Manifesto- Shortened Version

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• Secured introduction of formal Student Complaints Procedure for next academic year, dealing with student grievances in relation to their course, exams, college services or lecturers • Secured guarantee on introduction of text messaging system to notify students of late and absent lecturers for next academic year • Lobbied college management to introduce instalment plans for students unable to pay entire registration fee in full up front • Lobbied college management on the successful adjustment of academic rules in relation to the capping of awards for this year’s 4th year students • Organised and co-ordinated campaigns which saw over 1,000 GMIT students participate in November’s National March, and over 500 GMIT students register to vote for the general election • Was a member of the USI’s 8-person Taskforce on Graduate Employment, which developed a document called “Reigniting the Smart Economy”. Through extensive political lobbying, large parts of this was contained in the Programme for Government, including a commitment to 15,000 graduate internships • Represented GMIT students strongly on various boards and committees such as Academic Council • Ran various welfare campaigns throughout the year, including the continuation and expansion of existing campaigns such as SHAG Week and Positive Mental Health, and new campaigns such as “Your Future” week • Carried out student accommodation inspections both in May and September to aid students with deposit retention • Developed first-ever GMITSU Finance Guide to provide students with important information in relation to their finances • Organised a hugely-successful RAG Week, which had a much cheaper wristband at 15 euro, bigger and better events such as MOXEGEN 2011, and broke fundraising records by raising over 15,000 euro for charity •

Introduced petty cash system in SU to deal with emergency welfare issues

• Improved communication with student body through development of new SU website, increased use of social media, video blogs, and new events text system • More active participation and involvement in Students’ Union through creation of working groups and recruitment of volunteers for major events & campaigns •

Oversaw the development of new Student Common Room 509

• Further improvements in communication through a Daily Presidents’ Blog on new SU website and linked to Facebook, and ensuring full up-to-date jobs and grinds information are available on the new site • Intensive lobbying of the new President of the Institute and college management on the investment in and upgrading of GMIT sports facilities • Continue to represent students strongly on a national basis, lobbying local TD’s and government ministers on Budgetary changes to the criteria for the non-adjacent rate of the grant, and local authorities on the unacceptable delays in processing some grant payments • Introduce year-round SU discount/loyalty card system, which would provide students with discounts on all SU-ran events, and also regular student offers, which I would lobby local businesses to provide. It would also create a new revenue stream for the Union in challenging times •

Work with USI on the development of a National Student Card

• Increase spirit of volunteering within the Union by allowing students to sign up online to get involved with events and campaigns • Make a voluntary contribution of 50 euro of my weekly salary to the Student Support Fund, to take account of changed times and conditions • Introduce hardship system whereby students in known financial difficulty can avail of free binding, photocopying and printing, as well as food vouchers on a periodic basis, from the Students’ Union • Make SU accounts available online and in the SU newsletter, to allow greater accountability and transparency • Provide a comprehensive training manual to newly-elected SU Vice-President and Welfare Officer • Online service allowing students to request the delivery of condoms in an unmarked envelope, taking away the embarrassment factor • Continue the commercial development of the Union through seeking sponsorship for all major events held

• Complete review and overhaul of outdated GMITSU Constitution, and the holding of a referendum on a new Constitution that reflects the needs of modern students • Continue to bring GMIT students quality entertainment which provides variety and value for money • Creation of online entertainments forum to allow students to give feedback and make suggestions on events and acts • Publish first GMITSU Annual Student Survey, which will among other things garner ideas from students on the continued development of Common Room 509 •

Overhaul of class rep system, which currently lacks accountability, through: - 100% recruitment rate of class reps - Bi-weekly class rep reports to be provided to SU - Monitor and display class rep attendance at regular meetings - Provision to remove class reps by 50% +1 majority of class - Incentives for class reps to maintain standards and reach targets through awards system and end of year certificates - Two thirds majority voting system introduced on all major SU decisions

Hosting of first-ever GMITSU Enterprise Awards, with a Dragon’s Den theme

Continue the fight to increase library opening hours, particularly around exam periods

• Alleviate the current long, drawn-out car parking appeals process through a more efficient online appeals system, and more regular meetings to deal with these appeals

Leadership and experience

A high work ethic and campaigning spirit

Strong local and national representation

Radical overhaul of class rep system

A more accountable and transparent SU

Modernised and better communication with students

Quality, original entertainment which provides value for money

An emphasis on easing the burden on students under financial pressure

PLEASE VOTE JOE O’CONNOR #1 FOR SU PRESIDENT ON APRIL 7TH!!!!!!! For my entire manifesto in full detail and in both video and text form, please visit:

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