Volume 33 1963

Page 62

--Reproductive System------- -- - -- - -- C. Abnormal development in FemaleAbnormalities in the female system result from failure of fusion to a greater or lesser degree of the paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts. 1. Uterine anomalies (a) Bicornuate uterus results f rom failure of fusion of the primordia ( paramesonephric ducts) in the fundus. (b) Bipartite uterus is a failu re of the partition between the ducts to break down. (c) Bilateral uteri result from complete failure of the ducts to unite. 2. Agenesis and hypoplasia-This condition may involve ovaries, all or a portion of the ducts, and the clitoris. 3. H yperplasia of clitoris-This condition is usually seen in association with hermaphroditism. 4. Imperforate hymen-Failure of normal break-through at the Miillerian tubercle to occur. 5. Turner's syndrome has characteristically infantile uterus or infantile genital organs.

CON CLUSION The importance of a knowledge of the embryology of the reproductive system, indeed of all systems of the body, is that it offers a rational explanation for the anatomical disorder found in congenital anomalies and stimulates research into the basic cause of this important aspect of disease. Suggestions and assistance f rom D r. D. H. Carr, Assistant Professor of Anatomy, are gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES 1. Allan : F.Jsentials of H uman Embryology, Fifth edition, ew York. Oxford University Press, 1960. 166pp., 2. Arey: De11elopmental Anatomy, Edition 5. Saunders, 265 pp. 3. Alexander D . S. et ai: Chromosomal studies in Some Variants of Male Pseudohermaphroditism. ]. Pediat. 28: 1, 1961. 4. Atwell, ]. D .: Inguinal H erniae and the Testicular Feminization Syndrome in Infancy and

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