Database processing fundamentals design and implementation 14th edition kroenke solutions manual 1

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Database Processing

Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation

14th Edition

Database Processing, 14e (Kroenke)

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Chapter 5

Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

David M. Kroenke and David J. Auer

Instructor's Manual to accompany:

Database Processing: Fundamental, Design, and Implementation (14th Edition)

David M. Kroenke and David J. Auer

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. All

rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.


 To understand the two-phase data modeling/database design process

 To understand the purpose of the data modeling process

 To understand entity-relationship (E-R) diagrams

 To be able to determine entities, attributes, and relationships

 To be able to create entity identifiers

 To be able to determine minimum and maximum cardinalities

 To understand variations of the E-R model

 To understand and be able to use ID-dependent and other weak entities

 To understand and be able to use supertype/subtype entities

 To understand and be able to use strong entity patterns

 To understand and be able to use the ID-dependent association pattern

 To understand and be able to use the ID-dependent multivalued attribute pattern

 To understand and be able to use the ID-dependent archetype/instance pattern

 To understand and be able to use the Line-Item pattern

 To understand and be able to use the for-use-by pattern

 To understand and be able to use recursive patterns

 To understand the iterative nature of the data modeling process

 To be able to apply the data modeling process


 Page 236 – [28-JUL-15 – Corrected in the Instructor’s Manual for Chapter 5] Review Question 5.18 is missing a left parenthesis:

5.18 Give an example for which the maximum cardinality must be an exact number (other than those presented in this chapter).

 Page 240 – [28-JUL-15 – Corrected in the Instructor’s Manual for Chapter 5] Question 5.59(A) uses IDEF1X terminology instead of IE terminology and should read as follows:

A. Create a set of exclusive subtypes to represent these compressors. The supertype will have attributes for all single-stage compressors, and the subtypes will have attributes for products having the two different types of Air Performance. Assume that there might be additional products with different types of Air Performance. Specify the entities, identifiers, attributes, relationships, exclusive/inclusive and total/partial properties, and possible discriminator.

 Page 241 – [28-JUL-15 – Corrected in the Instructor’s Manual for Chapter 5] In question 5.60(C), delete the third sentence:

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Chapter 5 – Data
Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

C. Suppose that you want to make this data model national. Change your answer to B so that it can be used for other metropolitan areas. Specify the entity identifiers and attributes. Name the relationships and identify the type and cardinality of each relationship


 A good way to introduce the chapter is by discussing the relationship between systems analysis and design and database design. If a systems analysis and design course is a prerequisite for the course, make the connections to what the students covered in that class. If you do not have such a prerequisite, you can use Appendix B – Getting Started in Systems Design and Analysis as an introduction to this chapter. In fact, using Appendix B as an introduction is a good review for those students who have had a systems design and analysis class

 Very important in this chapter is that a database is a model of a user’s view of the world. Remember, the only question is “How well does it fit the mental models of the people who are going to use the system?” Convince the students that the model needs to fit the user requirements, even if the developer “knows better” .

 You need to remember the statement above when reviewing solutions to the end of chapter exercises. These models are based upon one user’s view. There are many other ways to model these problems. You should expect variations in the answers your students create.

 If you prefer to use a data modeling notation other than the Information Engineering version used in the text, you should introduce your preferred notation now. You can use Appendix C – E-R Diagrams and the IDEF1X Standard or Appendix D – E-R Diagrams and the UML Standard as the basis for teaching those notation systems.

 Although it is not covered in the chapter, you might want to cover the concept of domain in Appendix C – E-R Diagrams and the IDEF1X Standard. This idea becomes more important as projects get larger and last for longer periods of time.

 Software for drawing E-R diagrams: there is no software package that exactly matches the IE crow’s-foot notation used in this text. Many faculty accept handdrawn (neatly!) E-R diagrams or diagrams drawn on a computer. Some students will draw E-R diagrams using general-purpose drawing packages such as those found in Microsoft Word or Powerpoint or in products like SmartDraw. There are also database-specific products that focus on E-R diagrams in particular, making the drawing process much easier. Here are four commonly-used such packages, along with their drawbacks for use with this text; instructions on how to download these packages can be found below this list:

o ERWin: uses solid vs. dashed lines for M:N relationships; minimum cardinalities can only be specified on “children” in a relationship. These features mean that nearly any E-R diagram created using ERWin will be incorrect for this text.

o Visio 2013: difficult to display names/roles of relationships; does not distinguish between weak and strong entities (no rounded corners); connecting lines are solid; no ability to model supertype/subtype relationships

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Chapter 5 – Data
Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

o MySQL Workbench: this creates database designs, as described in Chapter 6, not true E-R diagrams: there is too much implementation-level detail involved for it to be a useful tool for abstractly describing the database.

o ER-Assistant: supertype/subtype relationships are expressed using a different notation.

Most of the E-R diagrams in this IM chapter have been created using ER-Assistant, as it comes closest to the book’s notation for nearly all E-R features. Here are details on how to access these four software packages:

o A one-year time-limited CA ERwin Data Modeler Community Edition suitable for class use can be downloaded from ( CA has limited the number of objects that can be created by this edition to 25 entities per model, and disabled some other features (see ), but there is still enough functionality to make this product a possible choice for class use. This is a free download.

o Microsoft Visio (see Appendix F – Getting Started with Microsoft Visio 2013) can, with a bit of work, produce data models as well as database designs. If you prefer to use Microsoft Visio, see Review Exercises 5.56 and 5.57 for a starting point in student assignments. Microsoft Visio is one of the software programs included in a set of software available through the Microsoft DreamSpark Premium program. Participation by your department in this program will allow you to make Visio available to your students for academic purposes at no cost to them. See the DreamSpark Web site ( for more information.

o Note that the MySQL Workbench (see Appendix E – Getting Started with the MySQL Database Design Tools) only creates database designs as discussed in Chapter 6, not data models as discussed in this chapter. While this limits the overall usefulness of the product, it is very useful for the database designs in Chapter 6. See the “By the Way” box on pp. 205-206 of the text for more details.

o ER-Assistant can be downloaded for free at html .

 As mentioned in the previous teaching tip, most of the E-R diagrams in this IM chapter were drawn with ER-Assistant. This software follows the book’s notation for nearly all aspects of E-R diagrams with the exception of subtyping. Here we summarize the differences between the book’s notation for subtyping and the ERAssitant notation:

o To model subtyping in general, ER-Assistant uses bold lines with an arrow pointing to the supertype; the text uses standard-width lines with a circle.

o To model exclusive subtypes, ER-Assistant uses a “D” (for “disjoint”); the text places an “X” inside the circle.

o To model total subtypes, ER-Assistant uses a “C” (for “complete”); the text uses a hash mark next to the supertype.

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Chapter 5 – Data

Chapter 5

Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

o Discriminator attributes can be added to ER-Assistant diagrams via a “diagram note”

o ER-Assistant does not allow creation of multiple subtype hierarchies from a single supertype. There are currently no examples of this in the text or IM, but it is a limitation.

o Here is Figure 5-13(a) and how it looks in ER-Assistant:

o Here is Figure 5-13(b), with a “total” requirement added, and how it looks in ERAssistant:

 The Queen Anne Curiosity Shop and Morgan Importing projects in this chapter and the next two chapters will give a consecutive, progressive introduction to data modeling, database design, and database creation. The solutions for this chapter are the data models, the solutions for Chapter 6 are the data designs, and the databases

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are implemented as specific tables in Chapter 7. Use at least one of these projects for an integrated set of assignments.

 Remind students that design is part of the everlasting system documentation. Since people come and go on projects, this design documentation must exist in order to let new people enter the project and be able to catch up quickly.

 Use of the PowerPoint slides will be necessary for this chapter. Since this chapter deals with using existing documents to focus the design, you will need to be able to display many of the figures in the text.

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Chapter 5 – Data
Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model


5.1 Describe the two phases in designing databases that arise from the development of new information systems.

When developing new information systems, we first create a data model and then transform that data model into a database design.

5.2 In general terms, explain how a data model could be used to design a database for a small video rental store.

The two steps of designing a database are:

(1) creating a data model, in which we work out the complexities of the database design, and

(2) transforming the data model into a database design by adding database design features (these features, such as foreign keys, intersection tables for N:M relationships, etc., will be discussed in detail in Chapter 6).

For a small video rental store, we would analyze the business requirements for the store to determine entities (such as EMPLOYEE, CUSTOMER, RENTAL, RENTAL_ITEM, ITEM) and the relationships between them. We would then create a database model. We would validate the model with the users at the store, and modify it until it met the users’ needs and perceptions of how the store business should operate.

Once the database model was complete, we would transform it into a database design (described in Chapter 6), and finally create the database itself in the DBMS (Chapter 7).

5.3 Explain how a data model is like a building blueprint. What is the advantage of making changes during the data modeling stage?

Before a building is actually constructed, it is carefully planned and designed. That work is documented in the building blueprint. Similarly, before a database is actually created in a DBMS, it needs to be carefully planned and designed. The work of planning and designing a database is documented in a data model.

The advantage of making changes during the data modeling stage is that it is easier, simpler, faster, and cheaper to make changes at that stage of database development.

5.4 Who is the author of the entity-relationship data model?

Peter P. Chen, in his paper “The Entity-Relationship Model Towards a Unified View of Data,” ACM Transactions on Database Systems, January 1976, pp. 9–36. For information on Peter Chen see, and for a copy of the article see

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Chapter 5 – Data
Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.5 Define entity Give an example of an entity (other than one presented in this chapter)

An entity is something that the users want to track, and is readily identifiable in their environment. We’ll use the example of a Real Estate Agency. Example entities are AGENT John Smith, PROPERTY 568 12th Street, and CASH_RECEIPT CR2004001.

5.6 Explain the difference between an entity class and an entity instance.

An entity class is a collection of entities and is described by the structure or format of the entities in that class. An entity instance of an entity class is the representation of a particular entity, such as AGENT John Smith; it is described by the values of attributes of the entity. There are usually many instances of an entity in an entity class.

5.7 Define attribute. Give an example attribute for the entity in your answer to Review Question 5.5.

Attributes describe the entity’s characteristics. For example, in the Real Estate Agency example in question 5.5, attributes for the entity AGENT are FirstName, LastName, DateOfHire, and OfficePhoneNumber.

5.8 Define identifier. Give an example identifier for the entity in your answer to Review Question 5.5.

Identifiers are attributes that name, specify, locate (or otherwise identify) entity instances. For example, in the Real Estate Agency example in question 5.5, an identifier for the entity AGENT could be AgentID.

5.9 Give an example of a composite identifier

Identifiers that consist of two or more attributes are called composite identifiers. Examples are {AreaCode, LocalNumber}, {ProjectName, TaskName}, and {City, State}.

5.10 Define relationship Give an example of a relationship (other than one presented in this chapter) Name your relationship.

A relationship is an association between two or more entity classes. For example, assume you have an entity class named Student and an entity class named Class. Students enroll in a Class so you would have a relationship named Enrolls In.

Often, a name consists of a verb or verb phrase expressed from the standpoint of the parent in the relationship, followed by a slash, and followed by the verb phrase expressed from the standpoint of the child. Normally, the verb phrase from the child’s view is the passive form of the verb phrase from the parent’s view.

5.11 Explain the difference between a relationship class and a relationship instance.

Relationship classes are associations among entity classes, and relationship instances are associations among entity instances.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.12 What is the degree of a relationship? Give an example of a relationship of degree three (other than one presented in this chapter)

The number of entity classes in the relationship is the degree of the relationship. For example, in the Real Estate Agency example in question 5.5, there is a relationship of degree three between AGENT, CLIENT and PROPERTY. In this case we are documenting the PROPERTIES that AGENTS showed to their CLIENTS.

5.13 What is a binary relationship?

A relationship between two entity classes

5.14 Explain the difference between an entity and a table. Why is this difference important?

Formally, an entity is a database design concept while a table is the implementation of that entity in an actual database. However, the main difference is that relationships between entities can be created without specifying the formal mechanism foreign keys for implementing that relationship. With tables in a database, the foreign keys must be created to implement the relationship. This is important because it makes it easier to work with entities in a less formal way, which makes database designs easier to create and change as necessary during the design process.

5.15 What does cardinality mean?

Cardinality means “count.” For a relationship, it refers to the number of entity instances in one entity class that are related to entity instances in another class.

5.16 Define the terms maximum cardinality and minimum cardinality

Maximum cardinality is the maximum or largest number of entities that can occur on one side of the relationship. Minimum cardinality is the minimum or smallest number of entities that must participate in the relationship.

5.17 Give examples of 1:1, 1:N, and N:M relationships (other than those presented in this chapter) Draw two E-R diagrams for each of your examples: one using the traditional diamond notation and one using IE Crow’s Foot notation. AGENT

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

In IE Crow’s Foot notation:


5.18 Give an example for which the maximum cardinality must be an exact number (other than those presented in this chapter).

In the Real Estate Agency example in question 5.5, each AGENT is required to work out of two different AGENCY_LOCATIONs each week. The AGENT always works out of the same two AGENCY_LOCATIONs, so the relationship has an exact maximum cardinality of 2 on AGENCY_LOCATION.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.19 Give examples of M-M, M-O, O-M, and O-O relationships (other than those presented in this chapter) Draw two E-R diagrams for each of your examples: one using the traditional diamond notation and one using IE Crow’s Foot notation.

In the Real Estate Agency example in question 5.5, each AGENT must use an agency car when on agency business. Further, to keep costs down the agency keeps exactly enough cars for the agents. Therefore, each AGENT must have a CAR, and each CAR must be assigned to an AGENT. This is an M-M relationship.


In the Real Estate Agency example in question 5.5, each CLIENT must be assigned to an AGENT, but there may be AGENTs who currently have no CLIENTs. This is an M-O (same as O-M, but seen reversed) relationship.

In the Real Estate Agency example in question 5.5, CLIENTs may be seeing AGENTs without currently being interested in specific PROPERTY, and a PROPERTY may be listed without any CLIENT currently being interested in it. This is an O-O relationship.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.20 Explain, in general terms, how the traditional E-R model, the IE Crow’s Foot version, the IDEF1X version, and the UML version differ Which version is used primarily in this text?

The traditional E-R model uses the notation shown in RQ 5-17 and 5-19 rectangles for entities, diamonds for relationships, and connected ellipses (the ellipses, which are used for attributes, are not shown in any illustration in the text or in this IM chapter they are not to be confused with the circles [sometimes drawn as ellipses] used to indicate optional participation) for attributes.

The Information Engineering (IE) model is a variant of the traditional E-R that does not use diamonds, but instead uses connecting lines between entities with specific symbols at the end of the lines. The symbol for “many” as in a “one-to-many: relationship” resembles a crow’s foot, and that fact gave the model its nickname.

The IDEF1X model is a national government standard model. Based on the traditional E-R model, it again drops the use of diamonds for relationships and substitutes connecting lines between entities with specific symbols at the ends of the lines. However, these symbols are quite different from the symbols used by the Information Engineering model.

Finally, Unified Modeling Language (UML) again dropped the diamonds (and ellipses) and added connecting lines with its own set of symbols. However, the UML model also added in notation for recording object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts.

The IE Crow’s Foot model is used primarily in this text.

5.21 Explain how the notations shown in Figure 5-7 differ.

The notations in Figure 5-7 show the difference between the original E-R model and the IE Crow’s Foot notation used in the text for a 1:N O-M relationship.

5.22 Explain how the notations shown in Figure 5-9 differ.

The notations in Figure 5-9 show the difference between the original E-R model and the IE Crow’s Foot notation used in the text for an N:M O-M relationship.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.23 What is an

ID-dependent entity?

Give an


of an ID-dependent entity (other than one presented in this chapter)

An ID-dependent entity is one in which the identifier of one entity includes the identifier of another entity.

In the Real Estate Agency example in question 5.5, we would find that some PROPERTYs are apartment houses, and each APARTMENT has its own identifying number. This number by itself is meaningless (101, 102, etc.) and must be combined with the identifier of the PROPERTY to truly identify each APARTMENT. Alas, this is too similar to the BUILDING –APARTMENT example in the text.

So, another example a THEATER has BOXes, which are special seating sections. The number of each BOX is meaningless “Here’s your ticket to Box 303” without knowing which THEATER the BOX is in. Note that not all THEATERs have BOXes, therefore the relationship is M:O.

5.24 Explain how to determine the minimum cardinality of both sides of an ID-dependent relationship.

The ID-dependent entity (the “child”) cannot exist without the entity upon which it is dependent (the “parent”). Therefore, the minimum cardinality from the ID-dependent entity to the parent is always one (1).

On the other hand, a parent entity may be able to exist without any children. For example, not all PROPERTYs have APARTMENTs (or UNITs), and not all THEATERs have BOXes. Therefore the minimum cardinality from the parent to the ID-dependent entity depends upon database application requirements.

5.25 What rules exist when creating an instance of an ID-dependent entity? What rules exist when deleting the parent of an ID-dependent entity?

In order to create an instance of an ID-dependent entity, the parent entity upon which it depends must have already been created. If the parent of an ID-dependent entity is deleted, all associated instances of the ID-dependent entity must be deleted as well.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.26 What is an identifying relationship? How is it used?

An identifying relationship is a special type of relationship. It is used to represent IDdependence. Most data modeling products use a solid line to represent an identifying relationship and a dashed line to represent a nonidentifying relationship.

5.27 Explain why the relationship between BUILDING and APARTMENT discussed on page 206 is an identifying relationship.

The relationship between BUILDING and APARTMENT is an identifying relationship because APARTMENT is ID-dependent on BUILDING

5.28 What is a weak entity? How do weak entities relate to ID-dependent entities?

A weak entity is an entity whose existence depends upon the existence of another entity. All IDdependent entities are weak entities, but not all weak entities are ID-dependent.

5.29 What distinguishes a weak entity from a strong entity that has a required relationship to another entity?

A strong entity that has a required relationship with another entity can and will exist outside the database without the presence of the other, strong entity. A weak entity cannot and does not exist without the presence of the other, strong entity.

5.30 Define subtype and supertype Give an example of a subtype–supertype relationship (other than one presented in this chapter)

A supertype is an entity class that contains a set of attributes common to what would otherwise be modeled as several entity classes The subtypes (there can be more than one) are entity classes that contain the specialized attributes not common to the other subtype entities.

In the Real Estate Agency example from question 5.5, we would have PROPERTY as a supertype, and HOUSE, DUPLEX, APARTMENT_HOUSE, and COMMERCIAL as subtypes. This would be shown in ER-Assistant as:

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.31 Explain the difference between exclusive subtypes and inclusive subtypes. Give an example of each.

A group of subtypes may be considered as either a set of exclusive subtypes or inclusive subtypes. In a group of exclusive subtypes, a supertype entity instance is associated with at most one subtype entity instance. An example of this is the Real Estate Agency example shown in the answer to review question 5.30 above. In a group of inclusive subtypes, the supertype entity instance can be associated with one or more of the subtypes. An example of this for the Real Estate Agency database is that a CLIENT may be included in more than one of the subtype sets HOME_BUYER, RENTER, or COMMERCIAL_BUYER.

5.32 What is a discriminator?

A discriminator is an attribute of the supertype entity that identifies the associated subtype entity. An example of this is the Real Estate Agency example shown in the answer to review question 5.30 above; PropertyType is the discriminator

5.33 Explain the difference between IS-A and HAS-A relationships.

The relationship between a supertype and its subtypes is sometimes called an IS-A relationship. Entities with an IS-A relationship should have the same identifier because they represent different aspects of the same thing. Entities with HAS-A relationships represent aspects of different things and thus have different identifiers. These relationships do not involve subtypes.

5.34 What is the most important reason for using subtypes in a data model?

The most important reason for using subtypes in a data model is to avoid value-inappropriate null values. In the Real Estate Agency example shown in the answer to review question 5.30 above, HOUSEs do not have TotalFloorSpace or NumberOfUnits, and COMMERCIAL does not have NumberOfBedrooms. If all the attributes in the subtypes appeared in the supertype, there would be null values in such columns.

5.35 Describe the relationship between the structure of forms and reports and the data model.

The structure of forms and reports determines the structure of the data model. The reverse is also true, for the structure of the data model will determine the structure of the forms and reports that can be based on it.

5.36 Explain two ways forms and reports are used for data modeling.

Forms and reports are used to:

(1) Determine the structure of the data model, and

(2) Validate the data model.

5.37 Explain why the form and report in Figure 5-15 indicate that the underlying relationship is 1:1.

The form shows that each MEMBER is associated with just one LOCKER. The report shows that each LOCKER is associated with just one MEMBER. This indicates a 1:1 relationship.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship

5.38 Why is it not possible to infer minimum cardinality from the form and report in Figure 515?

The form and report in Figure 5-15 show specific instances, but not the full range of possible relationship values between MEMBER and LOCKER. For example, unassigned LOCKERs may not show up on the report.

5.39 Describe two tests for determining if an entity is a strong entity

The two tests are:

(1) Does the entity have an identifier of its own?

(2) Does the entity seem logically different and separate from other entities?

5.40 Why does the form in Figure 5-17 not indicate that the underlying relationship is 1:N? What additional information is required to make that assertion?

The form in Figure 5-17 only shows that the relationship from MEMBER to UNIFORM is 1:N. There is no form or report to show whether the relationship from UNIFORM to MEMBER is 1:1 or 1:N. If it is 1:1, the overall relationship between MEMBER and UNIFORM is 1:N, but if it is 1:N, then the overall relationship between MEMBER and UNIFORM is N:M.

We need to (directly) ask the users or (indirectly) consider the typical structure clubs to find out if one UNIFORM can be associated with more than one MEMBER.

5.41 Explain why two forms or reports are usually needed to infer maximum cardinality.

Each form or report only shows the maximum cardinality in one direction between the entities. Therefore, to know the cardinalities in both directions requires two forms or reports.

5.42 How can you assess minimum cardinality for the entities in the form in Figure 5-17?

You cannot assess minimum cardinality from the form in Figure 5-17. In general, you cannot determine minimum cardinality from forms and reports.

5.43 Explain why the form and report in Figure 5-19 indicate that the underlying relationship is N:M.

In Figure 5-19, the form shows that the relationship from SUPPLIER to PART is 1:N, while the report shows that the relationship from PART to SUPPLIER is 1:N. Therefore, the overall relationship is N:M.

5.44 Name three patterns that use ID-dependent relationships.

Three patterns that use ID-dependent relationships are (1) the association pattern, (2) the multivalued attribute pattern, and (3) the archetype/instance pattern.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.45 Explain how the association pattern differs from the N:M strong entity pattern. What characteristic of the report in Figure 5-21 indicates that an association pattern is needed?

The association pattern differs from the N:M strong entity pattern in that a new, third entity is added to hold additional attributes not associated with the original two entities. In the report in Figure 5-21, the Price column is the indicator that an association pattern is needed because Price is an attribute of neither COMPANY nor PART.

5.46 In general terms, explain how to differentiate an N:M strong entity pattern from an association pattern.

In general, if there are one or more additional attributes associated with the relationship between two strong entities in an otherwise N:M strong entity pattern, then an association pattern is needed. In the data model, this will be shown as a third, weak entity that is ID-dependent on both of the other entities.

5.47 Explain why two entities are needed to model multivalued attributes.

In the E-R model, all attributes must have a single value. Therefore, multivalued attributes must be modeled with a second table to hold the multiple values of the attribute.

NOTE: This is the multivalued dependency problem from Chapter 4. The additional entity or table is needed to put the relations into 4NF.

5.48 How do the forms in Figures 5-26 and 5-28 differ? How does this difference affect the data model?

In Figure 5-26, CONTACT and PHONE are independent any phone number can be used to reach any contact. In Figure 5-28, CONTACT and PHONE are dependent one phone number is used to reach one specific contact. This difference determines whether the data model will be created with (1) two entities one for CONTACT and one for PHONE, or (2) one entity PHONE_CONTACT that holds both CONTACT and the associated PHONE number.

5.49 Describe, in general terms, the archetype/instance pattern. Why is an ID-dependent relationship needed for this pattern? Use the CLASS/SECTION example shown in Figure 5-30 in your answer.

The archetype/instance pattern generally has one entity that is a manifestation (or “instance”) of another (logical abstraction or “archetype”) entity. The archetype is usually an abstract concept that is actually seen in the real world as the instance. The CLASS and SECTION example illustrates this. In reality, CLASS is an abstract concept the conceptualization of what the class is about, what texts will be used, and in what order the topics will be presented. However, the only time that a CLASS is seen in the real world is as a SECTION of the CLASS. The SECTION has an instructor and students, real text books, and real lectures and exams. However, since a SECTION is based on the conceptual CLASS, it cannot exist apart from that CLASS, and is therefore ID-dependent.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship

5.50 Explain what caused the entities in Figure 5-31 to change from ID-dependent entities.

The entities in Figure 5-31 changed from ID-dependent entities to simply weak entities when a separate identifier was added. The entities now no longer have to be dependent on the identifier of the parent entity in order to be recognized.

5.51 Summarize the two sides in the argument about the importance of weak but not IDdependent entities.

Side one

Weak, non-ID-dependent entities are NOT important: Although they exist, they are not necessary. The same result can be achieved by making a strong entity a child entity with a required relationship to the parent entity.

Side two

Weak, non-ID-dependent entities ARE important: Weak entities exist based on a logical necessity that reflects reality. This exists regardless of a business rule that would require a strong entity as the child entity with a required relationship to the parent entity.

5.52 Give an example of the line-item pattern as it could be used to describe the contents of a shipment. Assume that the shipment includes the names and quantities of various items as well as each item’s insured value. Place the insurance value per item in an ITEM entity.

This question actually looks ahead to the Morgan Importing project, where exactly such a situation occurs, and is a variant of it. Here is the E-R diagram:

5.53 What entity type should come to mind when you see the words “For use by” in a form?

The words “For use by” indicate a supertype/subtype entity pattern.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.54 Give examples of 1:1, 1:N, and N:M recursive relationships (other than those presented in this chapter)

1:1 Recursive: To be a member of the New City Club, you must have a sponsor, who can sponsor at most one other member. Therefore each member is associated with exactly one sponsor, who is also a member with a sponsor.

1:N Recursive: Customers of the All Stuff Warehouse may refer one or more other customers to the business. Therefore, there are many referred customers with exactly one referring customer, who may also have been referred by another customer. However, customers may not have been referred, and customers do not have to make referrals.

N:M Recursive: In the medical community in New Town, doctors treat each other. Given the number of medical specialties, it is no wonder that any one doctor is treated by many other doctors, while at the same time that doctor has treated many other doctors him- or herself. However, a doctor does not have to be treated by another doctor in the community, nor does the doctor have to be treating another community doctor.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.55 Explain why the data modeling process must be iterative. Use the Highline University example.

The data modeling process must be iterative because each new step may reveal new entities that need to be added to the model, new attributes that should be added to existing entities, existing attributes that should be moved from one entity to another, and other needed changes.

Two examples (of several) in the Highline University example are:

(1) The Department Report in Figure 5-46 revealed a Campus Address consisting of Building and RoomNumber that needed to be added to the existing DEPARTMENT entity.

(2) The assumed discovery of a PROFESSORs appointment titles and term resulted in the conversion of an N:M relationship between DEPARTMENT and PROFESSOR into an association pattern using the new entity APPOINTMENT.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the
Entity-Relationship Model


Answer the following questions using IE Crow's Foot notation.

5.56 Examine the subscription form shown in Figure 5-53. Using the structure of this form, do the following:

A Create a model with one entity. Specify the identifier and attributes.

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Chapter 5 – Data
Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model
Figure 5-53 – Subscription Form
SUBSCRIPTION SubNumber StartDate EndDate AmtDue LastName FirstName Address City State Zip PayCode

Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

B Create a model with two entities, one for customer and a second for subscription. Specify identifiers, attributes, relationship name, type, and cardinalities.

Note that subscription is a weak (indicated by the corners) but NOT ID-dependent (indicated by the dotted line) entity. The E-R Crow’s Foot model above is based on the following data:

C Under what conditions do you prefer the model in A to that in B?

Model A would be the best model if a Customer can only have one subscription.

D Under what conditions do you prefer the model in B to that in A?

Model B would be the best model if a Customer can have one or more (i.e., multiple) subscriptions.

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Chapter 5 – Data

5.57 Examine the list of e-mail messages in Figure 5-54. Using the structure and example data items in this list, do the following:

A Create a single-entity data model for this list. Specify the identifier and attributes

No attribute is unique, even a combination of all the shown attributes is not necessarily unique. Therefore, a surrogate identifier of EmailMessageID was created.



From Subject Date Size

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship
Figure 5-54 – E-mail List

B Modify your answer to A to include entities SENDER and SUBJECT. Specify the identifiers and attributes of entities and the types and cardinalities of the relationships. Explain which cardinalities can be inferred from Figure 5-54 and which need to be checked out with users

We can infer that:

o the one-to-many relationship between EMAIL_MESSAGE and SUBJECT can be implied because the subject repeats. For example, there are three messages with the Subject RE:Hotel.

o the one-to-many relationship between EMAIL_MESSAGE and SENDER can also be implied because the sender repeats. For example, there are three messages from Tom Cooper.

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Chapter 5 – Data
Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model
The E-R Crow’s Foot model above is based on the following data:
[Blue = Inferable]

C The e-mail address in the From column in Figure 5-54 is in two different styles. One style has the true e-mail address; the second style (e.g., Tom Cooper) is the name of an entry in the user's e-mail directory. Create two categories of SENDER based on these two styles. Specify identifiers and attributes.

The E-R Crow’s Foot model is identical to the design in part B except for the addition of two subtypes EMAIL_ADDRESS and DIRECTORY_NAME to the entity SENDER. An additional attribute, FromDisplay, is added to SENDER as a discriminator.

The information about the supertype/subtype relationships is in the following table:

[Blue = Inferable]



We can infer that:

 the one-to-many relationships between (SENDER and EMAIL_ADDRESS) and (SENDER and DISPLAY_NAME) are implied because of the supertype/subtype relationship.

 the M-O relationships between (SENDER and EMAIL_ADDRESS) and (SENDER and DISPLAY_NAME) are implied because of the supertype/subtype relationship.

We should ask the users whether subject lines are required for all messages.

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5 –
Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.58 Examine the list of stock quotes in Figure 5-55. Using the structure and example data items in this list, do the following:

A Create a single-entity data model for this list. Specify the identifier and attributes.




LastQuote Change


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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship
Figure 5-55 – Stock Quotations

B Modify your answer to A to include the entities COMPANY and INDEX. Specify the identifier and attributes of the entities and the types and cardinalities of the relationships. Explain which cardinalities can be inferred from Figure 5-55 and which need to be checked out with users.

We can infer that:

 the one-to-many relationship between INDEX and STOCK_QUOTE can be implied because there are multiple quotes in the single INDEX shown in the figure

We need to determine if:

 the one-to-many relationship between COMPANY and STOCK_QUOTE is correct. It is only correct if a COMPANY can be listed on multiple INDEXes

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Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model
The E-R Crow’s Foot model above is based on the following data:

Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

 the M-M relationship between INDEX and STOCK_QUOTE is correct. We have assumed that we are working only with stocks listed on an INDEX.

 the M-O relationship between COMPANY and STOCK_QUOTE is correct. We can infer that if a COMPANY has a STOCK_QUOTE it must be in the COMPANY table, but we have assumed that a COMPANY can be included without us having obtained a STOCK_QUOTE for it yet.

C The list in Figure 5-55 is for a quote on a particular day at a particular time of day. Suppose that the list were changed to show closing daily prices for each of these stocks and that it includes a new column: QuoteDate. Modify your model in B to reflect this change

Note that both the SYMBOL and STOCK_QUOTE entities are necessary. This is because a symbol now has multiple quotes, so the “LastQuote” information is now multivalued. We could also explain this in term of functional dependencies as follows: This is because (IndexID, CompanyID)  Symbol, and if we had just added QuoteDate to STOCK_QUOTE in question A, we would have had Symbol functionally dependent on part of the composite key (QuoteDate, IndexID, CompanyID). This violates BCNF, and we must break out the (IndexID, CompanyID)  Symbol dependency into its own table.

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The E-R Crow’s Foot model above is based on the data in the table on the next page.

We can infer that:

 the one-to-many relationship between INDEX and STOCK_QUOTE can be implied because there are multiple quotes in the single INDEX shown in the figure.

 the one-to-many relationship between SYMBOL and STOCK_QUOTE can be implied because there are multiple Quote Dates.

We need to determine if:

 the one-to-many relationship between COMPANY and STOCK_QUOTE is correct. It is only correct if a COMPANY can be listed on multiple INDEXes

 the M-M relationship between INDEX and SYMBOL is correct. We have assumed that we are only recording stocks included in some stock INDEX.

 the M-O relationship between COMPANY and STOCK_QUOTE is correct. We can infer that if a COMPANY has a STOCK_QUOTE it must be in the COMPANY table, but we have assumed that a COMPANY can be included without us having obtained a STOCK_QUOTE for it yet.

 the M-M relationship between SYMBOL and STOCK_QUOTE is correct. We have assumed that we only work with SYMBOLs for stocks for which we want and have obtained a STOCK_QUOTE.

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Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model
= Inferable]

D Change your model in C to include the tracking of a portfolio. Assume the portfolio has an owner name, a phone number, an e-mail address, and a list of stocks held. The list includes the identity of the stock and the number of shares held. Specify all additional entities, their identifiers and attributes, and the type and cardinality of each relationship.

The E-R Crow’s Foot model above is based on the data in the table on the next page.

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Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

We can infer that:

 the one-to-many relationship between INDEX and STOCK_QUOTE can be implied because there are multiple quotes in the single INDEX shown in the figure

 the one-to-many relationship between STOCK_QUOTE and SYMBOL can be implied because there are multiple Quote Dates

 the one-to-many relationship between PORTFOLIO and PORT_ITEM can be implied because PORTFOLIOs by definition are intended to hold many PORT_ITEMS

 the one-to-many relationship between SYMBOL and PORT_ITEM can be implied because a single stock can be an item in many different portfolios

We need to determine if:

 the one-to-many relationship between COMPANY and STOCK_QUOTE is correct. It is only correct if a COMPANY can be listed on multiple INDEXes.

 the M-M relationship between INDEX and SYMBOL is correct. We have assumed that we are only with stocks listed on an INDEX.

 the M-O relationship between COMPANY and STOCK_QUOTE is correct. We can infer that if a COMPANY has a STOCK_QUOTE it must be in the COMPANY table, but we have assumed that a COMPANY can be included without us having obtained a STOCK_QUOTE for it yet.

 the M-M relationship between SYMBOL and STOCK_QUOTE is correct. We have assumed that we only work with SYMBOLs for stocks for which we want and have obtained a STOCK_QUOTE.

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= Inferable]

 the M-O relationship between PORTFOLIO and PORT_ITEM is correct. We have assumed that a PORTFOLIO can be created before any PORT_ITEMS are added

 the M-O relationship between SYMBOL and PORT_ITEM is correct. We have assumed that just because we have a SYMBOL and an associated STOCK_QUOTE, this does not mean that we have actually purchased any shares of the stock itself

E Change your answer to question D to keep track of portfolio stock purchases and sales in a portfolio. Specify entities, their identifiers and attributes, and the type and cardinality of each relationship.

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Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

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Chapter 5 – Data
Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

The E-R Crow’s Foot model on the previous page is identical to the design in part D except for the addition of two subtypes STOCK_PURCHASE and STOCK_SALE to the entity PORT_ITEM. An additional attribute, TransactionType, is added to PORT_ITEM as a discriminator.

The information about the supertype/subtype relationships is in the following table:

We can infer that:

 the one-to-many relationships between (PORT_ITEM and STOCK_PURCHASE) and (PORT_ITEM and STOCK_SALE) are implied because of the supertype/subtype relationship.

 the M-O relationships between (PORT_ITEM and STOCK_PURCHASE) and (PORT_ITEM and STOCK_SALE) are implied because of the supertype/subtype relationship.

 The subtyping is exclusive (“D” for disjoint) since a transaction is either a sale or a purchase but not both.

We need to confirm that the subtyping is total (“C” for complete): we have assumed that every transaction is a sale or a purchase – there are no other kinds of transactions.

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Chapter 5 – Data
Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

5.59 Figure 5-56 shows the specifications for single-stage air compressor products. Note that there are two product categories that are based on Air Performance: The A models are at 125 pounds per square inch of pressure, and the C models are at 150 pounds per square inch of pressure. Using the structure and example data items in this list, do the following:

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Chapter 5 –
Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model
Figure 5-56 – Air Compressor Specifications

Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

A. Create a set of exclusive subtypes to represent these compressors. The supertype will have attributes for all single-stage compressors, and the subtypes will have attributes for products having the two different types of Air Performance. Assume that there might be additional products with different types of Air Performance. Specify the entities, identifiers, attributes, relationships, type of category cluster, and possible determinant.

The entity in this example is SS_COMPRESSOR, with identifier Model.

Note that the data in Figure 5-56 show model numbers with an “A” to indicate type A =125 PSI Air Performance Characteristics for example R12A-17. The data sheet notes that type C = 150 PSI units are indicated by substituting a “C” for the “A” for example, R12C-17. In our data model, we will design the identifier Model to specify models with an “x” as an indeterminate place holder for model type “x” as in F12x-17.

An attribute named ModelType (with values “A”, “C” and others when available) will be a determinant of the subtypes. An instance diagram looks like this: Type

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Chapter 5 – Data
A Characteristics
C Characteristics R12x-17 A R12x-17 C

The entities, identifiers, attributes, and relationships are shown in the diagram. This is an exclusive and partial type hierarchy according to the question, there may be “additional products with different types of Air Performance” which means there may be more models then just the A and C models shown; in addition, no compressor is both and A and a C model at the same time

B. Figure 5-57 shows a different model for the compressor data. Explain the entities, their types, the relationship, its type, and its cardinality. How well do you think this model fits the data shown in Figure 5-56?

Figure 5-57 – Alternative Model for Compressor Data

In the model in Figure 5-57, SS_COMPRESSOR is a strong entity and AIR_PERFORMANCE_TYPE is an ID-Dependent weak entity. The relationship is one-tomany since an SS_COMPRESSOR may have more than one AIR_PERFORMANCE_TYPE. However, the maximum cardinality of the one-to-many relationship is currently two (2) since there are currently only two AIR_PERFORMANCE_TYPEs. The relationship is IDdependent since the AIR_PERFORMANCE TYPE entity is meaningless without an associated SS_COMPRESSOR.

Unfortunately, the model misses the fact that each AIR_PERFORMANCE_TYPE is related to many SS_COMPRESSORs, and therefore the relationship should be N:M (or N:2 given the limit of only two (2) existing AIR_PERFORMANCE_TYPESs). This can be seen in the following instance diagram:

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Further, each combination will have at least one additional attribute associated with it namely Price. Therefore a better model would be an ID-Dependent associative model, with two strong entities COMPRESSOR and PERF_TYPE. That model would look like this:

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling
Entity-Relationship Model

C. Compare your answer in question A with the model in Figure 5-57. What are the essential differences between the two models? Which do you think is better?

Model A models the ModelType as a type hierarchy currently with two subtypes. The model will allow additional types because it is partial but the additional types will just repeat the PumpRPM, CFMDisp, and DEL’DAir attributes. Unless there are other attributes to differentiate and distinguish between the subtypes, this is an inappropriate use of subtypes. Subtypes are intended to capture varying sets of additional attributes, not repetitions of the same set. Further, this model also creates repeated sets of basic SS_COMPRESSOR values since there must be one set for each AirPerformanceType.

Model B models the MODELTYPE entity (as AIR_PERFORMANCE_TYPE) as an IDdependent weak entity which allows for an unlimited number of types even if they all have exactly the same set of attributes. This is a better way of modeling repeating sets of attributes. Unfortunately, the model missed the N:M nature of the basic relationship between SS_COMPRESOR and AIR_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.

Model B uses a better model for repeated sets of attributes, but fails by being a 1:N model rather than an N:M model, or, specifically, an ID-Dependent associative pattern. Since both models have serious flaws, ultimately neither is better than the other.

D. Suppose you had the job of explaining the differences in these two models to a highly motivated, intelligent end user. How would you accomplish this?

I would focus the discussion on:

(1) The ability of model A to use supertype/subtypes to handle different sets of attributes for a basic supertype, and

(2) The ability of model B to allow an unlimited number of air compressor characteristics. This makes the model much more versatile. But,

(3) I would then have to point out that neither does the complete job and that model C is needed.

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Entity-Relationship Model


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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship
Figure 5-58 shows a listing of movie times at theaters in Seattle, Washington. Using the data in this figure as an example, do the following: Figure 5-58 – Movie Time Listing

A Create a model to represent this report using the entities MOVIE, THEATER, and SHOW_TIME. Assume that theaters may show multiple movies. Although this report is for a particular day, your data model should allow for movie times on different days as well. Specify the identifier of the entities and their attributes. Name the relationships and the type and cardinality of each relationship. Explain which cardinalities you can logically deduce from Figure 5-58 and which need to be checked out with users. Assume that distance is an attribute of THEATER.


Foot model above is based on the following data:

[Blue = Inferable]

We can infer that:

 the one-to-many relationship between MOVIE and SHOW_TIME can be inferred because there are multiple SHOW_TIMEs listed.

 the one-to-many relationship between THEATER and SHOW_TIME can be inferred because there are multiple THEATERs listed.

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Chapter 5 – Data Modeling
with the Entity-Relationship Model
The R Crow’s

We need to determine if:

 the M-O relationship between MOVIE and SHOW_TIME is correct. We have assumed that there may be MOVIEs in the database that are not currently scheduled to be shown.

 the M-O relationship between THEATER and SHOW_TIME is correct. We have assumed that a THEATER may be in the database even though it is not currently showing any MOVIEs.

 one THEATER can show more than one MOVIE; although it doesn’t matter because the data model will automatically accommodate a THEATER showing more than one movie.

B This report was prepared for a user who is located near downtown Seattle. Suppose that it is necessary to produce this same report for these theaters, but for a user located in a Seattle suburb, such as Bellevue, Renton, Redmond, or Tacoma. In this case, distance cannot be an attribute of THEATER. Change your answer in A for this situation. Specify the entity identifiers and attributes. Name the relationships and identify the type and cardinality of each relationship.

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Chapter 5 – Data
Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model

The E-R Crow’s Foot model above is based on the model in question A, but adds the entities AREA and DISTANCE. Note that this must be modeled as an association pattern rather than an N:M relationship because of the attribute DistanceToCenterOfArea. The data for the new parts of the model are contained in the following table:

We can infer that:

 the one-to-many relationship between AREA and DISTANCE can be inferred because there are multiple distances to the AREA listed in the figure.

 the one-to-many relationship between THEATER and DISTANCE can be inferred because there are multiple AREAs listed in Question B.

We need to determine if:

 the M-O relationship between AREA and DISTANCE is correct. We have assumed that there may be AREAs in the database that do not currently have THEATER distances in the schedule.

 the M-O relationship between THEATER and DISTANCE is correct. We have assumed that a THEATER may be in the database even though it does not have a distance listed for one of the specified AREAs.

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