The "SAC Management India Private Limited" user's logo

SAC Management India Private Limited

lucknow, India

Our Portal benefits job seekers, students and employers as they constantly compete and search for a resource which eventually fulfills their goals. We are one stop for Colleges/Institutes/ Students for all their needs. On-Line & Off-Line Recruitment Services. Professional Training providers in all domains On-Line free Resume posting. Career Oriented Resume writing services Job Counseling. Free College Admission Assistance & Career Counseling. Abroad Admission Assistance (MBBS, MBA, Undergraduate, Masters, Postgraduate) and Exam Preparation (IELTS, TOEFL,PTE SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT). Our Job Portal facilitates the registered users to search job and exchange their information with us. We are providing quality career services that people could use to help them in their job search. Providing solutions to each step in Recruitment Process to Employers & Employees.
