Solo Ads Are The Best way to Get Immediate Traffic.

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Contact solo ads go straight to the person's contact email address. Contact solo ads mean your ads are read. These ads have a good response rate and are the most effective form of advertising on the internet. The ads are sent out as stand alone ads, so your business stands out from the rest. Solo ads are here to stay and I truly believe that there isn't anything available yet to replace them. They are the best vehicle available today. Solo ads are more expensive than sponsor ads. They are ads that are sent via email to different online publications or opt in subscribers of ezines. So these ads are not usually part of the ezine itself. Ads are sent out on: Tuesday's, Wednesday's, and Thursday's. Solo ads are sent out by themselves and they can be as long as you want and need. Safelists are the best form of free and low cost advertising and can be extremely effective. A lot of safelists are based on a credit System. They are lists comprised of people who have given permission to have ads sent to them. Safelist members have elected to receive email from other members in exchange for the privilege of promoting their product to these same members. Safelists are mailing lists that generally promote advertising web sites, business opportunities, etc. On average, you will get up to ten times the response from a safelist contact solo ad than from list mails. With the credit based mailer you can email your ad to the entire safelist up to 2 times a day as long as you have available credits. You can earn credits by referring others to the safelist and by clicking on special links into emails that you receive from the list. Additionally, safelists use a double opt-in procedure, which assures the fact that none of these ads can be considered spam. I just wanted to clue you in to what I have learned from my experiences with safelists, also known as option lists. Solo ads are more expensive, but can be very effective if you have the right ad in the right ezine. Solo ads are, by far, the most effective of the ezine ads because your offer is sent exclusively to everyone on the mailing list and gets the full attention of the subscribers. Solo ads are the best ads because they are sent to the entire publication list. They are even more specialized since these ads are the only thing that your reader sees. The ads are ads blasted to the contact email addresses of everyone who is subscribed to a safelist. They are a great way to promote both your own website and affiliate products. They are your best bet for grabbing the readers attention, getting a lot more clicks and generating more signups. Solo ads are used so frequently, in fact, they are the most common read emails we receive today. They are a low budget expense and can cost as low as $2. Solo ads are definitely the They way to go.

My name is Kevin Dodd. I am 28 years Old and have been in the music business for a long time

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