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Israel & Overseas / Shlicha (Israeli Emissary)

Learn2Gether: Strengthening Partnership through Learning

Over the past ten months, Indianapolis has been one of four communities involved in the Israel PartnershipLearn2Gether (L2G) pilot. During this time participants from Indy, Buffalo, Budapest, and the Western Galilee met regularly to study Jewish texts, Hebrew poetry, and share stories about their personal Jewish experiences. Some of the learning sessions happened on Sunday mornings when all four communities could simultaneously gather online, and others were independent learning partnerships between participants in the Western Galilee and abroad.


Online to In-Person

Indianapolis was pleased to have seven participants in the Learn2Gether pilot: Sharie Fields, Elena Landa, Bonnie Maurer, Ellyn Walerstein, Nonie Vonnegut-Gabovitch, and Myron and Myrna Weinberger. In June, some of them traveled to Israel for the Partnership2Gether Summit and the L2G Jerusalem Seminar, during which participants from the U.S., Hungary, and Israel spent time exploring the diversity of Jerusalem and Jewish expression.

Further Conversation

The final Learn2Gether session took place on October 14. Even though the program has concluded, participants intend to stay connected with their new Israeli friends. There is also interest in finding additional opportunities to meet in person in the coming years. Based on the positive feedback received from this pilot, a new round of L2G will be launching in January 2019, involving other cities in the Partnership2Gether Central Area Consortium of 14 communities worldwide.

Group photo at the Learn2Gether Jerusalem Seminar, including Hoosiers Nonie and David Vonnegut-Gabovitch, Ellyn Walerstein, Elena Landa, and Nina Price (JFGI Director of Jewish Education Initiatives) and family.

Group photo at the Learn2Gether Jerusalem Seminar, including Hoosiers Nonie and David Vonnegut-Gabovitch, Ellyn Walerstein, Elena Landa, and Nina Price (JFGI Director of Jewish Education Initiatives) and family.

Save the Date: Dr. Rick Hodes visits Indianapolis

Nov. 5–8

Dr. Rick Hodes, Medical Director of Ethiopia for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), is visiting Indianapolis Nov. 5-8!

Contact Stephanie Dlatt at sdlatt@jfgi.org for more information regarding Dr. Hodes’ speaking appearances.

Dr. Rick Hodes is all smiles as an Ethiopian child is in awe after hearing the doctor's stethoscope work.

Dr. Rick Hodes is all smiles as an Ethiopian child is in awe after hearing the doctor's stethoscope work.

Indy International Festival 2018 – Volunteers Needed!

Thurs.-Sat., Nov. 8-10 | Indiana State Fairgrounds

The Indy International Festival is an annual cultural experience filled with tastes, smells, sights, and sounds from around the world. Help staff the Israel booth and share the Holy Land with Indianapolis! Shifts are three hours each, starting at 9 am and going until 9 pm. You do not have to be an expert on Israel. Just bring a winning smile!

Contact Lian Bar Zohar at 317-800-9350 or shaliach@jfgi.org for more information.

Shalom, Lian!

Meet Indianapolis’ new Israeli emissary, Lian Bar Zohar! Reach out to Lian at shaliach@jfgi.org.

Lian (bottom) is the second of three children. Her siblings are Liron and Shay.

Lian (bottom) is the second of three children. Her siblings are Liron and Shay.

Lian loves to cook and bake. She believes that food brings people and hearts closer.

Lian loves to cook and bake. She believes that food brings people and hearts closer.

Lian has already begun hosting events, like this mezuzah ceremony at the Shaliach House, and can't wait to do more!

Lian has already begun hosting events, like this mezuzah ceremony at the Shaliach House, and can't wait to do more!

Lian's school, Tel-Hai College, where she received a B.A. in social work after serving as a counselor in the Israeli navy.

Lian's school, Tel-Hai College, where she received a B.A. in social work after serving as a counselor in the Israeli navy.

Lian enjoys cycling—here she is at the Rosh HaNikra grottoes with her best friend!

Lian enjoys cycling—here she is at the Rosh HaNikra grottoes with her best friend!

Lian was born in Haifa. She loves the north of Israel because of its green landscapes, the streams, and the sea.

Lian was born in Haifa. She loves the north of Israel because of its green landscapes, the streams, and the sea.