Review of Evan Sharboneau's book"Trick Photography and Special Effects"

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Review of Evan Sharboneau's book "Trick Photography and Special Effects" Written by Jim T May (

This is a review of Evan Sharboneau’s 2nd edition book “Trick Photography and Special Effects” posted in You can check out his book here.

What is it?

"Trick Photography and Special Effects" is a photography ebook written by Evan Sharboneau. This ebook teaches you how to create visually stunning trick photography images as well as how to use photoshop to add special effects to them.

Who is it for?

If you've seen any examples of trick photography and cool special effects photos uploaded by other people on flickr or other websites before, you might be wondering just how is it done. This book covers all the secret techniques and tricks that are used by industry professionals earning a killer living creating these images.

Evan Sharboneau has written this ebook for the beginners and intermediates to digital photography. Whether you take photos as a hobby or to make a living, the tips and tricks revealed in this book will definitely help you become a better photographer. The language used in the ebook is simple to understand and holds your hand to guide you through everything from setting up your camera and equipment, all the way to post-processing the final result.

Also, this ebook makes an excellent gift for anyone who has an interest in photography. This book will definitely inspire them with new photographic ideas and projects.

What is good about it?

There are no other books (online or of the paper variety) that I've come across that covers so many tricks, special effects, and ideas packed into one ebook. If you've seen any examples of trick photography on the Internet, chances are it is covered here. These are just some of the major tricks you'll learn how to do properly:

1. Light paintings 2. Long exposure tricks 3. Motion blur 4. Star trails 5. Solargraphy 6. Forced perspective 7. Droste effect 8. Custom-shaped bokeh 9. Orton effect 10. High dynamic range (HDR) photography 11. Infrared photography 12. Panoramas 13. Levitation 14. Invisible man 15. Fake tilt-shift (miniature) effect 16. And at least 30 more...

Each of the these trick photography and special effects are given clear explanations with practical ideas for you to try out. And Evan doesn't skimp on the large and clear photo examples throughout the ebook. There are hundreds of high resolution and beautiful pictures sprinkled throughout the book so you can see what you can achieve. You can see more examples of what the ebook promises here. You could probably spend weeks and months experimenting with the ideas in there.

The surprising thing is that the information are very accessible. You don't need to spend money on expensive equipment or attend a photography night class to start producing beautiful images as seen on the ebook cover. You'll rarely need more than a decent camera, tripod, some cheap props, and a laptop with photoshop software to try all the trick photography techniques and special effects that the ebook teaches you.

One very handy thing in the ebook is that Evan provides external links directly in the ebook so you could click on it to explore more online. The ebook starts with some preliminaries about your camera and equipment and quickly moves on to the first chapter:long exposure effects and light paintings. This chapter alone is worth the price of admission and covers in extreme detail all the different things you could do to produce jaw-dropping photos with light. The next chapter teaches you to do illusions and trick photography that are fun and will baffle those who views it. You could think of this chapter as your bag of magic photographic tricks to use. The final third of the book covers even more mind-bending special effects that you can achieve in software like Adobe Photoshop. The ebook is packed with so many things to try that you will be happily occupied for months.

How does it do it?

The "Trick Photography and Special Effects" ebook by Evan Sharboneau comes as a downloadable PDF file that you can read on your laptop or iPad. The ebook is very well suited for reading on iPad or any tablet computers because of its gorgeous and large photos. The ebook itself is 192 pages long, and comes with a 60-day money back guarantee if you're not entirely satisfied. To sweeten the deal, if you buy now you'll also receive a bonus kit consisting of 4 mini-ebooks that complements the main ebook very well.


You get a lot of value for your money. Each of the technique taught here is worthy of an entire photography book. Evan removes all the theories and jargon so you can do immediately go out there and start taking cool photos. This ebook is highly recommended and makes an excellent addition to any photographer's toolbox.

Now that you've read the review and have a taste of what the ebook is about, why not head on over to Evan's site to check it out!

Jim blogs about trick photography and special effects techniques, that people use to create stunning photographs. You can sign up at his Trick Photography site to receive a free report on the top 10 trick photography ideas for travel photos. Please feel free to share this document with your family and friends if you think it’ll interest them, thanks!

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