The Journal of Undiscovered Poets, Issue Two, ( V.F )

Page 74

Cliff Saunders

confessions of a goner My whole life is coming to an end,

of engine failure and making

and a longing for spontaneity

helmets cool under sofa pillows.

eludes me as nights get colder

I make snow dust the field

and stones burn me to make them

where the dying is just beginning.

more normal. I’m dying while

Hoping for the best, I make fish

waiting for seas to be born.

bounce on pedestals, churches

Please, I’m terrified for my life

bounce with a single member.

right now. I’m a goner with

I live life informed by jagged edges.

binoculars at the ready, but now

It looks like I cannot be free

I see stargazers in Africa, I see

without getting elbowed by

ports in jeopardy and grass

chatty office workers. What fills

summer-red. I’d love to one day

the world has changed from

see winter gardens filled with

vermilion to sizzling star.

red wolf puppies, but now I need

Out of the broom closet, death

to sing my story of aftershocks

brings me a past that never

to the next level. Right now,

happened, a peaceful passing

I’m just living on the edge

into its twilight of healing.

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