Pressure Washing Virginia Beach: Common Injuries While Improper Handle Pressure Washing Machine

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Pressure Washing Virginia Beach - Common Injuries While Improper Handle Pressure Washing Machine A pressure washing machine use for pressure washing in Virginia Beach is to clean your home exterior and it may cause serious injuries if not handled carefully. Many people underestimate the power and this result in serious damage or even death in some cases. Electric and gas are the two main types of the pressure washing machine. The electric machine emits water with a power of 1,000 pounds, whereas gas machine emits up to 4,000 pounds. This much high pressure washing service in Virginia Beach should be done carefully and with complete safety. Some of the common injuries caused by poor handling are: 1. Abrasions: This is a very common injury caused by the pressure washing machine. To avoid such injury, wear protective clothes such as gloves, closed shoes, long pants, etc. Also avoid pointing pressure washer to any other person, pet or yourself. The trigger should not be pressed until you are sure where you want to clean and avoid spray your hands, feet or legs. 2. Slips and fall: It is dangerous to work on wet surfaces as you may slip or fall that may result in serious damage to you. You need to wear proper safety to avoid any such incident as water pressure may throw you away from the ladder you are standing on. 3. Eye Injuries: The eyes injuries can be caused due to several issues like direct spray water into the eyes or chemical present in the air. The window glasses and other washing surfaces may emit some chemicals and to avoid any eye injury wear shock and splash resistant glasses. 4. HPI: It stands for high pressure injection. It occurs when water or some chemical penetrate the skin and causes tissue damage. Serious infections may lead to permanent disability of the body parts. To reduce the risk, use fan nozzles to distribute water pressure over a wide area. The electric type machine has risk of electric shocks whereas gas type machine has a risk of asphyxiation to pressure washer in Virginia Beach. So, it is always better to use the machine with proper safety and handle with care to avoid any such injuries during Virginia Beach pressure washing service.

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