September/October 2009 issue

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VBS with a Latin accent in Bradenton From July 21 through July24, St. George’s Episcopal Church in Bradenton hosted a Vacation Bible School July 21–24 with Latin flavor — la escuela biblica. During the four evenings of the program, some 15 children — Anglo and Hispanic shared in play, worship, crafts, music and storytelling. Support staff, teachers, musicians and clergy came from the diocesan office, St. George, All Angels by the Sea, Redeemer and St. Boniface. The Rev. Maggie Gat of St. George’s and the Rev. Ben Santana of Redeemer lead a team of more than 20 people. The VBS ended with a Spanish and English communion service conducted at St. George’s. Hymns from both traditions together with the interplay of Spanish and English liturgy brought a special spirit to the celebration. A diocesan initiative for Hispanic ministry brought focus to the needs that were being encountered by St George’s rapidly expanding food pantry. This pantry that served 40 families in January, now serves 131 families, many of them Hispanic. These changes are a direct result of decisions made to intentionally stocking food pantry items suitable for young mothers and children. Within a few months, St. George’s was seeing the development of a bilingual community that met on the second

In Brief

(Continued from page 5) children who call Youth Haven their home on an annual basis. “We prepare more than 14,000 meals in the kitchen on an annual basis,” said Ron McSwiney, Youth Haven’s chief executive officer. “This gift will allow us to move forward with our remodeling project, enabling us to create a more ideal and efficient kitchen area which can withstand usage at this level, while still maintaining a homelike feel for the children.” Funds from Trinity-by-the-Cove are being earmarked toward the purchase and installation of new commercial grade countertops, appliances, sinks, cupboards, and related hardware, as well as toward construction of more prep room and space for family-style dining.

Evensong series returns to Sarasota

The Church of the Redeemer’s monthly Evensong series begins after a summer hiatus on Sunday, Sept. 20h The Southern Cross September/October 2009

Vacation Bible School at St. George’s, Bradenton, was just a part of the parish’s Hispanic outreach efforts.

Thursday of every month. The diocese has also offered the support of a developing mobile medical ministry, a project of Episcopal Charities, to this community. St. George’s looks forward to this support in the near future. — The Rev. Dr. Charles P. Foley, a UCC minister and minister for outreach at St George’s, submitted this article.

at 5:15 p.m., when the anthem will be “Te Lucis Ante Terminum (Evening Hymn),” by Balfour Gardiner; service in G Major by Herbert Howells. A wine and cheese reception will follow in Gillespie Hall. The service and reception are free and the public is invited. Evensong, performed monthly from September through May by the Choirs of the Church of the Redeemer, is a time-honored Anglican tradition originating in the 16th century. This service closes the day with the choir and congregation singing much of the liturgy and the organ accompanying. The Church of the Redeemer is located at 222 South Palm Ave. For more information call (941) 955-4263.

Calvary Church offers computer courses

Calvary Episcopal Church’s popular Tuesday evening computer classes will resume this fall beginning Oct. 13 and will run for four weeks. The parish in Indian Rocks Beach has been offering the classes for more than 10 years. The Learning Center at Calvary is the church’s gift to the community. The

Basic Computer and Internet courses are designed to be affordable at $15 per course while providing hands on learning that will enable people to gain the confidence and skills they need to enjoy their computers and the internet. For details and registration, call the parish office at (727) 595-2374.

Romanian nun to speak about icons

A well-renowned iconographer and Romanian Orthodox nun, Sister Eliseea Papaciòc, will be at the Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota on Sunday, Sept. 27, to share and discuss the work of her lifetime: religious icons. Papaciòc will discuss and exhibit her work at 3 p.m. An abbreviated presentation will take place the same day during Redeemer’s morning Adult Forum, which starts at approximately 10:15 a.m. Both presentations will be held in Redeemer’s Gillespie Hall located at 222 South Palm Ave., in downtown Sarasota. Some of Papaciòc’s icons will available for purchase before and after both presentations.


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