Invest in 2012 Spring Edition

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编者的话 Letter From the Editor

《境外投资》春季刊迎来了我们广受欢迎的特刊——公务旅行者——的 回归,本期特刊讲述了中国快速发展并且日益强大的豪华旅游市场。除了报 道最热门的目的地之外,本期特刊同样深度研究了不断壮大的医疗旅游市场、 非洲豪华探险之旅的魅力以及各国旅游局是如何根据中国人的偏好打造营销 战略的。 我们的封面故事探讨了中国基础设施投资的变化。几年前,基础设施建 设还是中国最赚钱的“出口”项目之一,但是目前由于市场疲弱,这个行业 正遇到越来越多的挑战,并且同样面临投资不稳定地区所涉及的风险。 本期国际金融中心专题报道的是瑞士,它是全球最为成熟的离岸中心, 但是在更高国际透明度和融入欧盟的背景下,它的形象正在发生改变。该国 除了拥有强大的银行中心以外,其房地产和包括手表在内的精细制造业也能 够提供投资机会。 本期的特别报道探讨了投资越南的风险和益处,以及中国开始投资发达 国家的页岩气田,希望从中学会如何更好地开发自身巨大的页岩气资源。 我们希望您能够喜欢新一期的《境外投资》。一如往常,我们很乐意听 取您的意见和反馈。 主编 Editor: Juliet Leclerec

《境外投资》编辑 Juliet Leclerec

撰稿人 Contributors: Anas Almasri, Claire van den Heever, Baron Laudermilk, Iain Manley, Chris Qi, Adam Skuse, Leo Zhang 美术总监 Art Director: Susan Shen 美术编辑 Art Editor: Tank Hu 研究员 Researcher: Wang Bin

制作总监,亚洲 Production Director, Asia: Gillian Bolsover 销售总监,亚洲 Sales Director, Asia: Matthew Sumner 销售总监,美洲 Sales Director, Americas: Spencer Hall 关键客户经理,美洲 Key Accounts Manager: Miguel Hernandez 客户经理,亚洲 Accounts Managers: Robert Kempton, Matthew Edward Spriegel, Nonnie Warren 发行经理 Circulation Manager: Iris Gao

出版机构 Publisher MX Media Group Limited 地址 Address: Suites 1102-1103, 11/F Kowloon Building 555 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

广告投放 Advertising enquiries 亚洲 Asia: +852 3073 2008 美洲 Americas: +1 212 201 1353 电子邮件 E-mail:

The spring issue of Invest In marks the return of our popular

supplement, The Executive Traveler, in recognition of China’s rapidly developing and increasingly powerful luxury tourism market.

In addition to covering top destinations, this supplement also takes

an in-depth look at the growing market for medical tourism, the lure of the luxury African safari and the efforts of tourism boards to tailor their campaigns to Chinese preferences.

Our cover story concerns the changing landscape of Chinese

infrastructure investment. What was just a couple of years ago one of China’s most lucrative ‘exports’ is now meeting increasing challenges from a weak market and the risks incurred in when investing in unstable areas.

This issues international financial center spotlight shines on

Switzerland, the world’s most established offshore center but one

whose image is changing under greater international transparency and

European integration. In addition to the strength of the country’s banking

center, both property and fine manufactured goods such as watches offer investment opportunities.

This issue’s special reports cover the risks and benefits of investing

in Vietnam and the trend for Chinese investment in developed shale gas

operations for the purposes of learning how to better exploit their own sizeable resources.

We hope you enjoy this new issue of Invest In. As always, we would

love to hear your comments and feedback.

Editor, China Offshore Juliet Leclerec Spring, 2012 INVEST IN




基础设施: 在充满竞争和波动的市场中, 中国建筑商只有发展才能生存

Infrastructure: Chinese builders need upgrade to survive in competitive and volatile markets


35 2

2012, Spring


Executive Traveler An exclusive supplement of Invest In magazine

S02 中国游客的首选目的地 Top Destinations for the Chinese Traveler

S10 为中国旅行者提供的奢侈医疗服务 Luxury Medical Services for the Chinese Traveller

S16 探险之旅 On Safari 新闻 news 04 全球概览

封面故事 COVER STORY 23 在充满竞争和波动的市场中,

advertiser directory Great China Group – Inside Front Cover

World NEWS



Chinese builders need upgrade

CIM Banque – Page 11

All the latest news from

to survive in competitive and

Invest In Conferences – Page 13

观点 opinion


across the world

06 中国“有钱人”海外市场资产配置 的非主流模式

volatile markets

29 中国的页岩气革命 China’s Shale Gas Revolution

Alternative investment strategies for wealthy Chinese

Vietnam: Prime Opportunity or

COTTM – Supplement Inside Front Cover Beijing International Tourist Expo – Page S05

Maldives – Page S13 Seychelles – Page S19 ITE and MICE – Supplement Inside

聚焦国际金融中心 IFC SPOTLIGHT 聚焦自由贸易区 FTZ Focus 40 肯尼亚出口加工区、杰拜勒.阿里保税区 (Jafza)、 10 点亮阿尔卑斯山的魅力

Swiss Business Hub – Page 17 – 19

Constance – Page S08 – S09

35 越南:黄金机遇还是风险投资? Risky Investment?

09 瑞士 Switzerland

New World Trust – Page 16


Sparking an Alpine

Kenya Export Processing, Jebel Ali


Free Zone(Jafza), The Aegean Free Zone, CentrePort Canada

Back Cover Pimalai – Supplement Back Cover AIM – Page 43 Malta Enterprise – Inside Back Cover Marriott Residences – Back Cover

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


新闻 | NEWS

2012 年 2 月 3 日 国家电网公司于 2 月 3 日宣布其耗资约 3.87 亿 欧元(约合 32 亿人民币)成功收购葡萄牙国家 能 源 网 公 司(Redes Energeticas Nacionais) 25% 的股份。

德国首相向中国投资者 推介德国 Chancellor promotes Germany to Chinese investors

照片作者:Photo Courtesy World Economic Forum

全球概览 Global update

State Grid Corp announced on February 3 that it had agreed to pay about 387 million euros (3.2 billion yuan) to acquire a 25 percent stake in Portuguese national energy networks Redes Energeticas Nacionais.

2012 年 1 月 25 日

1 月 25 日,华为公司宣布从东英格兰经济发展署 (EEDA)手中收购英国集成光电器件公司(CIP), 后者为一家全球领先的光电子研究实验室 。

On the January 25, Huawei Technologies announced the acquisition of the Centre for Integrated Photonics (CIP), a world-leading photonics research laboratory, from the East of England Development Agency (EEDA).

2012 年 1 月 27 日

2011 年 1 月 27 日,由中国首富经营的三一重工 和中信产业投资基金(香港)顾问公司将出资 3.6 亿欧元(约合 4.75 亿美元)收购德国混凝土泵 制造商普茨迈斯特股份有限公司,此举旨在提升 三一重工的技术并且拓展其国际业务。

Sany Heavy Industry, run by China’s richest man, and its partner, Citic PE Advisors (Hong Kong) announced January 27 it will pay 360 million Euros ($475 million) for Putzmeister Holding, a German concrete-pump maker to enhance its technology and to expand internationally.

2012 年 1 月 20 日

中国投资有限责任公司(中投)于 1 月 20 日发 布新闻简报称,该公司已经通过其全资子公司购 买英国泰晤士水务公司 8.68% 的权益,后者是英 国最大的水务及废水处理公司。

China Investment Corp (CIC) said in a press release on January 20 that it had acquired an 8.68 percent stake in Thames Water through a wholly-owned unit.

2012 年 1 月 6 日

2011 年 1 月 6 日,据报道,中国机械制造商山 东重工集团正在与意大利豪华游艇制造商法拉帝 进行最后阶段的会谈,旨在购买该公司的控股权。


2012, Spring

January 6, 2012 - Chinese machinery manufacturer Shandong Heavy Industry Group is reportedly in advanced talks with Italian luxury yacht maker Ferretti for the purchase of a controlling stake in the company.

2012 年 1 月 3 日

2012 年 1 月 3 日,俄克拉荷马州独立的 Devon 能源公司表示,中国政府的国际探勘企业中石化 同意出资 22 亿美元收购其页岩气业务的大量股 份以及负担大部分的勘探开发成本。

On January 3, Oklahoma’s Devon Energy Corporation said Sinopec, the Chinese government’s international driller, purchased a large stake of its venture plays and paid for the majority of drilling cost, in a deal worth $2.2 billion.

经过 18 年的谈判: 中国和加拿大签署 了一系列重大协议 After 18 Years of Negotiations: Canada and China Strike A Series of Major Deals

NEWS | 新闻

我们明确对来自中国的投资表示欢 迎。我们将积极地寻求、利用和珍惜这 些投资。 Chinese investments are expressly welcome. They will be sought, used and appreciated.

月初,德国总理安吉拉·默克尔对中国 进行了为期三天的国事访问,这是她当 选德国总理以来第五次访华。访华期间,默 克尔强调了德国的稳定和投资机遇。默克尔 在北京会见了胡锦涛、温家宝以及中国的企 业家领袖,她还在中国社科院发表了演讲, 并且出席了在广州举行的中德经济论坛。 根据《金融时报》的报道,陪同默克尔 访华的包括 20 名来自德国商界的领袖。该报 道援引一名德国高级官员的话说:“首相希 望帮助金融投资者树立信心。” 中国是德国国内投资的重要来源,根据 中国商务部的报告,中国在 2009 年对德投 资的金额超过 10 亿美元,多于任何其他欧洲 国家。德国贸易和投资局首席执行官 Michael Pfeiffer 在 接 受 德 国 广 播 公 司“ 德 国 之 声” (Deutsche Welle)的采访时表示:“在金 融危机期间,来自中国的投资是可预测和可 靠的。中国在德国的投资一直随着时间的推 移而增长。这是非常棒的事情。五六年前, 我们仅有 5 - 10 个中国投资者,而目前我们 有 60 家左右。” 近期,中国在德国的大型投资项目包括 2011 年 6 月联想集团出资 6.7 亿美元购买德 国电子制造商 Medion 公司,这使得联想在德 国个人电脑市场的份额实现了翻番,成为仅


012 年 2 月 8 日, 中 国 总 理温家宝与加拿大总理斯蒂 芬 • 哈珀在北京签署了多项协 议,总价值至少为 30 亿美元。 这些协议旨在推动双边贸易,两 国还达成了一项重要协议,将保 护在加拿大的中国投资。 由于存在法律和政治方面的 分 歧, 这 些 协 议 的 签 订 经 历 了 18 年 的 谈 判。 哈 珀 表 示, 中 国 和加拿大之间签署的外国投资保 护 及 促 进 协 议(FIPA) 是 两 国 之间首个“综合性经济协议”。


次于宏基和惠普的第三大个人电脑供应商。 中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)也于 2011 年 8 月收购了慕尼黑再保险公司 3%的股份,后 者是全球最大的再保险提供商。 然而,欧元区最近遇到的麻烦已经威胁 到了投资者的信心,而如何在欧元区面临困 境时恢复洲作为最强经济体的形象是这位德 国总理最需要解决的问题。在接受德国报纸 《Die Welt》的采访时,默克尔表示:“在访 问中,我将会展示欧盟正如何逐渐变得日益 强大。我会把欧元作为欧洲一体化的重要组 成部分,并且会清楚地展示我们欧元区的成 员将如何打造一个强大和稳定的欧元。” 尽管面临困扰欧元相关的问题,这些问 题同样能够为投资者提供更多的机会,并且 使得双方都能够获利。在接受德国新闻杂志 《明镜》( Der Spiegel)的采访时,德国政 府一名高级官员表示:“我们明确对来自中 国的投资表示欢迎。我们将积极地寻求、利 用和珍惜这些投资。”


n her fifth visit to the country since being elected Chancellor, Angela Merkel emphasized

Germany’s stability and investment potential

during a three day visit to China in early February.

Meeting with Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, as well

as Chinese business leaders in Beijing, she also delivered a speech at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and attended the Sino-German economic forum in Guangzhou.

Merkel was accompanied in her visit by 20

German business leaders, according to a Financial

Times report. “The chancellor will be seeking to gain the confidence of financial investors,” a senior German official is quoted as saying.

China is an important source of investment

in Germany, investing more than one billion

US dollars in 2009, according to MOFCOM reports,

more than any other country in Europe. "Chinese investments were predictable and dependable

during the crisis,” Michael Pfeiffer, CEO of Germany Trade and Invest in an interview with German

broadcaster Deutsche Welle. “Chinese investments in Germany have grown over time. It is fascinating.

Five or six years ago, we had about one or two handfuls of Chinese investors. Now we have around 60."

Notable recent Chinese investments in Germany

include Lenovo’s US$670 million purchase of German electronics manufacturer Medion in June

2011, and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)’s purchase of a 3 percent stake

in Munich Re, the world’s largest provider of reinsurance, in August 2011.

However, recent troubles in the Eurozone

have threatened to dampen investor attitudes

and repairing impressions of Europe’s strongest economy amid a troubled Eurozone was at the top of the German Chancellor’s agenda. “I will make my journey to show how the European

Union is gradually growing stronger,” said Merkel in an interview with German newspaper Die

Welt. “I will talk about the euro as an essential element of European integration and make it

clear how we in the euro-zone are working to build a strong and stable euro.”

Despite the problems associated with a

beleaguered Euro, the currency’s problems also

provide increased opportunity for investment and can be beneficial for both parties. “Chinese

investments are expressly welcome,” a senior German government official is quoted as saying

in an interview with German news magazine Der Spiegel. “They will be sought, used and appreciated."

n February 8th 2012, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao and Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper signed multiple deals valued at least $3 billion to boost levels of bilateral trade, and both countries reached an important agreement that will protect Chinese investments in Canada. This deal took 18 years of negotiations due to legalities and political differences. Harper said the foreign investment promotion and protection agreement (FIPA) between China and Canada is the first “comprehensive economic agreement” between the two nations. The two parties approved seven scientific and technological projects worth $10 million under the Canada-China framework for cooperation on science and innovation. This includes a wind energy seawater desalination system, new solar cells for renewable energy panels, and real-time multisensor navigating tracking devices for hand-held devises.

如 果 这 种 趋 势 能 够 保 持 下 去, 到 2012 年 底 中 国 在 加 拿 大 的 投 资 可 能 会 增 加 一 倍, 达 到 300 亿 加 元, 而 到 2015 年会增加到 1000 亿加元。 —— 加 拿 大 亚 太 基 金 会 高 级 项 目 经 理 Kenny Zhang 透露

I f t h i s t re n d c o n t i n u e s , Chinese investment in Canada could double to over C$30 billion by the end 2012 and add up to C$100 billion by 2015. - Kenny Zhang, the senior project manager for Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


观点 | Opinion INVEST IN

中国“有钱人”海外市场 资产配置的非主流模式 Alternative Investment Strategies for Wealthy Chinese

革开放后,中国逐渐成为世界经济发展 的热土。加入 WTO 组织后,中国进一 步的融入了世界市场经济的体系,随着

出口、房地产及内需市场的长足发展,中国人的 财富积累发生了绝对性质的变化。 由于中国人口基数大,中国“有钱人”的数 量也很大。据统计,中国资产超过 100 万美金的 人数超过 80 万,在很短时间内中国“有钱人”的

奇星 Chris Qi 绿野资本集团管理合伙人 Managing General Partner Greenfield Capital Group

以每年 20% 的速度增长。一切围绕中国“有钱人” 的投资都在快速发展,先是如奢侈品及旅游等消 费投资的快速增长;紧接着是股市及不动产等投 机性投资的急剧发展,且越演越烈;不过,一些“清 醒”人士已经慢慢意识到,现在消费投资热潮是

国际领先的另类资产管理公司 绿 野 资 本 集 团 管 理 合 伙 人, 绿 野大中华区资产管理事业部董 事 总 经 理。 一 直 从 事 不 动 产 的 营 销 推 广、 投 资 及 资 产 管 理 工 作, 尤 其 是 对 于 不 动 产 资 产 管 理及运营有着独到的见解和深 厚 的 实 战 经 验, 负 责 绿 野 资 本 华东地区资产管理事务。


Chris Qi is a managing general partner in Greenfield Capital Group, a global leading alternative asset management firm. He specialized in marketing strategy investment and asset management of real estate industry. As in charge of management in eastern region of China, he has a unique insight and experience for real estate projects.


如果您有意为“观点”栏目撰稿,敬请 与《境外投资》编辑团队联系,我们的 电子邮件是 If you are interested in contributing an opinion piece, please contact the Invest In editorial team at editorial@mxmedia.


数量已经占到了世界“有钱人”的 10% 并且还在

2012, Spring

潮是满足人们挣快钱的冲动与浮躁,而真正需要 去涉入的是伴随人们一生、甚至影响人们一生的 最基本的投资却恰恰被忽略了。 中国“有钱人”到底忽略了什么?我们认为,“有 1、人身安全:您和家人是否生活在一个优美舒适, 不会整天为空气污染及食品安全等事情操心的环 境中,且来去自由,法治稳定; 2、财产安全:您的事业和财产是否在一个法制化 的稳定机制下安全的运行与存在,不会整天为应 付朝令夕改的沉重赋税政策及许多行政化而非法 制化市场化的政策而殚精竭虑; 3、财产增值:您的财产是否能投资在开放、稳定、 安全及多渠道的市场上不断增值,而不是整天身 处各种投资陷阱,被逼着和 GDP 赛跑; 4、自身养老安排、医疗消费及子女教育:老生常 谈,中国在这三方面的改革全部已失败告终,现 在也看不到成功的希望;


fter the reform and opening up, China has gradually become a hot spot for world economic growth, and. after entering the WTO, China has further integrated into the world market. Along with the rapid growth of exports, the real estate market and domestic demand, massive changes have taken place in the way the Chinese people accumulate their wealth. China's huge population has led to a comparably large number of high net worth individuals. Data shows that China has 800,000 individuals with personal assets exceeding one million dollars. In a very short period of time, the Chinese super rich have risen to 10 percent of the world’s total, and this figure is growing at 20 percent annually. Investment, of all kinds, targeting the Chinese super rich is growing, from consumer investments such as luxury products and tourism, to rapid increase of speculative investment in the stock and property markets. However, some somber individuals are gradually realizing that the zest of consumer investment is to meet people’s short-term desire for vanity and entertainment, and the speculative investment is to meet people’s impulsion for quick money. The real and most basic investment for life is often neglected. What indeed has been neglected by China’s rich people? We think the appropriate priority for a rich man is as follows: 1. personal safety (whether your family and you are living in a comfortable, free, and stable

Opinion INVEST IN | 观点

5、商品、休闲及旅游:中国“有钱人”只 能弃长期的基础投资于不顾而转向消费投 资,过一天算一天,痛并快乐着。这些消费 还承担着高于海外平均消费成本 30% 的价 格。 所以,大多数中国 “有钱人”忽略了

绿野资本集团于 2011 年完成了两个绿色主题工业园的建设,并计划于 2012 年完成另 外五个工业园的建设。该集团的管理合伙人奇星认为对环保的关注应该是潜在投资者首要 的关切。

Greenfield Capital finished the construction of two green-themed industrial parks in 2011 and are scheduled to complete another five in 2012. Managing General Partner Chris Qi argues environmental concerns should be a prime concern for potential investors.

投资应有的顺序。换句话说,他们在投资上 本末倒置了。当然,在中国现有不成熟的市 场环境下,中国“有钱人”也只能很自然的 做出这样的选择,怎么办? 海外成熟市场的资产配置与移民相结合 的模式往往可以部分有效的解决上述问题。 这几年美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、新 西兰等国家成为中国“有钱人”投资移民的 主要目标国,但随之而来一系列的其它问题 又让需要移民及海外资产投资的中国“有钱 人”无所适从,如:美国的投资移民(EB5) 能移民的成功概率不高且投资有血本无归的 可能;加拿大投资移民的门槛较高,且需要 坐移民监;澳大利亚及新西兰的移民也存在 着坐移民监,且资产投资退出时会遇到各种 各样的阻力的风险, 英国由于不是移民国 家,或多或少都会存在这样那样的问题。更 重要的是,这些国家由于是相对高福利的国

environment, free from worries such as air pollution and food safety) 2. wealth safety (whether your business and wealth is run and kept under a legal and stable system. You don’t have to worry everyday about changeable and heavy tax policies, and administrative measures that are not market-oriented.) 3. added-value of wealth (whether your wealth can gain value by investing in open, stable, safe and varied markets, instead of struggling everyday with all kinds of investment traps, and being forced to race with the GDP) 4. pension arrangements, medical spending and education for children (the

attempts China has taken to reform the three sector have all failed. There is no hope of success as far as one can see.) 5. goods, leisure and travel (China’s rich people can only discard long-term investment and turn to investment in consumer goods, spending one day and another in a mixture of agony and happiness. These consumers still have to pay 30 percent more than their foreign counterparts.) So, most rich men in China have neglected the proper order of investment. In fact, they’ve reversed these priorities. However in China’s immature market, the super rich do not have another apparent option. How can we resolve this Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


观点 | Opinion INVEST IN

家,税收高企且全球征税,控制相当严格。 尤其是美国及加拿大,近期不断推出各种各 样的全球征税措施,让有“想法”的中国“有 钱人”面临着双重收税的处境。 悲催!中国“有钱人”难道就没有解决 上述问题的渠道吗?答案是有,近期我注意 到市场上出现的非主流的海外市场资产配置 结合移民的投资模式可以很好的解决中国 “有钱人”面临的上述投资问题。 第一、该投资模式可以很快解决国籍问 题,无需做移民监,也无需长期居住; 第二、其全球免税政策对很多中国“有 钱人”,尤其是生意人很有吸引力,是一个 很好的离岸金融中心。 第三、其被投资项目是由政府出面保障 的传统商业项目,稳定增值且易于退出(锁 定期外),同时每年有稳定的投资回报; 第四、所在国是英联邦国家成员,可以 享受很多国家免签证待遇,而且对于养老、 医疗及教育还可以有很多不同的选择。 想象一下!有一天您作为一个中国“有 钱人”,每年都可以去美丽的海滨国家度假, 享受人间天堂般的景色,不会为您的人身安 全、财产安全及一系列人生所面临的复杂问 题而整天愁眉苦脸!这样,您才真正成为了 一个真正的中国“有钱人”。


2012, Spring

situation? Immigration and holding assets in mature markets overseas can effectively solve some of the above problems. In recent years, the US, Canada, Australia, UK, and New Zealand have become the main immigration destinations rich Chinese. But a series of problems that came afterwards have bewildered those who are in need of immigration and overseas investment. For example, investment immigration (EB5) in the US can be difficult and result in losses. Canada has a high threshold and you cannot leave the country, which is similar in Australia and New Zealand. Besides, you will meet all kinds of difficulties when you want to withdraw your investment. The UK, as it is not an immigration country, will have all kinds of questions. More importantly, these are all countries with relatively good welfare, and strictly impose high tax globally. The US and Canada have recently introduced various measures that will enable global taxation, threatening thoughtful Chinese wealthy with duplicated taxation. But it is not possible that there is

no solution for rich Chinese. Recently I have seen some investors using other strategies that can solve all the problems mentioned above by investing in offshore centers who can combine investment and citizenship. First, nationality can normally be granted fairly quickly and there is no restriction on mobility nor a requirement for long-term stay. Second, their global tax exempt policies are attractive to many rich men, especially business men. Third, for jurisdictions that are a member of the British Commonwealth, you don’t need a visa to travel to many countries, and it will provide sufficient options for pension, medical care and education. Just imagine it! As a Chinese superrich, one day you can spend your holiday in a beautiful coastal country each year, enjoy the heavenly scene. Meanwhile, you don’t have to worry about the your personal and wealth safety, nor would you be frowning about all the complexities of life. Only in this way you can become a real Chinese rich man.

聚焦国际金融中心 IFC Spotlight


人口:780 万

GDP( 依购买力平价 ):3405 亿美元(2011 年预测)① 官方语言:德语、法语、意大利语及罗曼什语

Switzerland 新闻速览 News Flash

Location: Central Western Europe Population: 7.8 million

GDP(Purchasing power parity): US$ 340.5 billion(2011 est.) ① Official Language(s): German, French, Italian and Romansh

2012 年 1 月 30 日—瑞士银行负责人表示,该行将在德国裁员 10%,以削减开支。 2012 年 1 月 25 日—世界经济论坛峰会在瑞士达沃斯举行。 2011 年 12 月 15 日—在日内瓦出席世界贸易组织部长级会议期间,中国商务部部长陈德铭会见了瑞士联邦经济部长施耐德 - 阿曼。 2011 年 12 月 13 日—瑞士国家银行称 2010 年瑞士的外商直接投资流量达到了 23 亿美元,较上一年度下降了 31% ② 。 2011 年 9 月 12 日—瑞士批准了与中国台湾地区的避免双重征税协定。 Jan 30, 2012 – Swiss Bank announces it will lay off 10 percent of its German workforce. Jan. 25 – 2012 – World Economic Forum summit is held in Davos, Switzerland.

Dec. 15, 2011– Chinese Minster of Commerce Chen Deming meets with Swiss Economy Minister Johann Schneider-Ammann, during the Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland.

Dec.13, 2011– The Swiss National Bank announced Capital Flows of Foreign Direct Investment into the country totaled 2.3 billion USD in 2010, a 31 percent decline from the previous year ② .

Sept. 12, 2011 – Switzerland approves a double taxation agreement with Taiwan.

基本介绍 Fact Sheet

1. 根据世界经济论坛的《2010-2011 全球竞争力报告》, 瑞士经济竞争力居全球之首 2. 在 2011 年经济自由度指数排名中,瑞士在欧洲各国 中排名第一 3. 截至2009 年底,瑞士的银行资产达到近 3000 兆美元③ 4. 2009 年瑞士保险公司的保费收入达到 120 兆美元④ 5. 瑞士人口的近四分之三受雇于服务业⑤ ,其中 1.6% 在银行业工作⑥ 1. Switzerland’s economy was ranked as the most

competitive in the world, according to the World

Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011

2. Switzerland has the highest European rating in the Index of Economic Freedom 2012

3. Swiss banks held assets worth almost 3 trillion US ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥

美国中央情报局《世界概况》 The World Factbook , Central Intelligence Agency


瑞士联邦统计处,《2011 年度统计报告》 Statistical Year book 2011, Federal Statistical Office of Switzerland 瑞士联邦统计处,《2011 年度统计报告》 Statistical Year book 2011, Federal Statistical Office of Switzerland 美国中央情报局世界概况 The World Factbook , Central Intelligence Agency

瑞士联邦统计处,《2011 年度统计报告》 Statistical Year book 2011 , Federal Statistical Office of Switzerland 瑞士国家银行新闻公报 Swiss National Bank press releases

dollars, as of the end of 2009 ③

4. Swiss insurance company revenue from premiums topped 120 trillion USD in 2009 ④

5. Almost three quarters of the Swiss population works in services ⑤ , of which 1.6 percent work in banks ⑥ Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


聚焦国际金融中心 IFC Spotlight

点亮阿尔卑斯山的魅力 Sparking an Alpine Attraction


00 年前,瑞士在阿尔卑斯中部的三 州联盟中崛起,旨在以保护区域自由 贸易。当它在 1815 年从拿破仑的法

国赢得独立,它的中立地位就受到维也纳会 议的认可。即便国家周围的 26 个州在两次 世界大战期间建立联盟,但瑞士的中立地位 一直维持至今。 这个国家拥有区区 770 万人口,但已在 许多领域取得了超越自身规模的地位。它是 世界上最先进的经济体之一和人均 GDP 最 高的国家,并在许多行业成为领头羊,从巧 克力到化工品、钟表,当然还有银行业。 然而,在其强大经济蓬勃发展的同时,


2012, Spring


merging from an alliance of three small cantons in the central Alps over 700 years ago and aimed at protecting free trade in the region, Sw i t z e rl a n d ’ s n e u t ra l i t y h a s b e e n recognised since the Congress of Vienna in 1815, when it won independence from Napoleonic France. This has been staunchly maintained ever since, seeing the federation of 26 cantons through two world wars that savaged the nations surrounding it. The country, whose permanent

By Adam Skuse residents number some 7.7 million, punches above its weight in many areas, having developed one of the most advanced economies and highest GDP per capita in the world, and establishing itself as a leader in a wide range of industries, from chocolate to chemicals, clocks and, of course, banking. However, while its strong economy has seen it prosper, it has recently become a victim of its own success. The Swiss franc has always been seen as a safe harbor in times of economic

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


聚焦国际金融中心 IFC Spotlight

照片作者 Photo by Tamas

房地产,特别是度假屋,是受欢迎的瑞士投资。市场价格在过去十年中稳健上升,瑞 士国家银行的数据显示单户住宅的价格在 2000 年和 2010 年之间增加 35%。

Real estate, especially for holiday homes, is a popular type of Swiss investment. The market has experienced healthy price increases over the past decade, with a 35 percent increase in the price of single family homes between 2000 and 2010, according to National Bank data. 它最近已成为自身成功的受害者。瑞士法郎 一直被看作是在经济不明朗时期的安全港。 所以,当瑞士的邻国被笼罩在全球金融危机 中并伴随着欧元崩溃的预期时,投资者蜂拥 而至购买瑞士法郎,推动它在 2010 年达到 与美元平价。 这迫使保守的瑞士国家银行 2011 年 9 月史无前例地将瑞士法郎定在 0.83 欧元,这 实际上是许诺印出尽可能多钞票来稳定利率。 虽然此举似乎已冷却的货币升值率, 法郎仍然是比在 2008 年金融危机前强大约 30%,这使得瑞士出口商困难重重。 手表出口却逆势走强,在 2011 年达到 创纪录的高度。主要原因是尽管价格上涨, 但富裕中国买家的兴趣依然蓬勃。瑞士钟表 工业联合会的数据显示,香港是最大的市场, 销售额达到 4.1 亿瑞士法郎,而中国大陆达 到 1.6 亿瑞士法郎。 但是豪华手表远非瑞士希望出售给中国 的唯一商品,瑞士正在进行协调一致的努力, 希望从中国吸取各种领域,包括财产、固定 资产和地区总部等领域的投资,在这些领域, 强势货币更有希望保留其价值。


2012, Spring

uncertainty. So when financial panic overtook Switzerland’s neighbors in the global financial crisis and now, more acutely, the debacle engulfing the euro, investors flocked to the currency, pushing it to reach parity with the dollar in 2010. This prompted the conservative S w i s s N a t i o n a l B a n k t o m a ke t h e unprecedented move of pegging the Swiss Franc at 0.83 euros in September 2011, effectively promising to print as much new currency as it took to maintain the rate. Although the gambit has seemed to cool the rate of appreciation of the currency, the franc is still some 30 percent stronger than before the financial crisis in 2008, leaving Swiss exporters struggling. One area that has bucked the trend is watches, with exports reaching a record height in 2011, thanks largely due to a surge of interest among affluent Chinese buyers, despite the price increase. Hong

Kong was the number one market, with 410 million Swiss francs in sales, while the Chinese mainland accounted for 160 million Swiss francs, according to figures from the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry. But luxury timepieces are far from the only thing the Swiss are looking to sell to the Chinese, and there is a concerted effort to woo investment from the Middle Kingdom in a variety of fields, including property, fixed assets and regional headquarters - areas where the strong currency is promising to those wishing to park money that will retain its value.

Image problem The main challenge facing the country in doing this is its image, as it barely figures on the radars of many Chinese investors. When it comes to financial services, the Caribbean offshore centers grab the lion’s share of attention; for property, Chinese are far more focused on the US, Canada and even Australia; and for establishing European offices, the fact the country is not a member of the EU means it barely gets a look-in. The country is working hard to change this through its strong network of Chambers of Commerce and other promotional vehicles in China, as well as at the diplomatic level. In April 2010, an agreement on reciprocal protection of investment between the two countries came into fo rc e , g u a ra n te e i n g p ro te c t i o n a s recognized under international law and promotion of Chinese investment in Switzerland. Speaking in Davos last year, where he was meeting China’s Commerce Minister Chen Deming to mark the beginning of official talks regarding a free trade agreement, Swiss Federal Councilor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann made no bones about the objective. “From my point of view, the idea is clear: encourage

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作为中国首屈一指的对外投资资讯提供方,Invest In 是着眼拓 展海外投资的中介机构、投资集团和政府部门获取信息的重要 来源。Invest In 的资讯涵盖了所有能触及金融中介机构的重要 渠道,包括期刊、指南、在线媒体和会议。 如今,在这个竞争对手比客户更多的环境中,企业必须通过各 种渠道进行推广,从而找到新的商机。而仅仅通过书面宣传远 远不够,直接的个人沟通是营销策略成功的先决条件。因此, 在您感兴趣的国家策划活动,不仅能帮助您的企业成功扩张, 还能协助您在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。 Invest In 在中国和其他国家展开工作,可以为贵公司策划各种 企业定制会议,并保证所策划的活动能适应贵公司的特色、愿 望和目标。其实,与企业自办会议相比,我们的定制会议有专 业团队的支持,能运用专业策划组织能力,协助您办出成功的 活动,并达成您的目标。Invest In 定制会议的优势包括: ·向精选的参会者展示贵公司,他们都是相关领域的专业人士 ·以个人名义向所有参会者发布邀请函和感谢信

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聚焦国际金融中心 IFC Spotlight




Swiss Franc Exchange Rates

它在许多中国投资者的视线中几乎都没有出 现过。在金融服务方面,在加勒比海的离岸 中心最受关注 ; 在物业方面,中国更加注重 在美国、加拿大和澳大利亚 ; 在设立欧洲办


事处方面,瑞士非欧盟成员的身份使它几乎 从未得到关注。 瑞士正在通过商会和外交等各种途径加 强与中国的关系。 2010 年 4 月,两国相互保护投资的协 议生效,并保证根据国际法保护和促进中国 在瑞士的投资。 瑞 士 联 邦 委 员 Johann N. SchneiderAmmann 去年在达沃斯论坛会见中国商务 部部长陈德铭,标志了自由贸易协定正式会 谈的开始。他对目标的表述毫不含糊: “从 我的角度来看,有一个想法是明确的,那就 是鼓励中国人来到这里,并留在这儿。” 双边协议的可行性研究报告结果很乐 观。虽然它显示缺乏中国向瑞士进行外国直 接投资的详细数目,而且目前的水平相对温 和,该报告宣称:“由于两国经济的互补性, 瑞士将是中国服务业和工业的大中小企业主 要的外商直接投资目标”。






7 6 5

6.9808 6.2742 5.9025

4 3

瑞士法郎/人民币 CHF/CNY

2 1 0




瑞士法郎/欧元 CHF/EUR



瑞士法郎/美元 CHF/USD




持久的卖点 瑞士的创新产业是对中国公司的另一个 卖点,它可以将技术和经验传授给中国公司。 KOF 瑞士经济研究所说,68%的瑞士公司 生产新创意,并且瑞士是经济合作与发展组 织(经合组织)内人均专利数量最多的国家。 受北京鼓励进行海外投资的中国关键产业已 经在两国贸易之间占有重要地位,从 2002 年以来,两个双边贸易额年均增长 20%, 并在 2009 年达到 95.6 亿美元。瑞士往中国 出口的商品中,机械所占的比例超过出口额 的三分之二强,化学品和药品也占有很高比 重。 低税率和教育体系造就的高度熟练的劳 动力,已经吸引超过 1000 家跨国公司在瑞 士建立了全球或地区总部。 虽然每个州设定自己的税率,个人所得 税一般上限为 23%,企业所得税为 30%, 使得它瑞士在西欧其他国家中极具吸引力。 由麦肯锡顾问和瑞士美国商会在 2009 年进行并由 OSEC 瑞士商务促进中心发布 的报告估计,约有 1400 到 3200 家中国大陆、


2012, Spring

the Chinese to come here and stay here,” he said. A bilateral feasibility report into the agreement was highly supportive. Although it said there are no detailed figures for Chinese FDI into Switzerland and that current levels are relatively modest, it stated “Switzerland will be a major FDI target country for China’s large companies and SMEs in the services and industrial sectors due to the complementarities of the two economies.”

Firm selling points Sw i t z e rl a n d’ s i n n ova t ive i n du st ry is another selling point to Chinese companies eager for tie-ins that will give them technology and experience. The KOF Swiss Economic Institute said 68 percent of Swiss firms produce

innovations, and the country has the highest number of patents per capita in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Key Chinese industries that Beijing is pushing for overseas investment already feature highly in trade between the two countries, which increased an average 20 percent year-on-year from 2002 to reach $9.56 billion in 2009. Machinery accounts for over two-thirds of Swiss exports to China, while chemicals and pharmaceuticals also figure highly. Low tax rates and a highly-skilled workforce, the latter thanks to an education system that promotes vocational learning, have led to over 1,000 multinational companies establishing global or regional headquarters in Switzerland. A study by the Osec Swiss Business Hub, the Swiss-American Chamber of

聚焦国际金融中心 IFC Spotlight

台湾、印度和韩国的公司可能会考虑在未来 15 年成立欧洲总部,其中 120 到 260 家选 择把欧洲总部设在瑞士。 规模问题 然而,由于强势货币、高生活成本和出口溢 价,瑞士可能难以说服中国企业设立大规模 的总部。 一份由瑞士贸易促进机构 OSEC 和合 作伙伴制作的报告指出了一些困难,中国企 业的主要障碍包括“在瑞士建立新组织的复 杂性和缺乏透明度”、“在几个层次上需要 与当局打交道,并需要处理各个州不同的或 不透明的要求”以及“获得签证和工作许可 要求严格,时间长”。 食品包装公司 GA Pak 是已在瑞士建立 欧洲总部的中国企业,虽然其国际业务总监 Peder Berggren 说瑞士中心位于中心的地 理区位、与主要市场良好的交通联系、技术 娴熟的员工队伍和强大的金融中心是主要的 原因,而不是较低的企业所得税税率。 “税 收是因素之一,但它不是我们议程上最高最 重要的。” Berggren 告诉在瑞士广播公司。他补充说,瑞士与欧盟密切 的贸易和行政联系弥补了 GA Pak 选择不进 入欧盟的缺憾。 然而,该公司决定将制造总部基地设立 在德国,部分是由于那里的劳动力成本较低。 事实上,主要是由于法郎的升值,苏黎世在

Commerce and McKinsey consultants conducted in 2009 estimated that between 1,400 and 3,200 mainland Chinese, Taiwanese, Indian and South Korean companies may be considering setting up European HQs in the next 15 years, with 120 to 260 choosing Switzerland A question of scale Nevertheless, the country is likely to struggle to convince Chinese firms to set up anything more than small headquarters, with the high cost of living and premium placed on any exports thanks to the strong currency. A report by Swiss trade promotion agency Osec and partners also named difficulties such as “the complexity and lack of transparency of the process for establishing a new organization in Switzerland,” and “the need to deal with authorities at several levels and varying or intransparent requirements from different cantons,” as well as “stringent requirements and long times for obtaining visas and work permits,” as being major barriers to Chinese businesses.

Food packaging firm GA Pak is one Chinese firm to have established a Europe HQ in Switzerland, although its director of international business, Peder Berggren, said the country’s central location, good transport links to key markets, highly-skilled workforce and strong financial center were the main reasons, rather than the low corporate tax rates. “Tax figured as a criterion, but it was not high up on our agenda,” Berggren told, the website of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation. He added that Switzerland’s close trade and administrative links with the EU make up for its opting out of the European economic bloc. However, the firm decided to locate its manufacturing base in Germany, in part due to the lower labor costs. Indeed, Zurich rocketed up four places to the top of the Economist’s Worldwide Cost of Living this year, mainly due to the performance of the franc. Setting up home A more promising area is property, particularly holiday-homes, which gel with Switzerland’s image as a clean,

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


聚焦国际金融中心 IFC Spotlight

照片作者 Photo by Mrcio Cabral de Moura

《经济学人》杂志的世界生活成本排名中飙 升了四位成为生活成本最高的国家城市。 安家落户 一个更有前途的领域是财产,尤其是度假屋, 这与瑞士在中国人心目中留下的清洁和山区 的形象相吻合。走强的货币可以保留房产价 值,而国家强大的教育体系也对热衷于送孩 子出国留学的富裕家庭富有吸引力。 国际地产中介 de Rham Sotheby 豪华 和国际部门的负责人 Natalie Mik,在去年瑞 士房产香港路演时对《南华早报》的记者说: “在过去两年中,我们向中国买家出售了许 多住宅,因为其中重要的一点——教育” 。 瑞士法律对外国人购买房产有严格的标 准,每年颁发大约 1500 张许可证。海外买 家仅限于在指定城市购买不超过 200 平方米 净楼面的度假屋,并且每年不能在家中居住 超过六个月。 然而,他们能在其余的时间把房子租出 去,MIK 说 6 个月的租金收入可能足以支付 购置税和一年的按揭付款。

瑞士国家银行负责制定国家的货币政策。为确保物价稳定,银行在 2011 年 9 月首次将 瑞士法郎盯住欧元,以防止货币进一步升值。

The Swiss National Bank sets monetary policy for the country. Responsible for ensuring price stability, the bank made the unprecedented move of pegging the Swiss Franc to the Euro in September 2011 to prevent further currency appreciation.

银行声誉 瑞士银行体系对选择安置财富的中国富人来 说最熟悉不过,虽然在企业和跨境货币流动 等方面,瑞士和其他离岸司法管辖区比起来 稍显不足。 该部门最近在其长期的保密政策方面受 到了一些打击,而这恰好是针对看重保密性 的中国富人的最大卖点之一。 在 2 月, 成 立 已 270 年 的 Wegelin 银 行的官员在接到美国当局关于对逃税的起诉 书后,未能出席在美国联邦法院的听证会。 检察官已发誓要继续调查。美国当局正在审 议至少另外 10 家涉嫌协助逃税的瑞士银行。 在国际社会的压力下,瑞士近年来签署 了 约 30 个避免双重征税协定,使当局获 得了更大的权力来调查涉嫌逃税案件。虽然 中国不是其中之一,但这将影响到瑞士的信 用。对于那些希望把财产放在银行或房产里 的人,瑞士仍然是一个坚实可靠的赌注。但 是,当它如果想吸引大量中国人来此进行大 规模的商业运作和制造,这个国家还有一些 大的障碍需要克服。


2012, Spring

mountainous idyll in Chinese minds. The strengthening currency ensures property will retain its value, while the country’s strong education system is also attractive for wealthy families keen on sending their children overseas to study. “In the past two years we sold a lot of properties to Chinese buyers because of one important point - education,” Natalie Mik, head of luxury and international markets for real estate agency de Rham Sotheby's International Realty, told the South China Morning Post during a Swiss property roadshow in Hong Kong last year.

Banking on its reputation The country’s renowned banking system is one area that needs little introduction to rich Chinese looking for an option to park their wealth, although it pales in its attraction compared to other offshore jurisdictions when it comes to incorporating companies and channeling

cross-border cash flows. The sector has also taken a number of hits recently, coming in the firing line for its long-standing policy of secrecy one of its main selling points to wealthy Chinese who tend to place a premium on discretion. International pressure has led to Switzerland signing around 30 double taxation agreements in recent years, giving signatories greater power in pursuing suspected cases of tax evasion. While China is not among them, the developments will have put the sheen out of the 24-carat trustworthiness the Swiss banking system was seen to have. For those looking to put their money in property or bank accounts, Switzerland still remains a solid bet. But when it comes to large-scale business operations and manufacturing, the country has some high hurdles to overcome before it finds itself on the short-list of most Chinese investors.

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通向欧洲的门户 Switzerland is an attractive headquarter location: your gateway to Europe


Claudio Mazzucchelli: 60% 的美国公司在欧洲的区域总部在瑞士,这背后必然有着充分的 理由。除了政治稳定、法制安全、对自由竞争和财产所有权给予保护以及总体基础设施完善 外,瑞士地处欧洲的心脏,是理想的国际大都市和多语商业国家。瑞士还拥有世界上最自由、 最便于营商的环境。从生产力的角度来说,瑞士在全球经济体中也是名列前茅。该国劳动力 市场具备劳动法宽松、监管少和社会稳定的特点,这都归功于社会各界的均衡和谐关系。另 外,瑞士税收适度,利率较低。 Invest In: A lot of multinational companies choose Switzerland to set up the regional Head Quarters, why is Switzerland so attractive? Claudio Mazzucchelli: 60% of all US regional headquarters in Europe are already located in Switzerland which shows that there must be some good reasons to do so. Some of the reasons are the political stability and legal security, the protection of free competition and property ownership as well as the good infrastructure in general. Switzerland, located in the heart of Europe, is an ideal cosmopolitan and multilingual business location. It also offers one of the most liberal and business friendly environments in the world. With respect to productivity, Switzerland is among the leading economies in the world. Its labor market is characterized by a liberal labor law, low regulatory density, and extraordinary social stability which has been achieved through a well-balanced relationship between the social partners. Last but not least taxes in Switzerland are modest and at a traditionally low level.

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


士以钟表、巧克力和银行而闻名于世。对那些需要设立区域总部的公司,瑞士是 否颇具吸引力?

Claudio Mazzucchelli: 瑞士为世人提供的远不止上述这三项。机械和电器工程、生物技术、 医药和化工、清洁和环境技术行业都是瑞士经济的重要组成部分。纵观历史,作为地小物稀 的内陆国家,先天不足反而激励瑞士对外采取开放的经济政策,专注于高价值的利己市场。 这正是为何如今,精密产业已成为瑞士最重要的经济领域之一,也是瑞士对外出口的重要组 成部分。就在上周,瑞士被提名为欧洲最具有创新性的国家,展现了瑞士经济环境欣欣向荣、 鼓舞人心的一面。

此外,对规模和净资产达到一定水平的公司而言,瑞士还能提供其他特殊优势。如果公司已 经在欧洲其他国家设立诸如工厂、销售办事处、研发中心之类的附属公司,则有必要在欧洲 设立区域总部,统筹管理欧洲所有运营活动,并在瑞士完成营收的税务操作。 Invest In: Switzerland is well known for its watches, chocolate and banks. For which companies is Switzerland attractive to set up a regional headquarter? Claudio Mazzucchelli: Switzerland offers much more than the mentioned three pillars. Mechanical and electrical engineering, biotech, pharmacy and chemicals, clean and environmental technology industries are major branches of the Swiss economy. Historically, the constraints of being a landlocked and small country without natural resources have encouraged Switzerland to adopt an open policy towards the world economy, specializing in high value-added niche markets. That is why nowadays, the precision industry is one of our most important economic sectors and at the same time contributes to a substantial part of our exports. And Switzerland has been nominated as the country in Europe with the highest rate of innovations for more than once, which shows that the environment is very inspiring. However special advantages can be identified for companies of a certain size and net worth volume. If a company has already various subsidiaries in Europe such as factories, sales offices or research centers, it does make sense for this company to set up a regional headquarter in Europe. With a regional headquarter, all the activities in Europe can be steered from one place and revenue can be taxed in Switzerland.


Claudio Mazzucchelli: 和其他投资者一样,中国投资者在瑞士设立公司需遵循相应的流程。 但在 3 周之内———具体取决于项目情况———投资者便可设立公司。凭借与欧盟的双边协 议及历来紧密的经济联系,瑞士作为欧洲商业和金融中心的有利地位得以不断提升。2008 年 11 月,瑞士成为了申根成员国。自那时起,中国公民只需申请欧洲某申根国家的签证, 便可前往所有申根国家,包括瑞士。我们在北京的经济促进团可随时为您提供建议,并协助 中国公司寻找恰当的合作伙伴。瑞士期待中瑞今后有更多合作。 Invest In: Is it difficult to set up a company or headquarter in Switzerland? Are there specific difficulties to be expected? Claudio Mazzucchelli: Just like other investors, Chinese investors need to follow certain procedures to set up their companies in Switzerland. However within three weeks – depending on the project - you may be able to set up your company. Thanks to Switzerland’s bilateral agreements with the EU and its traditionally close economic ties, Switzerland strengthens its position as a business location and financial center in Europe. In November 2008, Switzerland became a Schengen member state. Since then, Chinese nationals need only to apply for a visa in one European Schengen state in order to travel in all of them, including Switzerland. Our Investment Promotion team in Beijing is always there to give first advice and assist Chinese companies to find the right partners. Switzerland is looking forward to see more future cooperation between China and Switzerland.


2012, Spring

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About us >

瑞士投资促进署是瑞士官方投资促进机构,职能是为外国直接投资以及瑞士出口公司提供支 持。隶属于 OSEC(瑞士主要贸易机构)和联邦外交部,我们能够获取巨大的信息库,有着 高层次专业人士的关系网络,通过我们的关系网络,我们可以帮您联系上您合适的合作伙伴。 同时,我们密切与各州政府的商业开发机构合作,使我们能够为客户提供高效、定制和成功 的服务。我们为来自中国的直接投资者服务,并确保潜在的雇主、经理、顾问和其他促进人 士获得瑞士作为商业据点的信息。 Switzerland Trade & Investment Promotion is the the official Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) which supports foreign direct investments (FDI) as well as Swiss companies who want to export. As part of Osec - the Swiss core trade agency - and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, we have access to a large pool of knowledge and a network of high professionals, which we will use to connect you with the right partners. In the same time, we cooperate closely with the business development agencies of the individual cantons, so that we’re able to provide you with an efficient, tailored and successful service. We provide services for direct investors from the China and ensure that potential employers, managers, consultants and other facilitators receive information about Switzerland as a business location.

我们的服务 Our Service >

瑞士投资促进署打开了通向瑞士及其及其政府机构的大门。与来自不同地区和各州及私营部 门的伙伴密切合作,在公司制定业务方案时,我们协助公司 : • 联系地区和州经济投资开发办公室 • 寻找在瑞士理想的地点 • 满足法律和行政方面的需求 • 与瑞士公司在同行业中建立伙伴关系 • 采购工作和居留许可 • 定义理想的企业结构和教授瑞士税收系统 • 定义理想的企业结构和教授瑞士税收系统 • 帮助中国代表团组织瑞士商务行 Switzerland. Trade & Investment Promotion.» opens the door to Switzerland and its authorities. In close collaboration with partners from different regions and cantons and from the private sector, the programme assists companies as they plan their operations: • Making contact with regional and cantonal economic development offices • Looking for the ideal location in Switzerland • Meeting legal and administrative requirements • Working together with research centres and universities • Entering into partnerships with Swiss companies in the same sector • Procuring work and residence permits • Defining the ideal corporate structure and learning about the Swiss tax system • Help Chinese delegation to organize the business trip in Switerland

联系我们! 我们竭诚为您服务! Contact us! We are here for you! 瑞士投资促进署 瑞士驻华大使馆 北京市三里屯东五街 3 号 Switzerland. Trade & Investment Promotion. Embassy of Switzerland Sanlitun Dongwujie 3, Beijing 100600

Tel: + 86 10 85327536 Fax:+ 86 10 65322736 Email:

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


聚焦国际金融中心 IFC Spotlight

专访 Interview 专访 BFI Capital Group 公司 CEO 兼总裁 Frank Seuss 先生 Interview with Frank Seuss, CEO & Chairman, BFI Capital Group 1. 瑞士长期以来一直服务欧洲客户,但对中

1.Switzerland has long been serving


European clients but is a newer


feature on the Chinese radar. What


are the main attractions and benefits


of Switzerland for Chinese investors?

和文化等因素,瑞士也对中国投资者也有吸 引力。简单地说,人们欣赏瑞士,因为“瑞 士井井有条”——火车准时,服务及时,有 伟大的学校,良好的食物,美丽的自然风光 和清新的空气。 瑞士的人均财富(人均 372692 美元) 是世界上最高的,也西方世界收入水平最高 的国家之一。在过去的几十年里,苏黎世和 日内瓦经常被评为世界上生活质量最高的城 市。当其他西方国家,尤其美国、英国和越 来越多的欧盟国家,受前所未有的债务和赤 字水平困扰走向下坡时,瑞士在 2011 年, 再次在贸易和财政预算方面取得好成绩。 最重要的一点,我相信安全、坚实的法 律和独立性,都使得瑞士成为富裕的国际投 资者和家庭的首选。高度的安全性也体现在 我们长期的中立历史。瑞士于 1815 年中立, 这种中立性是自愿的、永久的和有武装的, 它旨在确保外部安全,这也是为什么我们没 有被卷入两次世界大战的原因。 由于中国正在崛起成为世界经济强国, 在过去的几年中,越来越多的中国富裕家庭 考虑移民瑞士来保持自己的财富。这就是我 们集团决定在香港建立分支机构的原因,我 们的第一个办公室将在今年 4 月开业。 国际投资者理解选择一个安全及财政健 康的司法管辖区是至关重要的,这样的司法 管辖区具有长期可追溯的经济和政治稳定历 史,并且重视金融隐私和财政责任。无论媒 体上有没有谈论到,保护客户隐私是瑞士金 融的文化的一个重要因素。 2. 近年来,中国在瑞士的外国直接投资实 现了增长。你会如何解释这些变化?

Really, Swiss financial services and related industries are attractive for any

international investor, including a Chinese investor, because of a number of factors

that are deeply ingrained in our country’s history, political system and culture. To put

it simply, people appreciate Switzerland because “things work in Switzerland” – trains are on time, services are prompt, there are great schools, good food, beautiful nature and clean air.

Switzerland enjoys the highest per capita wealth in the world (with USD 372,692

for each person) and one of the highest income levels in the Western world. Zurich and

Geneva, over the past decades, have regularly been ranked amongst the cities with the highest quality of life in the world. While other Western nations, most prominently the

United States, the United Kingdom and a growing number of EU countries, are moving

farther down the road of unprecedented debt and deficit levels, Switzerland, in 2011, again has written positive numbers in terms of trade and fiscal budgets.

Most importantly, I believe that it is the safety, the solid rule of law and the

independence that have made Switzerland a top choice for wealthy international investors and families. The high degree of safety is also reflected in our long lasting

history of neutrality. Being established 1815, Switzerland’s neutrality is self-imposed,

permanent, and armed, designed to ensure external security, which is also a reason why we were not involved in both world wars.

As China is rising to be the World’s economic power, over the past few years it

has become noticeable that a growing number of very wealthy Chinese families are

considering Switzerland as a jurisdiction for immigration and to keep their wealth. This is one of the reasons why our group has decided to establish a presence in Hong Kong, with our first office being opened in April of this year.

International investors understand the critical importance to choose a safe and

fiscally healthy jurisdiction with a long track record of economic and political stability,

financial privacy and fiscal responsibility. Notwithstanding what is or is not discussed in the media, privacy and being private about clients’ affairs is still a vital element of the Swiss financial scene and culture.


2.Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Switzerland has grown over recent years.


How would you explain these changes?


2012, Spring

聚焦国际金融中心 IFC Spotlight

国投资者越来越意识到瑞士的优势。 2009 年在瑞士管理的来自亚太地区的境外财富 约 2100 亿 瑞 士 法 郎, 占 整 个 瑞 士 市 场 约 10.5%。 在我看来,除了瑞士被广泛认为是世界 私人银行和财富管理中心之外,这主要还与 以下两个因素有关。 首先,选择国际城市的中国投资者一般 都是聪明和成功的商人。他们认识到偿付能 力和货币纪律的重要性。在这方面,一个重 要的担忧是过去被认为是繁荣中心的西方经 济加速消亡。最值得注意的是,美国经济不 是处于良好状态。瑞士,如上所述,是值得 考虑作为替代和更安全的选择。 其次,它与中国经济所取得的进展和成 功有关。在过去几年中,我们已经看到了中 国高净值人士(富裕人士)的数量惊人的增 长。在全球范围内,根据国际货币基金组织 的数据,富裕人士的数量在 2009 年增长了 12%,中国位列全球第四。 3. 中国和欧美投资者之间有什么区别么? 除了文化上的不同,期望和目标也有相当大 的差异。来自欧洲或美国的富裕家庭关注的 重点是资本保全、资产保护和安全。他们需 要将财富分散,以保护合法所得以及避免经 济风险。一般来说,中国投资者不一样。 我们的核心投资策略,也即参考瑞士 法郎的均衡的宏观战略,在 2011 年产生了 6.5%的回报。这无论怎么看都是比较好的 表现。然而,中国的投资者,即使他们在过 去的几年亏了很多,仍然志在两位数的回报 率。20 到 30 年来他们都享有蓬勃发展的经 济和显著的投资回报。他们尚没有完全意识 到世界经济已经更为险恶和动荡,所以的确 需要更合理谨慎的风险管理。 此外,欧洲和美国的投资者都相当关注 监管问题,并有扎实的税务和遗产规划。我 接触的大多数中国投资者都不是这样。他们 感兴趣的隐私、资产保护和服务。税收筹划 不在他们的考虑内,即便在中国严格执行税 收法规仅仅是一个时间的问题。 4. 瑞士有没有为中国投资者量身定制的服

The majority of the funds invested in Switzerland, about 49 percent, still originate from

Europe. However, Chinese investors are increasingly aware of the Swiss advantages. In 2009 the offshore wealth managed in Switzerland from the Asian – Pacific Area was around CHF 210 Billion, around 10.5 percent of the entire Swiss market. In my opinion,

next to the fact that Switzerland is widely considered the premier center for private banking and wealth management in the world, this has to do mainly with two factors.

First of all, Chinese investors who compare the international options available

are generally smart and successful business men. They recognize the importance of

solvency and monetary discipline. In this regard, the accelerating demise of Western economies that, in the past, were considered strongholds of economic prosperity,

is reason for concern. Most notably, the American economy is not in good shape. Switzerland, as discussed above, is worth consideration as an alternative and safer option.

Secondly, it has to do with the progress and economic success in China. Over the

past years, we have seen an incredible growth in the numbers of High Net-Worth Individuals (HNWI) in China. Worldwide, according to IMF numbers, the number of HNWIs grew by 12 percent in 2009, China being number four in the world.

3. Are there any differences between Chinese investors and their European or American counterparts? Apart from the cultural differences and nuances, there is a considerable difference

in expectations and objectives. When dealing with wealthy families from Europe or the United States, the focus is primarily on capital preservation, asset protection and safety. They are interested in diversifying their wealth jurisdictionally, in order to protect what they have from legal as well as economic risks. Generally, that is quite different with Chinese investors.

Our core investment strategy, a balanced macro strategy, with reference currency

Swiss francs, produced a return of 6.5 percent in 2011. That is an exceptionally good performance by any comparison. However, Chinese investors, even if they lost a lot over the past few years, are still interested in double digit returns. It appears that,

since over the past 20 to 30 years they have enjoyed a flourishing economy and remarkable investment returns, they have not yet realized that the world’s economy

has entered a much more treacherous and volatile territory, which really justifies a higher degree of caution and risk management.

Furthermore, European and American investors are quite concerned with

regulatory issues, and with solid tax and estate planning. Most Chinese investors I

speak with are not. They are interested in privacy, asset protection and service. Tax

planning is not really on their radar, even though it is only a matter of time that stricter enforcement of tax regulations will be implemented in China.

4. Have any moves been made by Switzerland to specifically appeal to the needs


of Chinese investors?


Absolutely, the Swiss and Chinese governments have become increasingly active in


developing their co-operation at various levels in the last years. Switzerland is one of Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


聚焦估计金融中心 IFC Spotlight

中国启动自由贸易协定谈判的欧洲国家之 一。这些谈判正在顺利进行,其前景相当 光明。 越来越多的瑞士金融机构正在摩拳擦 掌,为中国投资者服务。随着越来越多的中 国投资者将瑞士视作主要金融中心和旅游目 的地,瑞士所提供的服务也将继续增长。 5. 瑞士法郎被看作是一个高度稳定的货币资 产。货币对投资者的吸引力在哪里,它在未 来有什么应用前景? 瑞士没有外汇管制,是唯一在西半球,从来 没有对资金外流施加任何外部的外汇管制的 国家,这足以证明,在瑞士投资的资金是安 全和触手可及的。 瑞士法郎是自由浮动的货币。它与美元 汇率长期趋势显示了瑞士经济和其货币的实 力。自 1971 年以来,瑞士法郎在过去的 40 年,已累计升值超过 4 个美元。 根本上来说,瑞士的基本面非常稳固。 更重要的是,其他国际货币,包括美元和欧 元的基本面渐弱。瑞士整体经济及政治状况, 如前所述,使得瑞士货币有可信赖的传统。

the first European countries to initiate negotiations for a free trade agreement with

China. These are well underway and very promising. A growing number of Swiss financial institutions are gearing up their services for Chinese investors. And, as the

Chinese discover Switzerland as a premier financial center and destination for travel, the service offering will continue to grow.

5. The Swiss Franc is seen as a highly stable currency in which to hold assets. What is the appeal of the currency to investors and what are its prognoses for the future? Switzerland has no exchange controls and is the only country in the Western

Hemisphere that has never imposed any external exchange controls on the outflow of

funds - sufficient proof that money invested in Switzerland will remain safe and within reach.

The Swiss Franc is a free-floating currency. The long-term trend in comparison to

the US dollar underlines the historic strength of the Swiss economy and its currency.

Over the last 40 years, since 1971, the Swiss Franc has appreciated by a factor of more than four relative to the U.S. Dollar.

Ultimately, the fundamentals of Switzerland are very solid. And, more importantly,

the fundamentals of other international currencies, including the US dollar and the

euro, are becoming increasing weak in comparison. The overall economic and political

package of Switzerland, as discussed earlier, has led to a long tradition of trust in the


Swiss currency. It is considered strong and a secure store of value – the image of a

6. 瑞士的法律和监管环境是如何变化的,这

6. How is the legal and regulatory environment in Switzerland changing and


"sound money" so to speak.


what does this mean for the type of financial products that the country will offer


in the future?


Particularly in private banking and wealth management, Switzerland has been

欧和北美客户的结构性变化似乎不可避免。 瑞士的金融机构,尤其是私人银行和财 富管理,必须检查市场关注的焦点,他们的 服务和商业模式。与德国和英国签订的预扣 税市场访问条约减少了瑞士银行和其经营模 式的不确定性。但是,他们也带来了相当高 的成本和监管的复杂性。这减弱了服务于这 些市场的吸引力。 最终,监管的收紧意味着来自上述瑞士 财富管理核心市场的资产将继续下降。另一 方面,来自新兴市场的资产正在经历强劲的 增长,并日益重要。这对于中国投资者是个 好消息。在未来几年内,他们能够获得一系 列更高水平的服务,瑞士的财富管理行业正 越来越集中地为中国市场提供服务。

confronted with a growing pressure from abroad in the context of cross-border

business. Further structural change, particularly when it comes to dealing with Western European and North American clients, appears inevitable.

It will be essential for Swiss financial institutions, private banks and wealth

managers in particular, to check their market focus, their services and business models. The withholding tax/market access treaties with Germany and the UK reduce the uncertainty about Swiss banks and their operating models. But, they also entail

the danger of considerably higher costs and regulatory complexity. This makes serving those markets less attractive.

Ultimately, the regulatory tightening means that assets sourced from the

aforementioned and former core markets of Swiss wealth management will continue to decline. Assets from emerging markets, on the other hand, are experiencing

stronger growth and are quickly gaining in importance. This is good news for investors from China. They can expect a growing array and heightened level of services made

available to them over the coming years, as the Swiss wealth management industries increasingly focuses on offering its services to the Chinese market.


2012, Spring


在充满竞争和波动的 市场中,中国建筑商 只有发展才能生存

Chinese Builders need Upgrade to Survive in Competitive and Volatile Markets By Leo Zhang

过去的十年中,中国一直积极寻求 在海外基础设施建设领域的商机, 并赢得了许多回报丰厚的订单。然

而,随着这几年来的快速扩张,该产业已经 遇到了瓶颈。 虽然中国仍然是最大的海外项目建造商 之一,去年伴随着对全球性经济衰退的担忧 和世界各地政治动乱,该行业的扩张已明显 放缓。 2011 年 在 前 10 个 月, 中 国 制 造 商 在 海外的项目同比增长 15.3%,创营业收入 760.8 亿美元。但新订单仅仅微升,比前一 年略长 8.8%,为 1045.7 亿美元。这比起


or the past decade, China has been actively pursuing business opportunities in overseas infrastructure construction and pocketed a hefty amount of orders with handsome returns. However, after years of blistering expansion, the sector has come across a bottleneck. Although China remained one of the biggest constructors of overseas projects last year, the industry ’s expansion apparently cooled as worries about a global economic recession reappeared

and political unrest was rife across the world. In the first 10 months of 2011, Chinese builders chalked up business revenue of US$76.08 billion in overseas projects, up 15.3 percent year on year. However new orders only edged up 8.8 percent from 2010 to US$104.57 billion. The growth clip was far below the average of more than 20 percent during the 2006-2010 period, showing clear signs of a declining trend. Now, industry experts are calling for greater integration and cooperation among Chinese construction companies in order to win more contracts in an increasingly competitive market. “A capital shortage and shrinking demand amid the worldwide economic s l owd ow n w i l l h i n d e r t h e g row t h of Chinese contractors in overseas infrastructure projects in the next few years,” said Zhang Ru’en, vice chairman of China International Contractors Association, in its annual work report. The association represents more than 1,300 Chinese construction companies. “Companies must seek transformation and upgrade in order to counter the challenges,” Zhang said. According to statistics provided by McGraw-Hill’s Engineering NewsRecord, which tracks the world’s top 225 International contractors, Chinese companies accounted for 39 percent and 23 percent of the total business last year in Africa and Asia, respectively. The areas Chinese constructors have an edge include traffic infrastructure, petrochemical and house building. The market share of Chinese builders in Middle East and Latin America regions also increased while some of them have made breakthroughs in East Europe, including Belarus and Georgia, according to the CICA. H oweve r, t h e re we re t wo m a i n Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


2006-2010 年期间年均 20%以上的增幅, 呈现出了明显的下降趋势。 现在,业内专家呼吁中国建筑公司之间 加强统一与合作,从而在竞争日益激烈的市 场中获得更多的订单。 “全球经济放缓过程中的资本短缺和需

图片作者 Photo by Jim Linwood


总部位于英国里士满的泰晤士水务公司是该国最大的供水和污水处理服务提供商。中 投最近购买了该公司 8.68%的股份,此举可能标志着中国在海外基础设施方面的投资将转 而侧重于发达国家。

Thames Water, headquartered in Richmond, England, is the country’s largest water and wastewater service provider. China Investment Corporation’s recent purchase of an 8.68 percent stake in the country may mark a new direction in Chinese overseas infrastructure investments, focusing on developed countries.

求萎缩会在未来几年阻碍中国承包商在海外 基础设施项目的增长。”中国对外承包工程 商会(CICA)副会长张汝恩在其年度工作 报告中说道。该协会代表 1300 多家中国建 筑公司。 “为了应对挑战,企业必须寻求 转型升级。”张会长说。 据 McGraw-Hill 工程新闻记录追踪世界 顶尖的 225 家国际承包商提供的统计数字显 示,中国企业分别承包了去年非洲和亚洲工 程中的 39%和 23%。中国企业有优势的领 域包括交通基础设施、 石油化工和房屋建筑。 CICA 数据显示中国在中东和拉美地区建 筑市场份额也有所增加,而另一些企业已经在 东欧的白俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚等国家有所突破。 然而,业务增长放缓的背后有两个主要 原因:一方面, 全球资本短缺推迟了一些项目, 而利比亚、叙利亚和也门的动乱也对一些中 国公司业务造成了影响 ; 另一方面,中国承 包商的管理经验在更加激烈的竞争中显得落 后,他们已经失去了低成本的优势,却还没 有彻底研究海外市场,这使他们很难适应客 户的需要。 一位中型建筑公司不愿透露姓名的高管 说:“市场前景不太好,今年我们面临国内 信贷紧缩和外部需求下降。我们并不打算在


2012, Spring

reasons behind the slower business growth. A global capital shortage has postponed some projects while unrest in Libya, Syria and Yemen has cast some impact on Chinese companies’ business. Additionally, Chinese contractors lag in management expertise, and they no longer have the low-cost advantages and have yet to study overseas markets thoroughly, making it hard for them to adapt to clients’ need. “The market prospect isn’t very promising this year as we face a credit squeeze domestically and declining external demand,” said an executive with a medium-sized construction company. “We don’t plan to take risky moves in some of the African and Middle East markets while demand in Western markets continues to be weak; we have to rely on our existing projects and may seek opportunities in some central Asian and Latin American regions,” said the

executive, who asked not to be identified. “Global economic slowdown, regional political risks and local protectionism will become the key factors that prevent Chinese builders from expanding in foreign markets,” said Zhang with the CICA. “Middle East and North African regions will have unrest that could threaten China’s overseas infrastructure projects, while Chinese contractors will likely face more pressure from foreign governments, which are increasingly turning their focus to gauging projects’ influence on local employment and environment.” Zhang also pointed out that some European and US builders may again train their sight on middle-to-low-end overseas markets amid the backdrop of weaker domestic demand, which could beef up competition with Chinese counterparts. From a domestic perspective,


一些非洲和中东市场采取冒险的举动,而西 方市场的需求又持续疲弱。我们必须依靠我 们现有的项目,并寻求一些中亚和拉美地区 的潜在机会。” “全球经济增长放缓,区域政治风险和 地方保护主义将成为阻碍中国建筑公司海外 扩张的关键因素,”CICA 的张会长说,“中 东和北非地区的不稳定将可能威胁到中国的 海外基础设施项目,而中国承包商可能会面 临更多的来自外国政府的压力,他们已经越 来越重视项目对当地的就业和环境的影响。” 张会长还指出,由于国内需求疲软,一 些欧洲和美国的制造商可能会再次转战中低 端海外市场,这可能使中国公司面对更激烈 的竞争。 从中国国内来看,中国企业很难在受监 管的信贷市场和疲弱的股市中筹集资金来向

regulatory control over credit and a sluggish stock market has made it hard for Chinese companies to raise capital and expand overseas. As construction growth slows in China, many builders are forced to “go out,” which could spur vicious competition, market insiders said. “In the next five years, Chinese companies have to cooperate with each other and improve project quality in order to sustain their growth,” said Zhang. “More focus should be given to higherend projects with localized operation models and effective mechanisms to ward off risks.”


Recent Major Chinese Infrastructure Investments 年份 Year 2009










月份 Month 7月 Jul

5月 May 6月 Jun 3月 Mar

投资者 Investor

中铁股份有限公司 China Railways

中信集团及中国铁建集团 CITIC and China Railways Construction

合同金额 (百万美元) Quantity in Millions $7,500 $6,200

中国远洋运输公司 COSCO


中国交通建设股份有限公司 China Communications Construction


中铁股份有限公司 China Railways


2月 Feb

中国铁建集团 China Railway Construction


7月 Jul

中国机械工业集团 Sinomach


中国交通建设股份有限公司 China Communications Construction


12 月 Dec

6月 Jun

2月 Feb

2月 Feb

中国铁建集团 China Railway Construction


中国铁建集团 China Railway Construction


来源:美国传统基金会 Source: The Heritage Foundation

行业 Sector

国家 Country


委内瑞拉 Venezuela


高速公路 Highway

阿尔及利亚 Algeria

铁路 Rail

印度尼西亚 Indonesia

集装箱码头 Container terminal

希腊 Greece

铁路和港口 Rail and seaport

塞拉利昂 Sierra Leone

铁路 Rail

阿尔及利亚 Algeria

铁路 Rail

沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia

铁路 Rail

铁路 Rail

机场 Airport

利比亚 Libya

阿根廷 Argentina

苏丹 Sudan

Expansion on the way Africa is still one of the key markets for Chinese constructors. New construction contracts in Africa signed by Chinese companies reached US$25.2 billion last year, according to data from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. Projects cover roads, railways, bridges, ports, hospitals, communications and power. In January, African leaders were meeting at the African Union’s new US$200 million headquarters, built by China State Construction Engineering Corp, in Ethiopia. China will provide 600 million yuan of free assistance to the African Union over the next three years, Jia Qinglin, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, said in a speech at the headquarters’ opening ceremony. Other prominent projects last year included a project funded by the ChinaAfrica Fund to develop wireless digital TV network in the Africa continent and a program by China Gezhouba Group Corp to revamp a rail line in Nigeria. Gezhouba Group, builder of the world's largest hydroelectric project, in 2007 won a US$1.5 billion contract to build a dam in Nigeria. Gezhouba Group has also signed a 4 . 9 7 b i l l i o n y u a n c o n t ra c t w i t h Kazakhstan Natural Gas Technology Co to build a hydropower station, with a capacity of 254 megawatts, on the Chilik river in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. Some market analysts also believe t h a t ra i lway p ro j e c t s i n ove r s e a s markets could bring benefits to Chinese companies, which have apparent advantages in financing and building such projects. Potential markets include Africa, South America and Southeast Asian countries. “ We ex p ec t Chi n ese c om p a n ies to participate in at least a quarter of Spring, 2012 INVEST IN



图片提供 Photo byShaun Merritt

海外扩张。市场人士说随着中国建设增长的 放缓和政府对房地产持续调控,许多制造商 都被迫采取“走出去”的策略,从而激化了 恶性竞争。 “在未来五年中,中国企业必须相互配 合,提高工程质量,以维持其增长,”CICA 的张会长说, “企业应更注重本地化模式 运作和带有风险防御机制的高端项目。” 扩张在继续 非洲仍然是中国建设公司的主要市场之一。 中国商务部的数据显示,中国公司在非洲签 订的新建筑合同去年达到 252 亿美元,项目 涉及公路、铁路、桥梁、港口、医院、通讯 和电力。 一月,非洲领导人在埃塞俄比亚耗资 2 亿美元建造的新非盟总部举行会议。该总部 由中国建筑工程总公司建造。中国人民政治 协商会议常委主席贾庆林在总部的开幕典礼 上致辞时说,中国将在未来三年向非洲联盟 提供 6000 万人民币的无偿援助。 去年其他重要的项目包括由中非基金会 出资在非洲大陆开发建设的无线数字电视网 络,以及由中国葛洲坝集团公司在尼日利亚

中国在国内铁路建设过程中积累了大量的专业知识,这使他们在非洲的项目中竞标成 功。这座为纪念 1 万 7 千华人兴建的加拿大太平洋铁路纪念碑显示出众所周知的中国铁路 建设经验。

The Chinese have a great deal of expertise in building domestic railroads that have enabled them to successfully bid for these constructs in Africa, and the Chinese experience in building railways is widely known, as this monument to the seventeen thousand Chinese who build the Canadian Pacific railway shows.

的铁路改造项目。作为全球最大水电工程的 建设公司,葛洲坝集团在 2007 年从尼日利亚 那里获得了价值 15 亿美元的大坝建设合同。 一些市场分析家还认为,海外市场的铁 路项目可以使在融资和建设等方面有明显优 势的中国企业获益。潜在市场包括非洲、南 美及东南亚国家。 中国建银投资证券有限责任公司的分析 师罗泽兵说:“我们觉得中国公司会参与至 少四分之一海外新铁路项目的建设,它们能 带来价值高达 2500 亿元人民币的合同。” 除了基础设施建设公司,中国建筑设 备制造商也正在加紧向海外扩张。今年一 月,中国首富梁稳根拥有的三一重工有限公 司携其中国合作伙伴宣布将投资 3600 万欧 元购买混凝土泵制造商 Putzmeister 控股有 限公司。中国的中联重工科技有限公司还 计划建立一个美国工厂,来挑战国际巨头 Caterpillar 和 Komatsu。 常驻上海的独立分析师 Richard Luo 表 示:“虽然海外市场的建设需求尚未恢复, 目前的债务危机给中国企业创造了购买竞争 对手的机会。中国机械制造商比建筑商的前


2012, Spring

the new railway construction projects overseas,” said Luo Zebing, an analyst with China Jianyin Investment Securities Co. “Those can bring contracts worth as much as 250 billion yuan.” Besides infrastructure builders, Chinese construction-equipment makers have also been stepping up efforts to expand overseas. In January, Sany Heavy Industry Co, headed by China’s richest man Liang Wengen, and its Chinese partner said they will pay 360 million euros for concrete-pump maker Putzmeister Holding GmbH. China’s Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co also plans to build a plant in the US as Chinese constructionequipment producers seek to challenge Caterpillar and Komatsu internationally. “Although demand for construction has yet to recover strongly in overseas markets, the current debt crisis gives

Chinese companies opportunities to buy rivals,” said Richard Luo, an independent analyst based in Shanghai. “Chinese machinery makers will have a better business prospect than constructors as they can target both domestic and overseas clients.”

Growing risks However, the kidnappings of 54 Chinese citizens in Egypt and Sudan early this year signals growing jitters for Chinese authorities as the country sends more people to work on infrastructure projects in dangerous places overseas. Although the two incidents were solved after government intervention, they reflect growing risks in overseas markets for both Chinese companies as they are involved in overseas projects such as roads, cellphone networks and ports.


景更好,因为他们既能服务国内客户,又能 服务国外客户。” 风险在增长 然而, 今年年初 54 名中国公民在埃及和苏丹 被绑架让中国当局变得日益紧张,中国正派 遣更多的工人去往这些危险的海外市场工作。 虽然这两个事件最后在政府干预下得以 解决,但是它们反映了中国企业参与海外项 目(如道路、手机网络和港口建设)方面的 风险越来越大。 华盛顿战略与国际研究中心的资深研究 员 Bonnie Glase 在接受彭博新闻社的采访 时表示,由于缺乏全球军事力量,中国经常 支付赎金解救人质。 “中国很容易成为一个目标,”Glaser 说, “他们希望迅速化解这些危机,他们愿意付 钱,这让劫匪们把中国工人当作了目标。这 些工人到处都有。” 中国采取了鼓励境外投资的“走出去” 战略,这导致在海外中国工人数量的上升。 商务部数据显示,截至 2011 年底海外的中

Bonnie Glaser, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, told Bloomberg News that lacking a military to project power globally, the Chinese often pay ransoms to free hostages. “China’s an easy target,” Glaser said. “They want to defuse these situations quickly, they ’re willing to pay and that just emboldens people to go after their workers. And their workers are everywhere.” China’s “Going-Out” policy, which was designed to prompt investment abroad, led to a rise in the number of workers overseas. China had 812,000 workers abroad at the end of 2011, double the number from 2002, according to the Ministry of Commerce. C h i n a e va c u a t e d 3 5 , 8 6 0 o f i t s

2011 年中国领先海外工程承包商

国工人数量为 812000,相比 2002 年底的

Top Chinese International Contractors (2011)

数量增加一倍。 ENR 排名 RANK

在利比亚战争期间,中国政府撤离在那 里的 35860 个公民。利比亚的动乱给中国企 业造成的损失不仅是石油价格的上涨。商务





















部数据显示,中国至少有 27 个建设项目遭 受到了直接的影响。商务部部长陈德铭说, 中国公司在利比亚经营的项目价值估计为 188 亿美元。 由于战事,超过 75 家中国国有企业的 50 项利比亚在建项目已被暂停。其中的四家 上市公司分别为中国铁建、葛洲坝集团、中 冶股份有限公司和中国建筑工程总公司。 根据国务院国有资产监督管理委员会的数据 显示,四家上市公司暂停项目未完成合同价 值超过了 410 亿元人民币,中国铁建一家就 占了近 240 亿元人民币。 在利比亚的损失促使国务院需要探索更 好的方法来维护中国在海外的资产。《21 世 纪经济报道》消息显示,国务院正在考虑建

由于中国企业在不发达的国家遭受到了损 失,中国正在逐渐将注意力转移到拥有更加

citizens from Libya during the war there. The unrest in Libya has cost Chinese companies dearly beyond the rising price of oil. At least 27 Chinese construction projects had suffered directly from attacks, according to the Ministry of Commerce. The value of projects operated by Chinese companies in Libya is estimated at US$18.8 billion, according to Commerce Minister Chen Deming. More than 50 projects by 75 stateowned Chinese companies in Libya have been suspended due to the uprising. Among those are four listed companies: China Railway Construction, Gezhouba Group, Metallurgical Corp of China and China State Construction Engineering Corp. The value of unfinished contracts at suspended projects of the four listed


2010 年国际业务收入 2010 REVENUE INT’L

中国交通建设股份有限公司 China Communications Construction Group Ltd.


中国建筑股份有限公司 China State Construction Eng’g Corp. Ltd. 中国水利水电建设集团公司 Sinohydro Corp.

中国机械工业集团公司 China National Machinery Industry Corp.

4,871.7 4,010.0 3,529.5

中国石油工程建设公司 China Petroleum Eng’g & Construction Corp.


中信建设有限责任公司 CITIC Construction Co. Ltd.


中国铁建股份有限公司 China Railway Construction Corp. Ltd.


中国中铁股份有限公司 China Railway Group Ltd.


来源:《工程新闻记录》,2011 年度全球最大工程承包商排名 Source: Engineering News-Record (ENR) , The Top 225 International Contractors (2011)

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN



稳定政治环境的发达国家。 今年 1 月,中国投资有限责任公司宣布, 它已经通过全资子公司收购了泰晤士水务 8.68%的股份,泰晤士水务公司是英国最大 的供水和污水处理服务提供商,为 140 万客 户提供服务。 这是中投在英国基础设施领域的第一笔 交易,它有望帮助公司实现投资的多样化。 在交易宣布之前三天,英国财政大臣乔治·奥 斯本在北京告诉中国国务院副总理王岐山, 英方期待着中国在基础设施领域的投资。 中投公司董事长楼继伟在英国《金融 时报》撰文表示,该主权财富基金希望投 资欧洲和美国投资基础设施,以促进全球 经济增长。 楼继伟写道:“现在,欧洲和美国的基 础设施项目迫切需要更多的投资。传统上, 中方只是作为一个承包商参与海外基础设施 项目。现在,中国的投资者也看到了投资、 开发和经营项目的需要。” 楼继伟认为英国是世界上最开放的经济 体之一,并且表达了与基金经理合作参与股 权投资英国基础设施的积极意向。在这种合 作形式中,政府可以与本地或海外的机构投 资者分担投资的风险及回报。 他说:“中投公司认为这种秉着商业原 则的投资提供了一个 ' 双赢 ' 的解决方案。” 他援引英国财政部和美国土木工程师学会公 布的数据指出,到 2015 年英国在能源、水、 交通和其他基础设施方面大约需要 2000 亿 英镑的投入,而美国将需要至少 2.2 万亿美 元来修复和重建基础设施。 中国政府在 2007 年创立了中投公司, 希望外汇储备能获得更好的境外投资回报。 中投持有的大部分资产是美国和欧洲的政府 债券。中投表示,它的投资是出于商业而非 政治目的。 花旗集团经济学家沈明高认为,中投公 司投资基础设施建设的举动可能反映的只是 公司而不是政府的商业判断。这一举措将有 助于中投获得更稳定的收益,并降低中国遭 受美国和欧洲政府债券市场波动的风险。 他说: “有一种普遍的观点认为,中国不 应投资于美国国债或欧洲主权债券。相反, 为什么我们不能直接拥有他们国家的资产呢? 如果选择投资单个项目,你不需要依靠政府 担保,受到主权债务危机的影响也会减轻。”


2012, Spring

firms is more than 41 billion yuan, with China Railway Construction accounting for nearly 24 billion yuan, according to the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The losses in Libya have prompted the State Council, China's Cabinet, to explore better ways of safeguarding Chinese assets in foreign lands. The State Council is considering the establishment of a new department to take on that task, according to 21st Century Business Herald.

Government involvement? As companies suffered losses in u n d e rd e ve l o p e d c o u n t r i e s , C h i n a is gradually shifting its attention to developed nations with more stable political environment. C h i n a I nve s t m e n t C o r p s a i d i n January that it had acquired an 8.68 percent stake in Thames Water through a wholly-owned unit. Thames Water was UK's largest water and wastewater service provider, serving 14 million customers. Just three days before the deal was announced, George Osborne, the UK's finance minister, told Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan in Beijing that the UK side is looking forward to Chinese investment in its infrastructure area. CIC chairman Lou Jiwei said earlier in an opinion piece in the Financial Times that the sovereign wealth fund wants to invest in improving infrastructure in Europe and the United States to spur global growth. “Now, infrastructure in Europe and the US badly needs more investment,” Lou wrote. “Traditionally, Chinese involvement in overseas infrastructure projects has been as a contractor only. Now, Chinese investors also see a need to invest in, develop and operate projects.” Lou deemed the UK as one of the

most open economies in the world, and expressed keenness in teaming up with fund managers or participating in public-private partnerships in the UK infrastructure sector as an equity investor. In the PPP arrangement, the government could invest with local or overseas institutional investors and share risks and returns. "CIC believes that such an investment, guided by commercial principles, offers the chance of a 'win-win' solution for all," he said. An estimated 200 billion pounds will be needed to invest in energy, water, transport and other infrastructure by 2015 in the UK, while the US will need at least US$2.2 trillion invested in repairing and rebuilding its infrastructure, Lou said, quoting data released by the British Treasury and the American Society of Civil Engineers. CIC was created in 2007 to invest abroad in the hope of earning a better return on China's foreign reserves, the bulk of which are in US and European government bonds. It says investments are made on commercial rather than political grounds. The move into infrastructure probably reflects CIC's commercial views, rather than those of the government, Citigroup economist Shen Minggao said. The initiative could help CIC earn a more stable profit and reduce China's exposure to US and European government bonds amid volatile markets. “There is a general thought that maybe China should not invest in US Treasury bonds or European sovereign bonds. Instead, why can't we hold direct assets in the economy?” Shen said. By investing in individual projects, he said, “you don't have to depend on government guarantees and it should be affected less by the sovereign debt crisis.”




中国游客的首选目的地: 马尔代夫, 迪拜, 悉尼 Top Destinations for the Chinese Traveler: The Maldives, Dubai, Sidney

为中国旅行者提供的奢侈医疗服务 Luxury Medical Services for the Chinese Traveller

非洲探险 African Safari Spring, 2012 INVEST IN



2012, Spring

exclusive SUPPLEMENT | 独家特刊

管有迹象表明中国经济正在放缓, 其出境旅游却仍然在以惊人的速度 增长。中国已经是世界第四大出境

游客源地,在 2010 年有 5700 万内地居民出 境旅游。据世界旅游组织估计,这一数字到 2020 年将上升到 1 亿,使中国成为世界上最 大的出境旅游市场。 这种趋势不仅是在人数上。大多数专家 认为中国经济的整体放缓是一个国家经济走 向成熟的必经之路。发达经济体的居民出行 更加频繁,但出于不同的原因,中国公民赴


海外旅行的方式正在迅速发展。尽管中国政 府在 1997 年才首次允许国民赴国外休闲旅 游,内地居民只能靠参加旅行团获取旅行证 件的日子一去不返。2009 年,中国加入世 界上最富有经济体的行列,超过法国成为第 四大国际旅游消费国,仅次于德国、美国和 英国。中国出境旅游质量的变化难以辨识和 分析,但一些事实清楚地显示了转变。越来 越多的中国人为了追求独立个性的旅游而避 开旅行团,旅游目的地的范围更广,这个潮 流正由中国的富人引领。 全球越来越多的目的地出现在中国旅行 者的视线中,随之而来的,是对中国游客定 制体验的需求日益强烈。无论他们是在非洲 私人保护区享受探险体验,在新加坡的精英 私立医院接受抗衰老治疗,或在世界上的某 一个小岛上打高尔夫球和采购奢侈品牌,中 国游客越来越期待酒店里提供中国食品和讲 普通话的工作人员。要在快速变化的市场中 取得成功,旅游目的地需要采取细致入微的 以中国为重点的方针,越快越好。中国是这 十年间最重要的行业发展趋势,它已经开始 改变世界。



espite signs that China’s economy is slowing down, its outbound tourism continues to grow an astonishing pace. China already has the world’s fourth largest source of outbound tourists, with 57 million mainlanders making overseas trips in 2010. According t o a Wo r l d To u r i s m O r g a n i z a t i o n estimate, that number should rise to 100 million by 2020, making China the world’s largest outbound tourism market. The trend goes deeper than volume alone. The overall slowdown of China’s economy is seen by most experts as a natural step on the country’s path to economic maturity. People from d eve l o p e d e c o n o m i e s t rave l m o re frequently, but also for different reasons, a n d t h e way C h i n e s e n a t i o n a l s g o overseas is rapidly evolving. Although the Chinese government only permitted foreign leisure travel for the first time in 1997, the days when mainlanders could only obtain travel permits by joining group tours seem to be all but gone. In 2009, China overtook France to assume fourth place among the world’s top spenders on international tourism,

behind Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom, joining the ranks of the world’s wealthiest economies. More and more Chinese tourists are eschewing tour groups for independent, discerning travel arrangements, to a wider range of destinations, and it is China’s wealthiest tourists that are leading the way. More and more global destinations are appearing on the Chinese travelers’ radar, and with them comes a growing desire for exclusive experiences that are tailored to Chinese needs. Whether they are on an African safari in a private game reserve, undergoing anti-aging treatments at an elite private hospital in Singapore, or on an island across the world, playing golf and splurging on luxury brands, Chinese tourists increasingly expect hotels with Chinese food and Mandarin-speaking staff. To succeed in the fast-moving market, destinations need to take a nuanced, China-focused approach, and fast. China is the decade’s most important industry trend, and it already started to redraw the map. 2012 Executive Traveler


独家特刊 | exclusive SUPPLEMENT

国制造了许多令人难以置信的数 字,中国出境旅游也不例外。但除 了数以百万计游客人数的数据以

外,几乎没有人研究在他们的旅行是去哪里, 为什么去,或他们梦想去哪里。中国最大的 旅游网站 在 2011 年第四季度的 报告打算阐述这样的话题:“中国游客十大 梦想目的地”。 该报告是去年 1 月和 8 月之间从一站式 在线旅游门户网站 的网上搜索 中统计的,网站每月收到 510 万点击量,是 中国旅游网站总流量的 42%。 由于中国网 民数量超越 5000 万大关,网上搜索提供了 一个了解中国游客梦想目的地的方式。 结果显示,大多数中国大陆游客觉得一 个豪华假期并不需要去太遥远的地方,香港 和台湾是搜索量最高的两个目的地。当你明 白中国大陆人把临近地区、无语言障碍、丰 富的购物和世界一流的美食作为选择度假目 的地的重点,香港和台湾位居首位就在情理 之中了。 购物和餐饮不足以用来定义一个梦想假 期。印度洋天堂的马尔代夫的阳光、大海和 金色沙滩使它在“去哪儿”的关键词搜索名 单上排名第三。海岛乐园在世界各地都是人 们梦寐以求的东西,但马尔代夫最近不仅因 为免签证成为中国人度蜜月和游客的首选, 岛上的中国度假者的数量也经历了前所未有

中国游客的首选目的地 Top Destinations for the Chinese Traveler

的繁荣。在 2010 年,中国成为马尔代夫的

By Claire van den Heever

最大的客源地,数量上超过英国、意大利、 德国和法国。2010 年的 12 万中国游客占全 部游客的 15%,但 2011 前景更好,这个数 字可能跃升至 19.8 万,超过马尔代夫全部

“去哪儿”2011 年最热门旅游目的地

Qunar's Top Ten Travel Destinations, 2011 1

香港 Hong Kong


新加坡 Singapore

2 3 5 6 7 8 9


台湾 Taiwan

马尔代夫 The Maldives 迪拜 Dubai

巴黎岛 Bali

澳门 Macau 巴黎 Paris

首尔 Seoul

悉尼 Sydney

来源:去哪儿网 Source: Qunar

S02 Executive Traveler 2012


hina is a great producer of mindboggling statistics, and Chinese outbound tourism is no exception. But beyond how many tens of millions of people travelled last year, little else is published about this demographic: where they travel and why – or where they dream of going. A report by China’s top travel website,, published in the last quarter of 2011, aims to shed light on just that: Chinese tourists’ top ten dream destinations. The report was compiled from online searches between January and August last year on, a one-stop online travel portal, which receives 51 million

visitors a month – 42 percent of traffic to Chinese travel sites. “Qunar” translates as “Where to?”, and as China’s internet users climb beyond the 500 million mark, online searches are a telling way of providing insight into the destinations of Chinese dreams. Part of what the findings reveal is that most mainland Chinese don’t feel the need to go too far afield for a luxurious holiday: Hong Kong and Taiwan came in first and second as the most searchedfor destinations. When you consider that mainland Chinese place a lot of emphasis on geographical proximity, a lack of language barriers, abundant shopping

Top Destinations

exclusive SUPPLEMENT | 独家特刊

游客的 21%。 面对这个巨大的增长,精明的在马尔代 夫酒店业公司开始更多地迎合他们的中国客 人的需求,并希望通过这样做来树立声誉, 这将有助于他们将来获得可观的市场份额。 总部位于香港的香格里拉酒店集团,以“亚 洲独特的接待和服务标准”而著称。直到最 近,它仍是在马尔代夫唯一一家可以满足中 国富人最挑剔需求的五星级酒店,那就是用 中文交流。现在,随着顶级的连锁酒店都开 始推出定制的计划来以满足这个增长的市 场,这种状况正在改变。 在去年 8 月,希尔顿度假酒店公司在 13 个 国 家 的 50 家 酒 店 推 出 了“Huanying 希尔顿”计划,该计划也包括马尔代夫。 该计划强调为中国客人提供了熟悉的居家环 境。到目前为止,对于细节的关注没有白费, 根据希尔顿的全球品牌营销副总裁 Andrew Flack 介绍, “中国客人迄今对它很满意,我 们九月初来到中国启动计划,我会见了中国 饭店协会负责人。他告诉我,他听说了欢迎 计划,并已经在夏威夷的希尔顿酒店住过。 他说,看到真正的食物的感觉真好!” 由于看到中国游客对美食的重视,希尔 顿迎合中国口味的决定,至少可以说是一个 明智的商业举动。 欢迎计划的早餐包括两 种粥,炒米饭或面条、点心、油条、煮鸡蛋、 新鲜水果、各种中国茶和豆浆,简单但称心。 舒适客房还包括热水壶、茶、拖鞋和中国的 电视频道,更重要的是,在前台都确保至少

and world-class cuisine when choosing a holiday destination, it is unsurprising that Hong Kong and Taiwan came out on top. Shopping and dining may not be enough when it comes to defining a dream holiday. The sun, sea and golden sand of the Maldives featured in enough of Qunar’s search terms for the Indian Ocean paradise it to be number three on the list. Island paradises are the stuff of dreams the world over, but the Maldives recently went beyond being first choice for Chinese honeymooners and tourists who value visa-free access, and has experienced an unprecedented boom in the number of Chinese holidaymakers visiting the island. In 2010, China became the Maldives’ single largest source of tourists for the first time, outnumbering Brits, Italians, Germans and French. The 120,000 Chinese visitors in 2010 constituted 15 percent of all tourists, but 2011 proved even more promising, with that figure jumping to 198,000, making

up over 21 percent of visitors to the country. In response to this tremendous growth, savvy players in the Maldives’ hospitality industry are beginning to cater more to their Chinese guests’ needs and, by doing so, hoping to build a reputation that will help them to secure a piece of the proverbial pie in the future too. Hong Kong-based Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, renowned for “distinctive Asian standards of hospitality and service” have, until recently, been the only five star hotel in the Maldives in which wealthy Chinese guests can be assured of having even their most particular requirements met – and in their mother tongue. Now, as top hotel chains roll out tailored hospitality programs to cater to this growing segment of the market, this is changing. In August last year, Hilton Hotels & Resorts launched “Huanying Hilton” in 50 of its hotels in 13 countries, including the Maldives. “Huanying” means welcome in

Ibn Battuta 购物中心内的中国角是中心内 6 个主题角之一,显示了中国文化在迪拜的知名度 和影响力。

The China Court of the Ibn Battuta Mall is one of the six themed locations in the mall, showcasing the popularity and influence of Chinese culture in Dubai.

有一位中文服务员。 欢迎计划几乎是七八十年代迎合蓬勃发 展的日本市场所采取的行动的翻版。中国豪 华旅游市场无疑正在蓬勃发展。希尔顿目前 在中国拥有 17 家酒店,并计划在未来五内 再开接近 100 家。“中国旅游将为我们的业 务提供巨大的机遇,”希尔顿首席执行官克 里斯(Chris Nassetta)说道,他的乐观情 绪溢于言表。 迪拜是去哪儿网的第五大搜索目的地, 那里的旅游业深知中国出境旅游的潜力。当 迪拜——这一阿拉伯联合酋长国的黄金旅游 图片提供:Photo by Ian Lloyd

目的地——注意到 2008 年经济衰退后来自 西欧游客人数锐减,它就把注意力向东转移。 中国政府在 2009 年授予阿联酋“核准旅游 目的地”的地位,允许组团旅客参观之后, 迪拜的旅游业得到了宝贵的提升。中国游客

2012 Executive Traveler


Top Destinations

独家特刊 | exclusive SUPPLEMENT

的数量从 2008 年的 9.6 万飙升到 2009 年的 15 万,2010 年上半年更是比 2009 年同比增 加了 57%。迪拜旅游局市场营销部在北京、 上海和广州开设了办事处,总部位于迪拜的 阿航已迅速扩张中国的航线来满足需求。

马尔代夫是最热门的中国人旅游结婚目 的地。

The Maldives is a highly popular location for Chinese destination weddings.

豪华品牌 Mövenpick 集团在迪拜的 Ibn

Battuta Gate 酒 店 从 2010 年 10 月 开 业 以 来就一直致力于服务中国游客。它有一个讲 中文的工作人员团队,根据中国客人的需求 调整自己的菜单,并在春节时设置特殊娱乐 项目,比如舞龙。

虽然不能低估在中国新年等重要节日举 办庆祝活动的价值,一些非中国酒店集团在 文化意识上需要更加小心。Park Regis Kris Kin 酒店在今年早些时候安排的一场名为“鱼 生”或“繁荣翻腾”仪式的中国新年庆祝活动, 就惹来了一些麻烦。仪式包括用筷子向空中 投掷某种鱼沙拉,同时欢呼“捞起”。这的 确是一个中国新年古老的传统节目,但是说 实话,现在几乎只在新加坡和马来西亚有这 个仪式。“捞起”也是粤语的,而不是普通 话,指的是好运。鉴于迪拜的近期的游客大 部分都是讲普通话的内地人,Park Regis 酒 店同时提供一些有趣的娱乐,是不可能让游 客有宾至如归的感觉的。 谈到市场营销,迪拜 Ibn Battuta Gate 酒店的战略显得标新立异。销售和营销总监 Andrew Hughes 认识到,对中国的市场营 销需要一种不同的方法,他正在学习如何利 用中国社交媒体扩大酒店的优势,使用流行 的 QQ 和 MSN 等即时通讯软件来传播优惠 信息是他们社交媒体战略的中心。 悉尼只可能是 十大搜索目 的地名单上的第十名,但中国是澳大利亚增 长最快的入境旅游市场。虽然中国游客的人 数仍落后于新西兰、英国和美国,最近的研 究表明,中国游客是最大的消费群体。澳大 利亚旅游局正在努力,以确保从他们的亚洲 邻国的游客数量和他们的开支中保持增长。 旅游局与中国的主要航空公司密切合作,扩 大两国之间的航线,目前在 13 个内地城市 市场营销活动,并计划到 2020 年增加到至 少 30 个城市。语言设施方面,从机场到酒 店讲普通话的工作人员和中文标牌都在稳步 增加。更有意思的是澳洲为未来这波游客而 重新设计的品牌战略。 澳大利亚旅游研究表明应该弱化考拉

S04 Executive Traveler 2012

Mandarin, and the program emphasizes providing Chinese guests with the familiar creature comforts of home. So far, the attention to detail has not gone unnoticed, according to Hilton’s vicepresident of Global Brand Marketing, Andrew Flack. “Chinese guests have so far been very happy with it,” says Flack. “We went to China in early September to launch the program there and I met the head of the Chinese Hotel Association. He told me he knew about Huanying already and had stayed in a Hilton in Hawaii. He said it was great to see real food!” G ive n t h e i m p o r t a n c e C h i n e s e travelers place on cuisine, Hilton’s decision to cater to Chinese palates is a sensible business move, to say the least. “Huanying” breakfasts include two varieties of congee, fried rice or noodles, a selection of dim sum, fried dough sticks, hard boiled eggs, fresh fruit, a variety of Chinese teas and soy milk. Simple – but

expected – creature comforts include in-room kettles and tea, slippers, and Chinese television channels, as well as the all-important guarantee of a Chinese speaker at the reception desk. The Huanying program mirrors similar moves to cater to a booming Japanese market in the seventies and eighties, and the Chinese market for luxury tourism certainly is booming. Hilton currently has 17 hotels in China, but plans to open close to 100 more within the next five years. “Chinese travel is going to provide one of the great opportunities that we’ll ever see in the business,” said Hilton CEO, Chris Nassetta, his optimism palpable. In Dubai,’s fifth most searched-for destination, the tourism industry is well aware of Chinese outbound tourism’s potential. Having noticed a sharp drop in the number of tourists from Western Europe after the 2008 economic downturn, the United Arab Emirates’ prime tourist destination, Dubai, looked further east, and when the Chinese government conferred “approved destination” status on the emirate in 2009 – enabling groups of leisure travelers to visit – it helped give tourism in Dubai an invaluable boost. The number of Chinese visitors jumped from 96,000 in 2008 to 150,000 in 2009, with the first six months of 2010 experiencing a 57 percent increase in tourists compared to the same period in 2009. The marketing department of Dubai’s tourist board has opened offices in Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou, and Dubai-owned carrier Emirates has rapidly expanded its routes to China, to support demand. Dubai’s Ibn Battuta Gate Hotel, one of the luxury Mövenpick Group’s properties, has been focusing on Chinese tourists since it opened in October 2010. It has an army of Chinese-speaking staff and adjusts its menus to cater to Chinese guests during holidays, laying on special

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独家特刊 | exclusive SUPPLEMENT

澳大利亚先前的营销注重自然和冒险,该 国正在考虑将营销重点转移到在中国游客最喜 爱的活动——购物上。

Australia, whose tourism marketing has previously been based on nature and adventure, is considering rebranding its image to focus on Chinese travelers number one passion, shopping.

熊、国家公园和海滩,因为富有中国人真正 的享受的是休闲活动,比如逛街。在 2010 年访问澳大利亚的 40 万中国人中,有 80% 的受访者表示,购物是他们最喜爱的休闲活 动,观光和餐饮位列第二和第三。中国出境 旅 游 专 家 香 港 China Elite Focus 的 Pierre Gervois 发现参观赌场是仅次于购物的活动。 他认为,越来越多富裕的中国游客拒绝参加 旅行团,宁愿进行私人购物并参与一点赌博, 打高尔夫球或喝点葡萄酒。如果真的是这样, 澳大利亚就走对路了。澳大利亚旅游局董事 总经理 Andrew McEvoy 认为澳大利亚吸引 中国游客的原因是其齐全的活动。“这是一 个产品,不仅是赌博。它还有大品牌购物和 一流的餐馆”,如果有人还不满意,他们总 是可以摆放几个考拉来锦上添花。

S06 Executive Traveler 2012

entertainment like dragon dances to celebrate the Chinese New Year. While the value of hosting celebrations for important holidays l i k e C h i n e s e N e w Year cannot be understated, some non-Chinese hotel groups’ attempts at cultural awareness may require a little more nuance. A Chinese New Year celebration earlier this year at another of Dubai’s luxury hotels, the Park Regis Kris Kin Hotel, went to the trouble of arranging a ritual called “Yusheng” or “Prosperity Toss”, which involves throwing a particular kind of fish salad in the air with chopsticks, to cries of “Lo Hei”, in honor of a Chinese New Year tradition. If truth be told, though this tradition may have ancient origins in China, today it is almost never seen outside Singapore and Malaysia, and “Lo hei” is a Cantonese – rather than a Mandarin – reference to good fortune. Given that the majority of tourists that have followed Dubai’s recent boom are Mandarin-speaking mainlanders, the Park Regis – while providing some amusing entertainment – is unlikely to have scored points with mainlanders for understanding their market. When it comes to marketing, Dubai’s Ibn Battuta Gate hotel’s strategy goes beyond clichés. Director of sales and marketing, Andrew Hughes, recognizes that marketing to Chinese requires a different approach, and is learning how Chinese social media can be leveraged to the hotel’s advantage, using popular instant messaging websites QQ and Windows Live Messenger to communicate promotions through the platforms that are central to their social media world. Sydney may only be tenth on Qunar. com’s top ten list of destinations by search traffic, but China is Australia’s fastest growing inbound tourism market. While China still ranks behind New Zealand, Britain and the United States

for the number of visitors to Australia, recent research shows that Chinese tourists are the biggest spenders. With that as motivation, Australia’s tourist boards are working hard to make sure that the number of visitors from their Asian neighbor – and their expenditure – continues to grow. Tourism officials are working closely with China’s primary airlines to expand the routes between the two countries, and marketing campaigns are present in 13 mainland cities so far, with the intention of increasing that to at least 30 cities by 2020. Language facilities, from Chinese signage in airports to Mandarin-speaking hotel staff, are steadily increasing too. But what is, perhaps, most interesting are the steps being taken to re-brand Australia to this wave of future visitors. Tourism Research Australia suggests forgetting about koala bears, national parks, and beaches, and marketing leisure activities that well-heeled Chinese truly enjoy – like shopping. Of the 400,000 Chinese who visited Australia in 2010, 80 percent said that shopping was their favorite leisure activity, followed by sightseeing and dining. According to Chinese outbound tourism expert, Pierre Gervois of Hong Kong-based China Elite Focus, visiting casinos is second only to shopping. He believes that more and more wealthy Chinese tourists are rejecting group tours, preferring private shopping sprees with a bit of gambling, golf or wine tasting on the side. If that is, indeed, the case, Australia is on the right track. Managing director of Tourism Australia, Andrew McEvoy, believes that Chinese tourists are attracted to Australia because it has the whole package. “It’s an offering that is not just the gambling. It is gambling with great shopping – branded shopping – and fantastic restaurants.” And, if in doubt, they can always throw in a few koala bears for good measure.

exclusive SUPPLEMENT | 独家特刊 来源:《胡润百富报告》 Source: Hurun Report


Millionaire Travel Statistics 富豪们平均每年有 15 天用于度假,其中三分之一富豪的假期为 10-20 天,三分 之一富豪的假期多于 20 天。他们每年平均出国旅游 3 次,其中 20% 每年出国次 数超过 5 次。尽管在海外停留天数在过去三年中没有变化,但是以旅游为目的而 出国的情形所占比例相比前两年高 10%。 女性百万富翁假期比男性富豪多。30 岁以下的百万富翁最少旅游,而年纪稍长的 富豪更多是商务旅游。亿万富翁的假期更长,他们中近一半的人每年假期超过 20 天,超过超级富豪 30%。另外,亿万富翁出国旅游更加频繁,其中三分之一每年 出国多于 5 次。

排名 Rank

最佳酒店品牌 Best Luxury Hotel Brand


香格里拉 Shangri-La


柏悦 Park Hyatt

2 4 5

希尔顿 Hilton

丽思卡尔顿 The Ritz-Carlton 半岛 Peninsula


君悦 Grand Hyatt


凯宾斯基 Kempinski


凯悦 Hyatt Regency

7 9

11 12

排名 Rank

Millionaires annually take an average of 15 days holiday of which 1/3 take 10-20 days and 1/3 take more than 20 days. On average they travel abroad 3 times a year and 20% of millionaires go abroad more than five times a year. Although the number of days spent abroad hasn’t changed over the past three years, what has shifted is the percentage of foreign trips that are made for the purpose of travel, up 10% compared to two years prior.

受欢迎的酒店类型 Preferred Hotel Types

喜来登 Sheraton

万豪 Marriott


洲际 InterContinental 索菲特 Sofitel 因素 Factor

酒店式公寓 Serviced Apartment 百分比 %


品牌 Brand



设施 Facilities



服务 Service


地理位置 Location


交通 Transportation


价格 Price

5 7 9

Millionaire females take more vacations than their male counterparts. Millionaires under thirty travel the least whereas older millionaires more often travel for business. Billionaires have longer vacations and almost half of them take more than twenty days holiday a year, thirteen percent higher than the super rich. In addition, billionaires travel overseas more often with one third going abroad more than five times a year.

星级 Star

景观 View 食物 Food

奢侈酒店品牌 Luxury Hotel Brand


58 50 44 33 31 25 22

精品酒店 Boutique Hotel

33% 2012 Executive Traveler


Medical Tourism

独家特刊 | exclusive SUPPLEMENT

统上,长途跋涉获得医疗被视为一 种节俭的行为,高成本的医疗服务 促使美国人纷纷赴加拿大边境旅

游,以便宜的价钱来接受治疗或购买处方药。 今天,随着拥有世界一流医疗设施和医疗专 业知识的全球旅游目的地争相打造医疗服务 旅游中心,这种观念正在改变。 空中旅行的成本不断降低,推动低成本

香港的玛丽医院是全球最大的医院之一, 能够提供公立和私营的产科服务。 在知道自己怀孕后, 香港的母亲经常被建议至少在一所医院预订分娩。公立医院通常人满为患,其中一部分的原因是 大量来自内地的母亲选择到香港进行分娩。

Hong Kong’s Queen Mary Hospital, one of the largest hospital buildings in the world, offers both public and private maternity services. Hong Kong mothers are often advised to book maternity places at at least one hospital as soon as they know they are pregnant since public hospitals are often full, in part due to the high number of mothers from the mainland who come to Hong Kong to give birth.

医疗旅游计划的继续增长,让人们出行就医 成本和他们本国的标准比起来显著降低。仅 仅成本的差异就足以支付治疗后在旅游目的 地度假,最起码可以抵消车旅费。印度,泰 国和马来西亚等国家已成功地推出了整容和 在美丽的海滩上的恢复计划,今天他们已是 众所周知的医疗旅游目的地。但对于中国公

为中国旅行者提供的 奢侈医疗服务

民,从大学毕业生,到白领,到富人,成本 并不是促使他们前往就医的主要因素。 韩国在 2009 年开始推动医疗旅游以来, 中国医疗游客人数稳步增长,其中绝大多数 是去接受整容手术,他们注重的是韩国医生 的高明医术。一家韩国整容业咨询公司的负 责人 Sung Min-yun 说,“随着中国人收入 的增长,人们更加关注美”。西方国家接受 整容手术的患者通常接近中年,而韩国主要 吸引二十多岁的妇女,他们中有些人存好几 个月的钱来改善相貌。 韩国在汉城 ID 私人诊所的医生和老板 Park Sanghoon 说在过去三年间中国患者 的比例从百分之三增长至十五。和其他韩国 外科医生一样,他提供的服务对远东的亚洲 人有独特的吸引力,比如越来越受欢迎的颏 成形术,通过手术重塑下巴和脸颊。他把这 些手术称为“生存术”,并把增长的需求归 因于中国和韩国日益残酷的“生活竞争”。 Park 医生最近的客户之一,一位北京 的学生参观了他的诊所后说想做下巴整形, 让它不要那么方。这位学生声称,拥有一张 和“一个更好的男友”,她的母亲愿意为 4500 美元手术费用埋单。 其他很多人也和这位年轻的北京人有一

By Claire van den Heever

样的审美,愿意接受手术。Park 医生说, 近一半的人参观他的诊所的中国妇女携带女 演员范冰冰或 Angelababy 的照片,说他们 希望有这样的下巴。“大眼睛,高鼻子和一 张小脸”,是中国和韩国妇女的愿望,Park 医生聘请来接待中国客户的雇员这样说。

S10 Executive Traveler 2012


ra d i t i o n a l ly, t rave l l i n g l o n g d i s t a n c e s to o b t a i n m e d i c a l treatment has been viewed as a money-saving exercise, and the United

States is one country where the high cost of health care is known to motivate its citizens to travel over the border to Canada, to receive medical treatment or

图片提供 Photo byEarthworm


Luxury Medical Services for the Chinese Traveller

exclusive SUPPLEMENT | 独家特刊

“我们知道他们想要什么,”Park 医生强调, “亚洲各国人民有着相同的整容目标,所以 我们很容易沟通。” 做大眼睛也韩国的大生意。“双眼皮手 术”是一个日益流行的美容方法,通过在眼 皮处制造白种人眼睛上常见的折痕,使眼睛 看上去更大更圆。由于它被看作是一个相对 简单的过程,大多数中国人都乐于在国内完 成。但那些有钱有闲的人会觉得韩国的外科 医生值更高的费用。“中国整形外科医生的 能力已经赶上了他们的韩国同行,但我们医 生的敬业精神和美学仍然落后于他们,”上 海艺术整形美容医院的刘春龙(音)说。“他 们的手术过程也更优雅。” 专业的概念并不仅限于韩国医师高标准 的服务。韩国保健部门的安全标准也比中国 好。一名年轻的歌手在 2010 年 11 月死于 一个中国的整形外科医生的手术刀下,此事 凸显了这一个严酷的现实。对于能够负担得 起去国外就医的中国人来说,这么做的原因 往往是对本国的医疗制度缺乏信心。缺乏隐 私,缺乏敬业精神和可疑的道德标准是中国 医疗游客用得最多的的解释。 安排“整容旅行团”的机构如雨后春笋 般在中国各大城市出现,以满足日益增长的 需求,毕竟作为一名自由行医疗旅游者还不 是那么容易。该国在 2009 年中出台了医疗 旅游签证制度,以简化外国病人的申请过程。 第二年,韩国共给中国公民发出 220 个医 疗旅游签证,到 2011 年,这一数字已上升 到 1073 人。虽然增长稳定,韩国还有很长 的路要走,才可以与亚太邻国竞争,比如泰 国,新加坡和印度。 韩国去年宣布了旨在增加韩国医院外国 患者比例的新措施,而政府已承诺通过放宽 限制对“外国人更友好”。吸引医疗游客最 有效的措施可能是加强外国患者的合法权益 的保护,保证他们在医疗事故的情况下获得 政府赔偿。 在韩国的医疗旅游数字今后必然上升, 如果有什么能限制 Kim Byung-gun 医生 12 层楼的医院的发展,大概只有天知道了。作 为汉城这个往往被(乐观地)称为“亚洲整 形外科之都”的城市里最成功的诊所之一, 它每个手术室都满是患者也不出乎意料。 他的患者中,大约有 30%来自国外,其中 90%是中国人。Kim 医生已制定计划与中国

prescription drugs at a fraction of the cost. Today, as global tourist destinations with world - class healthcare facilities and medical expertise aim to position themselves as medical tourism centers, that perception is changing. The ever-decreasing cost of air travel continues to fuel the growth of low cost medical tourism initiatives, whereby people travel to receive medical treatment at a significantly lower cost - and usually a comparable standard to their own country. The difference in cost alone is often enough to pay for a holiday in the tourist destination after treatment or, at the very least, justifies the travel expenses. Countries such as India, Thailand and Malaysia have successfully promoted the idea of having cosmetic surgery and recovering on a beautiful beach afterwards, to the extent that today they are well-known medical tourism destinations. But for Chinese citizens - from recent graduates, to white collar workers, to the wealthy - cost is rarely the major factor that drives them to travel for medical treatment. Since South Korea began promoting medical tourism in 2009, the number of its Chinese medical tourists has grown steadily, with the majority undergoing cosmetic surgery, for which South Ko re a’ s adept surgeons are highly regarded. “As incomes rise in China, people are more focused on beauty,” says Sung Min-yun, head of a consulting firm that deals with South Korea’s cosmetic surgery industry. Unlike in the West, where the majority of cosmetic surgery patients are approaching middle age, South Korea mostly attracts women in their twenties - some of whom save for months to improve their appearance. Park Sanghoon, a South Korean doctor with his own clinic in Seoul, ID Clinic, has seen the number of Chinese patients jump from three to fifteen percent of

his total patients in the last three years. Like other South Korean surgeons, he supplies the demand for procedures that hold unique appeal for Far East Asians, such as genioplasty, an increasingly popular surgery in which the jaw or chin are reshaped. He refers to these kinds of procedures as “survival surgery” and attributes the increased demand to “life competition”, which he says is particularly harsh in South Korea and China. One of Dr Park’s recent clients, a Beijing student, visited his clinic to discuss having her jaw reshaped to make it less square. The student claims that having a more oval-shaped face will mean “a better job” and “a nicer boyfriend”, and her mother is willing to foot the US$4500 bill. The young Beijinger is not alone in her aesthetic ideals, or her willingness to undergo surgery. According to Dr Park, nearly half of the Chinese women who visit his clinic bring along photographs of one of two Chinese actresses - Fan Bingbing and Angelababy - whose chins they want for themselves. “Big eyes, a high-bridged nose and a small face” is what both Chinese and Korean women desire, according to a Chinese employee that Dr Park hired to attend to his Chinese clientele. “We know what they want,” Dr Park reiterates. “Asian people share the same cosmetic goals, so it is easy for us to communicate.” Big eyes are also big business in South Korea. Blepharoplasty, commonly known as “double eyelid surgery”, is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure which gives the effect of larger, rounder eyes by putting a crease in the eyelids, where it occurs naturally in Caucasians. As it is considered a relatively simple procedure, a large proportion of Chinese are content to have it done in China. But for those with money to spare, South Korean surgeons are considered well 2012 Executive Traveler


Medical Tourism

独家特刊 | exclusive SUPPLEMENT

这位摄影师写道:“曼谷以廉价的整形手术而闻名。”她在这位牙科和整形外科医生的帮助 下去除了晒斑。她说:“那里的医生在美国接受过培训,他们的细致工作和亲切服务让我印象深刻。 他们还建议我通过注射来消除脸颊上鼻子两侧的线条,但这对我来说太过了。我在 20 多岁的时 候接受过这样的手术。”

“Bangkok is well known for inexpensive plastic surgery,” writes this photographer, who had her sunspots removed by this dentist and cosmetic surgeon. ”Meticulous work by doctors trained in the US plus gracious customer service. Also recommended for me were injections to get rid of the lines that fall from each side of my nose alongside my cheek, but that would be going too far. I've had them since I was in my 20s.”

图片提供 Photo byMing Hong

的两家医院展开合作,因为 “中国患者数 量增长的潜力巨大”。 和任何了解中国市 场的商人一样,他知道的化解语言障碍的重 要性,为方便沟通,他已经学了普通话。 新加坡普及的普通话是该国吸引中国医 疗游客的重要因素,中国人通常偏爱访问邻 近的亚洲国家来进行普通的医疗健康检查。 新加坡有另一种竞争优势,经常被归结为文 化的相似性:它了解中国大陆人对奢侈品和 贵宾待遇的渴望。在新加坡的私人医院贵宾 室收费高达每晚 20,000 元(3,150 美元), 而且越来越贵。一家新加坡的私人保健医院 行政长官 Tan See Leng 医生说,“鉴于中 国庞大的人口规模和老龄化趋势明显,它肯 定能为医疗业务的提供巨大市场价值。”Tan 计划在今年开设一家豪华医院来满足日益增 长的需求。豪华医院可在上海这样的大城市 设立办事处,提供签证和旅行安排上的帮助。 中国人开设的 Ciming 体检集团已通过 和新加坡、瑞士和香港等热门的旅游医疗目

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worth their higher fees. “Chinese plastic surgeons’ capability has caught up with their South Korean peers, but our doctors’ professionalism and aesthetics still lag behind,” says Liu Chunlong of the Shanghai Art Plastic and Cosmetic Hospital. “Their surgical procedure is also more elegant.” The concept of professionalism goes beyond the high standards of service which South Korea meets. Safety standards in South Korea’s health care sector are also better than China’s, a harsh reality that was brought home when a young singer died under a Chinese plastic surgeon’s knife in November 2010. For Chinese who can afford to do so, going abroad for medical treatment is often a case of lack of faith in the country’s own health care system.

A lack of privacy, lack of professionalism and a questionable standard of ethics are the most cited explanations by China’s medical tourists. Agencies that arrange “plastic surgery tours” are springing up in major Chinese cities to meet the growing demand, although travelling to South Korea as an independent medical tourist has never been easier. The country introduced medical tourist visas halfway through 2009, in order to simplify the process for foreign patients. The next year, 220 medical tourist visas were issued to Chinese nationals, and by 2011, that figure had risen to 1,073. New measures to increase the ratio of foreign to local patients that are permitted in South Korean hospitals were announced last year, while the government has pledged to become more “foreigner friendly” by easing restrictions that were previously in place. Perhaps the development that will prove most effective in attracting a new generation of medical tourists is the protection of foreign patients’ legal rights by guaranteeing them government compensation in a case of medical malpractice. Medical tourism figures in South Korea only look set to rise, and if Dr Kim Byung-gun’s twelve-story clinic i s anything to go by, the sky is the limit . One of the most successful clinics in Seoul, a city which is often (optimistically) dubbed “the plastic surgery capital of Asia”, it is not unusual for every one of its operating rooms to be full. Approximately 30 percent of his patients are foreign, and among that group, 90 percent are Chinese. Dr Kim is already making plans to partner with two clinics in China because of the “huge potential for growth with the number of patients from China”, he says. And, like any businessman who understands

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的地的医疗中心合作,在不断增长的市场中 获得成功。集团主席 Hu Bo(音),见证 了通过他的集团去国外医疗旅行的患者从 2008 年的 100 人增长到去年的 1000 人次。 他们大多是上海、北京和广州人,并愿意为 获得一流的医疗花费一笔不菲的费用,作为 交换,他们也获得了专业性和隐私。与韩国 面部整形和双眼皮手术等利基市场不同, Ciming 的客户为的是获得全面的医疗检查, 治疗慢性疾病和抗衰老,其中最流行的有羊 胎素旅游。一个 7 天的瑞士抗衰老治疗套餐, 包括治疗、机票、豪华酒店和观光的费用平 均为 60 万元(9.525 万美元)。 没有语言障碍的目的地可能会成为富裕 的中国医疗游客的首选目的地,但设计师品 牌和奢侈品购物的机会也是重要的考虑因 素。韩国和新加坡对高眼界的购物者有很大 的吸引力,只要飞上几个小时就能到达。一 些中国医疗游客更喜欢不用坐飞机就能获得 世界一流的医疗设施,持共同的语言且又广 泛的购物机会的香港。

the Chinese market , he knows the importance of dissolving language barriers, and has equipped himself with Mandarin skills in order to do so. The fact that Mandarin is widely spoken in Singapore is a huge draw for Chinese medical tourists, who usually visit the nearby Asian state for more general procedures or health checks. Singapore has another competitive edge that is often attributed to cultural similarity: it understands mainland Chinese’s desire for luxury and VIP treatment. Private hospitals in Singapore that offer VIP suites charge as much as 20,000 yuan (US$3,150) per night, and demand only seems to be increasing. “Given the sheer population size and evident aging trend, China is definitely of great market value for the medical business,” says Dr Tan See Leng, chief

exe c u t ive o f a p r iva te h e a l t h c a re provider in Singapore, who plans to open a luxury hospital later this year to meet rising demand. The Chinese-owned Ciming Checkup Group has been successfully tapping the growing market by partnering with medical centers in some of the regions which are most popular with Chinese medical tourists, including Singapore, Switzerland and Hong Kong. Chairman of the group, Hu Bo, has seen the annual number of patients travelling abroad or to Hong Kong for healthcare, through his organization, rise from just over 100 in 2008 to 1000 last year. They are mostly from Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, and are willing to spend a small fortune on first-rate medical care – and the professionalism and privacy that goes with it. Unlike South Korea’s relatively

2012 Executive Traveler


Medical Tourism

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香港吸引了巨量的产假游客,这些游客 在没有该地护照的情况下在一个司法管辖区 生产。他们数量太大,以至于政府正在推出 限制措施,以遏制这一趋势。“一国两制” 的原则可以帮助中国人逃避独生子女政策, 因为该政策,这并不适用于香港特别行政区。 这些婴儿也享有香港居留权,以及享有当地 社会服务的权利。这个情形类似中国妈妈去 美国在非法的“分娩之家”产子,用巨大的 个人牺牲帮助她们的孩子依照第 14 修正案 获得美国护照。

香港对内地居民大开的方便之门给全市 医院带来了沉重的压力,2010 年 40648 位 大陆母亲在这些医院分娩,大约是年度总 量的 46%。对此,立法院最近推出限制, 每年只允许 34000 名非居民在港分娩。自 2008 年以来,内地居民至少要付 39,000 元 预订费(约为 5,000 美元)方能达成三天两 晚在香港公立医院分娩的目的。只要中国人 收入持续增长,产假游客的数量也会增长, 资金就会继续流到香港、美国或其他制度存 在漏洞的发达国家的医院。

niche market for facial shaping and eyelid surgery, Ciming’s clients travel for comprehensive medical check-ups, the treatment of chronic diseases and antiaging therapies, the most popular of which involves sheep placenta. A seven day Swiss anti-aging therapy package, including treatment, air tickets, luxury hotels and sightseeing costs an average of 600,000 yuan (US$95,250). Destinations in which there is no language barrier may among wealthy Chinese medical tourists’ top priorities, but opportunities to shop for designer brands and other luxury goods is not far behind. South Korea and Singapore both hold great appeal for high brow shoppers, and are only a few hours’ flight away. Some Chinese medical tourists take advantage of the fact that world-class medical facilities, a common language and a wide range of shopping opportunities are

all accessible without even getting on a plane: by travelling to Hong Kong. Hong Kong has become a magnet for maternity tourists – people who give birth to babies in a country or jurisdiction of which they are not passport holders – to the extent that restrictions are being introduced to curb the trend. The principle of “one country two systems” by which Hong Kong is governed means that mainland Chinese residents who give birth to babies in Hong Kong can evade China’s one child policy, which does not apply in the Special Administrative Region. These babies are also eligible for Hong Kong residency, and the rights to local social services. The situation echoes that of Chinese mothers travelling to America to give birth in quasi-illegal “maternity houses” – at great personal expense – for the sake of the American passport their child will be granted,

各地区医疗旅游手术费用对比(美元) Cost of Medical Tourism Comparation (USD)

冠状动脉绕道手术 Coronary Bypass 绕道手术伴有心瓣膜置换 Bypass With Coronary Valve Replacement 心脏支架手术 Heart Stent Survery 髋关节置换 Hip Replacement 膝关节置换 Knee Replacement 前列腺手术 Prostrate Surgery 子宫切除 Hysterectomy 胃绕道手术 Gastric Bypass 活体肝脏移植 Liver Transplant 脊椎融合术 Spinal Fusion 拉皮手术 Face Lift 健康检查 Health Check 人工生殖 Artificial Reproduction

来源:台湾国际医疗管理工作小组 Source: Taiwan Task Force for Medical Tourism

S14 Executive Traveler 2012

台湾 Taiwan

香港 Hong Kong

新加坡 Singapore

韩国 Korea

$ 30000


$ 22000

$ 42000

$ 12009 - 13914


$ 12000

$ 10600

$ 2750

$ 6700 - 11253

$ 5300

$ 3150

$ 10200

$ 6568 -15129

$ 16500

$ 9300

$ 7633 - 20884

$ 11187 - 13633

$ 9000


$ 455

$ 513 - 1110

$ 27500

$ 9003 - 14490 $ 7580 - 10743 $ 2400 - 3107 $ 90910 $ 1819

$ 10313

$ 50064 N/A N/A

$ 3114 - 8662

$ 16300

$ 13000 $ 9600

$ 6000

$ 31750 N/A

$ 11800 N/A


$ 160000

$ 2246 - 3626

$ 7500

$ 6650




$ 455



* 以上信息仅供参考,且上述费用仅包含麻醉、手术诊疗、病患饮食、病房等相关费用。 This information is provided for reference purposes. Costs include anaesthesia, surgery, treatment and other hospital charges.

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中国的病人正越来越多地选择出国旅游来进行治疗,希望利用新加坡和韩国等亚洲其他目的 地较高的专业水准、服务和奢华的环境。

Chinese patients are increasingly traveling abroad for medical care, making use of higher levels of professionalism, service and luxury in other Asian destinations such as Singapore and South Korea.

under the 14th amendment. Hong Kong’s accessibility to mainland residents is putting severe strain on the city’s hospitals, in which 40,648 mainland mothers gave birth in 2010, approximately 46 percent of the total for the year. In response to this, legislation has recently been introduced to limit the number of non-residents permitted to give birth in the jurisdiction to 34,000 per year, and since 2008, mainland residents have been subject to a minimum booking fee of HK$39,000 (approximately US$5,000) for a three day, two night maternity package in a Hong Kong public hospital. But whether these funds are directed to Hong Kong hospitals, US hospitals or the hospitals of another developed economy in which the right loopholes exist, as long as incomes continue to rise, so, too, will the number of Chinese maternity tourists.

中国整容业统计(2010) The Chinese Plastic Surgery Market (2010)

整容总数 1265160 例 Total Plastic Surgery Cases





鼻部整容 Rhinoplasty

隆胸 Breast augmentation

其他手术项目 Other Surgical Procedures

抽脂 Lipoplasty

眼睑整容 Blepharoplasty

腹壁整容 Abdominoplasty




手术类 588880 例 Non-Surgical Procedures


非手术类 676280 例 Surgical Procedures




玻尿酸 Hyaluronic Acid

自体脂肪 Autologous fat

A型肉毒杆菌素(Botox Dysport) Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport)



其他非手术项目 Other Nonsurgical Procedures

激光脱毛 Laser hair removal

IPL激光治疗 IPL Laser Treatment



来源:国际美容整形外科学会(ISAPS) Source: International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery(ISAPS)

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探险之旅 On Safari 在

2010 年去海外旅游或出差的 5740 万中国人中,只有 73 万去了非洲。 其中 28%踏上了埃及这块有特别

吸引力的土地。而另外的 33%则集中在两 个国家:南非(世界杯期间这里游客人数激 增)以及肯尼亚。 中国出境旅游顾问 Roy Graff 总结说问 题的症结是太多的中国人看到非洲贫困的一 面。 “中国人觉得自己是从一个贫穷的国 家来的”他说,因此他认为“他们喜欢更理 想的旅游目的地,旅游目的地必须有这样的 吸引力。”中国人理想的旅游通常是指的豪 华旅游,它包含设计师精品店购物和成熟欧 洲城市的五星级酒店。但其实不必这样:撒 哈拉以南的非洲有发达的旅游基础设施和一 些世界上最独特的度假村,比如在坦桑尼亚 和南非的 Singita Grumeti 和 Sabi Sabi 这样 的私人探险公园,他们分别被《旅行 + 休闲》 杂志评为世界上最好和第三好的酒店。 来自中国的出境旅游是一个最近才有的 事物。政府在 1997 年首次批准少数旅游休

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f the 57.4 million Chinese who went overseas in 2010, only 730,000 arrived in Africa. A full 28 percent of them landed in Egypt, which has an appeal distinct from its neighbors, while a further 33 percent went to just two countries: South Africa, which saw a surge in tourism during the FIFA World Cup, and Kenya. The problem, according to Roy Graff, president of the outbound tourism consultancy China Contact, is that too many Chinese people see Africa as poor. “Chinese see themselves as coming from a poor country too,” he says. As a result, he think “they like aspirational travel, and destinations have to appeal to this.” Aspirational travel is luxury travel; in China, that normally means fivestar hotels in sophisticated European cities, with shopping trips to designer

By Iain Manley boutiques. It doesn’t have to: SubSaharan Africa has a well-developed tourism infrastructure and some of the world’s most exclusive resorts, like the private game parks Singita Grumeti and Sabi Sabi, in Tanzania and South Africa respectively, which Travel + Leisure recently voted the best and third best hotels in the world. Outbound tourism from China is a surprisingly recent phenomenon. Travel for leisure, to a handful of approved destinations, was first allowed by the government in 1997. The list of approved destinations has grown steadily; it now includes over 140 countries, of which 26 are in Africa, but because the Chinese market is still so immature, it is fickle and constantly evolving, presenting African tourism boards with two seemingly incompatible challenges. They need to

African Safari

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闲目的地,自那以后,批准的目的地名单一 直稳步增长,现在包括 140 多个国家,其 中 26 个在非洲。但因为中国市场仍然是不 成熟的,它既变化无常又不断发展,它给非 洲旅游品牌呈现这两个看似不相容的挑战。 他们既需要找到像艾菲尔铁塔威尼斯运河一 样的地标吸引第一次来访的旅客,又要满足 中国日益挑剔的旅客,他们最期待的是飞机 着陆后的体验。要做到这一点,旅游局需要 找出针对中国需求的具体解决方案。 行动远远不够。Roy Graff 说,“旅游 当局不花时间来调整他们的宣传。在许多情 况下,他们只是逐字翻译旅游小册子。中国 人也不太喜欢艰辛的活动,比如探险。他们 不吃阳光沙滩那一套。”Graff 抓住了一个 重点。探险是撒哈拉以南非洲地区的旅游业 的重要支柱,并且这种情况会继续下去,但 他们通常不涉及艰辛的活动。个别国家不仅 仅是有探险和沙滩组合,他们有充满活力的 城市,深度的文化和世界级的赌场度假村, 比如说像南非的太阳城市。非洲大陆有接待 能力限制,因为中国厨师和讲中文导游供不 应求,中非间的直飞航班数量也不多。但非 洲的主要问题是它在中国的形象,非洲最热 门的目的地正在努力解决非洲的形象问题。 虽然中国游客在 2010 年非洲的 63.4 万 旅客中只占区区百分之一,但他们数量增长 是最快的,2010 年的游客比 2009 年几乎 翻了一倍。如果继续下去,对于能够激发中 国人兴趣的目的地来说是个好消息,因为中

both attract first timers, who find icons like the Eiffel Tower and Venetian Canals, as well as China’s growing number of more picky travelers, who are most interested in the experiences that await them at the end of an airplane flight. To do this properly, tourism boards need to work on China-specific solutions. Not enough do, says Roy Graff. “Tourism authorities do not take the time to adjust their campaigns. In many cases they just translate the tourism brochures word for word. Also the Chinese do not really like hardship, such as you can find on safaris. They also don’t buy into sunsand-sea holidays much.” Graff has a point. Safaris are the mainstays of SubSaharan Africa’s tourism industry, and will continue to be, but they do not normally involve hardship. Individual countries also have a lot more to offer than safari and beach combinations, including vibrant cities, cultural depth

and world-class casino resorts. The c o n t i n e n t h a s c a p a c i t y p ro b l e m s , because Chinese chefs and Chinesespeaking guides are in short supply, and there still not enough direct flights linking China with African countries, but Africa’s major problem appears to be its image in China, and it is Africa’s image that the continent’s most popular destinations are working hard to fix. Although Chinese tourists as a whole accounted for a pitiful one percent of Africa’s 63.4 million total arrivals in 2010, they are also the fastest growing segment of the market, and 2010’s arrivals were up by almost 100 percent from 2009. If it continues, the trend is good news for destinations that are able to excite the interest of the Chinese, because the country is expected to become the single largest source of outbound tourists by 2020, and its people spend more per capita, on average, than tourists from most other countries.

由于许多非洲国家旅游局和服务提供商还没有把注意力转向中国独特的市场,许多中国游客 都忽视了非洲的野生动物园,这一个典型的旅游体验。

The African safari, a quintessential travel experience, is overlooked by many Chinese tourists because many African tourism boards and service providers have yet to turn their attention to the unique Chinese market.

国预计在 2020 年将成为世界最大的出境游 客源,它的人均消费比起大多数国家的游客 更多。 在 肯 尼 亚, 有 一 家 公 司 正 在 努 力 了 解 中 国 最 富 裕 的 人 出 国 是 为 了 什 么。 Abercrombie & Kent 是由肯尼亚的英国侨 民于 1962 年成立的。最初,其唯一的重点 是 东 非, 那 里 的 Masai Mara 和 Serengeti 国家公园呈现出无与伦比的自然奇观:每年 超过百万野蜂的迁移。随着时间的推移,该 公司已经成为世界上最重要的豪华旅行社, 全球有 62 个办事处。去年 11 月,它的总 裁和创始人 Geoffrey Kent 陪同一个超级富 豪旅行团游玩了伊斯坦布尔和肯尼亚。“此 行之前,我不知道究竟有多少中国人参加过 非洲的高端旅游,其中又有多少会喜欢这 里,” Kent 之后告诉《每日电讯报》记者,

2012 Executive Traveler


African Safari

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南非是非洲大陆上第二大中国游客最喜爱的旅游目的地,那里有葡萄园、豪华的餐厅和其他 吸引人的旅游活动。

South Africa, the continent’s second most popular destination for Chinese tourists, features vineyard tours, luxury restaurants and other appealing tourist activities.

“这让我觉得中国本身也可能有这样豪华度 假村的市场,多数中国人居住在封闭的城市 环境,所以他们喜欢看辽阔热带稀树草原。” Abercrombie & Kent 快速采取了行动, 以确保中国客户得到最高标准的服务,即使 在旷野也能得到中国导游和中国厨师。Kent 说:“在 Masai Mara, 我们有的不只是能讲 中文的导游。他们已经在那里学习了两年有 关动物的知识,大多是我教的。食品也与中 国非常不同,他们只喜欢自己的食物。在探 险时,我们也有一位中国厨师。” Abercrombie & Kent 组织的旅行团费 大约要三十万至一百万美元,但 Kent 说决 定旅游计划的并不一定是家庭的经济支柱。 他说:“我们意识到,妻子和家人是选择假 期的人。她们的丈夫工作这么辛苦,他们见 得很少,做决定的是妻子。”他们可能会在 工作中过度劳累,但即使在假期,中国的富 人仍喜欢坚持时间表。“中国人很喜欢赌博 和聚会,”Kent 说,“但他们还是能在破 晓起床,赶上凌晨 4 点跨越 (Masai) Mara 的气球旅行,他们谁都没有迟到一分钟。要 是碰上美国、法国或意大利人,那就只有 三三两两了。”

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In Kenya, one company is working h a r d t o u n d e r s t a n d w h a t C h i n a’ s wealthiest want when they go overseas. Abercrombie & Kent was established by Kenya-based British expatriates in 1962. Initially, its sole focus was East Africa, where the Masai Mara and Serengeti national parks play host an unrivalled natural wonder: the migration, each year, of over a million wildebees. Over time, the company has grown to become the world’s foremost luxury travel agency, with 62 offices around the world. In November last year, its president and founder, Geoffrey Kent, accompanied a group of super-rich Chinese on a tour of Istanbul and Kenya. “Before the trip I hadn't realised how few Chinese had been to Africa on this kind of high-end holiday, or how much they would love it,” Kent told the Daily Telegraph after the tour. “It made me think there could be a market for these kind of luxury retreats within China itself. Most Chinese live in closed,

urban environments, so they loved to see the vast expanses of savannah.” Abercrombie & Kent has moved quickly to make sure it offers Chinese customers the highest possible standards of service, including Chinese guides and Chinese chefs, even in the wilderness. “In the Masai Mara,” said Kent, “we didn't just have guides who can speak Chinese. We've had Chinese guides in place for two years now, learning about the animals, often from me.” “Food,” he continued, “is just different for the Chinese. They just prefer to have their own food. On safari we had a Chinese chef on hand.” A trip with Abercrombie & Kent costs from three hundred thousand to a million dollars, but according to Kent it is not normally the family’s breadwinner that decides how leisure time should be spent. “We realised it's wives and family that drive the holiday choices,” he said. “Their husbands works so hard, and they see them so little, it's the wives that decide.” They might be overworked, but even on holiday, China’s rich like to stick to the schedule. “It's true that the Chinese like to gamble and to party hard,” said Kent, “but they still get up at the crack of dawn. When it was time to get up at 4am for a ballooning trip across the [Masai] Mara, none of them was a single minute late. With the Americans, French or Italians there will be stragglers.” Kenya started to focus on the Chinese outbound market in 2003, when 15,000 +British and American tourists cancelled their holidays in reaction to a terrorism s c a r e . T h e c o u n t r y ’ s g o ve r n m e n t has focused on Chinese visitors as a countermeasure, with both traditional and innovative marketing campaigns. In 2007, its embassy in Beijing spent US$2.3 million on advertising, and the country worked with a Chinese television company to produce a soap opera set in Kenya. “We're not going to China in

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African Safari

独家特刊 | exclusive SUPPLEMENT

肯尼亚从 2003 年开始专注于中国出境旅游 市场,那一年 15,000 名高收入的英国和美 国游客由于害怕恐怖威胁取消了的假期。作 为对策,该国政府开始专注于中国游客,举 办了各种传统和创新的营销活动。在 2007 年,其在北京的大使馆在广告上花了 230 万 美元,它也与中国电视公司合作,来肯尼亚 拍摄肥皂剧,名为《最后的突破》。它跟拍 了一队中国志愿医生的工作,并向中国南部 的 1 亿观众播出。旅游和野生动物部常任秘 书 Rebecca Nabutola 说:“我们去中国不 是想试图重建我们的形象,它从来没有真正 削弱过,它对旅游行为也没有真正的影响。” 南非作为 2010 年位列埃及之后的非洲第二 受欢迎的目的地,也在努力向中国市场描绘 更细腻的国家形象。两年前,它在北京开设 了一个专门的旅游办事处。今年一月底,其 国家航空公司——南非航空公司——推出了 北京往返每周三次直飞直航。南非洲旅游局 在最近的一项调查中发现该国难耐的热浪、 高犯罪率和种族隔离的后果是中国游客不愿 去旅游的主要原因,但它也发现,南非洲与 澳大利亚这个中国环球旅行家最热门的目的 地有很多相似的地方。双方都有葡萄酒场、 高档餐厅、充满活力和国际化的文化以及沙 滩和原始荒野边上的世界级的赌博度假村, 南非旅游局的需要推广的正是这些。 非洲可以提供奢华享受,它也可以提供 的中国人日常生活中缺少的东西,比如开阔 的空间和自然的怀抱。它们是不矛盾的, Abercrombie & Kent 可以轻而易举地证明, 如果非洲旅游局对中国市场的沟通有效,今 后可以比 2010 年 100%的增长做得更好。 毕竟,泡在浴缸里凝视辽阔的大草原,是既 鼓舞人心又舒适的。这一项是其他旅游目的 地难以超越的。

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an attempt to rebuild our image,” says Rebecca Nabutola, permanent secretary at the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife. “It was never really dented and tourist behaviour was not really affected.” South Africa, which was the second most popular African destination after Egypt in 2010, is also working hard to communicate a more nuanced pictured of the country to the Chinese market. Two years ago, it opened a dedicated tourism office in Beijing. At the end of January this year, its national carrier, South African Airways, launched a thrice-weekly direct flight to the Chinese capital. In a recent survey, the South African tourism bureau identified the perception of the country’s climate as unbearably hot as well as crime and the lingering effects of Apartheid as among the major reservations held by China’s travelling class, but it also found that South Africa shares many of the same draws as Australia, which is one of the

most popular destinations for China’s aspirant globetrotters. Both have wine farms, fine-dining restaurants, a vibrant, cosmopolitan culture and world-class gambling resorts along with beaches and untouched wildernesses, and it is these that the South Africa tourism board needs to promote. Africa can provide luxury. It can also offer something that, in their day-today lives, many Chinese lack: wide-open spaces and immersion in nature. The two are not incompatible, as Abercrombie & Kent can easily prove, and if African tourism boards can effectively c o m m u n i c a te b o t h to t h e C h i n e s e market, the growth of 100 percent in 2010 can be bettered. After all, the magic of gazing over a vast savannah while up to your shoulders in an infinity pool is as inspirational as it is aspirational. It is also an offering other destinations will be hard-pressed to beat.

坦桑尼亚 Selous,一个探险导游为游客开了一瓶汽酒,坐赏日落。

A safari guide opens a bottle of sparkling wine to luxury safari guests sitting down to watch the sunset in Selous, Tanzania.


中国出境旅游目前有什么趋势? 目前有三个大趋势。首先是越来越多 的中国人找到了新的目的地,他们大部分的 调查研究是在网上进行的。第二,由于“文 化大革命”的原因,财富主要集中在 45 岁 以下的人手里,这不同于西方。年轻人有更 多机会和更好的教育,这使他们更加富裕。 第三是中国人旅行方式中发生的结构性变 化。波士顿咨询集团所做的一项调查显示, 95%的中国人不满意目前的选项,因为他们 不能满足个性需要。 哪些变化正在发生? 中国旅游正在蓬勃发展,但它分解成 不同的阶段。一开始,那里的旅客缺乏经验, 他们从未出国,只去过中国的一小部分, 其重点是观光。他们喜欢在艾菲尔铁塔或自 由女神像前的拍照。他们会花十几个小时坐

与 Dragon Trail 共同创始人 Jens Thraenhart 的问答, 专门谈论国际旅游业与中国出境旅游市场的关联。 Q&A with Jens Thraenhart co-founder and president of Dragon Trail, which specialises in connecting the international tourism industry with China’s exploding outbound market.

车去拍照,并且他们对价格敏感。他们通过 旅行社、电视和熟人的经验来规划自己的假 期。大多数旅游企业都以为中国游客在这一 阶段。他们告诉我,他们并不是真正对中国 市场感兴趣,因为人们不怎么花钱,但是这 仅仅是大多数人开始旅行的阶段。他们很快 就意识到,他们希望有一个不同的旅游体验。 他们有钱,他们工作努力,他们希望得到更 多——这是第二阶段。他们在网上搜寻更多 的信息,并重视身份地位、不想要伴随强迫 购物的传统旅游产品。 在第三阶段,人们的更有经验和也更富 裕。他们可能不像德国或美国游客那样经验 丰富,但他们不希望因循守旧,并希望有一 个个性化的经验。他们更可能重复去一个地 方,他们需要放松,所以他们过悠闲的生活。 他们情愿在一个地方呆一周,而不是在两个 星期去 10 个地方。他们也注重质量,比如 豪华的住宿或者商务舱和头等舱机票,他们 愿意学习和建立联系。他们有信用卡,互联 网在他们的规划中扮演重要的角色,但他们 仍然会寻求旅行社的帮助,它使事情变得更 容易,因为签证仍然可以是一个问题。有意 思的是,当你注意到人口的构成,会发现这 些人都比美国同类型的游客年轻 20 年或 25 年。他们有自己的公司或在跨国公司工作。 他们在北京或上海的国际餐厅用餐,对艺术 品很有兴趣。很多人的失误在于把所有中国 游客看成一类人。

What trends are shaping outbound tourism from China at the moment? At the moment there a three big trends. The first is that more and more Chinese people find new destinations and do most of their research online. The second is that, unlike the West, most money is in the hands of people younger than 45, because of the Cultural Revolution. Young people are better educated and have had more opportunities, so they’re wealthier. The third is that there is a structural change happening in how Chinese people travel. According to a survey done by the Boston Consulting Group, 95 percent are not satisfied with the present options, because they’re not customised enough. What kind of changes are taking place? Travel in China is growing all over, but you have to break it down into different phases. First you have inexperienced travellers, who have never been overseas and have only seen a small part of China itself. Their focus is on sightseeing. They like pictures in front of the Eifel Tower or the Statue of Liberty. They’ll spend ten hours on a bus to get those photos and they’re price sensitive. They use travel agencies, TV and word of mouth to plan their holidays. This phase is how the majority of tourism businesses perceive Chinese travellers. They tell me they’re not really interested in the Chinese market, because people don’t spend enough, but this is only how most people start travelling. They soon realise they want a different travel experience. They have money, they work hard, and they want more. This is the second phase. They’re looking for more to do online, they place more emphasis on status and don't want traditional packages, with forced shopping. In the third phase, people are experienced and affluent. They might not be as experienced as their German or American equivalents, but they like to get the off beaten path and want an individual experience. They’re much more likely to go back to a place and they want to relax, so they look for a relaxed pace of life. They might spend a week in one place instead of fitting ten places into two weeks. They want quality 2012 Executive Traveler


独家特刊 | exclusive SUPPLEMENT

旅游企业进入中国市场有什么需要注 意的? 无论是旅游业或其他行业的公司,一般通过 在北京、上海和广州这样的一线城市设立办 事处来进入中国。他们在杂志上搞活动做宣 传,这在 10 年或 15 年前是有效的,但现 在最大的财富增长是在二三线城市。 关键是要记住,中国是一个小世界。如 果要开拓北京或成都的市场,你需要在这些 地方有关系。例如,与国旅总社(中国国际 旅行社)建立的关系不能让你的服务覆盖全 国。每一个城市或地区都是一家独立的公司, 所以互联网力量才显得如此强大。 新浪微博极具影响力。2010 年一份关于 关于数位影响力的研究中,来自不同国家的 人们被问到“如果一个公司开设微博,你会 更相信它吗?”在美国有 26%的受访者表示 肯定,欧洲是 22%,在日本 36%,而中国 是 95%。它不仅仅是设立一个档案,而是需 要融入。每一个认真对待中国市场的外国大 品牌都有微博帐户,包括主要的酒店品牌和 旅游目的地, 但许多人不知道如何来管理它。 中国人对奢侈的理解和其他市场有什 么不同? 明确的价值主张在中国是不同的。对 于一个没有受过教育一个富人,奢侈品是吹 牛的权利,而更多的受过教育的人,通常是 在一线城市,不那么喜欢炫耀。最近做的研 究将中国的富人分为四种类型:喜欢炫耀的 暴发户、欣赏豪华商品的低调富、将奢侈作 为生活方式的鉴赏家和以年轻人居多的乐衷 回馈社会的精神追求者。 你能举一个成功将奢侈的概念用于推 广的例子吗 ? Dragon Trail 为加拿大旅游委员会做 的一项推广。我们设计了一个游戏,人们可 以设计虚拟的加拿大之旅,年底送出的奖品。 当它结束后,我们推出了专属行程,并通过 携程出售。加拿大人都不看好行程的销量, 而大多只是好奇这些行程可能如何营销,但 在一个星期内就卖出了 10 条。 我们也注意到,中国现在是马尔代夫这 个世界上最昂贵的旅游目的地之一的最大客 源市场。它的吸引力部分是有关吹牛的权利。 人们已经看到广告和名人张贴到微博账户的 图片,这就是启发他们去的动力。

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too, like luxury accommodation and business or first class airplane tickets, and they want to learn, to connect. They have credit cards and the internet plays a major part in their planning, but they’ll still use travel agencies when it makes things easier, because visas can still be a problem. What’s interesting, when you look at this demographic, is that these people are 20 or 25 years younger than same group in America. They have own companies or they work for a multinational. They’ve eaten in international restaurants in Beijing or Shanghai and they’re interested in the arts. What a lot of people do wrong, is see Chinese travellers as one thing. Why is a focus on Chinaspecific marketing important for tourism-related businesses and destinations? Whether they’re in the travel industry or not, companies normally enter the Chinese market by setting up offices in first tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. They have events and advertise in magazines, which worked ten or 15 years ago, but now most of the new wealth is being created in second and third tier cities. It’s important to remember that China is a microcosm. To market to Beijing or Chendgu, you need relationships in those places. For example, a relationship with CITS (China International Travel Service) doesn't get you coverage all over China. Every city or region is a separate company, and this where the internet is so powerful. Sina Weibo is extremely influential. In a 2010 study on 0n digital influence, people in different countries were asked “Would you trust a company more if they micro-blogged?” In the US, 26 percent said yes. In Europe, it was 22 percent. In Japan, it was 36 percent, but in China, it was 95 percent. It about more than just

setting up a profile of course. You have get engaged. Every big foreign brand that's serious about china has a Weibo account, including major hotel brands and a number of destinations, but many don't know how to manage it.

How are Chinese ideas of luxury different to ideas of luxury in other markets? Articulating value propositions is different in China. For a wealthy person that isn’t educated, luxury is about bragging rights, whereas more educated people, normally in first tier cities, aren’t as interested in showing off. There was a study done recently that broke down China’s wealthy into four types: nouveau, who like to show off, understated, who appreciate the quality of luxury goods, connoisseurs, who use luxury for their lifestyle, and spirituals, who are mostly young people, interested in giving back to the community.

Can you give an example of a tourism company that has used luxury well in its campaigns? Dragon Trail did a campaign for the Canadian Tourism Commission. We built a game where people could plan a virtual trip through Canada, with prizes given out at the end. When it was over, we built exclusive itineraries, sold through Ctrip. The Canadians didn't expect the itineraries to sell, and were mostly interested in how these itineraries might work for marketing, but ten sold in a week. It’s also interesting to note that China is now the number one source market for the Maldives, one of the most expensive destinations in the world. Its appeal is partly about bragging rights. People have seen pictures, some in ads and other taken by celebrities posting to their Weibo accounts, and that’s what has inspired them to go.


Spring, 2012 INVEST IN



2012, Spring

特别报道 SPecial report


China’s Shale Gas Revolution 在中国发现大规模页岩天然气储备后,该国的能源市场正在经历一场巨大的转型。 The Chinese energy market is heading for a strong transformation following the discovery of massive shale gas reserves in the country.

By Anas Almasri

美国开始收获从页岩中提取气体 的好处时,整个能源行业已经意识 到了这一点:所有国家几乎都拥有

相类似的储备。但是,这种资源在过去一直 被与令人讨厌、基本无利可图的提取工艺联 系在一起,这使得许多天然气勘探公司放弃 了对这种非常规气源的追求。 页岩气指的是在幽深而富含有机质的页 岩地层(细粒的沉积岩)内形成的天然气。 它不同于常规的天然气,后者是在气体从富 含有机质的页岩向地表渗透时形成的,并且 聚集在高渗透储层中,进而被不透水的岩石 涂层所覆盖。因此,钻过坚硬的首个岩石层 获得气体是相对比较容易的。相比之下,在 页岩地层形成的气体仍然被“困”在里面。 这些岩石的低渗透水平大大阻碍了气体从富 含有机质的源头迁移向渗透性更好、更容易 处理的上层岩石。 2011 年美国能源情报署(EIA)对全球 32 个国家潜力最大的页岩油气盆地进行了 评估,结果表明了这种资源正变得日益重要。 初步结果显示,这些国家与美国一起共同拥 有大约 6622 万亿立方英尺(TCF)“技术 可采”的页岩气资源。2010 年 1 月 1 日, EIA 估计全球技术可采的天然气资源(几乎 不包括页岩气)储量约为 16000 万亿立方 英尺。因此,如果把最新发现的页岩天然气 估计储量与其他类型的油气资源相加,这将 使得全球技术可采的天然气资源总量达到 22600 万亿立方英尺,相当于实现了 40% 的惊人增长。 美国页岩气热潮开始于 20 多年前,随

中国估计拥有全球规模最大的尚未开发的天然气储量,它正在寻找经验丰富的美国和加 拿大钻井公司,并且通过兼并和收购来学习他们所需要的知识,从而有效地利用国内的资源。

China, who is estimated to have the greatest volume of untapped gas reserves in the world, is looking to experienced US and Canadian drilling companies, and, through mergers and acquisitions, learning the knowledge they need to make efficient use of domestic supplies.


Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


特别报道 SPecial report


页岩气开采示意图 Shale Gas Extraction

量从 2000 年的 0.39 万亿立方英尺,上升到 了 2010 年的 4.9 万亿立方英尺,增幅超过 了十二倍。目前,页岩气几乎占了美国天然 气总产量的四分之一,而这个比例到 2035 年预计将达到一半。自从加拿大开始效仿美 国开采其自己的页岩储备,并且利用美国在 这一领域的技术之后,其他许多国家也纷纷对 此前被忽视的页岩气资源产生了浓厚的兴趣。 钻井 Well

技术进步和环境挑战 两个重要的技术进展使得页岩天然气的开采

地下水位 Water table


气体流出 Gas flows out

水、沙石及化学物质 Water,sand and chemicals agents

页岩 Shale

裂缝 Fissure

控制。首先是被称为“水平井钻井”的钻井 水、沙石及化学物质注入井中 Water,sand and chemicals injected into well

技术。在这种技术工艺下,钻头首先打下一 口垂直井,直至它们碰到目标页岩层。接着,

页岩气流出 Gas flows out

钻头旋转 90 度,钻探活动得以继续,这就 能够在页岩储备层中打出一口水平的井,而 不像过去垂直打通然后再达到下部岩层。因 此,水平井能够获得更多可供生产的页岩,

页岩 Shale 水力压裂 Hydraulic fracturing


水平钻井 horizontal drilling

裂缝 Fissures

水力压裂(又被称为“fracking”)是 第二个技术进步。它涉及到抽取井底水、化 学品和砂的混合物,通过打开岩石裂缝使得 页岩层中的碳氢化合物得以释放。这会让气 体从页岩地层流入井内。如果没有水平钻井 和水力压裂技术,天然气生产商将无法提取 大量的页岩气,来收回自己的钻井成本。只 有当这两种技术相结合时,才能够使得页岩 气实现商业化开采。 然而,批评者对这种新钻井方法给环境 可能造成的危害表示出了忧虑。水力压裂过程 后所带来的供水污染和废水管理不善是人们担 心的主要问题之一。需要大量的水也会带来 问题,从而影响水资源在其他领域的使用。 中国未开发的资源 EIA 最新发布的报告证实了关于中国拥有大 量页岩地层的猜测。现在,大家认为中国拥 有全球规模最大的技术可采页岩气资源,估 计约为 1275 万亿立方英尺(超过美国和加 拿大预计储量的总和)。看到美国目前 862 万亿立方英尺的储量相比该国页岩气革命的 规模以及令人鼓舞的成果,中国政府和能源 公司有理由感到欢欣鼓舞。国有的中国石油 化工股份有限公司(也被称为中石化)董事 长傅成玉在去年 12 月的世界石油大会期间 告诉记者,中国的页岩气产量超过美国只是


2012, Spring


hen the U.S. started reaping the benefits of tapping into shale rocks to extract the gas trapped within them, the energy sector took notice, as did all the countries that sat on similar reserves. Until recently, this resource was associated with a tiresome and largely unprofitable extraction process that led many gas exploration companies to abandon their pursuit of this unconventional gas source. Shale gas refers to the natural gas formed within deep, organic-rich shale formations (fine-grained sedimentary rocks). It is differentiated from conventional gas in that the latter is created when natural gas seeps through Earth’s layers from the original rich source formations towards the surface, and gathers in highly permeable reservoir rocks, which is then covered by a coating of impermeable rock. Hence, drilling through that first hard layer of rock and reaching the gas is comparatively easy. In contrast, gas formed in shale formations

stays “trapped” inside them. The low permeability level of these rocks greatly impedes the gas from migrating away from the organic-rich source towards the upper, more permeable and easier to treat layers. The 2011 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) assessment of the most prospective shale gas basins in 32 countries around the world demonstrates the growing significance of this resource. According to initial results, these countries along with the United States, hold an estimated 6,622 trillion cubic feet (tcf ) of “technically recoverable” shale gas. In January 1, 2010 the EIA had concluded that world technically recoverable gas resources, mostly excluding shale gas, were around 16,000 trillion cubic feet. Accordingly, adding the newly uncovered estimates of shale gas reserves to previous estimates of other types of gas resources would raise the world’s total technically recoverable gas resources to 22,600 tcf – a staggering 40

特别报道 SPecial report

“时间问题”。 安永会计师事务所发布的 2011 年全球 石油和天然气并购分析报告认为,非常规天 然气“正在迅速变为新的常规”资源。根据 这家财务顾问公司的统计数字显示,仅在过 去的一年中全球与页岩气有关的并购交易金 额就达到了 660 亿美元。中国的页岩气储备 占全球总量的 19%左右,该国正努力通过 与外国机构开展合作来寻求开发这块完全没 有被触及的天然气资源,特别希望找到北美 的合作伙伴,借此获得宝贵的技术。 最近的一个相关事件是今年早些时候中 石化花费 22 亿美元投资美国最大的天然气 生产商之一:Devon 能源公司。这家中国 能源公司预计将参与五个页岩气项目的开

percent increase. The American shale gas boom started more than 20 years ago and, with technological advancements and innovative drilling techniques, has reshaped the country’s energy market. Production of dry shale gas in the U.S. rose by more than twelvefold from 0.39 tcf in 2000 to hit 4.9 tcf in 2010. Shale gas now accounts for almost a quarter of total gas production in the United States, and is expected to reach half of it by 2035. Ever since Canada followed suit and began developing its own shale reservoirs making use of its neighbor’s

p ro g re s s i n t h e f i e l d , m a ny o t h e r countries have shown strong interest in their previously overlooked shale gas resources.

Technological advancements and environmental challenges Two major developments have rendered the shale gas extraction process easier and financially sensible. The first is a drilling technique known as horizontal drilling, in which drillers first drill a vertical well until they hit the targeted shale formation. The drill part is then turned 90 degrees before the drilling


Worldwide Gas Resources

国家 Country

2009 年天然气市场(万亿立方英尺,干基) 2009 Natural Gas Market (trillion cubic feet, dry basis) 产量 Production

消费 Consumption

进口(出口) Imports (Exports)

已探明天然气储量 (万亿立方英尺) Proven Natural Gas Reserves (trillion cubic feet)

技术可采页岩气资源 (万亿立方英尺) Technically Recoverable Shale Gas Resources (trillion cubic feet)

主要天然气生产国 Major Gas Producers 美国 United States






加拿大 Canada






挪威 Norway






澳大利亚 Australia






中国 China
















阿根廷 Argentina

南非 South Africa

潜在的重要页岩气生产国 Potential Major Shale Gas Produers

来源:美国能源署 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration(EIA)

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


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shale gas can be produced. Critics, however, have voiced their concerns over possible environmental hazards associated with this new drilling method. Contamination of water supplies or mismanagement of the wastewater following the fracking process is one of the major worries. The large amounts of water needed could also pose a problem, affect ing t he avail ab il it y of water resources for other uses.

钻机的锅炉上正冒着蒸汽。在加速勘探中国大量未被开发的页岩气资源时,需要的水 量和废水污染是引起人们担忧的主要问题。

Steam rises from the boiler at a drilling rig. The amount of water needed as well as waste water pollution are major concerns with increased shale gas drilling of China’s large, untapped reserves.

发,并且希望与 Devon 公司的专家保持紧 密的合作,来学习他们提取页岩气的方法。 中国海洋石油总公司同样参与了页岩气的并 购,它于 2011 年 1 月宣布与 Chesapeake 能源公司达成了第二项协议,将斥资 5.7 亿 美元收购这家美国天然气公司在科罗拉多 州东北部和怀俄明州东南部项目中 33%的 股份。双方的第一笔交易于 2010 年 10 月 签 署, 价 值 为 11 亿 美 元, 中 海 油 购 买 了 Chesapeake 位于得克萨斯州南部的 Eagle Ford 页岩项目中 33%的股份。 学习开采 虽然中国尚未开始对页岩气进行商业化生 产,但是政府已经为此铺平了道路,并且 逐步允许外国公司参与到这个行业中来。 2011 年 6 月,中国进行了首次页岩气项目 招标,六家国有能源公司出价竞标四块资源 项目。虽然中国不允许外国公司直接参与招 标,但是它们被允许与拥有土地开发权和产 生权的任何中国能源生产商成立合资企业, 并且向后者提供技术服务。截至 2012 年 1 月 30 日,这些外国投资者甚至还能够享有


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activity is resumed, resulting in a well that is horizontally drilled inside the shale reservoir, instead of the previous method of vertically drilling through it and reaching the following layer. The horizontal well is thus exposed to larger amounts of the productive shale, and a horizontally extended “pay-zone” is created. Hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking", is the second advancement. It involves pumping a mixture of water, chemicals and sand down the well, which releases the hydrocarbons confined inside the shale plays by opening up fractures in the rocks. This allows the gas to flow from the shale formations into the well. Without horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, gas producers wouldn’t be able to extract large enough volumes of shale gas to justify their drilling costs. It is only when those two techniques are combined that commercial quantities of

China’s untapped resource The latest EIA report confirmed the speculation surrounding China’s vast shale formations. The country is now believed to hold the largest technically recoverable shale gas resources in the world, an estimated 1,275 trillion cubic feet (more than the total estimated reserves of the U.S. and Canada combined). When current American reserves of 862 tcf are contrasted with the size of the U.S. shale gas revolution and its encouraging results, it becomes clear that both Chinese government and energy companies have a lot to cheer about. Chairman of state-owned China Petroleum & Chemical Corp, also known as Sinopec, Fu Chengyu, told reporters during the World Petroleum Congress in December last year that it was only a “matter of timing” before China’s shale gas production surpassed that of the U.S. In a recent analysis of global oil and gas M&A deals for 2011, Ernst & Young branded unconventional gas as “rapidly becoming the new conventional”. The financial advisory revealed that during the past year alone $66 billion were splashed on worldwide transactions related to shale gas. As a holder of roughly 19 percent of global shale resources, China is strongly seeking to exploit this entirely untapped supply of natural gas by partnering with foreign establishments, North American in

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松辽盆地 Songliao Basin 松辽盆地中富含有机质的页岩是早白垩世沙

Junggar Basin

河子组及营城组。由于埋深超过了 5000 米、 热成熟度不够,且粘土含量高,这些页岩被




The main organic-rich shales in Songliao Basin are the Lower Cretaceous Shahezi and Yingcheng Formations. Because these shales are deep, exceeding 5000 m, thermally immature, and rich in clay they are classified as non-prospective.

The primary target for shale gas exploration appears to be the thick mudstones of Permian age, the main petroleum source rock in the basin.



Turpan-Hami Basin

Tarim Basin


塔里木盆地中 55042 平方英里的奥陶统页岩估


计蕴藏有共 897 万亿立方英尺风险气藏量及 224



The Turpan-Hami Basin contains late Paleozoic to Mesozoic lacustrine-deposited shales that are thermally immature for gas. The basin does not appear to be prospective for shale gas.

鄂尔多斯盆地 Ordos Basin

岩估计蕴藏共计 1437 万亿立方英尺的风险气藏

Major Shale Gas Basins of China



来源:美国能源署 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration(EIA)

量和约 359 万亿立方英尺的风险可采储量。 55042 mi2 of Prospective Ordovician shales in the Tarim Basin are estimated to contain a total of 897 Tcf of risked gas in place and 224 Tcf of risked recoverable resources. Cambrian shales in the Tarim Basin are estimated to contain a total 1437 Tcf of risked gas in place and approximately 359 Tcf of risked recoverable resources.

四川盆地 Sichuan Basin

鄂尔多斯盆地是一个蕴藏煤炭、石油及煤层 气资源的大型沉积盆地。该盆地中的页岩主 要在三叠纪、石炭纪及二叠纪。该盆地的三 叠统铜川组似乎没有页岩气开采的潜力。可

华北盆地 North China Basin

四川盆地的天然气日产能为 15 亿立方英尺。 该盆地已发现 112 个独立的天然气田,估计 可开采资源为 25 万亿立方英尺。志留统龙马 溪页岩富含有机质,估计资源集中度为 800

能的高质量页岩存在于石炭纪和二叠纪的泥 岩中。二叠统山西组蕴含煤层,这是鄂尔多


亿立方英尺 / 平方英里。寒武统筇竹寺页岩估



计资源集中度为 570 亿立方英尺 / 平方英里。


Sichuan is a large natural gas producing basin with 1.5 Bcfd productive capacity. A total of 112 individual natural gas fields have been discovered with estimated 25 Tcf recoverable resources. The Silurian Longmaxi shale and the Cambrian Qiongzhusi shale are significant source of shale gas in the basin. The Silurian Longmaxi organic-rich shale has an estimated average resource concentration of 80 Bcf/ mi2. The Cambrian Qiongzhusi shale has an average estimated 57 Bcf/mi2 resource concentration.

The Ordos basin is a large coal, petroleum and CBM productive sedimentary basin. The shales in the Ordos basin stem from the Triassic, Carboniferous and Permian Periods. The Triassic Tongchuan Formation shales in the Ordos Basin do not appear to have viable shale gas potential. Potentially higher quality shales occur in Carboniferous and Permian mudstones. Permian Shanxi formation contains coal seams, which were the main source rocks for the Ordovician gas fields in the central Ordos Basin.

页岩的非海相特征及它们结构的复杂性,华北 盆地被认为不是页岩远景区。 The North China Basin contains extensive Carboniferous and Permian source rock shales that are stratigraphically and lithologically similar to those in the Ordos Basin. Until additional data are obtained, the non-marine nature of the shales and their structural complexity make the North China Basin nonprospective for shale gas.

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


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一定的税收和管理优惠政策。 2011 年 12 月 31 日,中国的国土资源 部将页岩气指定为“独立的矿业资源”,从 而废除了先前大型国有企业在页岩气项目招 标过程中的垄断地位。全球最大的能源消费 国正准备开启第二轮的页岩气项目招标,中 国政府希望让私营部门也能进入快速增长的 页岩气勘探市场,从而推动这个非传统资源 实现更快的发展。 中国的清洁燃烧天然气仅占其能源供应 总量的 4%,相比之下发达国家的比例至少 为 20%。中国政府官员的目标是:这个比 例到 2020 年达到 10%,主要依靠增加从俄 罗斯、土库曼斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克 斯坦和缅甸等国家的天然气进口来实现。中 国希望减少对国外天然气进口的依赖,因此 宣布了一项雄心勃勃的计划:到 2015 年计 划生产 65 亿立方米的页岩气,到 2020 年 生产 800 亿立方米。根据路透社的报道,这 相当于中国目前天然气消费量的四分之一。 在美国,美国政府和经验丰富的钻井公 司已经显示出它们准备好通过即将到来的页 岩气革命来帮助中国。然而,完全相同的提 取方法是否非常适合中国的页岩地层仍是一 个未知数。对页岩气储量众多的中国干旱地 区来说,钻探公司如何找到压裂阶段需要的 大量水资源是个问题。就新技术的应用而言, 严格的环境安全措施和适当的有毒废水管理 非常重要,这对仍然严重依赖农业的中国来 说是个敏感的问题。


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particular, in the hope of acquiring valuable technical know-how. One such recent move was Sinopec’s $2.2 billion investment deal with one of the U.S.’s biggest gas producers, Devon Energy Corporation earlier this year. The Chinese energy company expects to be involved in five shale operations as it aims to work closely with Devon experts to learn more about their shale gas extraction methods. CNOOC, China National Offshore Oil Corporation, also dipped into the shale gas M&A field when it announced its second agreement with Chesapeake Energy Corpin January 2011 to buy a 33 percent share in two of the American natural gas producer’s projects in northeastern Colorado and southeastern Wyoming for $570 million. The first deal between the two sides was in October 2010 and was valued at $1.1billion, in exchange for another 33 percent interest in Chesapeake’s Eagle Ford Shale project in southern Texas.

Learning the drill Although commercial production of shale gas has not yet begun in China, the government has paved the way for its commencement and is gradually allowing foreign companies to take part in the industry. In June 2011, the country launched its first shale gas tender in which six state-owned energy companies bid over four resource blocks. While foreign companies were not permitted to partake directly in the bidding, they are, however, permitted to enter in joint ventures with and extend technology services to any of the Chinese energy producers who land the exploration and production rights. As of January 30, 2012, those foreign investors are even entitled to certain tax and administrative benefits. The country’s Ministry of Land and Natural Resources designated shale gas an “independent mining resource”

in December 31, 2011, abolishing the former monopoly that large state-owned companies had over bidding tenders for shale gas projects. As the largest energy consumer in the world prepares to issue a second round of shale gas tenders, the Chinese government hopes to stimulate faster development of its unconventional resources by allowing the private sector to be part of its growing shale gas exploration market. C h i n a’ s c l e a n b u r n i n g ga s o n ly accounts for 4 percent of its total energy supply, compared to at least 20 percent in most of the modern world. Officials have set a goal of reaching 10 percent by 2020, mainly by increasing gas imports from countries such as Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Myanmar. Hoping to reduce its dependence on foreign gas imports, China has unveiled an ambitious target of pumping 6.5 billion cubic meters of shale gas by 2015, and 80 billion cubic meters by 2020, as reported by Reuters – that’s a quarter of the country’s current gas consumption levels. I n t h e U. S . , b o t h t h e A m e r i c a n administration and experienced drilling companies have already shown signs of readiness in aiding China through and being a part of its upcoming shale gas revolution. Whether the exact same extraction methods would be a perfect fit for China’s shale formations, however, is a yet to be seen. Large quantities of water needed during the fracturing phase might prove problematic for drilling companies in some of China’s dry areas where a good proportion of shale gas reserves are located. In terms of the application of new techniques, tough environmental safety measures and proper management of toxic wastewater are crucial and sensitive issues for a country still heavily dependent on farming.

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Vietnam: Prime Opportunity or Risky Investment? By Baron Laudermilk

中国生产力和生产效率最高的沿 海城市中,劳动力的成本正在变得 越来越高日渐高企。这使得中国

企业的管理人员越来越多地到越南发展制造 业,在越南的投资从 2005 年的仅仅 2000 万美元上升到了 2010 年的超过 3 亿美元。 越南拥有丰富的矿物质、天然资源和橡胶, 这些都是许多中国企业正在千方百计地寻求 的东西。中国铝业、武汉凯迪电力、上海电 气、华电和中投等公司已经在越南的煤炭和 铝业中进行了多项重大的投资。 这两个共产主义国家在思想和文化上拥 有很多的相似性,因此它们之间建立起繁荣 昌盛的商业关系看起来是件很自然的事情。 但是许多越南的政治家和活动家认为,让中 国企业购买越南资源、在建筑合约竞标中击 败越南公司正在慢慢地让中国在经济上称霸 越南。两国目前和历史上的紧张关系意味着 中国企业在越南的投资中需要保持一种乐观 但谨慎的态度。 中国近期在越南的投资 由于中国的消费者正以前所未有的速度购买

越南与中国接壤,并且拥有丰富的自然资源和廉价劳动力,它对中国企业来说是一 个有价值的投资目的地,但并非没有风险。

Vietnam, sharing a border with China and rich in natural resources and cheap labor, is a valuable area of investment for Chinese companies, but not one without risks.


ith rising labor costs in China’s most productive and efficient coastal cities, Chinese executives are increasingly l o o k i n g to Vietnam for their manufacturing operations, with investments in Vietnam rising from only 20 million USD in 2005 to more than 300 million in 2010. Rich in minerals, natural resources, and rubber, which many Chinese businesses are desperately seeking, companies such as Chinalco, Wuhan Kaidi Electric, Shanghai Electric, Huadian and CIC have made major investments in Vietnam’s coal and aluminum sectors. I t would appear natural for the two communist countries, with many

ideological and cultural similarities, to build a thriving and prosperous business relationship. But many Vietnamese politicians and activists have argued that allowing Chinese companies to purchase V i e t n a m e s e re s o u rc e s a n d o u tb i d Vietnamese companies for construction contracts is slowly allowing China to economically dominate Vietnam. These current and historical tensions between the two states mean that Chinese companies should be optimistic but cautious in t h e i r V i e t n a m e s e investments. Chinese Investment in Vietnam Since Chinese consumers are Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


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照片提供 Photo by Leo Fung

汽车,中国企业已经开始大量地投资于越南 出口量最高的产品:橡胶制品。2011 年, 中国轮胎企业和其他企业是越南橡胶行业的 主要客户,占该国橡胶出口总额的 60%以 上。 2010 年,中国企业占越南轮胎出口总 额的 70%以上。由于国内的抱怨,越南政 府一直试图打破其对中国市场的依赖,更多 地向美国和欧元区出口。然而,从越南运送 到西方所涉及的高运输成本让许多越南橡胶 企业仍然坚持以中国客户为主。 轮胎并不是中国企业在越南找到的唯一 宝贵商品。虽然中国拥有饮茶的历史传统, 但是海外归来的学生和国际商务人士已经在 中国建立起了一个不断壮大的咖啡市场。中 国仍然是一个小规模的咖啡消费国,每年的 消耗量为 30000 至 35000 吨之间,但是消 费却正在以每年 15-20%的速度增长。分析 家们指出,中国拥有超过 20 万潜在咖啡饮 用者,这将让中国与其他主要咖啡消费国看 齐。 2011 年 5 月,星巴克咖啡公司表示, 它计划将自己在中国的咖啡销量从现在的 450 吨左右到 2015 年增加两倍,达到 1500


Many Vietnamese are worried about the environmental effects of the widespread natural resource extraction in the country.

吨。为了创造出能够满足这种需求的供应量, 中国的咖啡企业已经向越南农民寻求帮助。 但是,当越南企业意识到中国企业可能 正在利用它们,越南咖啡制造商和中国企业 之间的紧张关系进一步升级。越南咖啡品牌 Dak Lak 正在就咖啡成本成分的专利问题起 诉广州 Buon Ma Thuot 公司。虽然中国咖 啡制造商正在寻求各种途径以满足其需求, 它们却在使用非常规、甚至不公平的方法来 达到这个目的。相比中国,越南无论在经济 还是军事上都要弱小得多,因此它很难抵御 拥有政府支持的中国企业。 当 2009 年越南政府允许中国铝业公司 在越南中部高地开采铝土矿时,这种反华情 绪达到了高潮。铝土矿的主要成分是铝,它 是中国建筑行业亟需的东西。越南拥有一个 储量约为 80 亿吨的高品质铝土矿,是全球 规模第三大的铝土矿。不过,提取矿物的环 境成本非常高。它会给土地留下伤痕,并且 释放排出有毒的红色污泥,很容易污染水源。 越南科学家、环保运动人士和政客不断质疑 政府在明知会造成重大环境损害的情况下, 为什么还要给予中国价值数十亿美元的采矿 合同。 中国企业对越南最有价值的产业进行的 价值数十亿美元的投资正在让越南变成中国


2012, Spring

gobbling up cars at an unprecedented rate, Chinese businesses have begun to heavily invest in one of Vietnam’s largest exports, rubber. In 2011, Chinese tire companies and other businesses were the main customers for Vietnam’s rubber industry, accounting for over 60 percent of the country’s total rubber exports. In 2010, Chinese businesses accounted for more than 70 percent of Vietnam’s tire exports. Due to domestic complaints, the Vietnamese government has attempted to break its reliance on the Chinese market by exporting more to the United States and Europe. But the high shipping cost from Vietnam to the West has persuaded many Vietnamese rubber businesses to stick with their Chinese clients. Tires are not the only commodities that Chinese businesses find valuable in Vietnam. Although the Chinese have a historical tradition based around te a , s t u d e n t s re t u r n i n g h o m e a n d international business people have created a growing coffee market in China.

China remains a marginal coffee-drinking nation, with annual consumption between 30,000-35,000 tons, but the consumption rate is growing at 15-20 percent a year. Analysts have stated that there are over 200,000 potential coffee drinkers in China, which would put China on par with other major coffeeconsuming countries. In May, 2011, Starbucks Coffee said that it planned to triple its coffee tonnage in China, from around 450 to 1,500 tons by 2015. In order to create supply for this demand, Chinese coffee companies have reached out to Vietnamese farmers. But tensions between Vietnamese’s coffee makers and Chinese companies exasperated when Vietnamese companies realized that Chinese companies could be taking advantage of them. Dak Lak, a Vietnamese coffee brand, is accusing Guangzhou Buon Ma Thuot of patenting their coffee ingredients. Although Chinese coffee makers are seeking various routes to fill its demand, they are

特别报道 SPecial report

的制造和资源大省之一。越南必须实现投资 的多样化,才能确保不被中国投资者剥削 和控制。《大西洋》月刊记者、华盛顿特 区新美国安全中心的资深研究员 Robert D. Kaplan 在给《中国离岸》发来的一份声明 中表示:“中国和越南是邻国。他们共享一 条漫长的边境线。从人口统计学和地理上来 说(如果不谈种族和历史的话), 越南就 像中国的另一个省份。这两个国家之间的不 平衡自然导致了对中国剥削越南的恐惧。如 果不希望被中国控制,越南必须平衡中国投 资与来自其他国家的投资之间的关系。” 但是,中国在越南的投资仍在继续。一 些观察家认为,让中国赢得这些合同是自然 而然的事情。越南高度依赖外商直接投资来 维持其经济增长,尤其是来自中国的投资。 2009 年,中国企业在越南完成了 73 个投资 项目,总价值超过了 3.35 亿美元。尽管遭 到了越南人的反对,2012 年 1 月越南驻华 大使阮文诗表示希望加强与中国之间的商业 关系。两国仍然在商谈价值数十亿美元的贸 易、投资和技术协议。阮文诗表示,中越之 间的双边贸易在 2011 年达到 402 亿美元, 同比增长了 20%。2011 年,超过 800 个与 来自中国外商直接投资相关的项目在越南启 动,其中许多项目与矿物、自然资源和制造 业相关。 越南驻中国大使显然希望让历史留在过 去。这位驻华大使和大多数越南人一样清楚, 越南高度依赖来自中国的投资,特别是在基

using unconventional and even unfair routes to do so. Vietnam, drastically smaller economically and militarily than China, is having a difficult time defending itself against Chinese companies who are supported by the state. Anti-Chinese sentiment erupted in 2009 when Hanoi allowed the Aluminum Corporation of China (Chinalco) to mine bauxite ore in Vietnam’s central highlands. Bauxite is the main source of aluminium, which China needs for its construction industry. Vietnam has an estimated 8 billion tons of high-quality bauxite, the third largest in the world. However, the environmental cost of extracting the mineral is high. It leaves scars on the land and releases a toxic red sludge that can easily contaminate the water. Vietnamese scientists, green movements, and its politicians are constantly questioning the wisdom of giving the Chinese billion-dollar mining contracts that cause significant environmental damage. The billions of dollars Chinese businesses are pumping into

Vietnam’s most valuable industries are changing Vietnam into one of China’s manufacturing and resource-saturated provinces. Vietnam must diversify its investments in order to ensure that it is not becoming exploited and dominated by Chinese investors. Robert D. Kaplan, a national correspondent for The Atlantic and a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, in Washington, D.C., told China Offshore:“China and Vietnam are neighbors. They share a long border. Demographically and geographically - if not ethnically and historically - Vietnam is like another province of China. This imbalance between the two nations naturally leads to fears of exploitation on Vietnam's part. Vietnam must balance Chinese investments with investments from other countries if it is not to be captured by China.” But Chinese investments in Vietnam continue. Some observers have said that allowing China to win these contracts is by their own doing. Vietnam has become highly dependent on foreign-

中国在越南的对外直接投资(百万美元 )

Chinese outward foreign direct investment in Vietnam (Million USD)

础设施领域。中国的国有企业不仅在整个越 南建立了工厂和农场,它们同样投资于绵延



的高速公路,让两国之间的贸易变得更加便 利和高效。2011 年 9 月初,中国广东省的




112.39 119.84

内和海防的公路。这条高速公路全长 105 公 里,设有双向 6 车道,最高时速为 120 公里。 中国政府可以通过帮助越南建设更加高效、 现代化的基础设施来加速双边贸易的发展。 中国在越南的外商直接投资不断地增 长,其中一部分原因是由于越南廉价的劳动 力。越南的劳动力是亚洲最便宜的之一。根 据国际货币基金组织“世界经济展望数据 库”所提供的数字,中国的平均最低年薪 为 1500 美元,而越南则为 1002 美元。由 于中国的劳动力目前已成为亚洲最昂贵的之 一,中国企业正把越南作为其纺织品和制造 业的中心。企业由于越南劳动力成本较低而






4405 2010年中国对东盟的投资

Chinese Investment in ASEAN Nations (2010)














对外直接投资流量(百万美元) FDI flow (million USD)

来源:2010 年度中国对外直接投资统计公报 Source: 2010 Statistical Bulletin of China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


特别报道 SPecial report

将转移到该国运营,中国企业在这一方面并 不是先行者。西方的公司已经在越南发展了 一段时间,许多企业选择离开中国,而落户 越南。佳能不再建立或扩大中国的工厂,目 前公司在河内的劳动力已经增加了一倍。尼 桑和内衣公司汉佰都已关闭了在中国主要的 制造厂,并且利用越南较低的制造成本在那 里建厂。 很显然,中国和越南的商业关系已经大 为改善。每年,中国在越南矿产、咖啡、自 然资源、基础设施和劳动力方面的投资也在 不断地增加。尽管越南的政治活动家们指责 中国正在剥削越南,并且将其作为自己的后

direct investment, especially from China, to sustain its growth. In 2009, Chinese businesses completed 73 investmentprojects worth over $335 million in Vietnam. In January 2012, despite Vietnamese objections, the Vietnamese ambassador to China, Nguyen Van Tho, asked for stronger business relations with China. The two sides are still in talks over billion-dollar deals regarding trade, investment and technology. According to Tho, bilateral trade between Vietnam reached $40.2 billion in 2011, up 20


percent year on year. Vietnam’s ambassador to China has appeared to let the history stay in the past. The Vietnamese ambassador is well aware, as most Vietnamese are, that Vietnam is highly dependent on Chinese investments, especially its infrastructure. Not only have Chinese state-sponsored corporations established factories and farms across Vietnam, but they have also been investing in monstrous highways, to make trade between the two nations easier and more efficient . In early

Key Chinese Investments in Vietnam 年份 Year

月份 Month























来源:美国传统基金会 Source: The Heritage Foundation


2012, Spring

投资方 Investor

百万美元 US Millions

合作伙伴 / 投资目标 Partner/Target

武汉凯迪电力 Wuhan Kaidi Electric


越南国家煤炭 Vietnam National Coal

上海电气集团 Shanghai Electric


中国华电集团 Huadian


Tan Tao Investment and Industrial

中国东方电气集团 Dongfang Electric


越南电力集团 Vietnam Electricity Group

中国投资有限责任公司 CIC


中国铝业公司 Chalco

中国铁建股份有限公司 China Railway Construction

武汉凯迪电力 Wuhan Kaidi Electric

中国华电 Huadian

广东省长大公路工程有限公司 Changda Highway Engineering

中国中铁股份有限公司 China Railway Engineering Corporation





$180 $550

越南煤炭矿业集团 Vinacomin

越南电力 Electricite de Vietnam

越南升龙热电股份公司 Thang Long Thermoelectric


行业 Sector

金属 - 铝 Metals – Aluminum 电力 - 煤炭 Power – Coal

交通 - 铁路 Transport – Rail 电力 Power

电力 - 煤炭 Power – Coal

电力 - 煤炭 Power – Coal

电力 - 煤炭 Power – Coal

电力 - 煤炭 Power – Coal

能源 - 煤炭 Energy – Coal 交通 Transport

交通 - 铁路 Transport– Rail

特别报道 SPecial report

花园,但是中国对越南的投资仍然照常,并 且继续保持增长。然而,如果两国的共产党 不能就领土争端历史遗留问题展开合作,两 国之间的投资可能会停止。 政治斗争:这会危害商业关系吗? 改善中越关系的最大障碍是中国南海的领土 争端。越南和中国都声称对潜在石油储量丰 富的南沙群岛拥有主权。这些岛屿在过去已 经发生过很多流血事件。1974 年,中国和 越南军队之间发生了短暂的冲突,导致 18 人死亡。1988 年,两国的海军发生冲突, 导致 70 名越南士兵死亡。目前,这两个国 家仍然坚定地声称对这些岛屿拥有主权。最 近局势有所升级,越南呼吁美国及其他东盟 国家支持其主张,来平衡中国在该地区日益 强大的军事实力。最近,中国已要求进行双 边磋商,但是越南认为最好的方式是与其他 太平洋强国结成军事结盟。 显然,这种情况可能会妨碍这两个国 家之间在商业领域的合作进展。但是,中 国对越南持续的投资展示了中国将把政治 和商业分开的态度,中国将继续投资这个 东南亚邻国。杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)中国政治和外交政治教授 Erik Hyer 发表了许多关于中越南海争端的文章, 他在接受《中国离岸》的采访时表示,尽管 面临政治分歧,中国将继续发展与越南之间 的商业关系。 Hyer 说:“如果中国过去的行为预示 着未来的政策,我相信北京政府不会把中国 南海的争端与商业活动联系起来。中国历来 把政治和商业分开对待。几十年来,中国一 直希望改善自己与有领土争端的国家之间的 关系。” 越南和中国之间历史上的政治紧张局势 并没有阻止来自中国的外商直接投资在整个 越南生根发芽。中国的企业将继续以极快的 速度对越南廉价的自然资源和劳动力投入巨 资。南沙群岛的争端看起来不会让中国停止 投资,很多中国投资者对此也并不担心。许 多观察家和专家都认为,中国在越南的投资 拥有一个光明的未来。不过,越南人必须牢 记,越南并不能总是依靠来自中国的需求, 它必须建立起自主性和决策过程。

September 2011, China’s Guangdong Provincial Changda Highway Engineering Corporation began the construction of a highway that links Hanoi and Haiphong. Chinese foreign direct investment in Vietnam has been increasing partly due to Vietnam’s cheap labor. Vietnam’s labor is one of the most inexpensive in Asia. According to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook Database, China’s average minimum annual salary is $1,500, while Vietnam’s is $1,002. Since Chinese labor has now become one of the most expensive in Asia, Chinese companies are looking at Vietnam as a place for its textile and manufacturing hub. Chinese businesses are not the first ones to move to Vietnam because of its lower labor costs. Western corporations have been staying for a while, and many have packed their bags in China and unloaded them in Vietnam. Canon is no longer building or expanding factories in China, now that the company has doubled its supply of labor in Hanoi. Nissan, and Hanesbrands, the underwear company, have all shut down major productions in China and set up in Vietnam because of its lower manufacturing costs. It is clear that the Chinese and Vietnamese business relationship has much improved. Every year Chinese investments in Vietnam’s minerals, coffee, natural resources, infrastructure, and labor are increasing. And despite Vietnam’s activist who are crying out that China is exploiting Vietnam and using it has its backyard, investments proceed and increase. Political Struggle: Could this Jeopardize Business? The largest impediment to improving the Chinese and Vietnamese relationship is a territorial dispute in the South China Sea. Both Vietnam and China are claiming

the Spratly Islands, which are potentially rich in oil deposits. This situation could clearly impede the business-progress between the two states. But China’s consistent investments in Vietnam show that China will keep politics and business separate, and continue to invest in its South East Asian neighbor. Erik Hyer, a professor of Chinese politics and foreign policy at Brigham Young University, who has published heavily on Vietnam’s and China’s disputes in the South China sea, told China Offshore that China will continue to build its business relationship with Vietnam despite their political differences. “ I f C h i n a’ s p a s t b e h av i o r i s a n indication of future policy, I believe that it is unlikely Beijing will link the disputes in the South China Sea with business activities with Vietnam. China has historically maintained a separation between politics and business. Going back many decades China has sought economic to improve economic relations with nations with which it has territorial disputes,” Hyer said. The historical political tensions between Vietnam and China are not stopping Chinese foreign direct i nve s t m e n t s t h ro u g h o u t V i e t n a m . Chinese businesses are going to continue, at a rapid rate, to invest heavily in Vietnam’s inexpensive natural resources and labor. Even the major dispute over a few islands does not appear to stop Chinese investments, and it has not worried many Chinese investors either. As far as many observers and experts can see, Chinese investments in Vietnam have a bright future. But Vietnamese must keep in mind that Vietnam must not always submit to Chinese demands and build their own autonomy and decisionmaking processes. Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


聚焦自由贸易区 FTZ Focus

非洲 Africa 肯尼亚出口加工区 Kenya Export Processing Zones Location: Kenya, Africa


Established: 1990


Turnover: 321 million USD(2009)

营业额:3.21 亿美元 (2009)

Total Companies: 83(2009)


Export : 287 million USD(2009)

出口额:2.87 亿美元 (2009)

Investment: 258 million USD(2009)

投资额:2.58 亿美元 (2009) 批准项目:21(2009) 设施:工业楼宇、办公空间、商务中心、服务式工业 用地、商业和居住用地 主要行业:园艺 / 食品加工、手工艺 / 珠宝、纺织和 服装制造、信息交流技术、皮革制品 知名公司:Africa Apparel, Blue Sky Films, ET Elasto Tech, Solitaire Gems, Wild Life Works

Projects approved: 21(2009)

Facilities: Industrial buildings, Office Space, Business

centre, Serviced Industrial Land, Commercial and residential Land

Key sectors: Horticultural/food processing, Handicrafts/ Jewelry, Textiles & apparel manufacture, Information Communication Technology, Leather products

Notable companies: Africa Apparel, Blue Sky Films, ET Elasto Tech, Solitaire Gems, Wild Life Works

中东 Middle East

杰拜勒 . 阿里保税区 (Jafza) Jebel Ali Free Zone(Jafza) 地理位置:迪拜;阿联酋 成立时间:1985 外商直接投资流入额: 占阿联酋外商直接投资总额的 20% 公司总数:6400 收入增长:同比年均增长率为 34% 设施:现成仓库、厂房和办公室供出租 主要行业:工业、服务业、贸易 公司类型: 保税区企业 (FZE)、保税区公司 (FZCO)、 子公司、特殊地位、非居民离岸公司 知名企业:JVC、 GAC、 沃尔沃、施华洛世奇、普 利司通

Location: Dubai, UAE Established: 1985

FDI inflow: Accounts for 20 percent of all FDI inflow into the UAE

Total Companies: 6400

Growth of revenue: average of 34 percent year-onyear

Facilities: Ready built warehouses, factories and offices are available for leasing.

Key sectors: Industrial, Services, trading

Company types: Free Zone Establishment (FZE) and

Free Zone Company (FZCO), Branch Company Special Status Non-Resident Offshore Companies

Notable companies: JVC, GAC, Volvo, Swarovski, Bridgestone


2012, Spring

中东 Middle East 爱琴海保税区 The Aegean Free Zone 地理位置:伊兹密尔,土耳其第三大城市和第二重要 的海港 成立时间:1990 外商直接投资:吸引的投资超过土耳其其他 19 个保 税区,雇佣人数占土耳其保税区总人数的 40% 以上

Location: Izmir, Turkey's third largest city and second most important seaport Established: 1990

FDI: Has attracted more investment than any of the other 19 Free Zones in Turkey Total Companies: 240 (2011)

公司总数:240 (2011) 贸易额:50 亿美元 (2011) 设施:对制造商来说有基础设施完善的工地和现成的 厂房、对分销商和贸易商来说有露天和非露天的仓库 和出租商业单元、一流的道路和通讯网络 主要行业:航空、航天、宇航、医疗器械和医药、电 子、汽车供应行业、机械制造和装配、敏感测量设备、 金属接头和厨柜生产、纺织和食品加工及包装 知名公司:德尔福汽车、Hugo Boss、德尔福柴油系统

Trade Volume : $5 Billion USD (2011)

Key sectors: Aviation, avionics, aerospace, medical

devices and pharmaceutical, electronics, automotive supply industry, machinery production and assembly,

sensitive measuring equipment, metal joints and kitchen cabinet production, textile and food processing and packaging

Notable companies: Delphi Automotive, Hugo Boss, Delphi Diesel Systems

北美 North America 加拿大中央港 CentrePort Canada 地理位置:靠近加拿大主要的货运机场之一:位于温 尼伯的詹姆斯·阿姆斯特朗·理查森国际机场 成立时间:2009 加拿大中央港的企业数量:超过 130 土地和空间:超过 2000 公顷现成土地供新项目开发, 现成仓库设施能够提供 55 万平方英尺的工业空间 主要资料:加拿大中央港促使两家中资企业 ( 上海英 颁斯物流科技有限公司和民生国际船务代理有限公 司)、CN Worldwide 和加拿大太平洋物流解决方案 公司一起发展铁路集装箱项目,该项目将增加马尼托 巴省高品质农产品向中国的出口。 重要行业:运输、物流、仓储和制造 知名公司:Winpak, Trailer Wizards, Advance Exteriors, Oil Mart, GE Canada, Canada Post, StandardAero

Location: Next to Winnipeg’s James Armstrong Richardson International Airport, one of Canada’s top cargo airports

Established: 2009

Key fact: CentrePort Canada brought together two

Chinese companies (Shanghai Invent Logistic &

Technology Co. and Minsheng International Freight Co.), CN Worldwide and Canadian Pacific Logistics Solutions to develop a railway containerization project

that would increase the export of high-quality Manitoba agricultural products to China.

Key sectors: transportation, logistics, warehousing and manufacturing

Notable companies: Winpak, Trailer Wizards, Advance E x te r i o r s , O i l M a r t , G E C a n a d a , C a n a d a Po s t , StandardAero

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


境外投资指南 Invest in hand book

Afganistan Investment Support Agency Tel:+ 930 20 210 3404

Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority (BEDIA) Tel: +267 318 1931

The Luxembourg Fund Labelling Agency(LuxFLAG) Tel: +352 22 30 26-1

Grenada Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) Tel:+ 473 444 1035

Antiguia and Barbuda Industrial Development Board (IDB) Tel:+ 020 7258 0070

Invest Bulgaria Agency (BFIA) Tel: +359 2 985 5500

Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) Tel: +357 22 441133

Guyana Office for Investment (GO-INVEST) Tel: +592 225 0658, 227 0653/4

Armenian Development Agency (ADA) Tel: +374 10 57 01 70

Cayman Islands Investment Bureau Tel:+ 345 945 0943

China Overseas Investment Fair (COIF) Tel: +86-10-59799908

InvestHK Tel: +852 3107 1001

Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO) Tel:+994 12 598 0147, 598 0148

ProExport Colombia Tel: +571 5600 100

Bahrain Economic Development Board Tel: +973 17 589 969 Invest Barbados Tel: +86 21 6133 1873 Belize Trade and Investment Development Services (BELTRAIDE) Tel: 501 822 3737 Fiducenter S.A Tel : +352 22 55 05

Trade and Investment Promotion Agency/ Croatia Tel: +385 1 4866 000 Luxembourg European Investment Bank(EIB) Tel: (+352) 43 79 1 Luxembourg for Finance Tel: + 352 27 20 21 1 Luxembourg National Tourist Office Tel: (+352) 42 82 82 10 Luxembourg Stock Exchange Tel : (352) 47 79 36 – 1

Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA)/Tunisia CzechInvest Tel: +420 296 342 500 General Authority for Investment & Free Zones, Egypt Tel: +202 240 55 452

2012, Spring

Organization for Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran (OIETAI) Tel: +9821 33967043 33967770 Jordan Investment Board (JIB) Tel: +9626 5608400/9

Ethiopian Investment Agency (EIA) Tel: +251 11 551 00 33 / 553 94 74

Kenya Investment Authority Tel: +254 20 2221401 4

Minsitry of Trade and Industry/ Faroe Islands Tel: +298 306600

Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) Tel: 82 2 3460 7511

Fiji Islands Trade & Investment Board (FITIB) Tel: +679 331 5988

Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) Tel: +371 67039499

Délégation pour la Promotion des Investissements, Tahiti Invest Tel: +689 47 22 20

Investment Development Authority of Lebanon (IDAL) Tel: + 961 (1) 983306/7/8

Invest in Germany Tel: +49 30/200 099 0


Statec Luxembourg Tel: (+352) 247-84219

Libyan Foreign Investment Board (LFIB) Tel: +218 21 3345010 20

Spring, 2012 INVEST IN


境外投资指南 Invest in hand book

Lithuanian Development Agency (LDA) Tel: +370 5 262 7438 Kulim Technology Park Corp. Berhad/Malasya Tel: +604 403 2420 General Delegation of Private Investment Promotion/ Mauritania Tel: +00 222 525 07 55 /524 87 17 Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier(CSSF) Tel :(352) 26 25 1 – 1 Chambre De Commerce Luxembourg Tel: 42 39 39 – 1 Islamic Financial Services Board(IFSB) Tel:+60391951400 ProNicaragua Tel: +505 2270 6400 Australia Foreign Investment Review Board Tel:+61 2 6263 3795 Palestinian Investment Promotion Agency /PIPA Tel: +970 2 2988791/2


2012, Spring

Environment and Resource Management

Durban Investment Promotion Agency Tel: +27 31 336 2540

Invest in Azores Agency (APIA) Tel: +351 296 308 800

Invest North West/South Africa Tel: +270 14 594 2570

Romanian Center for Export and Foreign Investment Promotion Tel: +40 21 318 50 50

Tanzania Tanzania Investment Centre Tel: (+255)-22-2116328 – 32

North-West Development and Investment Promotion Agency/ Russian Federation Tel: +7 812 622 14 87

Eteck/ Trinidad and Tobago Tel: +868 675 1989

National Development Corporation/ Saint Lucia Tel: +758 452 3614 / 758 452 3615 Investment Promotion and Major Works Agency (APIX)/ Senegal Tel: +221 849 05 55 Seychelles International Business Authority (SIBA) Sierra Leone Investment & Export Promotion Agency (SLIEPA) Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) Tel: +421 2 58 260 100, 101

Investment Support and Promotion Agency/Turquia Tel: +90 312 413 89 00 Lativa Investment and Development Agency of Latvia Tel: +371 67039400 Çukurova Development Agency/ Turquia Tel: +90 322 363 00 39 40 Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) Tel: +256 414 301000 InvestUkraine (Ukrainian Center for Foreign Investment Promotion) Tel: +380 44 537 7313 UK Trade & Investment Tel: +44 020 7215 8000

Invest in America Tel: +202 482 5199 General Investment Authority (GIA/Yemen Tel: +00967 1 262962/3 Corporate Service Providers EMCS International Services LTD Tel: +356 2133 6472 Immigration & Relocation Anchor Corporate Services Tel: +356 212 3239 Accounting RSM Malta Tel: +356 2149 3133 Investment Promotion Agency Malta Malta Enterprise Tel: +356 2542 0000 Lithuania Invest Lithuania Tel:(+370 5) 262 7438 Malta Law Firms Tanti – Dougall & Associates Tel: +356 2122 7900 Estonia The Estonian Investment and Trade Agency Tel: +372 6 279 700

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.