Meeting the Moment

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meeting the moment 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O RT

Photographers: Juliana Allen, Emmanuel Attramah, Soumi Das, Guido Dingemans, Mary Joy Ducusin, Kate Holt, Indrani Kashyap, Karen Kasmauski, Frank Kimaro, Ashwini Kumar, Syane Luntungan, KC Nwakalor, Karel Prinsloo.

Jhpiego believes that when women are healthy, families and communities are strong. We won’t rest until all women and their families—no matter where they live—can access the health care they need to pursue happy and productive lives.

Table of Contents Letter from the President and CEO


Jhpiego by the Numbers


Jhpiego Responds Around the Globe


Highlights of Jhpiego’s Response


Assisting governments with COVID-19 response strategies


Preparing health workers to prevent infection and safely deliver care during a pandemic


Reimagining critical care and treatment for COVID-19 patients


Maintaining essential public health services for women, men and families


The Baltimore Health Corps Initiative


The People We Serve




Our Supporters



Letter from the President and CEO At a time of crisis, Jhpiego responds with agility, speed and skill A lethal virus. Unprecedented disruption. Heartbreaking loss. Resilience in the face of incredible challenges. Can the past year be described any other way? The novel coronavirus traveled swiftly and stealthily across oceans and borders, sickening millions in the countries where we work and intensifying in force as health systems suffered its blows. The pandemic tested us as we had never been tested before. And yet, Jhpiego’s global teams braved this extraordinary crisis with a fierce hope and the inspired belief that they could positively impact the lives of the people we serve. Marshaling Jhpiego’s hallmark innovative spirit and creativity, our teams deftly pivoted to reimagine delivery of essential health care services during a pandemic in new and virtual ways. They adapted resources and realigned services to meet the unique needs of ministries of health and update the skills of tens of thousands of health care workers. With the support of private sector allies, Jhpiego responded to new challenges with agility and skill. And they continue to do so today as vaccines reach our country partners. While I am heartsick at the loss of loved ones and frontline health workers, I remain uplifted by the remarkable progress and unwavering commitment of our colleagues and partners worldwide. From the community health worker in rural India who promotes handwashing in villages to the immunization experts strategizing on worldwide delivery of a vaccine, the global health community overcame unforeseen obstacles with courage and resilience. From the very start of the pandemic, our goal has been twofold: to prevent, detect and respond to outbreaks while maintaining the high-quality health care services required for all women, men and families to grow and thrive. In more than a dozen countries in Africa and Asia, pregnant women and mothers received COVID-19-targeted education for a safe birth and healthy child, strengthened antenatal care, HIV and family planning services, support in accessing health facilities and continued delivery of medicine for the prevention and treatment of malaria. In India, through the Jhpiego-led NISHTHA: Transforming Comprehensive Health Care project, we remotely bolstered the skills of health care workers to prevent and control infections, organized COVID-19 testing and contact tracing efforts, and designed a data-driven intelligence engine to direct government action to where it was needed most.


When closures shuttered our HIV prevention and voluntary medical male circumcision services in Lesotho, Jhpiego nurses didn’t stop—they deployed to local hospitals and health clinics to diagnose and care for COVID-19 patients. In South Africa, our staff participated in frontline testing and treatment services and ramped up telementoring to provide timely and critical assistance to health facility staff. They also arranged home delivery of HIV medicines to maintain the health of vulnerable clients. Jhpiego expanded the ability of health care providers and systems in Afghanistan, India, Lesotho and Kenya to care for clients severely ill because of COVID-19 with medical equipment donated by the U.S. Agency for International Development. This initiative strengthened health workers’ skills, innovated bedside teleconsultations and established protocols for sustained delivery of oxygen. Moved by the need in our very own city, Jhpiego also launched its firstever program in the United States, developing a contact tracing and jobs initiative alongside the Baltimore City Health Department, The Rockefeller Foundation, Johns Hopkins University and others. It was incredibly inspiring to apply the knowledge and experience of our years working to prevent infectious diseases on distant shores right here at home. From the harrowing early days of the pandemic through the devastating rollcall of deaths to today’s surges amid the promise of renewed health, Jhpiego couldn’t have accomplished all that we have without you. We are energized by your trust, unwavering support and belief in our mission to ensure that every person has access to high-quality health services— before, during and after a health crisis. I am incredibly proud of our team’s transformative thinking, deft response and, above all, commitment to the people we serve. This extraordinary year reaffirms my belief that, together, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish. Most sincerely,

Leslie Mancuso, PhD, RN, FAAN President and CEO



Jhpiego by the Numbers In the midst of an unprecedented global pandemic, Jhpiego was undeterred in supporting the delivery of essential health services for women and families.



women gave birth in a Jhpiego-supported facility


individuals were newly initiated on HIV treatment

Created by Yeong Rong Kim from the Noun Project

Created by Luis Prado from the Noun Project


confirmed malaria cases were treated with artemisinin-based combination therapy


women voluntarily initiated postpartum family planning enp No krit t om jec y K Pro d b un ate No Cre m the fro




face masks/shields odarP siuL yb detaerC tcejorP nuoN eht morf

nZ y The Ico Created bNoun Project from the

266,955 pairs of gloves



health workers and others to deliver COVID-19 care



Created by Jakob Vogel from the Noun Project

2,956 gowns

19,692 units of soap

39,437 units of hand sanitizer

Created by monkik from the Noun Project

odarP siuL yb detaerC tcejorP nuoN eht morf


2016–2020 5 Years of Saving Lives, Improving Health and Transforming Futures



women attended four antenatal care visitsb

pregnant women received three doses of intermittent preventive treatment for malariaa

Created by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project


individuals were newly initiated on HIV treatmenta

2,616,113 women voluntarily initiated postpartum family planninga


Created by Nicolas Vicent from the Noun Project

107,000,583 people received prompt malaria confirmatory testing and were linked to treatmenta

odarP siuL yb detaerC tcejorP nuoN eht morf

women gave birth in a facility where Jhpiego has trained providersa

5,741,694 children were treated with seasonal malaria chemopreventionb


women were screened for cervical cancer for the first time


individuals started on oral pre-exposure prophylaxisc

13,199 (6%) screened positive and 8,620 (65%) were treateda

2016–2020, b2018–2020, c2017–2020

a by regara Project Created the Noun from


“We are especially grateful for the donation of PPE to the health facilities and CHIPS (community health influencers, promoters and services) agents working in the communities. We are indeed positive that this collaboration will be sustained and we pledge to continue to support the TIPTOP project in the state.” Dr. Muhammad Muhammad Makusidi Niger State Health Commissioner, Nigeria


Jhpiego Responds Around the Globe When COVID-19 hit, Jhpiego moved swiftly to provide our country partners with the skills and resources they needed to meet the demands of the virus. With funding from 47 donors and in collaboration with more than 35 governments, we built on past progress and tailored our assistance to help ministries of health (MOHs) and others strategize and map their COVID-19 response. Never before has our mission to ensure equitable, accessible and respectful health care for all been so critical. Through lockdowns, restrictions and virus surges, our global staff of 3,347 innovated in ways that didn’t seem possible before and reached thousands with essential and lifesaving health care. From rural Mozambique to the urban centers of Afghanistan, Jhpiego teams advised policymakers and helped shape national plans to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We worked with health facilities and within communities to strengthen infection prevention and control (IPC) approaches; educated and prepared health care providers to identify, diagnose and manage cases of COVID-19; provided critical health and safety equipment for health workers; and leveraged technology and data to expand access to appropriate, equitable and quality services. Alongside our direct response to COVID-19, we worked tirelessly to maintain hard-won progress toward cervical cancer elimination and against maternal, newborn and child mortality, and in support of HIV and malaria preventive care and treatment.


Highlights of Jhpiego’s Response Assisting governments with COVID-19 response strategies

The data reveal hotspots, giving contact tracing teams critical information to better manage cases.

Through the Jhpiego-led Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project, our Nigeria team drew on its extensive experience in infectious diseases, laboratory diagnostics and emergency response to assist state governments in Africa’s most populous country. Through strategic engagement with the Nigeria Center for Disease Control and other government partners, Jhpiego helped revitalize and upgrade emergency operation centers across eight states to serve as central command centers for COVID-19 response and management. The centers are now equipped to utilize data integration, warehousing and visualization, providing state officials with transparent and real-time information to inform responses to COVID-19. The data reveal hotspots, giving contact tracing teams critical information to better manage cases, ensure follow-up and documentation of calls, and confirm the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and isolation and treatment centers. Jhpiego’s team in Ghana developed a trainer’s guide, job aids and scopes of practice on treatment and case management of COVID-19, as well as a package of materials that guides physicians, laboratory scientists and other clinicians to effectively care for COVID-19 patients. This document offers all health care providers in Ghana the most upto-date guidance on the country’s treatment plan for COVID-19 and policy on coronavirus-related diagnostics. In Guinea, Jhpiego joined the MOH to develop national contingency plans to safeguard health services, share job aids and guidelines for service provision, and initiate and support the integration of COVID-19 information into the national health tracking system. Jhpiego Country Director Yolande Hyjazi serves as president of Guinea’s 17-member COVID-19 Scientific Commission. To boost data-reporting efforts, Jhpiego Guinea, with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), provided the MOH with Internetenabled tablets to connect data personnel with contact tracing teams—critical to stopping community spread of COVID-19.


The Jhpiego RISE project’s “assistances in terms of capacitybuilding of our health care workers in proper management of COVID-19 cases and the use of mechanical [equipment] in 18 facilities made them operationalized.” Dr. Abdul Qadir Qadir, General Director for Policy and Planning, Ministry of Public Health, Afghanistan


“We appreciate the hard work and long hours that you (NISHTHA) and your team take, particularly in the field, to maintain high standards of support, particularly to the most disadvantaged populations. Your accomplishments have been amazing given the ongoing challenges brought on by COVID-19. All of this has been possible due to [your] relentless efforts, despite hurdles faced.” Sangita Patel Director, Health Office, USAID, India 12

To strengthen the COVID-19 response in Maharashtra, the state in India most severely impacted by the coronavirus, the NISHTHA project designed a data-driven intelligence engine and a citizen’s mobile application in consultation with the state government. Using data that reflect the current on-the-ground situation of COVID-19 as well as a 14-day forecast, policymakers can better predict trends and make evidence-based decisions on preparedness of health care facilities, areas for rigorous testing and other preventive measures. The multilingual, Android-based application helps identify hotspots and nearest testing facilities using geographic information system mapping. App users get real-time information on available beds in COVID-19 treatment facilities, medical equipment and contact details of liaison officers at health facilities.

App users get real-time information on available beds in COVID-19 treatment facilities, medical equipment and contact details of liaison officers at health facilities.


Preparing health workers to prevent infection and safely deliver care during a pandemic Partnering with the Afghanistan Ministry of Public Health, Jhpiego updated and strengthened a comprehensive package of IPC measures for health facilities to ensure a safe environment for clients. The team educated providers in 53 health facilities in five provinces on proper triage protocols to identify and isolate clients with suspected COVID-19; and shared a triage checklist to ensure patients, especially the critically ill, receive safe and free health services. In addition, Jhpiego clinicians and midwives mentored maternal health care providers to ensure ongoing high-quality health care for pregnant and breastfeeding women and safe workplaces for health workers. The initiative developed online learning sessions for health facility staff using WhatsApp groups and other With the MOH, communications tools. Jhpiego also facilitated data collection through Jhpiego used mobile smartphones.

mentoring to reinforce IPC skills and guidelines, and distributed 75,000 face shields to the government— part of a multicountry donation from Lighter Than Air Research.


Jhpiego Burkina Faso supported 32 hospitals to produce hand sanitizer and instruct more than 8,000 health care workers in its proper use. With the MOH, Jhpiego used mobile mentoring to reinforce IPC skills and guidelines, and distributed 75,000 face shields to the government—part of a multicountry donation from Lighter Than Air Research—and another 25,000 to private health centers.

Jhpiego worked alongside the Christian Health Association of Ghana to establish a culture of IPC Jhpiego worked among hospital workers at 25 facilities as part of alongside the Christian their COVID-19 preparedness and response plans. Health Association of Quality improvement (QI) measures were Ghana to establish a enhanced and QI coaches identified to ensure continuous and sustainably improving health culture of IPC among systems. Jhpiego prepared 869 health care workers to hospital workers at maintain essential services safely via e-learning platforms 25 facilities. and Zoom communities of practice. These health care providers represented 733 facilities in 136 regions and districts. The team also provided critical care training for 80 clinicians, including on the use of medical equipment for the management of severe COVID-19 as part of establishing critical care hubs in each of Ghana’s 16 regions. The NISHTHA project in India worked to support the country’s network of primary health care centers in 12 states to respond quickly to the pandemic. Adapting digital technology and evidence-based interventions, Jhpiego developed COVID-19specific training materials for primary health care providers, educating nearly 36,000 health workers. The team held virtual sessions on IPC, symptoms and diagnosis of COVID-19 and case management. Jhpiego shared its preparedness materials with India’s National Disaster Management Authority for countrywide dissemination. Our work with the government reached migrant workers, marginalized communities and remote corners of the country. In addition, NISHTHA worked with state pandemic response teams to track, monitor and follow up with COVID-19 patients and link them to care, employing an interactive voice technology system, a first in many rural areas of India. In Lesotho, we joined our government partners in assessing hospital preparedness for pandemic response, and supported more than 2,000 health workers in COVID-19 readiness. To ensure timely diagnosis and appropriate care, Jhpiego established and supplied telehealth hubs in 15 hospitals to facilitate remote consultations with an MOH-appointed specialist team. Jhpiego produced education materials, job aids and posters on best practices for COVID-19 case management and IPC, which were posted in district hospitals and health facilities and shared through social media.

Our work with the government reached migrant workers, marginalized communities and remote corners of the country. 15

In Mozambique, Jhpiego leveraged Telessaúde MZ, a governmentsponsored online education and consultation tool, to prepare, in just two weeks, more than 900 clinicians in remote areas of the country to detect, prevent and respond to COVID-19 in their communities. Jhpiego promoted Telessaúde MZ’s app that helps people screen themselves for symptoms of COVID-19. Since its launch, the app has been accessed more than 65,000 times, “Telessaúde with 18% of results suggesting medium MZ is avoiding and to high risk and a need for further reducing lots of logistic screening or self-quarantining. Jhpiego and financial costs. also used digital health technology to help the MOH sign up and allocate more Clinicians don’t need to than 2,000 volunteers to critical health sites travel long distances to across the country.

attend a training.”

After identifying gaps in the availability of PPE for health Manuel Duvane Telessaúde MZ team care workers in Nigeria, Jhpiego procured masks, alcoholmember based hand sanitizer and gloves for distribution to 100 health facilities supported by Jhpiego projects. With health care workers at these facilities at increased risk of exposure to COVID-19 while caring for patients, the provision of PPE served not only to protect the health workers but also to boost morale. After conducting quick assessments of COVID-19 readiness in 19 health facilities in Pakistan, Jhpiego developed and adapted IPC materials, and provided instruction to 1,500 master trainers, health facility managers, service providers and staff working in isolation wards and quarantine facilities using a combination of virtual, in-person and blended approaches. The team supported the MOH to develop facility and home quarantine guidelines as part of its COVID-19 response. Jhpiego also partnered with the Government of Sindh to develop guidelines for continuing to meet women’s family planning needs— making sure these critical services don’t stop despite the challenges of the pandemic.


Reimagining critical care and treatment for COVID-19 patients Notably, Jhpiego helped transform critical care services for COVID-19 patients in Afghanistan, India, Kenya, Lesotho and Mozambique. Working with Johns Hopkins University experts and health ministries, we revamped curricula and developed learning materials to update and strengthen the skills of health workers in facilities caring for critically ill COVID-19 patients. Through the RISE project, with medical equipment donated by USAID, more than 1,200 health care providers across five countries learned how to treat and manage critical care cases, including use of oxygenation. In Lesotho, Jhpiego participated in a task force to guide development of an advanced respiratory care strategy. Jhpiego played an instrumental role in establishing high care units at the two national COVID-19 treatment centers and offered in-person skills building and mentorship on advanced respiratory care. The advanced respiratory care modules have been rolled out nationally to all hospitals through the telehealth platform. Jhpiego also addressed the limited oxygen supply in the country at the outset of the pandemic, ensuring a regular supply of oxygen until the MOH procured and received appropriate equipment. RISE Afghanistan engaged three biomedical engineers to support installation and maintenance of medical equipment for the management of severe COVID-19, along with ensuring logistics support for procurement of necessary equipment, power supply and oxygen connectors. Afghan health care providers who received training from the RISE team have successfully used this equipment to save more than 200 critically ill COVID-19 patients. In Kenya, the RISE team developed a certification of achievement for health workers that aligns with national COVID-19 critical care guidelines. Health care providers earned continuous professional development points verified by the Kenyan medical board. The certificate/point system improved motivation and morale while enabling health facilities to accurately track sessions to build health worker capacity, ultimately reducing duplication and costs. RISE India used a hub-and-spoke model to educate critical care workers, combining online and offline methods. A unique feature of the India work was e-grand rounds. During these virtual knowledge-sharing sessions, doctors discussed specific COVID-19 cases and their experiences, sought advice from a panel of experts, A unique shared treatment and management protocol feature of the updates and reviewed new evidence and India work changing epidemiology of COVID-19.

was e-grand rounds.


Maintaining essential public health services for women, men and families In Kenya, through the Advance Family Planning project, Jhpiego mapped the impact of COVID-19 on the continuity of reproductive, family planning and other health care. The Kenya team then helped to develop a practical guide to ensure continuation of services for pregnant women, mothers and newborns as well as an approach to enforce compliance. The Challenge Initiative (TCI) Tupange Pamoja project nimbly advocated for the repositioning of family planning resources and learning materials to virtual platforms to ensure continued skills building for health workers. Between February and December 2020, 2,000 community health volunteers educated by TCI reached 478,861 women with family planning services. TCI youth champions also provided family planning information and, during the same period, distributed commodities to 272,482 peers, including vulnerable adolescents. To maintain reproductive health services in Burkina Faso, Jhpiego used remote coaching and performance monitoring to help local supervisors ensure availability and quality of family planning care. In Guinea, Jhpiego collaborated with the National Community Health Directorate to shape community engagement and education plans, ensuring minimal disruption and sustained use of family planning services. In the area of HIV prevention, care and treatment, the Lesotho team redirected efforts to ensure timely distribution of essential medicines, including facilitating home delivery of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis—a highly effective HIV prevention intervention—to clients. The Jhpiego-supported Khotla clinic at Scott Hospital—a nurse-led clinic providing comprehensive client-centered health services to men—maintained three-month supplies of antiretrovirals (ARVs) to clients at home. At the outset of the pandemic, Jhpiego nurses working in voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) clinics were deployed to hospitals to provide client care as part of the COVID-19 response. In Nigeria, Jhpiego and RISE partner ICAP shifted distribution of ARVs, giving people living with HIV a six-month supply—delivered to homes if necessary— and advising clients on how to stay healthy during the pandemic. A new cluster system was developed to connect clients with facilities and community pharmacies near their homes so they could access medications and services despite restrictions on movement.


“The SHE Project is a big support to the DOH programs especially on [family planning]. The risks of the pandemic have been minimized with the help of the doffing and donning training and provision of personal protection equipment in response to COVID-19 to keep the health service providers safe.” Eden Espartinez, Development Management Officer Provincial Department of Health Office (DOH), Philippines


In South Africa, Jhpiego clinical staff leveraged resources from an existing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded project to optimize COVID-19 education and disease control for health care providers and clients. At the same time, they continued to dispense ARVs in communities. Community mobilizers repurposed VMMC outreach clinics to conduct verbal screenings for COVID-19 and share information on how to protect against the virus, identify symptoms and determine when to seek testing. Jhpiego staff assessed more than 3,200 households for COVID-19, and, with the South Africa Department of Health, screened nearly 3,000 individuals and performed more than 500 COVID-19 tests. Across the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, Mozambique and Nigeria, through the Transforming Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Optimal Pregnancy (TIPTOP) program, Jhpiego helped minimize the transmission of COVID-19 and safely maintain malaria prevention and treatment services to women. In Tanzania, Jhpiego’s team on the Boresha Afya Lake/Western Zone Project partnered with associations of obstetrician-gynecologists, midwives and pediatricians to draft a guide for providers and facilities on Zanzibar as well as the mainland to safely deliver reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health services. Materials we helped develop were used throughout Tanzania to prevent, detect and manage COVID-19. The project also procured and distributed PPE and other IPC supplies—including surgical masks, waterpurifying chlorine tablets, hand sanitizer and gloves—to high-volume facilities. In addition, Boresha Afya fostered regional and local cooperation to ensure continuation of maternal and malaria health services. Materials we

helped develop were used throughout Tanzania to prevent, detect and manage COVID-19.

Through the Born Healthy, Manyata and Dakshata programs in India, Jhpiego bolstered assistance to health facilities to ensure continued access to and delivery of maternal and newborn services. Intensive support included updating skills of health workers and educating pregnant women on giving birth safely during COVID-19, providing virtual orientations and telementoring to health care providers in private maternity hospitals, and strengthening homebased distribution of family planning methods through frontline health workers. Recognizing the potential for violence against women and other vulnerable groups during the pandemic, Jhpiego Mozambique supported the MOH in teaching health workers to look for signs of gender-based violence (GBV) when screening clients for COVID-19 and responding to and following up with GBV survivors using the World Health Organization’s “Listen, Inquire, Validate, Enhance Safety and Support” approach. Together with the government and partners, our team engaged men through social media to enlist them as agents of change to prevent GBV, and produced videos to raise awareness of GBV. The Reducing the Indirect Causes of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality project in Nigeria instituted telehealth options using WhatsApp and SMS to connect clients with health coaches in support of healthy pregnancies.


The Baltimore Health Corps Initiative For the first time in our history, and with support from high-profile donors such as The Rockefeller Foundation, Jhpiego joined the Baltimore City Health Department, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and other partners to develop a coordinated response to a health emergency right here at home. Having mainstreamed contact tracing as a best practice in eight countries where we have implemented HIV testing and tuberculosis services, Jhpiego launched its first-ever U.S. program during the summer of 2020. Working with local partners, we applied our longstanding global expertise to support effective case investigation and contact tracing in Baltimore to detect, prevent and stop the spread of COVID-19 in vulnerable communities as part of a unique jobs and health initiative. The project, which sought to employ Baltimore residents who lost their jobs due to the pandemic, hired nearly 300 people. As vaccines became available, the Baltimore Health Corps evolved to include mobile vaccination units and coordinated efforts to link city residents to necessary services.

The project evolved to include mobile vaccination units and coordinated efforts to link city residents to necessary services.


The People We Serve Shifting Gears Jhpiego mobilizer Lindokuhle Hlongwane and his team pulled their Kombi van to a stop on the road just outside a client’s home in Rockdale, a village in uThukela District in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Being careful to maintain a social distance, Hlongwane delivered to his client, who is living with HIV, a refill of ARVs, reminding her how to protect herself and her family against COVID-19 before heading out to meet his next client. As South Africa prepared for the pandemic, Jhpiego’s team joined the government in supporting its response to the outbreak. In coordination with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the South African Minister of Health, the team quickly converted its VMMC sites into COVID-19 screening sites, tasked clinical staff and community mobilizers with home deliveries of essential HIV medicine and helped guide efforts to prevent, screen and treat citizens in the districts of KwaZulu-Natal and city of Cape Town where Jhpiego works. Hlongwane and other mobilizers helped educate communities on signs and symptoms of COVID-19, screened households for referral to testing and delivered ARVs to people living with HIV, providing a much-needed connection to the outside world. One of the 83 clients who received his medication at home explained why it helped keep him safe: “Everyone here is at risk of getting infected, especial[ly] myself, because I am HIV-positive.”

All in a Day’s Work Puja Malakar, a community health officer and nurse in northeastern India, was heading out to visit families quarantined at home because of the pandemic when she received a call. Upon learning that a young woman in labor couldn’t get to a health facility, Malakar changed course and rushed to the woman’s home. “Everyone’s focus was on COVID-19,” Malakar explained. “We were strictly told to do all our duties as instructed. I kept on thinking they [supervisors] would say I should have tried harder to arrange for a transport and resumed my duties. But I just could not abandon that pregnant woman.” Malakar is among the countless frontline health care providers whose round-the-clock work played a key role in ensuring the provision of essential reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health services amid the pandemic. She arrived at the woman’s home, helped her give birth safely and waited for an ambulance to take mother and newborn to a primary health care center. After ensuring that the mother and baby were stable, Malakar got started with her workday, as planned, resuming her COVID-19 duties.


Equally Essential Allah Ditta, an ambulance driver in Islamabad, worked overtime for months, ferrying patients to one of many quarantine facilities set up across Pakistan’s capital to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. He is part of a critical team of administrative and logistics support staff that includes cooks, janitors, food handlers and security guards. Often unnoticed, these workers are essential to maintaining the safety of patients—from admission to discharge—and preventing the spread of infection. During the pandemic, Jhpiego instructed support staff in how to keep quarantine facilities clean and disinfected. Housekeeping staff learned how to wash and disinfect linens while ensuring minimal contact with patients. Janitors were taught how to clean surfaces, disinfect rooms and other high-contact areas, and dispose of trash bags properly from rooms of isolated patients. Food handlers received a refresh on how to package food safely while providing incoming patients with sanitized combs, toothbrushes and nail clippers for self-care. “The training also helped me understand why hand sanitization is so important when driving and interacting with quarantined patients,” said Ditta. “I also learned how and when to wear gloves and masks, which, in my profession, is critical information.”

“… Jhpiego’s incredible work around postpartum family planning as well as mentorship in hospitals … has led to a significant reduction of unmet need and increase of CPR [contraceptive prevalence rate] in Rwanda.” Dr. Diane Gashumba former Minister of Health Rwanda


“From the harrowing early days of the pandemic through the devastating rollcall of deaths to today’s surges amid the promise of renewed health, Jhpiego couldn’t have accomplished all that it has without you. We are energized by your trust, unwavering support and belief in our mission to ensure that every person has access to high-quality health services— before, during and after a health crisis.” Leslie Mancuso, President and CEO


Total Funding in Fiscal Year 2020 $282,233,018 USAID 37.75%

CDC 23.37%

Funding Diversification

Other 0.47% Includes individuals

Foreign Governments 1.20% Other U.S. Government 7.05%

NGOs 11.87%

Corporations and Foundations 18.29%


Our Supporters The following list of donors includes those who gave $500 or more to Jhpiego in fiscal year 2020. Thank you for your dedication to our shared work—ensuring women and families in some of the world’s poorest places have the opportunity to not just survive but thrive.

$50,000 +

Eric and Dana Newman

Anonymous (1)

Dr. Temitayo Oyegbile-Chidi

Kim and Eden Hammond

Paramount Pictures


Sherry Pudloski

Catherine and Marty Bowen

Charles & Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation

Drs. Howard and Susan Mandel

Pam Schutz

Heidi and Erik Murkoff

Ridley Scott and Scott Free

The Randall Family Foundation

Drs. Hadar and Cory Waldman

StemCyte $5,000–$9,999 $10,000–$24,999


3 Arts Entertainment

Jenn and Beau Bauman

Balaran Family Fund

Dian Benson

Peter Bernard


Michele Brennan and Kent Alterman

Dylan Clark Productions

Patricia Brown

Comcast NBCUniversal

Louise Firestone

Creative Artists Agency

Dr. Cynthia P. Horner and Douglas M. Horner

Lauren Shuler Donner and Richard Donner

Gilliane Isabelle

Dr. Lisa Feintech

Deb Kielty Family Foundation

Manda Ghaferi

Mary Kitchen and Jon Orszag

Hansen, Jacobson, Teller, Hoberman, Newman, Warren, Richman, Rush, Kaller & Gellman, LLP.

Don Kurz and Noelle Toland Dr. Murray Lappe Melody McCoy and Sandy Cardin McIntyre Family Fund Cara and Erik Moreno Motion Picture Association Jane and Hank Mullany Sheela Murthy


Kinetix International Logistics MGM Omelet Michael Skloff Susan Tobin William Morris Endeavor


Roach Maxam Family Foundation

Lori and Robert Goodman

Pamela Abdy and Mitch Whittaker

Chahab Sabai

Ellen Gordon

Broken Road Productions

Screen Engine ASI

Lenore and Bernard Greenberg

Lauren Cadish and Patrick Griffin

James Sharp

Bart Harvey

Shale D. Stiller

Tamara Kagel

Vince Vaughn

Monica Kerrigan

Dr. James and Mrs. Patti Walker

Therese Lotman

Steve Winter

Beth Moeri

Drs. Juleen Christopher and Edward Bergmark Compandben Gali Cooks District Contracting Group Judi and Steven B. Fader Family Foundation, Inc. Carol Gantt Tere Geckle Clifford and Leslie Gilbert-Lurie Dr. Duff and Joanne Gillespie Drs. Michele Hakakha and Michael Sanchez The Halle Family Foundation Linda and David Kagel Kroll & Company Entertainment Elizabeth Latshaw Lee Chou Family Foundation Leslie Mancuso and Tyrone Carter Janice Marinelli-Mazza Barbara Marshall Dr. Carole B. Miller MGG Foundation David and Marla Oros Mary Parent and Javier Chapa Brian & Gwen Potiker Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Janice Musselwhite $500–$999

Lawrence Rogow

Brenda Adderly

Timothy Schacht

Gwen Andreotti

Dr. Barry and Evelyn Strauch

Debora Bossemeyer

Claudia Teran and David Wisnia

Elizabeth Cadwalader and Eugene Baron Sabrina Calley and Rick Porras Dr. Alain Damiba

1615 Thames Street Baltimore, MD 21231 +1 410 537 1800 28

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