Lost in Translation Vol III

Page 36

important knowledge in your period? Our modern society is based on a tremendous knowledge base, from basic to professional, that human beings have created throughout our history. By learning basic knowledge, you become a man and a woman. If you know better in specific areas, you will be an expert. Enjoy learning and do not be afraid of discussing what you know. And do not be ashamed of what you do not know or misunderstand. What knowledge should you need to learn beyond basic knowledge? Since we do not learn everything, we need to learn what we like. Thus, I would like you to follow what you like and learn knowledge in that field. In my case, I was interested in politics but had unbalanced knowledge about social ideology and overestimated the role of social movements. Because of that, I spent hard time. But since I like learning about politics (instead of doing politics), I am now trying to be a political scientist and will probably never stop learning politics. Likewise, you need to observe yourself, learn what drives you, and expose yourself to a variety of experiences. Without this long process, your soul does not say anything. Second, hear your moral voices from inside yourself. Human beings are so rational that they often violate morality in pursuit of their own short-­‐sighted interests. Morality is like a fundamental guideline when nothing else is available. Even when everything is available, morality is the most important thing we need to follow. When your life goes and goes, you will see many situations that you can take advantage of. Whenever you see those situations, please follow your moral message. Sometimes, human beings make mistakes not to hear their moral voice. So many corruptions and deceptions are all the products of when they ignore their inside voices. Small mistakes should be socially excused but they should not be so in your mind. Please learn that the mistakes of violating morality may destroy you. Third, be polite and generous. We do not live alone. In my study of politics, there are political conflicts and disagreements even when there are two persons. In other words, conflicts and disagreements are always latent in our relationship. How can we transform these latent disagreements and conflicts into harmony? The most fundamental way is to make us all the same. But this is impossible. The realistic way is that we become more polite and generous. Politeness and generosity are not only socially good, but good for you. Politeness and generosity is a representation of your intrinsic strength. If you are polite and generous, your friends and supervisors will like you since they think you are strong enough to master appropriate social attitudes. Fourth, challenge yourself to learn and challenge your life. Everyone’s life is unique. In the whole universe, only you exist. You are not a replication of old people. You are just you. Be yourself. Human society seems to be so established and solid, but it has so many holes. As human beings, we are generally ignorant of the universe and ourselves. And we are also incapable of getting rid of many social problems, including genocide, civil wars, and famine. In

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