Premium Quality Coin - calendar 2014

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“right on the money”

12 Premium Quality Coin

virtues of money

“On the quest to understanding our economy, it is only required that we visit history. In our past lie truth tales, written by people in power at that time, who through the control of commerce dictated the rules of the money game. Through meaningful imagery, and authoritative declarations, they instilled trust, security, and the promise of financial freedom for those industrious enough to participate. With an efficient blend of labor, and material science, an added value could be exchanged for the promise of opportunity, where individual choices shaped our culture”.


virtues of money

The 12 VIRTUES OF MONEY CALENDAR is a compilation of the fundamental building blocks of our most familiar and universal commodity. This calendar embodies the idea of what money is: an intangible tool. In dealing with money, studying its nature, and observing its behavior, money unveils itself as something much more difficult to define than any casual observer would ever imagine. The standard definition of money’s job appears clear, but to understand its many forms, uses, values, stigmas, influences, and developments, your journey will entail endless volumes of predictions, opinions, and documentation. It is not as important to define the word, as much as provide the building blocks to understanding moneys nature. It is the nature of money that evolves into all other characteristics, making up what is recognized as the physical objects that suit the official definition. By narrowing the concept to twelve virtues, we believe that money will always be understood for what it is; a tool. A tool that is not a physical object but a concept that is intangible and used for defined purposes. Choosing each of the twelve virtue building blocks was a painstaking process that evolved over many months, and required the input of many very intelligent professionals. The calendar represents the final compilation of this work.

Our stor y of money parallels human histor y. It depicts the chronological development of money on its way to fulfilling the desires of humanity.



It begins with a

fundamental premise


derived from 400bc – 400ad




4 6


and providing for an

fulfilling a basic POWER

desire 400ad – 900ad


means to get what we want

900 - 1300




which helps us


ART It frees up resources which allow for personal

enlightenment 1300-1500

realize individuality 1600-1780.


TRUST we find ourselves

With our basic needs met,

relying on others




with an understanding that we must



plan for the future


SCIENCE We eventually learn that the most critical element

INDUSTRY Embracing our mastery of the environment we

of our everyday life is our monetary system, and

on labor 1890-1940


maximize the return


opportunity and forge ahead to diminish the value of

multiply the results through sophisticated

our works and

engineering 1940-1990

its existence is

not by random

chance but based on evolutionary facts



In the end we choose

who we are

and what we represent by the way we use our

most fundamental and universal of commodities 1990-PRESENT.

This project has been an inspirational experience and I hope you enjoy its presentation. The calendar is a custom design allowing you to remove any of the pages for individual display purposes. If you like this financial philosophy series you will also be interested in our VICES OF MONEY educational material. If you would like to learn more about our community outreach efforts to increase financial literacy, simply call Premium Quality Coin LLC at 612-371-4739. We offer after school programs, adult education seminars, on-line tutorials, and public speaking arrangements with most financial professionals. For additional copies of this calendar and to be updated on all our other Financial Philosophy educational news and information visit our educational website at, visit our store, or follow us on Facebook. I thank you for taking the time to enjoy the subject of money with me and I leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Ayn Rand. -“money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver� Best wishes Bill Himmelwright Numismatist

1s t v i r t u e o f m o n e y


Money is a tool. Tools are made to be used. Using tools correctly is efficient. Efficiency returns the best results. The efficient use of money results in the highest returns.

He who will not

economize will agonize - Confucius

“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

JANUARY | 2014 Sunday


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2ND v i r t u e o f m o n e y

HISTORY History teaches us the results of our actions. Our actions can be most easily traced through money. The history of money teaches us valuable lessons. Learning valuable lessons keeps us from repeating mistakes.

Time IS Money

“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

February | 2014 Sunday


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3RD v i r t u e o f m o n e y

POWER Money is powerful. Power can be used for good or bad. Bad money is used to increase power. Money used for good increases the quality of life.

Money to get power, and power to guardthe money. -Giovanni Medici

“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

March | 2014 Sunday


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4 TH v i r t u e o f m o n e y

COMMERCE Efficient commerce requires standards. A standard of value must be stable. Stability is achieved through a limited supply. Gold has a limited supply. Gold is THE universally accepted standard of value.

“Monetary standards increase commerce� -Charlemagne

“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

APRIL | 2014 Sunday 30

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5th v i r t u e o f m o n e y


Art is symbolism. Symbols tell stories. The art on Money tell stories. Stories are educational and enjoyable. Money is a medium that reflects a culture through meaningful images.

Art Art

Art art

God sells us allthings

atthe price of labor. -Leonardo da Vinci

“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

MAY | 2014 Sunday


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6th v i r t u e o f m o n e y

FREEDOM Values are important. Freedom is a value. Defending a value is honorable and responsible. The freedom to choose sound money is an honorable and responsible value.

Paper money will invariably operate in the body of politics as spirit liquors on the human body.

-George Washington

“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

JUNE | 2014 Sunday


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7 th v i r t u e o f m o n e y


Healthy relationships are built on trust. We have a relationship with money. Governments produce money. Our relationship with government is critical to the trust we have in our money. History has shown that government is not a trustworthy steward of money.



Only Informs us of What Bad Government is. -Thomas Jefferson

“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

July | 2014 Sunday


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



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8 th v i r t u e o f m o n e y

SECURITY Safety and security are necessary in a free society. A free society is achieved through privacy. Privacy requires trust. Gold and silver are trusted mediums of exchange. Security is found in a trusted monetary system.

It is to be


that the rich and powerful

too often bend

the acts of government

to their selfish purposes. -Andrew Jackson

“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

August | 2014 Sunday


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



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virtue of money

SCIENCE The perfect monetary system must meet specific scientific criteria. It must be durable, divisible and physical. It must be limited in supply, portable and enduring. It must be stable and coveted. Of all elements known to man, only precious metals work.

The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. -Albert Einstein



“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

September | 2014 Sunday


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1 0 th v i r t u e o f m o n e y

INDUSTRY Labor creates value. Value is stored as money. Money created without labor is fiat. Fiat money diminishes the value of labor.

It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking

and monetary system,

for if they did, I believe there would

be a revolution before tomorrow morning. -Henry Ford

“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

October | 2014 Sunday


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1 1th v i r t u e o f m o n e y

OPPORTUNITY Opportunity provides choices that determine direction. Direction is limited by the availability of resources. Money is a resource that seeks the best opportunities. The best opportunities provide a direction to a quality life.

Pennies do not come from heaven, they need to be

earned here on earth.


“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

November | 2014 Sunday


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



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1 2 th v i r t u e o f m o n e y

CULTURE Culture is defined by our choices. Our choices come from our values. Money is a store of value. What we choose to do with our money defines our culture.


the MONEY!” “Jerry Maguire”

“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin For

FREE phone quotes when buying or selling precious metal bullion or numismatic items please call: 612-371-4739 Professional Buyer, Seller, Appraiser of Rare Coins Since 1985

DECEMBER | 2014 Sunday 30


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12 Request the Vices of Money Series companion piece

virtues of money

“Right on the money” Premium Quality Coin

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