The European future ecologic smart city

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The European Future Ecologic Smart City

LET'S USE ENERGY USEFULLY 2018-1-IT02-KA229 048029_5

HOW CAN WE PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT IN OUR EVERYDAY LIFE? By Yeşilay Gürbüz Today, industrialization, rapid urbanization, wrong land use, natural many problems have risen, such as excessive consumption of resources, threats to human habitats and other habitats. Thus, urban planning ideas were effective. So,The idea of preserving the rest of nature and building ecologically oriented cities is emerging. Objectives of the ecological city idea; • Reducing the negative impact of cities on the environmental system • Use of renewable energy sources • Implementing the zero carbon principle • Use of recycled materials • Lowest waste generation In order for a place to become an eco-city, we must reduce the energy and water consumed, the distance to food, and the need for a car. To make an ecological city, the houses must first be environmentally friendly. Environmental friendliness of a house means that it is an ecological house. So how can a house be ecological? If we recycle the energy, water, heat, air and garbage we spend, we will make an ecological house.

Passivhaus Passivhaus design is a standard for design and construction. Sustainable housing code, aimed at creating homes to maintain comfortable temperatures with minimal energy use. The aim is to create houses that are comfortable to live in and use sunlight, passive energy sources produced by man and device, and generate heat to significantly reduce the need for additional space heating. In order to achieve Passivhaus standards, space heating energy should not exceed 15 kWh / m2. This is determined by calculating the maximum amount of heat at the minimum required ventilation rate using a fresh air supply. That's why the Passivhaus concept is on maximum demand to reduce energy consumption and ecological footprints by producing low energy buildings that require minimal energy for underfloor heating or cooling. The aim is to provide excellent indoor air quality and thermal comfort while using very little energy for heating and cooling, which is an ideal scenario! Importantly, the Passivhaus design concepts do not compromise style and ergonomics and feature natural light and ventilation for a high-end look. But by reducing energy needs and creating self-sufficient and sustainable structures, it sets the ground for truly zero-carbon houses. Logistically, the Passivhaus design is the best approach for green house design and construction. Ecological home architects working within these standards focus on the size, shape and orientation of the homes and use good heat retention, airtightness, natural ventilation and heat recovery systems to significantly reduce the annual carbon emissions of a building. Heating and solar controlled glasses These glasses have solar low-E coating. In this way, the cold air entering in the winter is prevented by 50%, it is prevented from entering the indoor environment where the sun temperature is 40% in the summer and passes after the indoor environment warms up. You are preferred because the summer months are very hot. Used when summers are very hot and winters are harsh; it will block the heater of the sun's rays.

Zero Carbon Houses Zero carbon houses are theoretically places that produce zero or even negative CO2 emissions by maximizing energy efficiency and renewable energy. In Zero Carbon homes, emissions are reduced by using innovative space heating and cooling technologies, such as energy-efficient materials and solar panels and 'allowed off-site solutions', a type of carbon offset. A zero carbon house will also need an efficient mechanical ventilation system. Air flow around and outside a building will be a major factor in determining the amount of additional heating required. Living in a zero carbon home is a cost-effective way to consume less energy and release less CO2, rather than meeting higher energy demands. However, not all construction sites and locations are suitable for producing and hosting renewable energy.

LET'S USE ENERGY USEFULLY 2018-1-IT02-KA229 048029_5

ECOLOGICAL CITIES by Ĺžeyma HacÄąfettahoÄ&#x;lu Over the centuries, people have made an effort to develop their conditions. Due to this, many people from different professions have had their fair share of trouble. For instance; bakers, doctors, lawyers, farmers, teachers and even housewives. However, what is this need to develop, to improve? How should it be done? Furthermore, during this process of developing are some things overlooked? If so, what are these things? It is best to take into account some factors that are usually forgotten; such as, the self, family, kindship, animals and nature. So cities rush to develop; however, they often forget other aspects that are also important; namely, nature. Nature is a crucial aspect for humans, communities and states. It procures a healthy environment for individuals. It feeds and nurtures us. Therefore, it would be best for mankind to protect it. Humans should arrange their lives and acts suitable to the nature. Development must be done with nature. For instance, people should establish eco-cities. If they fail to do this, mankind won't be alive in a few centuries later. Well, what and how is an eco-city? Firstly, we must re-establish cities in accordance with the climate and environment.

We must not pollute the environment. We must protect flora and fauna. We must use water supplies in a productive manner. We must recycle waste water. We must use the rain water. We must block emission of greenhouse gas. We must decrease the usage of fossil fuel and turn to the use of renewable energy. We should prefer public transportation in order to lessen traffic. If we recycle trash we can establish eco-cities. These are only a few offers. But we must use these and we must set up eco-cities. Because mankind's future depends on this.

To sum up people must come together and strive for a new, healthy, beautiful world. If they fail to do so, they will be forced to live in a bad environment. The best solution is to cooperate and strive for a new world. Best wishes for the best world. Good luck for everyone.

LET'S USE ENERGY USEFULLY 2018-1-IT02-KA229 048029_5

MY DREAM CITY Şevval Çolakoğlu I imagine a city and this city is very special. Because there is not any dirty things in this imagined city... I want everywhere be clean and tidy. I don’t like pollution in the air and on earth like every people. Because of this we are must first reduce the use of motor vehicles. This will provide reduce the traffic density. Motor vehicles will be used only for so far distances (like to other cities or other countries). Bicycles will only be used for near distances (like schools, shopping malls). These applications will prevent many negative things like air pollution, obesity and the most important problem of ozone layer. Out of this, people should be more interested in nature. For example we should use flower essence instead of chemical scents. We shouldn’t grow vegetables and fruits out of season. This is important for reducing greenhouses. We should grow natural vegetables and fruits without chemicals. Because chemicals used for vegetables and fruits are very dangerous for nature. And people should be more careful for nature. People should do something for it. For example transforming everything that can recycled and helping nature. We should give up using plastic things. We don’t live in the nature lonely, animals and other living things with us in this world. Protecting animals one of our tasks. We should save all of them but especially the endangered animals. We put the food in nature for them in winter. Animal hunting should be a professional job. Only people with a hunter certificate should hunt. Because this can cause over hunting. So, if all these things happen, it won’t be only my dream. And the world will become more beautiful and peaceful in the future...

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Ecology is a problem that draws attention to the environment of the living organisms. By examining the characteristics of the region. Plants and animals will be able to live there. In order to build an ecological city, we need to make things positive. If we want to regulate dirty water and air in terms of the environment and we do it by thinking about plants and animals, we can build an ecological city. If we plan to plant a new seedling or cut old and dried trees, we can contribute to build an ecological city instead of planting a new tree. In order to contribute to ecology, we must also prevent air pollution and soil pollution. What should we do to prevent them? In order to prevent air pollution, we should install filters in factory chimneys and pay attention to the use of renewable resources. In order to prevent water pollution, we need to dispose of the rubbish where necessary. If we look at the recent years, people tend to drive a car. If we talk about drinking water consumption in terms of ecological city, we should raise awareness of the people by using researches in order to avoid drinking too much drinking water. Washing, greenhouse cultivation and other activities such as using in the garden can contribute to build an ecological city. By using drinking water in cooking, bath and dishwashing situations we reduce both the drinking water wastage and the rain water. Let’s turn people into these areas so that we can contribute to becoming an ecological city.

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How Can We Build an Ecological City by Sema Urban renewal work can be done. Streets, squares, parks, urban areas should be kept clean. Carbon dioxide emissions need to be provided. Toxic gases which damage to ozone layer is the most important measure of cleaning the air. We need to use less resources to increase the amount of food. We can reproduce and reuse recycled materials.

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FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE by Şefika Hale Burçak First of all, we can mention about our renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is the energy obtained from the energy flow that exists in continuous natural processes. These sources are solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydraulic energy, biomass energy and hydrogen energy. We can shape the future with projects using these energy sources. Some cities have already started this project. Let's look at one of these, the sustainable city in Dubai. This is a very quiet and spacious place. The purpose of the people here is to protect our future. People here recycling everything and they use sustainable energy. For example, they use the water in their pools from sink water, the water they wash in the shower, and the water they laundry wash. They use those kind of waters by treating them. And they called this water as ‘grey water’ .They do not only use these waters in their pools, they also use them to irrigate crops on their farms. They provide energy in the city from solar panels and by this time they have installed 26,000 of 40,000 panels. Each house has a solar panel on the roof. Three megawatts of energy from 10 megawatts comes from the playground. Here, driverless vehicle is used and powered by electricity. Although the city focuses more on driverless vehicles, there are no vehicles in many neighbouring regions. Most residents use electrical public transport. Horse carriages are another

option for those who prefer a more natural journey. There are 250 charging stations instead of gas stations. The 2,500-tree park also helps reduce air pollution. People produce more than they consume here. I would like to appreciate those who have implemented this project. The most important task of our time is to design our cities with sustainable projects with necessary and possible actions. We must immediately leave the unsustainable activities starting today. We should support the sustainable projects. If we do not take our precautions already, we will lose our natural resources, which will decrease due to the future pollution, global warming and many reasons.

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ECOLOGICAL CITIES OF EUROPE by Nisanur AkkuĹ&#x; In an ecological city air pollution can be decreased in a very low level. Solid wastes must be collected systematically. In ecological cities, there must be a rain water system, the creeks should be rehabilitated and they must flow into the green valleys. There are playgrounds and parks for her children in their districts, the target area of urban forests and nurseries and botanical parks where the people wish their area of nursing. The ability to maintain and control pets is necessary. If you need sterilization, and unattended animals can look in nature-compatible shelters. In ecological cities, cigarettes can only be smoked in only restricted areas.

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HOW SHOULD AND ECOLOGICAL CITY BE? By Nagehan Şahin Today, the World is in an unpleasant condition. The cities are very crowded polluted and irregular. Human beings are insensitive to the natural environment. They are building cities by destroying nature. Nature’s a crucial aspect for humans, communities and states. It procures a healthy environment for individuals. It feeds and nurtures us. Therefore, it would be best for mankind to protect it. Humans should arrange their lives and act accordingly with nature. Development must be done with nature. Humans being can solve some problems by some precaution and they can reduce some like this problems. By this precautions and we can build future ecological cities? What and how is an eco-city? Firstly we should build ecological houses and we must re-establish cities in accordance with the environment. What does it mean an ecological house? An Eco-house (or eco-home) is an environmentally low-impact home designed and built using materials and technology that reduces its carbon footprint and lowers its energy needs. So when building an Eco house you should primarily pay attention to the use of recycled materials and those that are biodegradable. During the construction of this type of house is also important the use of renewable energy sources, both in the same building and later in the functioning of the house.

An eco house could include some or all of the following: Higher than normal levels of thermal insulation Better than normal airtightness Good levels of daylight Massive solar orientation — glazing oriented south for light and heat Thermal mass to absorb that solar heat Minimum north-facing glazing — to reduce heat loss Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) system Heating from renewable resources (such as solar, heat pump or biomass) Photovoltaic panels, small wind turbine or electricity from a ‘green’ supplier

Natural materials — avoidance of PVC and other plastics Rainwater harvesting Grey water collection Composting toilet Glass that has two or three layers with a vacuum in between to prevent heat loss; (double or triple-glazed windows) Geothermal heating and growing plants on the roof to regulate temperature, quieten the house, and to produce oxygen And these houses should be small but more economical. Solar panels or wind turbines

If we can build these houses regularly, we can also build an eco-city and these cities should be suitable for climate and environment. We mustn't pollute the environment. We must use water supplies in a productive manner. We must recycle waste water. We must use the rain water. We must decrease the usage of fossil fuel and turn to the use of renewable energy. How we can do these? We can use rainwater in watering cans to water plants by hand. We can also attach any rainwater storage tanks directly to an automatic irrigation system.

We must decrease the usage of fossil fuel and turn to the use of renewable energy.

Solar Heating, We can use it as heat for making hot water, heating buildings and cooking.

And finally these are a few offers. But we must use these and we must set up eco-cities. If we fail to do so we will be forced to live in a bad environment.

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EUROPAN FUTURE ECOLOGICAL CITIES by NazlÄącan SĂśzen Ecological cities play an important role for the future of the world. There are many things that should be done in a city for this important development. Recycling the garbage can be a good solution. And, it can be done many bicycle lines and bicycles on the streets where everyone can ride when they want to get rid of motor vehicles and provide air cleaning. If a high level of insulation is increased in buildings, the buildings remain cool hot in summer, hot in winter so much less energy for heating and cooling used. It is important to use water economically in ecological cities. A high degree of water efficiency can be provided in the washing machine and shower heads.

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What is the ecological city? By Nagehan Ĺžahin To me, it is a reduction of the need for consumed energy, water and cars that make an ecofriendly city. Another step is to balance the ecological order. I want to mention about how to set up this layout. Giving information to people about precautions is very important. Then, reducing the use of substances is another solution. If we do these precautions, we can live in a more beautiful world and leave a beautiful world for future generations...

LET'S USE ENERGY USEFULLY 2018-1-IT02-KA229 048029_5

FUTURE ECOLOGICAL CITIES by Melike Büşra Çemç Today, the world is in an unpleasant situation. The cities are very crowded, polluted and messy. Human beings are insensitive to the natural environment. They are building cities by destroying nature. This is a very big problem for us and our future. Human beings can solve this problem by some precautions. With these precautions we can build future ecological cities. For ecological cities we must make the cities compatible with the climate and natural environment. We must prevent the environmental pollution by reducing plastic product usage. We must protect flora. In cities water, air and soil pollution are very high levels. They are necessary for life. We must keep clean them. In crowded cities, water recycle is very important. Because water resources are limited in crowded cities. We must benefit rain water. Exhaust gases, air condition gases, etc. are polluting our atmosphere. We must stop the usage of these gases. Coal, oil and natural gas are causing air pollution. We must use recyclable energy sources. There are a lot of vehicles in the traffic. We must reduce vehicles used in the traffic. We can use public transport (train, metro, etc.) Finally we have got a very big problem with our garbage. We can build recycle factory. In this factories we must recycle the garbage. As a result, we can build ecological cities of future for all human beings.

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HOW SHOULD AN ECOLOGICAL CITY BE? By Esra ŞAHİN In an ecological city people should be reduce anything else to be ecological. There are some important rules for an ecological city. These are: RESISTIVITY Resistivity is to accept what will happen at a future time and plan everything from today. Wind and solar power provide energy only for a certain period of time, while bio fuels need large areas and threaten agriculture. So the first step is to reduce everything as much as possible. ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDING The most important feature of an eco-building is insulation, with solar panels and wind turbine on the roof. High level insulation buildings keep warm in winner and cold in summer. So, you need very little energy for heating and cooling. In order to increase the energy effıciency of buildings, it is necessary to use the most efficient light bulbs, appliances and boilers. SAVING WATER Eco-buildings should use drinking water economically. Washing machines, shower heads etc. To a certain extent, water must be efficient, and toilets should have siphons that allow water to be used according to people’s need. SUSTAINABLE FARM

Moving food away from thousands of kilometers away causes waste of energy and creates pollution. Products such as vegetables fruits should be grown in rural areas in the eco-city as much as possible. BIODIVERSITY We must encourage the spread of wild life into cities. Plants and trees should be in everywhere in the country yard, on the street and on the roofs. An ecological city should be green. POPULATION DENSITY More people live closer, make the streets more lively and we can prefer walking, cycling and public transports. It supports the existence of different stores and services close to the houses. ADJOINING HOUSES Houses occupy more than 70 % of the ecological city land. Adjoining houses not only save space, they also emit less heat to the environment with adjacent walls and save more energy MIXED USE In the district center, stores and workplaces should be made under the apartments. Schools must be intermingled with houses. ROADS The main roads in the eco-city are the pedestrian path. These roads that are closed to vehicles make cycling and walking enjoyable. Each houses should be facing a pedestrian path. LIVABLE STREETS Eco-city streets are not under the control of cars. In this way, there will be no sound and noise. There will be environments suitable for children to play on the street, to chat with friends, to talk to new neighbours. RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION Railway transportation is much more efficient over long distances than highway. A railway terminal must also be constructed. The railway station and the local bus service connect you to towns, cities and coves near the eco-city. Diesel buses with very low noise and odour should be away from the pedestrian zone.

LET'S USE ENERGY USEFULLY 2018-1-IT02-KA229 048029_5

WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FOR AN ECOLOGICAL CITY? By Kßbra Alkan A place that makes eco-city energy and water consumed, the distance of food, the need for reduce all of them. Sustainability One way to decide whether a city is sustainable or not is related with the question that it is carbon neutral or not. Carbon balances a neutral eco-city carbon emissions; to example, in order to burn fossil fuels, tree is planted and carbon is kept. Another way is to look the ecological toot prints to calculate how much land and water the city’s lifestyles need.

LET'S USE ENERGY USEFULLY 2018-1-IT02-KA229 048029_5

ECOLOGICAL CITIES by Esra Ĺžahin Over the centuries, people have made on effort to develop their environment, especially in cities they rush to develop; however, they often forget other aspects that has a real importance; namely, nature. Nature is a crucial aspect for human health, society order and states. Therefore, people need to protect it. We should create ecological cities by protecting the nature. The most important thing that should be in the ecological city is eco-friendly houses. Key elements of an eco-home: high levels of insulation, high levels of airtightness, good levels of daylight, superior double or triple-glazed windows, passive solar orientationglazing oriented south for light and heat. And, minimum north-facing glazing to reduce heat loss, thermal mass to absorb that solar heat, soil, deep overhangs, air conditioning and other features to manage overheating, heating and hot water providing from a renewable source.

We have to save water for an ecological home. From cooking meals to practising basic hygiene and keeping the house clean, we use plenty of water at home every day. Most of the time, we simply proceed with these tasks without ever thinking about the volume of water being used, but perhaps it would be no harm to pause and consider this this first. To save water, for example, wait until your washing machine or dishwasher is almost full before turning it on, as these us the same amount of water irrespective of being full or nearly empty. When brushing your teeth or shaving, don’t leave the tap flowing the whole time. For having shower, buy a low-flow showerhead that will use far less water without compromising on performance. Rainwater collection is one of the simplest and most energy efficient ways of saving water. A household can use filtered rainwater to flush toilets, wash clothes, clean the car and other outside cleaning.

Recycling can make a big difference in protecting the environment. You should have your own recycle bin already. It is then all about finding out what you can recycle, sorting it, and putting out your recycling on the correct right. Recycling reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfill. If you’ve got a garden then compost. It is a great way of processing garden and kitchen waste and reducing landfill. You can then use the nutrient rich compost to feel your garden.

Other benefits of an eco-house, aside from the obvious one of having minimal heating costs, are a healthy living environment. The heat recovery system can eliminate dampness and the moulds that are so often a health hazard. The air intake filters prevent dust coming in with the

incoming fresh air and the internal vacuum cleaner system extracts dust from the house and vents it to the outside, thus no microscopic particles of dust remain in the house.

The diminishing sources of energy are just one side of coin. There is yet another problem in this equation on that is often over looked. Many of the energy sources that are in vogue today leave a detrimental impact on the environmental. There are many ways in which solar is the cleaner, greener choice: Unlike energy from coal-fired processes solar does not result in harmful carbon emissions that increase global warming or atmospheric pollution. Solar power also saves water, another natural resource that is getting scarcer by the day. Research shows that generating electricity using solar panels lets you save almost 90 percent water when you compare it with energy production from coal. Studies have also shown that solar energy is a healthy option for humans because it represents far less toxicity than other power production processes that are in use currently. The use of fossil fuels results in water, air and also land pollution. This impacts not just humans but all living creatures. For example, mercury pollution resulting from coal firing is responsible for high levels of mercury in fish, making them dangerous for consumption. Going solar is the perfect solution that full fills all these need and florid residents are placed ideally to make the best use of this natural, renewable energy source. To sum up people must come together and strive for a new, healthy, beautiful word. If they fail to do so they will be forced to live in a bad environment. The best solution is to cooperate and strive for a new world. Best wishes for the best world.

LET'S USE ENERGY USEFULLY 2018-1-IT02-KA229 048029_5

ECOLOGICAL CITIES OF EUROPE by Edanur Göz People cause the destruction of the natural environment with the developing technology. But we can help nature to renew itself. We can: • Plant new trees. • recycle our garbage, by separating them into glass, plastic and paper. • make insulation to our buildings so that we can help the environment with less gas usage. • prefer bicycles to reduce the traffic jam. • close the open taps when we don’t use it. • use renewable energy power. There is actually a lot of things to be done. We can achieve this by taking some precautions and we can create an ecological city.

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EUROPEAN ECOLOGICAL AND SMART CITIES by Büşranur Ekici Over the centuries people have made an effort to develop their environment. Their effort is for improving have caused harm to many occupational groups and nature. People forgot the nature and gave harm to it. Nature is a crucial aspect for humans, communities and states. It procures a healthy environment for individuals. It feeds us. Therefore, it would be best for mankind to protect it. Humans should be careful for their lives and act accordingly with nature. This should be the same in Europe. How should be an ecological city in Europe? Here are some guidelines for planning a city as an ECO-CITY: • Adaptation to climate and environment • Prevention of environmental pollution • Protection of flora and fauna • Prevention of water ,air and soil pollution • Efficient use of water • Use of rain water • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions • Reduction of fossil energy use • Use of renewable energy • Reduced car traffic • Recycling of garbage 3.4 billion people prefer to live in cities in the world with 6.8 billion urbanization rate of so percent. In Europe, 732.272 527.2 people live in cities. This number is increasing every day. This number is quite high. Therefore, economic cities should be established in Europe. Ecological houses must be designed for ecological cities. So what is an ecological house? How should be an ecological house in Europe?

An eco-house (or eco-home) is an environmentally low-impact home designed and built using materials and technology that reduces its carbon footprint and lowers its energy needs. An ecological house should include some or all of the following. • Higher than normal levels of thermal insulation • Better than normal air tightness • Good levels of daylight • Passive solar orientation - glazing oriented south for light and heat. • Thermal mass to absorb that solar heat • Minimum north – facing glazing – to reduce heat loss • Mechanical ventilation with heath recovery (MVHR) system • Heating from renewable resources (such as solar ,heat pump or biomass) • Photovoltaic penal, small wind turbine or electricity from a ‘green' supplier • Natural materials -avoidance of plastics and other plastic materials • Grey water collection • Composting toilet • Glass that has two or three layers with a vacuum in between to prevent heat loss;(double or triple glazed windows ) • Solar panels or wind turbines • Geothermal heating and growing plants on the roof to regulate temperature, quieten the house and to produce oxygen. • A vegetable patch outside the house for some food the concept of a eco -house means a dwelling that has a low impact on the environment. One of the first thing that European ecological homes will have is sustainable materials. Most likely, it will be made from locally supplied materials that do not fold thousands of miles to reach the place to be used. Europe's best eco houses will not only be mainly from recycled materials, but will also be close to getting zero waste. Zero waste means not throwing away anything and finding a way to recycle or reuse everything. Not only the way homes are built, but also the way we live can make a difference in our carbon footprint. If the ecological houses are smaller, the areas will be used more intelligently. Hidden cupboards, drawers and shelves will conceal themselves until they are needed, and walls will move to enable you to maximize your floor space. Smaller homes produce fewer emissions and require energy to sustain .The rooms in our houses might even become merged to save space. Energy saving

gadgets and gizmos will become increasingly popular. In fact they won't just be popular, they will be everyday items in the home that everyone has. For example devices that monitors low much water you use in a shower and tell you when to finish or smart power plugs and smart heating devices. Europe’s another aim for eco homes is to make them totally self-sufficient. These awesome houses will practically run themselves thanks to their innovative design. They will be able to generate all their own electricity and store excess electricity for the winter when there is less sunshine. Solar energy is a renewable form of energy that enables houses to generate their own power. At the moment, solar panels are fairly expensive, but you make your money back in no time. Homes will also have rainwater and use it for a whole variety of different purposes. Smart-grid technology and solar panels may one day allow homes to generate twice the amount of energy that they actually use. Ecological homes should be extremely sophisticated and can use smart technology to monitor energy use even when you’re not at home. These houses can turn on lights as soon as the sun comes out , use motion sensors to turn things on and off, and can also be ‘self-learning'. After a while and after watching your habits, it can change the temperature of the houses lighting and low the devices are used to meet your full use needs. They should also be able to notice when it's hotter out site and they will know how to turn off your heating. So there is no waste of energy and the house is extremely efficient. At home advanced computer system can be used to control the electricity produced by solar energy, solar heating and indoor climate, opening and closing the windows according to temperature, season and time of day. Light and heat can be saved by increasing the number of south facing glass in an ecological houses and reducing the number of north facing glass. An average of 243,000 hectometer of water are used annually in Europe. We can reduce this number with the ecological houses we designed. For example, it can purify the water used in the bathroom and use it to irrigate the garden. It can also be used to clean the toilet. Another way to save water is to collect rainwater. It has a storage tank attached to the rainwater drain that draws rainwater from the roof. Flowing water passes through a filter that removes leaves and other small objects. Storage tanks can be buried under the driveway, the garden or optionally can be kept above ground. The size and duration of the tank will depend on how much space it has for storage. Collecting rainwater at home if such a system is used, similar to the toilets, a valve will automatically open a valve and fill water to a minimum level from the water supply of the house. In this way, water can be used for your toilets and washing machine at all times, even in low rain periods. Generally, the home rainwater collection system can catch about 100,000liter of water.

Solar panels can be installed and energy -saving almost anywhere in our ecological city. Seedlings should be planted to ensure carbon retention. Sensor Lights can be used save electricity. Can be located in underground houses in our ecological city .The underground houses are also environmentally friendly. These houses are built underground outside doors and a few windows that they protect them from weather conditions that may create other dangers such as hurricanes.

As a result ecological cities of Europe should be established otherwise our nature will be lost, and many things will be lost if we do not act consciously. The world is beautiful with its green, blue and other colours!!!đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œłđ&#x;Œłđ&#x;Œľđ&#x;Œľđ&#x;?€đ&#x;?€

LET'S USE ENERGY USEFULLY 2018-1-IT02-KA229 048029_5

MY DREAM CITY by Büşra Zengin I would like to have a deep blue sky in my dream city. I would like to see green on my right and on my left when I go outside. I would like to swim in a blue sea. I would like to see a huge green forest. I would like to have friendly animals in this forest. I would like that people give importance to animal rights and protect animals. I would like to walk on the clean streets where there’s no garbage. I would like to live a city where natural resources are not wasted. I wish we had latest technology but I wish it was limited. Most importantly, I want people who are smiling each other every day.

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WHAT SHOULD WE DO FOR AN ECOLOGICAL CITY ? By Ayşegül Akdağ Ecology is the science that examines the relationships of all living things in the world with each other and their environment. All animals and plants, especially humans, fall under the category of living things. All these creatures need the environment to live and survive. The purpose of ecology is that living things can live in suitable environmental conditions. The cities in where we live should enable people to find prosperity and sustainable development in harmony with nature in the future. Therefore, our cities must have ecological balance.

We must full fill our responsibilities towards nature in order to create cities with ecological balance. For example to prevent environmental pollution, reproduce green areas by planting trees, using bicycles or public transport instead of private vehicles, not to throw factory and oil waste into the sea, not having heavy metals and chemical fertilizers in nature, never

throwing garbage into the nature and recycling waste such as paper, glass, plastic‌ we should pay attention to such subjects.

Fossil fuels used as primary energy sources are consumable materials. Their carbonbased chemical composition increases the release of hothouse gases. It causes climate change and endangers the entire life. The use of renewable energy sources is becoming widespread to ensure a sustainable life and balance of nature. Electricity and heat energy are generally abstained. All energy types abstained are converted into each other. In this way, environmental damage is minimized.

We have to make our homes ecological. Because the carbon emission in the ecological house is minimal. There is rain water storage system. The house produces it is own energy efficiency principles at the highest level. This saves the house.

Our basic natural resources, especially water, are being exhausted in the world. According to experts, we and the generations after us will experience difficulties in this to the waste and pollution events mentioned above in order to ensure ecological balance.

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