Transitional Shelter Guidelines

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► ► ► Leaving space for upgrading and extending sanitation facilities

all members of the affected population, including vulnerable groups, have equitable access to water; security issues are taken into account when planning sanitation facilities; and water supply and sanitation are located appropriately.

74. When planning any upgrades or extensions of sanitation facilities and infrastructure it is important to leave space for subsequent upgrading of sanitation. For example, some transitional settlement programmes start with communal defecation fields which are then upgraded to family or communal latrines. Agreement must be reached with the community and the sanitation specialist to identify the end state and transitional stages, and set aside areas of land to accommodate these stages. 75. ► ► ► ►

The following points should be considered: the standard of existing facilities; possible locations of additional latrines; direction of the prevailing wind; and risk of gender-based violence and the need for privacy.

Upgrading and extending sanitation facilities

76. When planning the upgrade and extension of water sources and infrastructure, the following points should be considered: ► the size of the population and the possibility of future population growth and influxes; ► site topography; ► the quantity of water required for construction and livelihood support; ► internationally agreed standards; and ► the quality of water available locally.

Supporting education networks

77. Education is every child’s right and has benefits far beyond academic achievement. It is life sustaining and life saving through its effect on physical, psychosocial and cognitive welfare. Education can build and strengthen social cohesion within a community that has experienced upheaval or shock from conflict or disaster. Infrastructure support must be made with the full participation of the relevant ministry of education, sector specialists and all stakeholders, based on an understanding of the educational systems and traditions of the affected population. If active in the affected region, the IASC Education Cluster should be consulted as a source of support and advice. Such support mechanisms should be implemented taking into account existing capacities. The use of existing school infrastructure may be possible, in which case support should be provided to local schools through the supply of staff and teaching materials, such as desks, chairs and blackboards.


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