Dd portfolio

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Digital Design Portfolio Semester 1, 2018 Jiayi Feng

904598 Joel Collins + 15

Reflection: With the changing social environment, I motivate by the contemporary background to consider the requirement of human being and the harmony between environment and buildings.

email: j.feng17@student.unimelb.edu.au

Education: 2017 - current

And I inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright’s organic idea to think of manipulating landscape and the use of materials. Cause landscape can help people to enjoy architecture and facilitate people’s behaviors; The way of choosing materials can give people different tactile and visual impacts, which is also a way to express architectural ideas.

Bachelor of Design

Awards/ Exhibition: 2017

FOD: R Exhibition, AFLK Gallery

In digital design, I start to contact with Grasshopper and unreal engine to think architecture in a deeper way. In Grasshopper, I tried to use parametric data to construct my design, which is a very logical method and sometimes more convenient than that just using Rhino. And for unreal engine, I learned a new way to render my model. And I also can experience my model in a virtual way, which can help me to present my design ideas and find something to improve by experiencing it in VR.

Skills: Rhino Grasshopper Unreal Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Fabrication

I still need to improve my Grasshopper skills in the following studying. Cause I find it can be very helpful to construct a more complicated structure. In this way, I can present my design in a better way.


Content: I. 4-6 Module 1: Precedent Study

II. 7-18 Module 2: Generating Design Through Digital Processes

III. 19-28 Module 3: Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion



Precedent analysis

Isometric view

The main concept of Amanda’s pavilion is that she attempts to recreate the experience of being in a forest. So she chose very thin and transparent material to make petals and slender columns to support structure. In this way, petals will sway gently in the breeze, meanwhile, it responds to the weather. When I modelled this pavilion, I focus on the details of petals to make it look light and transparent. Through its semi-transparent surface, the threshold is also defined. So it will be interesting to see how it reacts with the light. Under the canopy the light will be dappled and dreamy. The shadow will be projected onto ground. It is also a transition of exterior and interior space. Cause there are no walls around it. It is an open and public space. People can pass through it via different paths to feel this visual effect. With the different connections of each petal, people are freely to move around to find a best place to have a rest and chat. By dividing into the different threshold, it makes pavilion become multi-functional and interesting.

Scale 1:35 0



2100 mm



Scale 1:260

Scale 1:260


Pa Bench



ay Tram station




Temperature transition





Design Matrix

Key Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z)


Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points










{90,150,150} {0,90,150}

{0,0,150} {0,0,120}






{0,150,0} {90,0,0}




{Selected surfaces}

Paneling Grid & Attractor Point Paneling Grid & Attractor Point










Paneling Paneling

{Attractor curve Location}

{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor curve Location}

{Attractor point location}






Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves





Design Matrix 1:10



Grid Points The iteration focused on the use of weaverbird plug-in to create some opening areas with different shapes and directions. I used both solid and void panels to contrast. The concept of making these panels is to promote a sense of harmony between panels and waffle structure. So I set an attraction point at the bottom of two surfaces to align them with waffle structure. And the size of each panel is reduced from the top of the volume to bottom by changing the size of attraction point magnitude.

The bottom of waffle is towards to one direction, but two sides are in different rotated angles. It formes a dynamic and volumetric inner structure. What’s more, it can be placed in four directions.





Surface and waffle

Solid panels define exterior and interior space. Its protruding parts can create different shapes of mass structure and produce more private spaces.

Openings with different directions and sizes increase the permeability to the interior.

The combination with solid and opening panels can produce some interesting shadows for both exterior space and interior volume structures.

The sizes of panels are reduced towards to a central point. Then the volume is created by two approaching surfaces with a sense of harmony.

Exploded Axonometric 1:2 0


120 mm


Computation Workflow

Grasshopper script

Lofting X-Z contour lines to generate waffle structure

Generating small rectangular in

After generating waffle structures in

each overlapping space and correctly connect to the direction of waffles to generate notches.

GH, we need to orient structures in to plane for laser cutting.


Task 1 model making


Fabrication Workflow

Solid panels are folded along the etch line to prepare for later sticking.

Gluing each small unroll surface into panel.

Laser cutting nesting

After unrolling these panels, I used the command ’dupedge’ to trace my cutting and etch lines. And then I separated them in to different layers to prepare for laser cutting. I didn’t create tabs in a large scale to ensure that it can be finally glued on my waffle structure. Cause the edges of each panel are in the cutting layer. When I received my laser cutting, some surfaces were teared by the masking tapes. So I had to resubmit some of my panels again. But in this time, I tried not to put all edges in cutting layers to avoid using masking tapes.


Jointing Z and X fins from one side to another. Then pressing each of them towards interior make the structure stable without using glue to stick them.

Making model process

Task 2 model making


Task 2 model making


Design Matrix

Key Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z)


Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points 1.2




{50,100,150} {104,90,132} {87,75,88}


Grid manipulation

Grid manipulation


{50,0,160} {100,50,50}

{105,33,35} {160,72,29}

{1,-1,0} {50,0,0}

Distribution Distribution

I used icosahedron to subtract the cube with porosity and permeability. It can be Key regarded as windows or the entry of the Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor /depending Control Curves buildings on its size. Intersecting Grid Points area can be an interesting part in this segment. It can create both private and public spaces. The whole fragment is defined by cantilevered roof creating a sense of belonging. It can be imagined as a shelter of the building. And the bottom has a transition place connecting with ground and also the interior space. If it is a large scale, people can use it as a communal space. And people can go through it to occupy their own private space.

{Curve attractor}

{Random attraction}

{Curve and point attraction}

{Curve attraction}












Transformation Transformation

{Random attractor}

{Point attractor}

{Two curves attraction}

{Curve attraction}







{Platonic tetrahedron}

{Platonic icosahedron}

Design Matrix 1:10


In addition, the intersecting geometries make the space separating into two different depths. I used the command ‘extractisocurve’ to create different density of iso curves to distinguish space. The interior structure is defined by different surfaces, but also has connections between each separate space. It looks like an exhibition building with interesting inner structure. And the opening iterations can penetrate light into the building reflecting on the different angles’ surfaces to create different shadows. people can find a place where they would like to stay.

SOLID AND VOID With the booleaned geometry contained mostly within the original shape the cube is still highly visible as a form.

There are also some connections between two adjacent spaces.

Many openings are produced by booleaned geometry to make the space functional.

Cantilevered roof project to exterior, defining space with a sense of belonging.

Very private space with a harmonious structure.

This area tends to combine with the ground to create a transition between exterior and interior space.

Axonometric 1:1



Solid boolean using 3.4 morph iteration.



Computational Process

Grasshopper script

By using attraction point to change

I used platonic icosahedron as my

Use scale to create various shapes

the shape of my cellulate 3D grid for later panels.

basic shape. Through number slider to adjust its sizes.

within grid. In this way, the shape will be more interesting after boolean difference.


3D Printing

Design iterations

Makerbot print

Comment on 3D Printing

Design iteration




The shell pavilion My design is based on the considerations of nature and human being. So the form of my pavilion is dynamic and asymmetrical, which provide different visual and physical feelings for people. The shell pavilion is used for a lunch time seminar and an evening quarter concert. I utilised parts of waffle structure to create small benches to sit. And the main sitting areas are around by landscape with the use of leveling design. The sitting areas enclose the whole pavilion. So I set an attraction point at one corner for the evening concert. Exploring the light and shadow is also one of the main concepts in my pavilion design. The hollows on top with different sizes project the natural lights onto the ground to create dynamic patterns. And these hollows also connect the interior space with the sky. People can look at the sky when they are sitting or walking in this space. For the consideration of rainwater, openings are only in small areas and a curve along one side is also for this consideration. For accommodating more people, threshold is opened with three sides of my pavilion. People can freely go through with not too much limits. And the openings also make my pavilion look more interesting. The materials are used of metal cladding and wood to dissolve with nature. The metal with its reflection can attract people and the wooden interior structure make people feel warm and gain a sense of belonging.




Circulation path Spatial thresholds

The triangular opening at the top, with its various sizes creates interesting shadow patterns at the ground and at the evening people can enjoy stars at the top via looking through these transitional openings.

The waffle structure relates to the paneling shapes, gradually becomes thicker, which creates a various volumes inside. People can get a sense of belonging with its curvilinear shapes.

Timber Structure Detail 1:40

Chair integrates with the waffle structure, which save the space and also is organic to reflect with nature. People can sit on it to see interior space.

Attraction point to form a performing space.

Human figure helps people to see the size of openings and articulates its functions that people can go through it. The opening at the side of the pavilion creates a threshold and allows light coming into the interior space.

Stairs provides a transitional space between pavilion and its surrounding landscape and two small platforms are also created along it two sides to provide places for people to sit.

Axonometric 1:40



96 mm

The concrete block defines space and also creates different levels for people to sit.


Design Iteration

Design iteration 1

With the reference of my module one pavilion to use column to support surface.

Design iteration 2

Design iteration 3

Via overlaying surfaces to create visual difference and the dome structure can create a sense of belong for people.


My final pavilion developed based on this iteration. The shape of this pavilion is very interesting and has many thresholds.


Vignette 02

Vignette 01

Vignette 03


Vignette 04


Vignette 06

Vignette 05

Vignette 07


Vignette 08

Model making


Computational Process

Grasshopper script

Separately construct hollow

Merging hollow patterns with solid.

Cause it generated in a plane first,

patterns in GH with the original use of Ellipse.

Using list item to construct panels in GH.

I used surface morph to project it onto the surface.


Fabrication process

Laser cutting

3D printing


360 Image Output

Digital Design Semester 1, 2018 28

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