J'N'C Magazine 3/2012

Page 90

Street Stylin’ iNTeRNaTioNal


iT’s No BiG seCReT ThaT FashioN is MaDe oN The sTReeTs JusT as MuCh as iT is iN DesiGNeRs’ sTuDios. oVeR The lasT TeN yeaRs We haVe BeeN KeepiNG oNe eye oN The sTReeTs aND DoCuMeNTiNG The sTReeT sTyles spoTTeD iN The MeTRopolises oF The WoRlD. aND NoW WiTh ouR NeW sTReeT sTyliN’ ColuMN We aRe eVeN CloseR To The aCTioN. leT’s sTaRT WiTh The ClassiCs: paRis, MilaN, loNDoN aND NeW yoRK. phoTos Axel Siebmann

london The FashioN aVaNT-GaRDe iN loNDoN liKes To DRess aNDRoGyNously aND GRuNGy. Too MuCh poMp is CoNsiDeReD passé – iT’s all aBouT uNDeRsTaTeMeNT, JusT hoW The BRiTs liKe iT.


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