Architecture & Urban Design Portfolio

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M Javad Raisi Architecture+ Urban design


Work experience


Feb. 2020 Apr. 2020

may. 2018 Aug. 2019

blocher partners Berlin, Germany Architect

Architecture as one of the only vocations which has such a broad and multiple aspects from art and design to technology, from history to socio political sciences became all my passion and what I want to learn and practice. I have had the chance to expand not only my professional vision in architecture thanks to the educational and working experiences in Germany and Italy, but also the cultural one, living in different countries and traveling a lot, learning from the richness of their traditions and the variety of their life styles.


jun. 2012 aug. 2012

nov. 2016

dec. 2013



expert user


expert user


expert user


expert user


competent user


competent user

gmp . Architekten Berlin, Germany Architect

A member of the competition team; development of all the requirements of the competetion from the initial concept to the final presentations.

M Javad Raisi

expert user

Winking · Froh Architekten GmbH Berlin, Germany Architect

A member of the team for project development from Leistungsphasen 2 to 5; development of the project from the initial concepts untill the final detaile plannings for the construction phase.

sep. 2015 aug. 2016



MPP Meding Plan + Projekt Hamburg, Germany Architect

Studio Roberto Petraccone ; Sorrento, Italy Intern Architect

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Weimar, Germany MSc European Urban Studies Università degli studi di Parma Parma, Italy BArch

competent user


expert user


modest user


expert user


expert user


expert user


Simplonstr. 8, Berlin



+49 160 96496096





Study Projects

Work Projects

A member of the team for project development from Leistungsphasen 2 to 5

A member of the team for project development from Leistungsphasen 2 to 5

may. 2017 april 2018












Heidelberg; Bahnhofplatz Süd

Dortmund; Berswordt Carrèe

Hamburg; Hotel Living

Hamburg; DRK

Shenzhen; GS Park

Dongguan; IT Center Campus

Xiamen; Supporting Facilities

Zhengzhou; Office Complex

Erfurt; Real estate Development

Fidenza; Urban Renewal












04-07 Winking· Froh





Bahnhofsplatz Süd


Einen Stadtbaustein mit einer eigenständigen, repräsentativen Identität

Der Entwurf für den Auftakt und die „gute Stube“ der Heidelberger Bahnstadt basiert weitgehend auf dem städtebaulichen Rahmenplan. Er folgt konsequent den festgelegten öffentlichen Raumkanten. Der dimensionale und wichtigste öffentliche Stadtraum der Bahnstadt entsteht mit dem Bahnhofsplatz. Das zukünftige Kongresszentrum und das geplante Hotel bilden die Landmarken am Platz und gemeinsam mit diesem das Herz der Bahnstadt. Hinzu kommt ein Baustein, der den Übergang und die Sichtbeziehung vom Hauptbahnhof zum Kongresszentrum und zur Stadtbahnhaltestelle schafft, ohne das geplante Raumkontinuum zu stören. Eine großzügige Stadtloggia bildet die wichtige wettergeschützte Verbindung zwischen Bahnhof und Czernyring. Die Loggia öffnet sich zum Platz und bietet ein zusätzliches Angebot zum Verweilen und für Außengastronomie auch bei schlechtem Wetter. Läden und die Zugänge der geplanten Büroflächen in den Obergeschossen orientieren sich zum Platz. In den Untergeschossen der Loggia befinden sich die öffentlichen Fahrradstellplätze.



Multi tenant Büro

Auf kurzem Weg gelangen Fahrradfahrer über die Loggia in den Bahnhof, zur Stadtbahn oder in die Läden und Büros. Die Erschließung des Fahrradparkhauses erfolgt vom Czernyring über den Platz in eine Rampenanlage. Die Rampe taucht in ein kristallines Wasserbecken, das den neuen Stadtplatz prägt. Neben der Stadtloggia gruppieren sich zwei weitere reine Bürogebäude um offene Höfe. Die Erdgeschosse können Kantinen oder zusätzlichem Einzelhandel mit Außenbezug dienen. Im Fokus der Bebauung des Baufeldes 1 steht neben dem Bahnhofsplatz auch der Platz am Wasserturm. Eine leicht diagonal durch das Quartier geführte Gasse rückt den Wasserturm als Relikt und Signet der Bahnstadt in den Mittelpunkt. Im westlichen Bereich ist ein viergeschossiger Wohnhof mit insgesamt neun Stadthäusern geplant. Die Häuser sind überwiegend als Drei- oder Vierspänner konzipiert und umfassen etwa 90 Wohnungen. Die Erdgeschosse und Teile der 1. Obergeschosse sind neben dem Wohnen als Hybridflächen für Einzelhandel, Gastronomie Praxen oder kleinteilige Büronutzung konzipiert. Zwischen Gasse und Bahnhofsplatz entsteht ein weiteres fünfgeschossiges Büro- und Geschäftshaus. Es wird durch skulpturale Einschnitte und einen offenen Atriumhof geprägt. Nördlich schließt das Hotel der Bahnstadt in Form eines Solitärs den Platzraum an, ohne den Wohnhof vom Platz abzuriegeln. Die städtebauliche Figur schafft so als Übergang und Gelenk zwischen Gasse und Bahnhofsplatz einen kleinen zusätzlichen Quartiersplatz. Hier könnte zukünftig die geplante Radfahrerbrücke eine weitere Nordverbindung über die Bahnanlagen schaffen. Ziel der Planung ist es, einen Stadtbaustein mit einer eigenständigen, repräsentativen Identität zu schaffen. Einen Ort, der zwar Bezug nimmt, auf die zeitgenössische weiße Architektur der Bahnstadt, sich aber vielmehr auf die Nachkriegsmoderne des denkmalgeschützten Bahnhofs und auch auf das rote, durch Neckarsandstein geprägte Heidelberg bezieht.







Ost- West Gesamt Schnitt




Berswordt Carrèe

Urban fabric

Mixed use housing development, a neighbourhood infrastrucute improvement The project site located beside the BVB Headquarter is currently used as a parking lot. As a consequence of the city urban market studies, acknowledging the high demand for housing, as well as the position of the building in the vicinity of University Campus and three metro stations, a mixed use housing, student appartment and commercial usage proved the best and most reasonable function for the land. The concept sees a closed block border development along the extensive roads which embrace a semi-public green courtyard in which all ground floor appartments recieve a courtyardoriented terrace with green area too. In order to form the up to 145m long street-side façade, a disassembly into individual buildings is planned. In addition, the harmoniously colored contrasting clinker facades are modeled based on the historical development of the city of Dortmund. In order to a further subdivision and emphasis the perforated façade, all the windows are set off with a colored frame, which is based on the respective clinker color shade, but nevertheless offers sufficient contrast to it. Housing access is carried out by the northern street as well as the green inner courtyard, and the student apartments are accessed via a new walkway above and along the eastern street.


Neighborhood fabric

Physical Model

The buildings heights are concieved in relation to the neighbourhood skyline as well as the natural light radiation and movement. As the matter of fact, the beuildings heights variate from five to seven floors. The upper end of the building staggered back to different depths in order to emphasize and loosen up the character of the single house facade more succinctly. The roof landscape consists of several green flat roofs to reflect an innovative and sustainable design of the houses again. The project with its architectural identity in addition to the urban reforbishment qualities is aiming to creat a better sense of neighbourhood. Firstly adding density to area transforming the unpleasant view of a parking area to a green mixed use complex and secondly, its new permanent flow of residents as well as its comercial servuces, green open sapces and infrastructural capacities. My Participation in this project already kicking off its constructon in the upcoming few months, started from the middle of entwurfsplanung phase untill Ausführungsplanung, dealing with various aspects of HOAI Leistungsphasen, from the detail planning to their further corrections, clariffications and revisions in order to optimize the last planning outcomes.

Sunshine and buidings heights relation analysis

Lobby Interior

Student Appartment interior

East-West section of the complex through the Hotel, landmark R&D tower and commercial area

Student Appartment interior





Urban fabric

Restart the neighborhood livability through a new development project The project site is located in the west-north of Hamburg, in Eimsbüttel district. Nowadays it is built up by so called “Glasskästen“, a residential development from the 1960s ( Architekten Werner Kallmorgen). Due to very bad conditions of structural elements, the preservation of the existing building in the area is not possible. Together with the architects from Siemer Kramer Architekten Ing(SKAI), MPP has developed a new urban concept for the territorial organisation, which allow to „restart“ the area, by obtaining some new functions, as well as improving its physical orientation to the surroundings. Building complex consists of two multifunctional buildings, including a ‘Day-care’ centre and a ‘Microapartment’ building with Hotel facilities and commercial usage on the ground floor. The Microapartmen/ Hotel has been connected with the residential development, planned by SKAI Architekts through inner courtyard and shared underground parking. My role in the project involved every aspects of the project development, from masterplan concept to the facade design, and concieving floor plans in relation with norms, regualtions and project requirements.


Neighborhood fabric

Physcal Model


Existing trees Scheme

Routes Scheme

Entrance Scheme

Public usage Scheme

Skai & MPP building scheme

Planivolumetric concept


Hamburg DRK

Urban fabric

A curate intervention to obtain a sustainable project and a pleasant care center The project is in a site which is located in northern area of Hamburg and has special conditions such as an existing building as well as old trees to be preserved. The size, form and hight of the buildings were binded by municipality regulation to the limitation derived from the existing trees in the site, demanding 1.5 meter of distance from the trees crowns. As a result the project is consist of two main parts: the reconstructed L shape existing building on the back side and a smaller new rectangular building by the street side, creating a central green plaza that opens up as the main gathering place for the visitors and providing a pleasant atmosphere isolated from the street noise, responding to the increasing demand on the residential facilities for people with special needs. Beside the flats of various sizes, planned according to the investors requirements, the project also contains a day-care center, dormitory for the people with the dementia disease, as well as city-caffè and multifunctional room, which provides opportunity of the better social connections through side-by-side usage. My role covered all the design phases of the project conception, from the initial concept untill the final technical and design presentation.


Neighborhood fabric



Erweiterung/Neubau des DRK Schwesternwohnheims

Physical Model

Bebelallee 28, Hamburg Maßstab 1:2000 @ A3 / Stand 20.11.2017


Pre-existing building and trees

Routes Scheme

New devel./ distance with trees

Public usage Scheme

New developm. Abstandfläche

Entrance Scheme



GS- Park phase III

Phase III; Mixed use complex

A High-tech business park, an efficient and pleasant working environment

The project site is located in the Longhua New District Science and Cultural Service Center of Shenzhen. Wu He Da road on the west side of the site can be considered as the main arteria in this area as it connects the Longhua District to the city center in the south and GS Park -which is consist of three development phases- will be the first project to be seen, when coming from the city center. The first phase lies on west of GS- Park and is completed in 2015, featuring garden-style multi-storey office environment. The still on-going Phase II is planned as a multistorey, cascade, mountainous garden style residential district that will be completed by 2017, and this project is the third and final phase. The design of GS Park phase III gives a logical and efficient answer to the task of a high-class R&D and server park by applying a clear and geometrical layout, which at the same time defines varied human-scale spaces to achieve an excellent working environment. This rational layout follows three main design guide lines. Firstly, The server buildings should not be positioned along the streets, as their facades are mainly opaque and thus cannot communicate with the environment sufficiently. Secondly, Larg green spaces positioned along the streets to emphasize the green character of the whole project.


Phase I; Office

Phase II; Residential

Western plaza

Southern plaza

Green spaces


As the third and the last guide line, the towers on the corners of the L-shaped site defines an unmistakable space and maximizes the distance between them. In addition to these three characteristics the existing green hill is used as a park as well as the continaution of the roof garden with different plantations and terraces on the commercial center, gaining profit of the topography of the hill to design terraces down to the street level. The roof garden can be reached by walkway or park visitors where different leisure and relaxation areas are provided. This precious necklace of the differentiated composition of towers and green plazas integrated to a podium which confers an angular shaped composition to the whole layout design add a unique human friendly quality to this urban landmark. My role in this project selcted as the first prize in the contest was at the initial stage the general analysis of the site area, from the urban structure and connections to the topographic conditions and all their related regulations. At the next stage, based on the findings of the initial analysis developing the project -in collaboration with my colleagues- starting from evolvement of the most appropriate shape for the masterplan in relation with the surrounding architectural profile and urban connections untill the detailed design of the plans of the variated functions of the project.

R&D interior

Hotel lobby interior

East-West section of the complex through the Hotel, landmark R&D tower and commercial area

Commercial interior

Hotel interior

Facade design; Shading

Facade design; Ventilation



Dongguan IT Center

Demolished buildings

A project of harmonious links of seemingly opposites

Located in FengdelingVillage, Fenggang Town in the southeast of Dongguan City on the important Dungguan- Shenzhen highway, the campus was originally the Taiwanese-invested project listed as Three Olds Redevelopment Key Project of the City and Guangdong Province in 2014. as a consequent, preservation became the first issue of the project. While the former production halls are dilapidated and have to be demolished, the eastern plateau offers several buildings, which are worth to be preserved. The second decisive issue to consider was the sit topography with a western part mainly even and a steep slope towards the east defining an elevated plateau dividing the site into two separated parts which have to be considered for the functional layout. Consequently, the project comprises seemingly several opposites such as the higher and the lower level of the site, old and new buildings, low and high safety standards, green landscape and large scale buildings. The desig intention is to unite all these opposites into a harmonious unit. The starting point of all is a green center at the end of the main entrance road, creating a place where production and free time meet.


High safety area

Higher level

R&D buildings

Renovated living complex

Data center buildings


On the eastern side of the elevated plateau there are the dormitory buildings allowing an easy separation from the safety zones of the production area and providing nice views into the surrounding landscape. The existing factory building is renovated to accommodate a modern mixed use building for management, catering and free time. Its slab like shape, which is positioned perpendicular towards the slope of the site, is answered by 3 similar shaped slabs, which house the R&D areas. These four slabs embrace the green center each in a slightly varied height and relation generating a vivid composition. And finally, the modern but massive and opaque production buildings are located behind the new R&D slabs. This position at the one hand allows an optimized workflow and on the other does not influence the calm green center of the campus. Furthermore, all the decisions regarding the materplan layout, the architectural composition and the distribution of functions are planned in strict relation with the prerequisite of 3 phases of campus development. As a matter of fact the planning arrangement is so to confer the most economically and fucntionally appropriate answer to it, making possible to have each phase efficiently working too. As a result, the design combined the existing buildings, the functional needs and the strong landscape parameters to a self-evident and harmonious composition fulfilling the demands of safety, functionality and natural as well as architectural beauty all together. My role in this project has been the mobility concerns such as vehicular and pedestrian connections and also the renovation project of the dormitory buildings. Besides, I was in charge of developing the introduced facade design as the first proposal out of our 2 presented options.

R&D interior

Meeting room interior

Office interior

Renovated buildings

Data center interior

Dormitory interior

North-south section of the complex through R&D, data center and the renovated mixed use building




Supporting Facilities

An integration of lanscape and architetcural traditions in an urban regeneration project The site is located in the north-east of Xiamen Island and benefits from excellent conditions of major landscape areas surrounding it. The site is located along the shore of Wuyuanwan Bay which makes the integration of the rich landscape feature mandatory! In addition to the landscape context the site benefits also from its excellent urban connections such as Tianyuan Bridge, western Wuyuanwan Road and also South Wuyuanwan Station of Rail Transit Line 2 right underneath the site. This direct link to the public transport system also has some disadvantages as the metro tunnel cannot be superstructed by larger buildings and thus divides the site into two parts. This apparent disadvantage is transformed into a scheme enabling to fully exploit the advantages of the site: The whole building volume is concentrated into a compact building complex with respect to traditional architectural elements of Xiamen, facing the city in the south-west, while the eastern part is free of build structures and thus is perceived as an obvious extension of the generous park around the head of the Tianyuan Bridge in the north. This idea allows an efficient and feasible construction and lets the public bay park -including a north to south promenadebecoming an integral part of the project.


Greenery Light Rail Train

Commercial Center

Sunken Plaza Pedestrian Bridge

Service Appartments Promenade

Our mentioned compact building is consist of a 3 story high podium taking up the commercial functions. A large generous courtyard opens the podium up to the Bay Park and lets it become a part of the commercial experience of the visitors. Three cubic towers taking up the serviced apartments are arranged around the courtyard offering a representative address. The south orientation and the staggered composition of the 45m high towers make full use of the site conditions: facing the Bay, the wetlands and also Xiamen Island. And finally, a sunken plaza within the Bay Park in the east allows access of the underground commercial areas of the project as well as the metro station and thus generates a very fruitful connection of commercial and public functions. The design composition of the project is deeply rooted into the cultural traditions of Xiamen. The whole podium is surrounded by generous arcades similar to the traditional structures in Zhongshan Road protecting the visitors from the hot sun and strong rain. The warm tone of the Fujian stone defines an elegant and calm frame for the vivid urban life within the airy public spaces and the apartment towers. Finally the filigree shading screens are a clear reference to the local shading screens used throughout the centuries to provide ventilation and shading at the same time. My role has been the development of the commercial center design and its interrelationship plan with the serviced apprtments as well as the light railtrack on the upper level and also the underground metro station also through the Zunken Plaza design.

Metro line devision & bay view

Light railtrack design

Bay park; an urban integration

Lobby interior

Promenade; an urban connection

Serviced appartment interior

North-south section of the complex through R&D, data center and the renovated mixed use building




Filigree shading screens




Office Complex

A clear architectural statement of an office complex emerging from a natural context The project site is located in the very center of the new development zone and will clearly set standard in term of an environmental and architectural quality. The U-shaped site frames a central green area which belongs to the public green land of the new district. The relation of this green area to the southern park land with the lake clearly defines the site lines and the orientation of the entire office park. Furthermore, the subway station within the plot on the northwest and the public buildings located on the south will present a highly attractive addition to the commercial and business use of the buildings. The design concepts follow clearly defined principles. First, the office park should represent a simple, elegant and noble image. The architecture should be longlasting without any time-bound attitudes. Second, different buildings should create a unified and strong perception on the one hand, but at the same time a certain degree of variety and diversity should be achieved. Third, the architectural character should be generated by predominate office function of the buildings. Fourth, structural order in all levels and elements of the design should be the guideline in order to guarantee a clear architecture statement as well as efficiency.


Metro/car urban conjunction

Cultural/pubblic building

East-west section of the complex through the water basin, and headquarter office buildings


Strong presence of nature

The intermediate spaces as well as those ones along a central water surface are conceived as green topography island with differentiated trees, bushes and grasses. Natural environment is created for the office workers. Around the lake pedestrian areas invite the people to stroll around and meet during the lunch breaks and after work. This idea is enhanced by the commercial facilities located on the ground floors and mostly related to the central park. Consequently the vehicular access to the site is designed in such a way that it forms an outer frame which does not create any conflict with pedestrian areas around the lake. the basement parking ramps are located next to the main entrances on the south so that car traffic on site is reduced to a minimum too. Aspects of sustainability and energy saving are implemented in the façade design where wall-like prefabricated concrete columns open up to the south with shading alcoves above whilst their positions to the east and to the west is planned in such a way that sun radiation and heat intake to the office spaces is reduced to a minimum. The inner high insulated Aluminium glass façade is equipped with integrated wooden panels which allow natural ventilation for each room. The rectangular buildings are embedded into very smooth and nearly round islands. They seem to swim around the buildings to harmonize and integrate them into the nature, into the surrounding park. opening sashes for natural ventilation. My role has been the development of the introduced facade and landscape design as the second propsed option beside the technical regulations controls such as fire fighting issues, vehicular flow and sustainability measures.

Green connection

Lobby interior

Waterfront vision

Office floor interior

Pedestrian connections

Facade design

North-south section of the complex through the western buildings row




Real estate Development

Study Project

Open spaces and greeneries:

A development solution based on various technics of analysis The task of the project was to find the best solution for the development of a land in Erfurt through various analysis such as location, economic, urban structure, market , socio demographic, and SWOT analysis. Erfurt the capital city of Thuringia is geographically situated in the center of Germany. Consequently, because of its wonderful accessibility it has great potentials to become one the major transit centers. It is planned to become a new traffic knot for the high speed trains by 2017. Thomas Eck, the land of the project, is located in an important area beside the train station and one of the major ring roads of the city. It is very close to the city center and is has good road, tram and bus connections with the rest of the city. The area is facing by important urban problems such as attractiveness, functionality and isolation.

Connectivities categories:

Hotel Residentials Housing


Building forms and orientations:

Shoping Mall; Offices


Location analysis

Market analysis

- The population grows from 2002 - Continuous influx to the city - Rise of foreigner population

SWOT analysis

Noise barriers:

-Beside the Hbf station -In the old city; -Noise from the railway -Lack of actvities;

-Southern park

Bad traffic conditions

Total employment: 100.496; 67% Workingpoor: 28.487; 9,6%

S W O T -Presence of historic building to engage civil society

Urban Conjunction:

Total unemployment: 14.246; 9,3%

-Integration of central old city -Displacement of the

Briefly unemployed: 6.228; 4,1%


Market demands Hotel: 4934 beds Target groups: the tourists, buisiness people, fair visitors

Housing: 25.000 flats Target groups: students, families, middle class residents

Buisiness activities: Target group: residents, companies, buisiness people

Open spaces:

Land acquisition: 6.387.833,76 € Land preparation: 1.030.555,00 € Construction: 159.400.408,21 € Project management: 3.188.008 € Financing costs: 9.278.150,27 €

Sectors costs 46

Rent return p.a: 10.304.722,24 € Initial rate of return: 5,75 %

Total investment

17.40 rent per annus




Urban Renewal

A project to revitalize a segregated area and requalify the urabn connectivity

The initially development of a huge bad organized land situated in a strategic and important area behind the historic wall of Fidenza generated a better understanding of the urban situation which led to the ambitious urban renewal project in Fidenza. The land is situated in the between of the historic area and most recent residential districts. On one hand the residential districts are facing serious urban problems such as spatial segregation, absence of urban recreational facilities, sustainable transportation and connectivities, and also lack of well planned and preserved greeneries. On the other hand, there is the historic center which is the most attractive area of the city –including the city center, shopping area and also the train station- which is practically cutted off from the residential districts access. The residential districts are in some extent marginalized as a consequence of two major reasons in two different scales which architectural and urban scale.


Study Project

A sustainable urban requalification project to improve urban connectivity and residents living quality

Historic area; neighborhoods


In urban scale there is a significant lack of some crucial urban design measures which can improve the connectivity of urban fabrics and various zones of the city such as attractive public spaces and greenery, bicycle paths and more efficient pedestrian connections. These urban problems are devided in two levels. Firstly a general urban requalification project in 2 phases which provides the mentioned urban deficiencies. In the second level, the volumes of the commercial part of the project derives from the urban fabrics patterns and their orientations aiming to sew up the connections between the two zones and facilitate the residents’ flow between them in various forms.

Urban fabrics orientations and their related connections with the project volumes


Site images

Historic center; Historic city wall; Via Emilia

Urban design

Greeneries and Parks

Landscape design

A mixed use development to revitalize a segregated area into an attractive destination for the whole city In architectural level the bad organization and functionality of the site not only has no attraction for the residents of the area but also has transformed this quite long and huge land to a sort of border which separates the city center and residential districts weakening the connectivity of them and the urban continuity. The multifunctional complex project and its related volumes has the intent to mend the social network creating a gathering place between the two zones through the mixed use function of the project, improving the liveability of the district all the daylong by a diversity design and use of dynamic materials.

Buildings functional layout


Project skyline composition

Urban skyline composition

A land mark for a historic city entrance road The tower located in the extremity of the site, on the ancient Via Emilia, is a land mark for the main street of the city and also a conceptual reference to the historical entrance gate of the city.


Contact +49 160 96496096 Simplonstr. 8, 10245 Berlin

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