Tavern Cave

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Tavern Cave by John B Badd

Copyright 2010 by John B Badd Copyright 2012 by Badd Words LLC

Tavern Cave by John B Badd


Tavern Cave

Tabitha Flynn, or Abby as she was so often called, waited patiently for David Tindall's return at the opening of the Tavern Cave, a large cavern three-hundred feet above the Missouri River. The small campfire just inside the entrance warmed her back, but it was not necessary for her comfort. Even though she was still aware of the elements they no longer affected her as they once did. The clear night sky offered a spectacular view of the spring constellations along with the additional illumination

offered by the waning moon. These skylights danced spryly on the ripples of the river's powerful currents. Earlier she and David visited the Devil's Raceground, just a short distance up the river, to see the whirlpools and sand barges made famous by the Lewis and Clark journals which he studied obsessively prior to their westward adventure. David was more impressed than Abby by the site and he spent entirely too much time skipping flat stones off the river for her taste. Sometimes he behaved more as a child than a man. The previous summer, 19 August 1848 to be exact, while David was fulfilling his daily ritual of reading the New York Herald, he came upon an article about large quantities of gold being discovered in the territory of California.

After confirming the truth of the article he

informed Abby they would be traveling west to make their fortune. Of course she resisted the idea. After all New York City was her home, and she did not want to leave civilized company to live amongst savage pioneers. He calmly reminded her (in that over fatherly manner of his) how he completely skipped the Mexican-American War on her account. He boasted about how at her request he spent three years traveling around Europe and North Africa, even though Abby knew he enjoyed that trip as much as she. 7

After a week of arguing, threats of abandonment,

reassurances they would return to New York in no more than three years, and finally a promise to build her a house in the booming city of San Francisco, Tabitha finally agreed to the trip. Although David seemed impetuous to his associates, the woman who knew him best was secure in the knowledge that her lover's impulses were held in check by his cleverness. And with that knowledge it took little effort for Abby to delay their western trek until the following spring. This gave her time to re-experience all the aspects of the city she loved and would soon miss. It gave David time to set his affairs in order. He collected debts, secured a few low risk investments and found a suitable caretaker for their humble estate. Once this was done David enveloped himself in research. He studied all the information he could find on the Corps of Discovery, even going as far as to mark their points of interest on one of the maps he collected. He learned what he could of the geography, fauna, flora, and native tribes they might encounter along the way. He decided they would take the standard wagon routes to St. Louis. From their, they would follow Lewis' and Clark's trail along the Missouri River to St. Joseph. They would then proceed along the California Trail to San Francisco, where they would purchase their new home. Once they made their fortune

in gold they would head north to the Clatsop Plains, in the territory of Oregon, from which they would follow Lewis' and Clark's trail back east.

After the New York winter broke the pair began their adventure. They arrived in St Louis on the 6th of April. The city was, to Abby's surprise, much alive with culture and mercantilism.

She spent her

evenings acquainting herself with the locals and admiring the clothing at the various boutiques. The booming city seemed over crowded with all the newcomers brought in by the recent westward rush.

French and

English were the most common languages heard on the streets, but their also were many other European dialects as well. If it was not for the stench from the lack of a proper sewage system, which David boasted was the cause of the cities choler epidemic, she would have talked him into staying longer.

As it was, despite her earlier debate, she had begun

looking forward to arriving in California. They stayed three weeks in St Louis before heading north to Saint Charles for a brief visit. It was from there they began their westward journey along the Missouri River, all the while following in the footsteps of the renowned Lewis and Clark Expedition. It was that path that brought them to their current location of Tavern Cave, one of the first notable stops 9

made by the explorers her lover was so enthralled with. She sat at the mammoth entrance of the cave, enjoying the cool breeze and the warmth of the fire on her back, waiting for David to return with their meal he went to retrieve from the near by town of Saint Albans. Faint sounds of approach from down the path caught Abby's attention. She closed her eyes to strengthen her other senses and inhaled deeply. The smell of the muddy river flooded her senses along with the scent of fresh spring blooms on the trees and the year's early growth of green. Underneath the odor of her environment and the small fire behind her she caught a familiar tinge. She focused on her hearing and confirmed what her nose told her, her visitor indeed walked on four legs. She smiled to herself, glad the friend she made the previous evening was calling on her. The she-wolf came through the foliage cautiously at first, then hastened her steps when she saw Abby hold out her hands in a welcoming gesture. She was a magnificent creature; light gray fur covered her face, back, and legs. Her chin and belly were as white as snow. Abbey knew from prior experience the wolf was one of the younger members of her pack, most likely in the start of her second year. She stroked the wolfs bristly fur as the creature moved in close and nestled down beside her,

resting its head on her lap. This delighted Abby as it reminded her of the hunting dogs her father had when she was a child. She would play with them for hours on end. In jest her mother use to tell her she would turn into an animal if she kept spending so much time with them. At the memory of her parents, sadness overtook her. It had been such a long time since she had seen them and she missed them dearly. She knew they were alive and well, she wrote them often and sometimes sent money or gifts. But she could never see them again; they would know she was different. They would ask all the wrong questions, no good would come of it. Still she missed them something fierce along with the nieces and nephews she would never grow to know. As if sensing her heartache the wolf nestled her long nose into Abby's neck then licked her cheek. Abby smiled and tightly embraced the wolf, rubbing her face into its thick fur. She smelled of wilderness, and the other members of her pack. "You are a sweetheart," she said to the creature as she released her hold on it. "I think you need a name." The wolf tilted its head inquisitively, almost as if she understood the woman's words.


"I think I will call you Isabella," she told the questioning wolf. "How do you like that name? It was my little sisters name, God rest her young soul. You can be my little sister now," she smiled at the silliness of her own words but continued. "Now theirs a good little Isabella," she put her nose to her new sisters and enjoyed the cold wet felling. Isabella's yellow eyes seemed to glow and she wagged her tale in response, letting Abby know she thought it was a fine name. Abby knew the wolf would more than likely decide to return to her pack, but if she wanted to follow them all the way to California that would be just fine. Until then she would enjoy their time together. The sound of more footsteps on the path to the cave took Abby's attention from her new friend. She did not have to stretch her senses know David drawing near; they had a bond that went beyond the five senses. He must be returning with their dinner. She knew he would be happy to see Isabella; he loved animals as much as she did. It was his idea to get acquainted with the pack when they ran across their tracks outside Saint Charles. "You can never have too many allies in the wild," he told her. She could not wait to eat, she was just famished. David approached the cave and the moonlight behind him made his silhouette stand out as the fire light danced over his handsome features.

Even in his woodsman clothing, a meager attempt on his part to play the common man, Abby thought he still looked like a prince. She would never understand his fascination with manual labor and equality for all mankind. She knew together they could rule nations. Oh well, she would let him sow his wild oats before turning him into to the gentleman he was destined to become. Then she noticed the girl behind him. Why did this not surprise her? It was so typical of him. She could not have seen a day over twenty years, and she was stunningly beautiful from head to her bare toes. Oh my lord, she was still in her cotton night gown, it barely covered her bosom and left her delicate shoulders completely exposed. Her long brown hair was braided half way down her back. Why did he always pick the pretty ones? Was she, Abby, not enough to satisfy him? "Hello Dear," David said with his usual boyish charm, "look who I have invited over for dinner." He put his left arm around the strumpet and had the nerve to grasp her bare shoulder. "I already had my supper before bed," the girl said in a soft steady voice. "Is that a wolf you got their ma'am?" David chuckled at the wenches mesmerized ranting and responded in a most amused tone, "No sugar that there is just a big ole dog. And you 13

will not exactly be eating dinner with us so much as providing it." He laughed at his own cleverness this time as he rubbed her neck. "So you need not worry yourself, you just relax and follow our lead, we will do the rest." "Yes sir," the girl responded, this time seeming a little confused. Abby had enough of David's flirting with the little whore, how many times had she asked him not to play with his food. She stood up and walked over to them taking the girl's hand and leading her towards the cave. "She is very beautiful darling," she said with her back to him, doing her best to keep the venom out of her voice. "How ever do you find them so lovely?" "It is not hard," he responded with his usual good cheer. "I guess it is just a talent I have." For being an intelligent man David was way to simple to know when to keep his mouth shut. Could he be that stupid? Perhaps he was trying to provoke her. She positioned the girl in front of the small fire and stood behind her, keeping their backs to him. Abby stroked the girls braid admiring how much care had been put into it and wondering if she had done it herself. She smelled of a clean farm and also carried the scent of the biscuits and chicken she cooked for dinner. Abby traced the soft skin

of her neck and felt the throbbing vein beneath the surface of her soft flesh. She gently rubbed it, causing it to swell slightly under her fingers. --David watched Abby lead the young woman over to the fire. He was glad she was pleased with her. He took extra care to find one he thought she would like. He knew how important cleanliness was to her and this far away from the city that was hard to find. Of course he liked her because she was pretty, but that was just a bonus, and Abby admired beauty as much as he did. David turned his attention to Abby's new friend. He was glad she had found the young wolf to keep her company while he was out hunting. He kneeled in front of it and scratched behind its ears. It was strange to see a wolf this young away from its pack, it must really like them. If it followed them away from its territory he would ask Abby if she would mind bringing it to California with them. He thought that would make her happy, she loved animals as much as he did. David looked up to see Abby preparing to penetrate the vein on the girl's neck. He approached them for a closer view. This was one of his favorite parts after all. Abby bared her sharp fangs as she tilted her preys head to the side. They pierced the soft flesh with ease and the girl inhaled 15

with a moaning gasp. Abby made a seal with her lips and withdrew the fangs allowing the fresh blood to flow into her mouth. She was such a professional now she did not even dribble a single drop. David watched in pride as his protĂŠgĂŠ mastered the art of feeding. He slipped his left arm between the two women, wrapping it around Abby's waist. With his right hand he brushed her beautiful red hair to one side exposing her neck. He could feel the warmth engulf her as she drank. He could see the blood beginning to pulse through the life-vein in her neck. He bared his own fangs and bit down, piercing Abby's flesh and sharing in the blood she was taking in. This was the way they always fed when they were together. They would switch off who was drinking from the prey, but other than that the routine was the same. The secondary feeder would drink slower than the primary so as not to take too much. David felt the girls legs start to wobble, a sure sign they had taken enough of her blood. He released his hold on Abby licking the excess blood from her neck. It was easy cleanup as her wounds had already begun to close. He was expecting her to release the girl and became concerned when she did not.

"That is enough darling," David started calmly. "You are going to kill her." He slid his right hand under his lovers chin, putting pressure on her jaw line with his fingers, signaling the need to release her prey like he had when she was just a fledgling. "Abby let go now," he demanded, his voice getting deeper and louder. The wolf behind them began growling, but he did not have time to worry about the beast. He grasped Abby's jaw using most of his strength, forcing her mouth to open. Then he gently pulled her head back, worried she might clamp her teeth down and rip the girl's throat out. Abby looked back at David and he could see the rage in her eyes. She smiled at him and he knew instantly he was too late to save the girl. Abby still had her left arm on the young woman's waist and her head held in her right hand. Before David could pry the girl from her grip she twisted her head sideways and with a loud CRUNCH the young woman's body went totally limp. Abby threw her violently to the ground. The horror of it struck David like a cannon. He shoved Abby hard, tossing her over the dead girl and through the small fire. Abby did not fall with the shove; she pulled her legs into herself and turned the throw into a backwards tumble with all the grace of a circus performer. 17

She came to the ground leaning forward but sliding

backwards, she stood up straight as she came to a stop. The scattered fire illuminated her, light flickering off her body in light glow. This effect combined with her intense anger and the evil smile on her lips put David in the mind of a demon. Spilt blood flowed down her chin reaching the collar of her dress; her red hair was wild from the toss. Any mortal would have run in fear from this sight. David could only think how beautiful she was. "What in God's name are you thinking woman?" he bellowed at her in anger. "I planned to return her to her home alive. Now you will have search parties all over these woods by dawn. Are you out of your head?" Abby responded in a calm voice, although the venom was obvious in her undertone, "I am sure it is upsetting to you that you will not get to frolic in the forest with your pretty cherry.

Maybe you should have

invited her on your stupid trip across country. Do you think I do not notice how you always pick the pretty ones to feed on? You are such a monster." "Balderdash," David exclaimed, "that is ridiculous and you know it." He did in fact always pick the pretty ones to feed on. But she was not so innocent, picking the finest specimen of men to feed on every time she

hunted. "Now we have to move far from this place before they discover she is missing." "Why do you choose to run from these humans David? We can kill them all before they know we are here." "That is the beast in you talking, look at the girl you just killed. She was sharing a bed with her little sister who had not even come of age yet. Imagine how she will feel when she discovers her loss," even as he spoke the words he knew they would cut deep. Abby's features softened and she turned away from the bloody scene. "It is your fault for bringing the whore here. Get her out of my sight!" David took the dead girl in his arms as easy as if she were a feathered pillow and dived into the raging river below.

He easily

navigated the current to the floor and forced her into the mud. He found a large bolder on the shore that he took back in with him and used to cover the watery grave. That would keep her body from surfacing before nature took its course and destroyed any evidence of the attack. When he returned to the cave the fire was gone as well as all signs of the evenings horrors. Abby sat against the wall with her head down,


their packed belongings beside her. The young wolf was no where to be seen. David spoke softly, "Thank you for cleaning up dear. We need to go now." He picked up their belongings and the couple walked down the path from the Tavern Cave together.

John B Badd was born and raised in St. Louis, MO. After traveling the USA and working many different jobs he has settled back down where he started. He now writes and is currently working on publishing his first E-Magazine Super Flash Fiction.

Super Flash Fiction will bring you flash fiction and art of a super-hero genre. If you want to subscribe to this free E-Mag or if you are a writer or artist looking to contribute your original work come by and check us out. SuperFlashFiction.com


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