25A magazine February 2013

Page 54



Getting Fit Together By Pam Polestino

If you want to add something new and different to your winter workouts and you haven’t experienced it yet, try training with your significant other. Whether you glance at each other across the gym floor or work out together, it can definitely keep you more involved and motivated when your special someone is watching. Spotting your partner with weight training, stretching side-by-side or taking a Boot Camp class together can be a great date! It helps you both stay fit and allows you to work towards better fitness levels together, as a team. Partnering up your workouts can help intensify your exercise routine and add more romance to your gym time. Taking a yoga class together can be healthier, and more intimate, than a dinner date! To get started, you should try to pick an exercise that works for both of you. There is nothing like having a cardio partner to get through a 30-minute jog on the treadmill, or a 20-mile ride on the stationary bike. Having your partner with you can be that extra push to get you through the portion of your workout that may be your least favorite. I know one couple that turns their workout into a competition (Some of us never want to lose). For example: if your partner doesn’t complete his/ her full cardio portion of your planned couples workout, you spot your partner with an extra set of 100 crunches or 25 pushups. Follow your cardio segment with weight training - two body parts each day. Even beginning with every other day can yield amazing results.

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If going to the gym does not excite you both, you can join a tennis league for mixed doubles or start swimming laps together. If you each pick one exercise that you prefer, you can alternate days – “yours” and “mine.” Keeping the weekly exercise plan filled with variety usually keeps the workout more consistent and keeps you more excited to train as a couple. There are amazing workouts with just a medicine ball that can be done at home, on a beach or on a vacation. Toss the medicine ball back and forth or lie down, interlock your ankles and pass the ball – you can be creative and keep it challenging and fun. There are numerous videos on the Internet that demonstrate exercises for couples to do together. Another idea to think about is personal training. Personal training sessions for couples can be the perfect start to your day. In picking a personal trainer, choose someone who motivates you, inspires you and has a personality that you enjoy. If you like your trainer, you will definitely want to show up for your session and deliver your best. Couples that have never tried to spice up your workout together should definitely give it a try. You have nothing to lose except calories. Give your partner the gift of getting more fit together for Valentine’s Day. A romantic getaway at a spa could introduce you into a whole new lifestyle of health and wellness as a team. Working hard together and playing hard together is so much fun!

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