden, taken in same year

Arthur Boyd The Kite (1943) oil on muslin on cardboard 55.4 x 68.7 cm Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne

Rose Nolan Flat Flower Work (detail) (2004-11) synthetic polymer paint on cardboard installation dimensions variable Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne Š the artist Purchased through the Heide Foundation with the assistance of the Truby and Florence Williams Charitable Trust, ANZ Trustees, and Lovell Chen Pty Ltd 2011 Courtesy of the artist


“No oNe caN make you feel inferior without your coNseNt.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Courtesy by Valued Member Renu Agarwal

Incredible Sea Harrier Jet Landing on an Aircraft Carrier

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Courtesy by Valued Member Renu Agarwal

Lee Ufan, Dialogue, 2009, oil and mineral pigment on canvas; image courtesy the Fukutake Foundation; photo: Tadasu Yamamoto

Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda (Mrs Gabori), Dibirdibi Country, 2012, synthetic polymer paint on linen, 121 x 484cm (four panels); Collection Queensland Art Gallery

Ruth Waller, Pair, 1996 lithograph, 38 x 28.5cm (print). Signed edition of 99. AU$500 incl.GST. Commissioned in 1996; Printed by Suzanne Knight, Studio One National Print Workshop, Canberra





Courtesy by Valued Member Hei Li‎

Courtesy by Valued Member Hei Li‎

1945 - Japanese surrender - a keeper 1945 - Japanese surrender - a keeper This film is believed to have never been seen before, only shots of the surrender were known. If you are a history buff you will enjoy this. General McArthur's voice is a rarity in these old film clips Japanese Surrender- Amazing Footage Sept 2, 1945. This is a 'must see' for the WWII history buff or anyone interested in history. Interesting the other signers to the document, from New Zealand/Australia to Europe/Russia. This is an actual film made of the surrender ceremony of the Japanese to McArthur in Tokyo Bay in September 1945. Actual voice of the General. Never been shown to the general public before. We always saw the "stills" but never the film itself

Click here: Japanese Surrender


Anna Sulia

Three ladies are playing the 4th hole at their local golf club when a naked man wearing a bag over his head jumps from the trees and runs across the green. The three ladies look and are in shock at the size of his manhood. The first lady says, "Well he definitely is not my Husband." The second lady looks at his manhood and says, "He for sure is not my Husband." The third lady takes a good look and says. " He's not even a member of this club."

Australian Experimental Art Foundation (AEAF), Lion Arts Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide; image courtesy AEAF, Adelaide

Michelle Nikou, Spoons, 2000, cast lead, 22 x 72 x 4cm (approx.); image courtesy the artist and Darren Knight Gallery

Yhonnie Scarce on Tjarutja country at Taranaki bomb site Maralinga, South Australia; image courtesy the artist and the Art Gallery of South Australia,

Greg Semu, Earning my Stripes #1, 2015, pigment print on Hahnemßhle Photo Baryta, edition of 10, 100 x 133.4cm; Š the artist and Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne 2015

Eat Durian then drink Coke is "cobra poison" ! Do not drink Cola after eating durian! Another tourist died in a foreign land ... A 28 year old Chinese tourist traveling in Thailand, ate a lot of durian ... then drank a can of Coke, suffered caffeine intoxication caused by the surge in blood pressure, the results led to his sudden cardiac death .

Thailand has clearly defined, after eating a lot of durian, within 8 hours DO NOT DRINK COKE !

Courtesy by Valued Member Renu Agarwal

Courtesy by Valued Member Hei Li‎

By Pamela McLean‎

John Perceval Angel with Sparkling Red Tummy (1958) earthenware 35 x 21.8 x 21.5 cm Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne Gift of the Trustees of the Museum of Modern Art and Design of Australia, to the National Gallery of Victoria 1981

Charles Blackman The Shadow (1953) tempera on cardboard 59 x 75 cm Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne

Courtesy By VALUED MEMBER Liesel Crisostomo Merza

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Courtesy by Valued Member Monalisa Lie

Courtesy By VALUED MEMBER Renu Agarwal

Courtesy By VALUED MEMBER Anna Sulia

Courtesy By VALUED MEMBER Renu Agarwal

Courtesy By VALUED MEMBER Renu Agarwal

Information and Special Offers...

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Courtesy by Valued Member Renu Agarwal

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