Design Guidelines for Energy Efficient Buildings

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2.4 Limiting the requirement for additional power Eskom has been unable to develop its generating capacity at the same rate at which development has occurred in South Africa. This will lead to load shedding and power cuts until at least 2014. More energy efficient buildings will help reducing the number of power cuts that occur. Eskom, the Department of Mineral and Energy and Central Energy Fund are also developing a range of incentives to reduce peak power consumption and support energy efficiency. These include subsidies of up to 100% for energy efficient lighting and solar water heating. More information on these schemes can be obtained from, and

2.5 Market and client demands Clients and the market are demanding more energy efficient buildings. This reflects a concern about the environment and a wish to achieve environmental standards required in schemes such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The GRI requires reporting on the following indicators that are directly related to energy efficiency. • EN3 Direct energy consumption broken down by primary energy source • EN4 Indirect energy consumption broken down by primary energy source • EN5 Percentage of total energy consumption met by renewable sources • EN6 Total energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements • EN7 Initiatives to provide energy-efficient products and services • EN8 Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption. • EN17 Greenhouse gas emissions • EN18 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances • EN19 NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions by weight A recent study in the USA indicates that properties that achieved the US Energy Star rating sold for 27 per cent more than buildings that had failed to achieve the rating. Occupancy levels in these buildings were also found to be 92 per cent compared the 87 per cent for less energy efficient buildings. (FM World, 2008)


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