Lesson plan reflections blog

Page 9

Objectives: Conceptual



After discussing the elements of narrative and descriptive paragraphs, the students will be able to identify the differences and similarities between them.

After discussing the elements of the narrative and descriptive paragraphs, the students will identify the differences and similarities between them creating a Venn Diagram on a card board in groups of 3 to 4 students.

After identifying the differences and similarities between the narrative and descriptive paragraph, the students will share orally their cardboards with the Venn Diagram.

Materials: Curriculum Materials

Venn Diagram

Instructional Materials

Assessment: ___Dramatization ___ Outlines ___ Movie ___ Quiz ___ Unit Test ___ Fill the Blank ___ Multiple Choice

Technologic Materials

Card Board Crayons Markers Tape

___ Questions and answers ___ Concept Map ___ Matching ___ Venn Diagram ___ Reflective Diary ___Comic Strips

___ Writing ___ Rubrics ___ Cloze Writing ___ Extended Response ___ Oral report ___ Written Report ___ Vocabulary Exercise

Activities: Initial



Students will hand in homework, we will review the tongue twisters, and we will review the steps of the writing process and the structures of a paragraph.

Students will be divided in groups and given a card board. The students will create a Venn Diagram with the differences and similarities of both types of paragraphs.

After creating the Venn Diagram on the differences on the narrative and descriptive paragraphs, the students will share them orally.

____ Yes ____ No

___ Poster ___ Drawing ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Handout ___ Cooperative Work ___ Poetry

___ Other:

Homework: ___ Practice ___ Elaboration ___ Preparation Explain:

Reflection: Objectives were: ___ Met ___ Partially Met ___ Not Met Special situations affecting the class:

Activities were: ___ Effective ___ Difficult ___ Not possible to carry them one ___ Electric power went off ___ Students didn’t bring materials/homework ___ Class was interrupted by: ___ There were no situations that affected the class. ___ Other:

Materials: ___ Useful ___ Difficult to use ___ Complicated the activity ___ There was a discipline problem ___ Students were not alert

Assessment was: ___ Appropriate ___ Feasible ___ Not effective ___ Classes were suspended ___ Students were not receptive


The students demonstrated that they understood well the differences between the narrative and descriptive paragraphs. Giving them the card boards with the Venn Diagram format already done was a huge advance because they just had to worried for filing it out and not having trouble with the circles. The teacher also announced a test for next Tuesday, February 11, 2014. The test will be on the steps of the writing process, structure of the paragraph and characteristics of the narrative and descriptive paragraphs.

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