RCPCH Annual Report 2007

Page 28

to include them as beneficiaries in their wills. This is an area of fund-raising that the College would wish to develop and gain the benefit from.

Major donations, grants, gifts and other funding

A gift in your Will The College is a charity and a gift in a Will can help reduce the inheritance tax burden. Such gifts are often referred to as “legacies” or “bequests”. There is a standard codicil form (an appendix to a Will) that can be sent to Members and Fellows for their professional adviser to consider. The College can assist Members and Fellows who have not written a Will and need a professional adviser.

We would especially like to thank the following who have helped to further the College’s vision towards better child health by supporting our activities in 2007 through major donations, grants, gifts and gifts in kind (including consultancy services and advice):

Other ways of making donation include: n regular donations by direct debit n single donations by cheque or credit card n gifts of shares n gifts of dividend income n support by payroll giving through the workplace n taking part in an event such as sponsored walk or even a marathon!

Department of Health

Alternatively please contact Pardeep Bhakar at the College. Email: pardeep.bhakar@rcpch.ac.uk Telephone: 020 7092 6016. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 5-11 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8SH

Dr Ben Ko Assistant to the Honorary Treasurer


Mr Harold Baum Mr & Mrs Charles Crowther Mr & Mrs Foster-Brown The Galley Family Charitable Trust

The British Council Department for Education & Skills

Healthcare Commission Health Protection Agency International Atomic Energy Authority (a specialised agency of the United Nations) Institute of Child Health International Union of Nutritional Sciences Karim Said Foundation

Further information Please visit the website www.rcpch.ac.uk and select the Fundraising section from the link headed ‘About the College’ for ways in which you can contribute.

Specifically as support for the David Baum International Foundation:

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists The National Patient Safety Agency United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

Mr Anthony Goschalk Mr Dermot Wallace Yvette & Hermione Jacobson Charitable Trust

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