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Jewish Community Relations Council

“It is through programs like STUDENT TO STUDENT that our communities learn to understand each other so that we can live in mutual respect and peace.” - Student to Student Participating Teacher

Student to Student is one of several programs that comprise the JCRC’s Stand Up! Speak Out! initiative to combat antisemitism. Through Student to Student, non-Jewish teens learn about Jews through presentations made by their Jewish peers. Students have a chance to listen and ask questions to kids their own age. The program offers an indispensable opportunity for students to learn about other teens who might be different from themselves. The Student to Student program can help break down stereotypes by putting a human face to members of the Jewish community.


Every Year Around the Country…

120+ Jewish Participants deliver

120+ Presentations to

4,000+ Students

Presentations are given by a group of three or four students representing the Conservative, Orthodox, and Reform branches of Judaism. The style of presentation is more of an informal discussion among peers, which really resonates with students.

Presenters discuss a range of topics, including:

A typical day in the presenters’ lives

Jewish calendar and holidays

Jewish dietary practices

The Hebrew language

Jewish life cycle

The Sabbath

The Holocaust


“I always leave presentations with an incredible sense of accomplishment, realizing that through this program, I really could change some of the problems in the world today.” - Student to Student Presenter

Student to Student…

Creates Leaders

Fosters Understanding

Combats Antisemitism

For more information or to schedule a presentation, contact Marla Topiol, JCRC Israel & Antisemitism Education Coordinator, at 314-283-6940 or mtopiol@indyjcrc.org, or visit indyjcrc.org/combatting-antisemitism.