2 minute read


Celebrating the Festival of Lights

Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, celebrates the Maccabees’ victory over the Greek conquerors and the subsequent rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem, for which the last remaining jug of pure oil used to light the menorah lasted eight days (long enough for more oil to be purified) instead of just one.


Since then, Jews around the world have lit their own menorahs and cooked oil-based foods like latkes in recognition of these miracles.

Not sure how to make latkes? No problem. Here is a recipe passed down by Hanna Fogel's bubbe.

Bubbe’s Latkes

Makes 16-20 potato pancakes


4 large potatoes

1 chopped onion

2 eggs

1/3 cup flour

1 tsp baking powder

Salt and pepper

1 bottle of canola oil for frying


1. Grate potatoes, place them in a large bowl of ice water.

2. Drain the potatoes in a sieve and press to get as much moisture out as possible.

3. Combine all remaining ingredients in a large bowl and add potatoes.

4. Heat up canola oil in frying pan.

5. Scoop about ¼ cup of potato mixture and fry in oil on medium heat, flipping over after about 3-4 minutes.

6. When golden on both sides, put latkes on a paper towel-lined plate to cool.

7. Enjoy!

Do you have any favorite holiday recipes? Email marketing@jfgi.org to share them with the community!

Menorahs come in all shapes and sizes – these are just a few from Jewish Family Services Executive Director Lori Moss’s collection of 80+!

Menorahs come in all shapes and sizes – these are just a few from Jewish Family Services Executive Director Lori Moss’s collection of 80+!

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Synagogues from around the world

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