Jock Athletic Ezine - Issue 9

Page 20

JA: WHAT’S YOUR IDEAL RACE STRATEGY WITH REGARDS TO TRAINING, NUTRITION AND RECOVERY? When I have a strong race goal motivation to stick to a training program isn’t an issue but what can set you back physically and mentally is injury. The key to allowing my training to be maintained uninterrupted to injury is ensuring that I put the right types of food into my body that allow me to recover. I have become a staunch advocate of the Ascend: Proven Sports Proteins. The elite recovery range and protein catalyst capsules have been instrumental in allowing my body to bounce back after long training runs and during multi stage events. On top of Ascend I incorporate a wholefood fruit and vegetable supplements (Juice Plus+) into my daily diet, which has looked after my immune system. Plus you will always see me wearing a pair of CW-X compression tights during and after a run – even if I am wearing them under my jeans.

Group Hug - Gash celebrates finishing

La Ultra-The High with her support crew. 20


JA: WHAT’S YOUR NEXT BIG CHALLENGE? It has been a week since I completed La Ultra and surprisingly I have recovered pretty quickly. On the 2nd of September I will be taking part in a 100km, single-stage, selfsupported, rough-country ultra marathon in the Kimberley region. With high heat and humidity, spinifex and technical terrain this will be a tough race but I am primarily taking part to pursue further donations for Nutrition Plus. My next major challenge for the year is finishing my law degree and a 250km ultra marathon in Pokhara, Nepal

SAMANTHA GASH: PART 2 WILL FEATURE NEXT MONTH. For more about Samantha, check out her website

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