The Secret To Writing A Killer Script

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The Secret To Writing A Killer Script Introduction A marketing script is a short, written document that captures the essence of what you want to say to your audience. It’s used before video, or audio recordings take place, so it can be read verbatim by presenters and actors. While scripts are typically short, they should never be rushed or carelessly thought up on the spot. Even if there’s not much writing for your project, it takes time to mull over your message and get it right. You want to convey the right tone and have an impact on your audience’s mind share. Why? Because if you don’t communicate effectively with them now, you won’t get much of their attention later. So let’s talk about how to craft a killer script for your next marketing campaign.

What is a script? A script is a written document that follows a set of instructions. It could be the set of instructions for a computer program or an application, or it could be the set of instructions for an actor in a play, movie, or other performance. Scripts can also be used to plan and structure presentations. A good marketing script will help you sell your product by giving clear directions on what should be said and how it should be said.

Remember, you’re not writing a novel You don’t have to be a writer to write a script. You’re not writing a novel; you’re writing something that… • • •

…tells the story of your product and the benefits it can offer …helps customers see how they’d use it in their lives …and connects with them in a way that will make them want to buy from you.

The best way to make your marketing script successful is to think about it like any other piece of writing. You should be able to write your script in an hour or less. You should do some research and brainstorm about:

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What makes your product great? Who would benefit from it most (and why) How those people might use the product What kinds of emotions they’ll feel when using it.

If all of this sounds like too much work, or if there are parts of this process that seem confusing, you may want to consider hiring an expert copywriter or marketing consultant. They will help bring your ideas together into something tangible so your thoughts and ideas can be implemented as part of an overall marketing strategy.

Know your audience, and speak their language To get a better idea of what you’re dealing with, let’s look at some examples of bad marketing scripts and how they could be improved. •

Bad example: “Hey, do you like our product? Great! How about buying it?”

This is the most common type of lead-in for marketing scripts because it’s easy and straightforward. However, the problem is that this kind of language can come off as pushy or even desperate to your potential customers. You want them to feel like they’re in control—that you’re there as an ally, not as someone trying to force them into something they don’t want. •

Good example: “I know many people have reservations about purchasing things online. We’ve designed our website so that it’s easy for anyone using a computer regularly (hopefully including all of you). But if I can answer any questions before making your purchase today…you won’t go wrong trusting us with your credit card information!”

Be concise - but not too concise If you’re trying to sell a product, your marketing script needs to be straightforward. It’s a fine line between being concise and being too brief. But don’t be too brief—you want your potential customers to know enough about what you’re selling so that they’ll see the value in it for themselves. In general, it’s best if your marketing copy is clear and concise. You don’t want people showing up on your website wondering why they were directed there. If they arrive on your site without knowing what they signed up for, that’s not good either. You want to ensure your potential customers understand why they are on your website—to fill their need or want.

Have an angle

You need to have an angle. An angle is a way of approaching the customer or a new way of thinking about your product. An angle makes it easier for you to sell your product because it creates clarity and focuses on the sales process. It allows you to focus on what matters—the customer’s problems—rather than on what isn’t important, like yourself and your product. Finding an angle can be difficult, but there are some great ways to do it: • •

Think about people’s problems that could be solved with your type of product or service. Do market research to find out more about the target audience’s needs and wants. Find out how your solution can address them (i.e., if there is no demand for something, then there won’t be much point in creating it). Think about how other companies have approached similar problems before; use their ideas as inspiration when creating yours

Tell the story. Sell the dream. Sell the product. Your marketing script needs to sell your product. Now that you understand what’s at stake, it’s time to start crafting the words that will make people buy. Firstly, tell the story. A great story isn’t just an entertaining bunch of anecdotes and information. A great story also conveys an emotional message. It offers a sense of closure—which can be achieved by introducing something new at the end. You want your audience to be able to connect with this new thing or idea so strongly that they want it for themselves and will pay money for it. Second, sell the dream—or better yet: sell two dreams. This is where most successful marketers would recommend selling one version of reality (i.e., “this is how life could be”) alongside another version of reality (“this is how life already is”). The former may seem more prosperous but distant from our current situation. In contrast, the latter feels closer yet aspirational enough not to feel impossible or unrealistic.

Show, don’t tell. One of the most important things you can do to sell your product is through showing, not telling. When you show what you are talking about, it makes that idea clearer to your audience and helps them understand exactly what they will be getting. If there are words in a marketing script, try using examples, images, or videos to help the audience see the product for themselves.


With careful, deliberate content writing and planning, you can significantly increase your marketing scripts’ effectiveness. Be sure to understand your product, know your audience, and create a compelling story that sells them on the benefits. If you need assistance with writing your marketing script, contact us and we can create your text that will sell your product.

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