Amazon Summer School 2014 - Final Report

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Final Report Amazon Summer School 2014

Cultivating Sustainable Leaders



AGENDA About this report


Meet the STAFF


Main features of the program


Meet the volunteers


Meet the participants


Description of Activities


Quality Assessment


Media Visibility


Dedicated to all those who want to become sustainable leaders



About this report This report is meant to be a clear, concise and engaging way to get to know about the first edition of the Amazon Summer School Program. It describes the team and participants, the main events and key learnings of each of the modules and also provides some information on the final results and assessment of participants. We dedicate this report to the 100+ people who contributed for the Amazon Summer School t2014 o happen including participants, STAFF from FAS, partners and, of course, the people from the communities of Rio Negro. See you next year, Suelen, Raquel and JoĂŁo

Meet the STAFF Suelen Marostica \\ Brazil

BSc in Forest Engineering at UNB; MSc in Climate and Environment by INPA; Post-Grad Degree in Sustainable Business at FGV.

Raquel Luna Viggiani \\ Brazil BSc in Business Management at FGV-EAESP; MSc in Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability at University of Blekinge.

JoĂŁo Rafael Brites \\ Portugal BSc in Economics at Nova SBE; MSc in Economics at Nova SBE; MSc in International Management by CEMS.


General features of the program The Amazon Summer School is a program created by FAS to prepare the next generation of sustainable leaders. It took place in Manaus and in the Reserve for Sustainable Development of Rio Negro (RDS Rio Negro) between 21 July and 13 August 2014. The program was structured around 4 modules—each representing a characteristic of a sustainable leader. They are: Love for the Nature, Caring about People, Know-How and Bravery. Interestingly, from a benchmark analysis we did over 45 sustainability summer schools we found out that even though 20% of these take place in South and Central America, none was organized by an organization with headquarters in these regions. The tuition fee was 3500 USD (all included, except visa and travel). Partial/ Full tuition Scholarships were offered. Our positioning in regards to other summer school programs consisted in offering a average-priced program with a aboveaverage duration (green dot in the graph).


Meet the volunteers During the program we had the invaluable support of 3 volunteers who were responsible for activities such as doing the EnglishPortuguese and Portuguese-English translation, media coverage and even for facilitating some sessions on topics like Wilderness Emergency Medicine, The Impact of Diets in Climate Change, The Evolution of the Sustainability Concept and the Sustainable Development Goals. Thank you Abigail, Cassia and Marina.

Abigail Gregg \\ USA

BSc in Anthropology and English (Creative Writing) at University of Southern California; MSc in Public Administration in Development Practice at Columbia University’s SIPA. Cassia Moraes \\ Brazil MSc in Public Administration in Development Practice at Columbia University’s SIPA.

Marina Villares \\ Brazil Pursuing BSc in International Relations at PUC in São Paulo.


Meet the participants We received 122 applications from 36 countries. Of these, 52% were male applicants. Their backgrounds ranged 26 knowledge areas, being the most common: Economics, Agriculture, Engineering, Environmental Studies and Forestry, Journalism/ Media Studies and Law. Most of the participants learned about the program through Email, with internet searches, social media and word-of-mouth still being relevant. Their average age was 31 years old. Out of this pool, we selected 18 participants. However, in the end only 13 participants managed to be part of the experience (due to the difficulty in raising funds), who we will now present below.

Adrian Richie \\ USA

Doctor of Education—Educational Leadership at Argosy University at A&M University; Master of Education—Education and Supervision; BSc K-12 Education University of Houston. Amy Nicole Connolly \\ USA B.A. In Political Science and Women’s Studies from Portland State University

Ellen Szarleta \\ USA B.A. In Political Science at State University of New York College; Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics at University of Wisconsin.


Harsh Vardhan Bati \\ India Pursuing BSc in Law at Jindal Global Law School in India.

João Lissandro Botelho \\ Brazil BSc in Economics at UFAM; BSc in Public Administration at UEA; MSc in Development Planning by NAEA; currently pursuing Ph.d. in Environmental Sciences at Erasmus University. Joana Lisboa Brandão de Melo \\ Portugal

BSc in Forestry—Engineering Sciences at IST, MSc in Forestry and Natural Resources at IST; Specialized Certificate in Terrestrial Carbon Accounting at the University of California. José Artur \\ Brazil Pursuing BSc in Environmental Engineering at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG).

Larry Brewer \\ USA B.S. Communications/Sociology St. Joseph College Calumet


Mariana da Silva Loayza \\ Bolivia BSc in Biology at Universidad Mayor de San AndrĂŠs (Bolivia).

Martin Damian Vainstein \\ Argentina Currently pursuing a B.A. In Political Science at Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Meher Sidhwa \\ India

BSc of Engineering (Instrumentation) at University of Mumbai; Post Graduate Diploma in Energy Management at MIT School of Distance Education (University of Pune). Raiza Fong \\ Guatemala BSc in Biology at Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC).

Rochelle Martin \\ Ireland Integrated MSc in Law at Northumbria University.





Mon, 21-Jul 2014 // Official Launch Description of the day After some introductions the day started with a visit to the Manaus Opera House. After that we went to FAS Headquarters to get to know the FAS team, do a cross-presentation of the group and have a crash-course on survival Portuguese. After lunch, we had the official launch of the summer school with a session facilitated by Virgílio Viana, the General Director of FAS, on the work of the Foundation and the Amazon Rainforest. We then did an initiation ritual at the end the day on the beach of Ponta Negra using elements of Indian Pedagogy.

Key Learnings 

The history of Manaus and its Opera House

Understanding why using cross-presentations is beneficial

Survival words in Portuguese

Indian Pedagogy as a way for personal development

General Knowledge about the Amazon


Tue, 22-Jul 2014 // Meeting the waters Description of the day The whole day was dedicated to do a regional boat tour across the “touristic” Amazon, so as to stimulate the participants’ critical view about it. The tour included a visit to the meeting of the waters, observation of Victoria Regia, lunch in a fluctuating restaurant, swiming with the boto, pirarucu fishery and visit to an indigenoues community. After the tour we went back to the hotel all together to discuss the participant ‘s impressions of the day and reflect on elements of responsible tourism activities.

Key Learnings 

Understand how tourism is currently being done at the Amazon Debate over to what extent should wildlife be explored for touristic purposes and learning how it can be balanced Understanding the reasons why the waters of Rio Negro and Rio Solimões take so much time to mix with each other Learning about Amazon Wildlife


Wed, 23-Jul 2014 // From above Description of the day This day was spent entirely at the INPA Reserve ZF2. We left the hotel in the early morning and, once we arrived, we went to an observation tower 40 meters above the canopy of the forest where we learned about the work done at the reserve. There, we also spent a few minutes in silence to connecte with the nature on a deeper level. Then we had a lecture on Timber Management and a visit to the BIONTE Experiment lead by the expert Nigur Higuchi. We finnished the day resting at a natural pool.

Key Learnings 

Understanding how different levels of timber exploration impact the regenerative capacity of the forest Learning how research studies are conducted to assess the impact of timber exploration Learning about Amazon Wildlife


Thu, 24-Jul 2014 // Into the wild Description of the day This was the day in which we left the city of Manaus and departed to the Center for Sustainability and Conservation of RDS Rio Negro in the riverside community of Tumbira. During this trip we stopped over the Rubber Museum and over the community of Acajatuba for a traditional lunch near the river. In that lunch the participants engaged in a deep conversation with the Chef, a community women with an incredible life story. We ended the day with a guided visit to the conservation center, swiming in the river and getting to know the local community who would host us for the rest of the experience.

Key Learnings 

Learn about the Period of the Rubber and how did it impact the development of the Amazonas Understanding what is a Center for Sustainability and Conservation run by FAS Understand how the education system works at the Amazon





Fri, 25-Jul 2014 // Tumbira Description of the day We woke up with the first light of the Amazon sun rise. We took our breakfast in Roberto’s hostel and during the morning we presented the learning journey and made an exercise to find the purpose and identity of the group. During the afternoon we started the Oásis Game together with 17 students from the communities of Tumbira, Saracá and Inglês of the local school. After an energizer and presentations we formed 7 groups. The first step of the game consisted in developing an appreciative gaze of the community and identifying in groups its beauties and resources with a blindfold guide tour across the community. The day ended with a reflection, a splash in the river and a great dinner.

Key Learnings 

How to discover the group purpose/ identity

How to develop an an appreciative gaze of the community



List of groups Below you can get to know the groups that were formed for the Oásis Game. In green you find their names and in bold black the community of RDS Rio Negro they worked with along the process.

Gatos Amazonenses// Inglês

Guerreiros da Floresta// Inglês

Abigail, Odenilze, Jozana Mendonça, Ellen Szarleta, Harsh Vardhan Bhati, João Brites

Andreza, Cliciane, Cassia Moraes, Adrian Richie

Os Descobridores// Saracá

Ibaúba// Saracá

Jacqueline, Eliziene, Lissandro Botelho, Mariana Loayza

Gisely, José Arthur, Raiza Fong, Amy Nicole Connolly

Os Tubarões// Tumbira

Pular na Água// Tumbira

Eduardo, Martin Vainstein, Ricar- Raquel Viggiani, Geibson, Carla do, Suelen Marostica Rochelle Martin, Meher Sidhwa

Too Cool// Tumbira Larry Brewer, Joana Melo, Davi, João, Edivan



List of resources School technologies, library, fruits, water, chikens, garden, solar energy, carpentry, school, Tucum wire, hostel, medicinal plants, handicraft shop, wood, bottles, raw materials, fish from the river, sewing machine, boats, local shop, fruit trees, flower house, kids, soccer field, soil, sand, branches, chainsaw, tools to work the soil, crops, electricity, bacaba seed, fresh air, recycling containers, community center, etc.


List of beauties How people communicate, church, houses, landscape, sound of the birds, monkey and river, school’s students, trees, parrot eating a biscuit, sun rise/set, Giovana’s smile, local handicraft, wood of the houses, João’s family, soccer field, the Black river, rainbow, nature (fruits, flowers, wildlife), wonderful food, women’s hair, fresh air, freedom, the dock, the community center, etc.


Sat, 26-Jul 2014 // Bonding Description of the day This day started with a very early morning walk in the rainforest lead by Raquel to connect with the nature. After that we took our amazing breakfast at Roberto’s hostel. We spent most of the morning presenting and working on the 2nd step of the Oásis Game called “Affection”, in which the participants have to connect on a deeper level with the community. The game consisted of finding in groups at least 5 talents and 1 inspirational story and invite them to the “Talent Show of RDS Rio Negro”. We had three groups staying in Tumbira and 4 groups that split and went to Saracá and Inglês. We cameback for lunch and spent the afternoon preparing and organizing ourselves for the “Talent Show”. The work ended around 6pm. Free time afterwards.

Key Learnings 

The importance of listenting

Learning how to create bonds of trust with the community

Searching for talents and inspirational stories


Sun, 27-Jul 2014 // Adventure Description of the day We woke up in the early morning and some of us participated in the Yoga Morning Practice lead by Abigail. After that we took our breakfast, got into the motor boats and split the group again to visit the communities and invite personally the people there to participate in the “Talent Show of RDS Rio Negro”. We had done the invites the day before. By lunch time we were back to Tumbira. After lunch we used some time to prepare the talent show and then we had 2 workshops. The first one was about the Evolution of the Concept of Sustainable Development across time and was lead by Cassia Moraes and the second one was about Wilderness Emergency Medicine and was llead by Abigail Gregg. The day

Key Learnings 

How to mobilize and engage local communities

The historical evolution of Sustainable Development

Fundamentals of Wilderness Emergency Medicine


Mon, 28-Jul 2014 // The Talent Show Description of the day This was a special day. We woke up with sun rise, took our regular breakfast and got ready to an adventure. By 8am we went in Roberto’s boat to a part of the rain forest and went walking back on our feet back to the center. At the forest Roberto showed us the animals, birds and vegetation types from the perspective of a hunter. We arrived to the center just in time for lunch. After that, we did the final preparations and at 4pm The talent Show of RDS Rio Negro took place. It brought together close to 50 people from the Reserve and showcased community talents such as: wood carving, fishing, singing, playing the piano, dancing, handicraft, among others. We also asked people to write down their dreams for the community, as part of the 3rd Step of the Oásis Game.

Key Learnings 

The Rain Forest from the perspective of a hunter

The great talents you can find in small communities

The 3rd Step of the Oásis Game—The Dream


Tue, 29-Jul 2014 // Prototyping Description of the day We dedicated the whole morning to a Meet the Leader Session with Rita Mesquita, a Senior Researcher at INPA, who shared her testemony on a career on sustainable leadership. After lunch we joined the Oásis Game Group together again (the 13 participants and 17 school kids) to analyze the dreams written down by the people from the community during the talent show on the day before. We identified 3 main dreams: MORE COMMUNICATION AND DIALOGUE, MORE UNION and MORE EMPLOYMENT. Then, we went to the 4th Step of the Oásis Game (The Care) and divided thre 7 groups accordingly to these dreams and did a World Cafe Session with all the groups to find what we could do inone day with te community to fulfil one of these dreams. We decided to make the “Union Party” (movie session + soccer game and revitalization of local school). We then “prototyped” the day.

Key Learnings 

World Cafe: Tool for Collective Mobiization

The 4th Step of the Oásis Game—The Care


List of Prototypes



Take-outs from World CafĂŠ Session


Wed, 30-Jul 2014 // Indigenous Core Description of the day We spent the whole day at the Indigenous Community of APA int he Rio Negro Region, where FAS also has a Sustainable Development Center. During the morning we had activities with the kids from this community. The Summer School participants got divided in groups, spread all over the community and presented different challenges to the kids as they came. After that, we had a guided visit to the community.. Then we had a traditional lunch. During the afternoon we had an Archery Workshop taught by two teens from APA and closed the day with a talk with the Chief of the community, who shared his personal story and that of his t”Cambeba” ribe. Before the dawn we went back to Tumbira and had a reflection with the participants.

Key Learnings 

The story of the “Cambeba” Indigenoues tribe

Fundamentals of Archery

The Indigenoues Perspective of the Amazon





Thu, 31-Jul 2014 // Caboclo Essence Description of the day The day started with a Co-Created Session by the participants Martin and Adrian to their fellows. Then we spent the rest of the morning in a Meet the Leader Session with Valcleia Solidade (General Director of the Bolsa Floresta Program) and José Roberto (President of the Association of the Residents of the Rio Negro Reserve). We had lunch all together. During the afternoon we had two workshops, one dedicated to the Dragon Dreaming Methodology (created by John Croft) and presented by João Rafael Brites (STAFF from FAS) and the other dedicated to Story Telling presented by Raquel Luna Viggiani (STAFF from FAS). The Dragon Dreaming Workshop was used to prepare the “Union Party, to take place on the 3rd of August.

Key Learnings 

How to engage communities for long-lasting trasnformation

The Dragon Dreaming Methodology

Stroy Telling and How to make the most of our stories


Fri, 1-Aug 2014 // Green Value Description of the day The day started with a co-created session on “Carbon Emissions Accounting” from Meher Sidhwa to her fellow participants. We then had a Meet the Leader Session with Denis Minev (CFO of Bemol and Fogás and Former State Secretary for Planning and Economic Development of Amazonas) and Mariano Cenamo (Founder of IDESAM). This session took the whole morning. After lunch we did a session on the 5th Step of the Oásis Game (The Miracle) to prepare the “Union Party”. After that we had a Team Building Activity to Compensate CO2 Emissions generated by the event through a talk and activity with Mário Moreira, FAS expert in Agroecology. We finnished the day with a splash in the river, dinner and a reflection session at night.

Key Learnings 

How is the accoutning of CO2 made

How bananas can help treat waste water

The role of government andprivate sector in sustainability


Sat, 2-Aug 2014 // Green Citizens Description of the day The day started early in the morning with a co-created Session my Mariana Loayza and Raiza Fong on Wildlife Conservation. Then, between 10h00 and 12h30 we had another Meet The Leaders Session, this time dedicated to Third Sector initiatives. Our guest speakers were Paula Aguiar, Simone Russo and Nádia Aguiar ( from Pedala Manaus initiative) and Carolle Utrera Alarcon (Executive Secretary of Movimento Ficha Verde). After lunch we had a session on Design Thinking applied to the Volunteering Projects the majority of the participants will undertake between the 6th and the 13th of August. This session was led by João Rafael Brites (from FAS STAFF).

Key Learnings 

Fundamentals of Wildlife Conservation

The Role of the Third Sector Initiaves in Sustainability

Design Thinking Methodology


Sun, 3-Aug 2014 // Hands On Description of the day This day was the climax of our activities with the community. The first part of the morning was dedicated to present the 6th and 7th Step of the Oásis Game, Celebration and Re-Evolution, respectively. The second part was dedicated to finnish the preparations and invites for the Union Party—the solution chosen by the community to improve union, dialogue and communication among the people in the Reserve. During the afternoon we had our Union Party where we (community and participants): organized a outdoor screening of a movie during the night (the movie was Thor), painted the local school resorting to graffiti stencil techniques) and played a soccer game.

Key Learnings 

The community has everything it needs to master its future and materialize its dreams


Mon, 4-Aug 2014 // Green Returns Description of the day We woke up early in the morning to have a co-created session from Adrian Richie to his fellow participants on Miracle Manifestation. Then we had a Meet the Leaders Session with Cláudio Boechat (Professor at Fundação Dom Cabral) and Alessandro Dinalli (Founder of Descarte Correcto and Ashoka Social Entrepreneur). After lunch we dedicated the whole afternoon for a training by Raquel Lna Viggiani (FAS STAFF) on FSSD—the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development. The day ended with a great dinner and a splash in the river.

Key Learnings 

The relationship between Sustainability and the Correct Disposal of Electronic Products

Fundamentals of the FSSD Framework

Relationship between GDP and Sustainability Indicators


Tue, 5-Aug 2014 // Role of Business Description of the day After our breakfast, the whole morning was dedicated to a Meet the Leaders Session with Pedro Sirgado (President of Instituto EDP) and Octávio Nogueira (Coordinator of the Project for the Sustainable Production of Açaí from Instituto Coca-Cola). We had lunch with our guest speakers. Our afternoon was spent in two separate sessions. During the first one we asked the participants to make a collective harvesting of the characteristics they found in common among all the sustainable leaders they met and what distinguished them. The second session was dedicated to a Workshop on the Open Space Methogology. Since this was the last night in Tumbira for many participants, we had a party!

Key Learnings 

The Role of the Private Sector in Sustainability

The dilemmas of sustainability for a private company

How to ensure the sustainable production of products from the Amazon


Wed, 6-Aug 2014 // Role of Media Description of the day We woke up early in the morning with a session by Ellen Szarletta on how to integrate sustainability indicators into the assessment of projects. Then, we had our last Meet the Leaders Session with Menderson Coelho (the Responsible for Social and Environmental Contents at Amazon SAT) and his reporting team. We had lunch all together and after that we had a closing session where participants were asked to rate each step of the program and each participant creatively customized 1 wood board to leave at the community as a gift and sign of gratitude. After lunch the participants were still interviewed for Amazon SAT and then the participants that would stay during the volunteering period said goodbye to the ones that were now leaving.

Key Learnings 

The Role of Media in Sustainability Efforts


Steps for the future






Volunteering Modules Introduction Out of the 13 participants of the Amazon Summer School this year, 9 stood for one more week to do volunteering work. We decided the areas where the participants did the volunteering work by asking before the start of the program to key leaders of in the Reserve about what were currently their areas of interest. We then tried to match these areas of interest with the skills of our participants, and spread the message in different rcommunities of the Rio Negro Reserve regarding where and when the Modules would happen. During one week the participants participated in the modules and on the final show on the last day. The modules included: 

Swimming and Life Rescue by Rochelle Martin

Dance by Larry Brewer

Slack Line by José Artur Botelho

Guitar by Amy Nicolle Connolly

Chess by José Artur Botelho

English for Tourism by Ellen Szarletta

Emission of Electronic Fiscal Note by Lissandro Botelho

Leadership by Ellen Szarletta

Drawing Classes by Harsh Bhati

Spanish Language Classes by Mariana Loayza and Martin Vainstein

In the next pages we will present each of these modules, present the contents, the number of sessions and the number of participants, alongside with some pictures. 46

Swiming and Life Rescue This module had a total of 7 hours and 30 minutes and it was spread along 6 days. It took place in the morning from 8am to 9.15am. The goal was to improve the community kids’ swimming skills and teach them the fundamentals of life rescue in the river.

7 kids participated in this module taught by the Irish participant Rochelle Martin.

Dance This module had a total of 7 hours and 30 minutes and it was spread along 6 days. It took place in the morning from 9.30am to 10.45am. The goal was to improve the community kids’ dancing skills and present a showcase on the final day. 9 girls participated in this module taught by the US participant Larry Brewer.

Slack Line This module had a total of 7 hours and 30 minutes and it was spread along 6 days. It took place in the morning from 9.30am to 10.45am. The goal was to improve the community kids’ skills in doing slack line. This activity was very popular. 20 kids participated in this module taugh by the Brazilian participant José Botelho.

Guitar This module had a total of 7 hours and 30 minutes and it was spread along 6 days. It took place in the morning from 11am to 12.15am. The goal was to improve the community kids’ skills in playing the guitar. 9 kids participated in the activity by the US participant Amy Nicole Connolly. 47

Volunteering Modules Chess This module had a total of 7 hours and 30 minutes and it was spread along 6 days. It took place in the morning from 11am to 12.15am. The goal was to improve the community kids’ chess skills and improve their ability to think strategically. 5 kids participated in this module taught by the Brazillian participant JosÊ Botelho.

English for Tourism This module had a total of 8 hours and it was spread along 2 days. It took place in the afternoon from 1pm to 5pm. The goal was to improve the improve the English Language capabilities of community entreprenurs in the reserve dynamizing touristic services in the region. 3 adults participated in this module taught by the US participant Ellen Szarletta.

Emission of Electronic Fiscal Note This module had a total of 8 hours and it was spread along 2 days. It took place in the afternoon from 1pm to 5pm. The goal was to teach community entrepreneurs the procedure to take an electronic fiscal note. Currently, when providing a service many entrepreneurs need to go to Manaus to make the emission of a fiscal note, a travel that is very expensive, when they can do it through the internet. 14 adults participated in this module taught by the Brazillian participant Lissandro Botelho.


Leadership This module had a total of 8 hours and it was spread along 2 days. It took place in the afternoon from 1pm to 5pm. The goal was to give a coaching session on leadership capabilities to community entrepreneurs. 2 adults participated in this module taught by the US participant Ellen Szarletta.

Drawing This module had a total of 3 hours and 15 minutes and it was spread along 3 days. It took place in the morning from 8am to 9.15am. The goal was to improve the community kids’ drawing skills. It took place at the local school for the little kids. Approximately 20 kids participated in this module taught by the Indian participant Harsh Bhati.

Spanish Language This module had a total of 3 hours and 15 minutes and it was spread along 3 days. It took place in the morning from 9.30am to 10.45am. The goal was to improve the community kids’ skills in Spanish. Approxiamtely 20 kids participated in this module taught by the Argentinian and Bolivian participants Martin Vainstein and


Volunteering Pictures (part 1)



Volunteering Pictures (part 2)






Quality Assessment Methodology The quality of the summer school was assessed during the summer school program through Check-Out sessions that would take place every day at night, where each participant could voice his/ her concerns, reflections and give feedback. That feedback led the STAFF to make adjustments as the summer school program went. Then, at the end of the program we asked the participants to fill up a short survey on-line with their assessment of the summer school according to different indicators. Out of the 13 participants, 11 replied to this survey.

Key Results The overall feedback of the summer school program was extremely good in all the indicators that we analyzed. Still, there are aspects to be improved. In the next sections we will present the major elements of feedback for each set of indicators that were analyzed through the survey.

Before the Summer School Overall, the satisfaction level was 95%. The major positive aspects included: the way the selection process was conducted (100% satisfaction), the fundraising materials provided (100%), asssistance and support provided (100%), and the quality of the Pre-Camp Manuals (100%). Aspects to improve include: Sending Time of the Pre-Camp Manuals (82% satisfaction) and Tuition Fee Payment (90% satisfaction).


Accomodation Overall, satisfaction level was 97%. The major positive was the Accomodation in the community of Tumbira (100% satisfaction) and the Accomodation in Manaus after the event. Aspects to improve include: the Accomodation in Manaus before the event (91% Satisfaction).

Transportation Overall, satisfaction level was 100%. It included the assessment of the transportation in Manaus before and after the event, and the transportation by motorboat in Tumbira, which was the indicator that got the best evaluation from the whole survey.

Food Overall, satisfaction level was 97%. It included the assessment of food in Manaus and Tumbira.

Housekeeping Overall, satisfaction level was 87%. The major positive aspects included the hygiene and cleaningless of the spaces where we had our meals and sessions in Tumbira (100% satisfaction). The asects to improve include: cleaningness and hygiene of the dorms in Tumbira (82% satisfaction) and the way laundry was taken care (91% satisfaction).

Material Overall, satisfaction level was 100%. It included the assessment of the program manual and the material provided in the sessions.


Quality Assessment Content and Facilitation Overall, satisfaction level was 98%. The major positive aspects were interaction between staff and participants, quality of facilitation, number and diversity of activities, the use of Check-Ins/ CheckOuts, the use of Energizers, the concepts and tools used, the range of subjects addressed, the organization of the program. Aspects to improve include: the depth of the subjects addressed (91% satisfaction) and the number of external speakers (91% satisfaction).

Quotes from participants “It felt like 26 days leaving with a new family, a really cool and awesome family from all over the world” “I really enjoyed the various experts that came in to talk with us “ “The best part of the summer school was our location: Tumbira. It was perfect in every sense. Living with the protected communities and sharing each other's experience was amazing” “I hope this program keep evolving with every passing year and I get to be part of an awesome alumni group “ “Never in my life I said so much times "Amazing" and "I have no words" like in this experience” “I feel so honored and thankful for being part of it! I am already planning some projects and redisigning the ones I have, to apply what I learned and the skills I gained. It was completely inspiring and gave me a lot of hope in humanity, it is possible to change things. “






Media Visibility Introduction The Amazon Summer School 2014 was featured in many media channels across the world. Below we present the major moments of visibility of the summer school program. Amazon SAT The TV Channel Amazon SAT in the Program Amazon SAT Social did a 3 parts news story that featured on TV and was recorder on the 6th of August. The links for the news stories are presented below: 

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Gazeta da Semana This News Portal published an article named “Fundação Amazonas Sustentável (FAS) leva 13 pessoas para uma vivência na Amazônia”. Link presented below:  amazonas-sustentavel-fas-leva-13-pessoas-para-uma-vivenciana-amazonia

Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade da EAESP The CES Club of EAESP-FGV, a leading business school in Brazil published the article “Fundação Amazonas Sustentável oferece Amazon Summer School”. Link presented below: 


Law Octopus Harsh Bhati, one of the participants of the summer school wrote an article for the page of Law Students o fhis university entitled: “How Does it Feel to Attend a Summer School in the Amazon Rainforest? Here’s How…”. The link is provided below: 

Northumbria University The Northumbria University, where the participant Rochelle Martin graduated published in their website the news of Rochelle coming to the Amazon. Link presented below:  -us/news-events/ news/2014/06/northumbria-student-scores-once-in-a-lifetimetrip-to-brazil/

Observatório do Clima This organization published an article named “Escola de Verão da FAS é lançada reunindo alunos de oito países”. Link presented below:  idnoticia/286931

Saneamento Ambiental The News Online Portal Saneamento Ambiental published an article named “FAS promove “Escola de Verão” entre julho e agosto”. The link is provided below:  COD=6862&busca=&numero=649 63

Find more about the summer school +55 (11) 98 32 42 711

Find more about FAS Rua à lvaro Braga, 351 Parque Dez de Novembro Manaus—AM | 69055-660


References The Game OĂĄsis The Oasis Game is a community mobilization tool developed by Instituto Elos to materialize collective dreams. The game involves players and communities, bringing together people from many different areas of society such as NGOs, local government, nearby businesses and the community itself. It was conceived to be applied at no cost and in a fully cooperative way so that, together, all participants can accomplish a common goal. The design of the Oasis Game strives to allow all players to be winners, without exception.

The Appreciative Inquiry Appreciative Inquiry is the cooperative search for the best in people, their organizations, and the world around them. It involves a systematic discovery of what gives a system "life" when it is most effective and capable in economic, ecological, and human terms. It involves the art and practice of asking questions that strengthen a system's capacity to heighten positive potential and assumes assumes that every living system has untapped, rich, and inspiring accounts of positive potential.

Art of Hosting The Art of Hosting is a highly effective way of harnessing the collective wisdom and selforganizing capacity of groups of any size. Based on the assumption that people give their energy and lend their resources to what matters most to them – in work as in life – the Art of Hosting blends a suite of powerful conversational processes to invite people to step in and take charge of the challenges facing them.

Dragon Draming Dragon Dreaming offers simple and playful methods for the realisation of creative, collaborative and sustainable projects and organisations. With Dragon Dreaming we are able not only to develop new skills. We also may discover new sides to ourselves and deepen our relationship with life. At the same time Dragon Dreaming strengthens community, helping us to build and sustain teams based on trust and cooperation.

References The Barefoot Guide Connection The Barefoot Guide Connection is a global and local community of social change leaders and practitioners, from many countries, sharing their diverse practices to deepen and develop approaches and initiatives to contribute to a changing world. A sustainable, creative and humane future planet requires multitudes of dedicated social change leaders and practitioners working in vibrant communities of practice. This is one such community. The Barefoot Guide Connection has its foundations in the on-going writing and publication of Barefoot Guides.

World CafĂŠ Using seven design principles and a simple method, the World CafĂŠ is a powerful social technology for engaging people in conversations that matter, offering an effective antidote to the fast-paced fragmentation and lack of connection in today's world.

Open Space Methodology The Open Space Technology is a simple way to run productive meetings, for five to 2000+ people, and a powerful way to lead any kind of organization, in everyday practice and ongoing change.

Theory U Since it emerged around 2006, Theory U has come to be understood in three primary ways: first as a framework; second, as a method for leading profound change; and third, as a way of being - connecting to the more authentic of higher aspects of our self. It proposes that the quality of the results that we create in any kind of social system is a function of the quality of awareness, attention, or consciousness that the participants in the system operate from.


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