May 30, 1975

Page 1

<500 N 8f

B'nai B'rith Disaster Fund $1,800; Council Supplies Household Items

> am. Mam. mean tron i1^ Jofea Pn«. vd Ifn. Borto •vagki. «tao CHW to Aiatriea it«m ItaMla, ta aamlntag ^praeUmattaa IM ri^Md. At tw Ml to HO Nink, iirnmiiir of ; nmin at OH UatvanNy of Nifef«taM)guka, «Mto «B ifae rttm to awrtur qiliWilB, cxiMtaMH B< tt> Omrta Qm-


OMAHA - Jewish orgaalutlons both wltliin Omaha and ouialda of it have o<lerad->-ad an noir ghrtng— aid to pansu amck by ttw Mayltonado. Orand Udfa Dtotriet I o( B'nai B'rith bM cflntrMwtod 11,000 to the Omaha B'oai B'rith Disaatar Fond; a KaoBM City B'nai Blttb todgs baa oUefad aii^uilmalaly a trueUoad o( dodiiiv and two Omaha woman's organltattoos arc stther dirwdy or tadirtetly haipb« vtctima nplaoe etoOdng and Tba B'nai B'rttti Dtotriet • «*««»»»<«»•

AticAvfiaelcin ^ :

Editor*! Note: FoUowlngU the text of the Proclamatton (orSovietJewrysignedbyNebrailuGovemorJ.J. Exon. making Nebraska only the second lUte In the Union to have such a prodamatloa (Iowa was the first). Omaha Mayor Edward Zorintky dgned a similar proclamation. WHEKEAS the treedon al bdlif has always been a treasured L tenetofourAmerteanbarttaga; and i WHEBBAS the Soviet Union has for a number of years punued a oourae of conduct to inhibit any meaningful expression of ' Jewtsh citizens of that nation; and ' WHEREAS the Soviet Union while depriving these dtlsens of ' their right* as human beings, has refused to allow them to "• emigrate to other countries of their choice; and ; WHEREAS many Soviet Jews, whoae only apparent crime I* tlieir adherence to the Jewish faith, and desire to leave the Soviet Union, have been incarcerated in prison camps; and WHEREAS the only hope that these Jewish citizens of the Soviet !"' IJnIon will be allowed to emigrate lies in tlw praasure world f a|>lnlon can bring to bear on the Russian Goveniment to grant : to theae citizens tlie universal human right to live in the country of their choice; and WHEREAS all free peoples must give public witness to thdr ; coodenuiation of such dehunuaiizing practices: IVOW, 1BEREF0RE, 1, J. James ^xon. Governor of the State of : Mettraaka IX) HEREBY PROCLAIM the month of May. 1975 r aa . CALL TO FREEDOM FOR SOVIET JEWS AND OTHER OPPRESSED PEOPI-ES in Netvaska a* an expression of the sympathy and concern of ttw citizens ol Nebraska for the plif^ts of these people, and I do further, with all the force which my office commands, beseech the Soviet Government to hear the pleas of their Jewish citizens, as supported by people around the world, for '• Uie right to leave the Soviet Union and to live their lives as i complete human beings. JN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and ^ caused the Great Seal of tlie State of Nebraska to be affixed. DONE at the State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska this 13th day of May in tlie Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Five. JJ.EXON AU.BNJ.BEERIIAHN flacnUiyof Slate


hy ling—

P. HsnMtald of CUeafo, Dtalrtct pnatdint, plas tMt No. BM of Omaha, bmi^ ttw total damrtad to about njM ta a Uttle over two woski itoSimiaaJ.

o( Omaha, a DIatrict Stat board nwffihef.

"We an pnud to ba a part o< the hnnaBitartaD adort to taalp in a small way to aid ttw diaaatar ttiat occurred to yoar commwUty," stated Ha^

In thanking the District, the Omaha Fund trustees said, "Words alone cannot convey mAOB ClOCOlOfl MM DOIIB0llQld our deep appreciation. This is itama available to a number of iMit another example of B'nai Jewlsb and non-Jewish B'rith's long and noteworthy families WIM were storm record of communal and vlcthaa, aceordlng to Mrs. humanitarian service. We of David (Sue) Meyars, chairB'nai B'rith In Omaha are man of OouDcO nrift Shop, proud to be associated with nSoi^hMtti Street "We told them to take more the District and this achievement will be long dothlog, but at a time like this, the families Just don't remembered." The Jewish Family Service know what they need. So we of Omaha, directed by Mrs. Just let them know that Peari Yager, will have first Council is available when they call on the funds, trustees need us," said Mrs. Meyers. "Everybody is so grateful said. Rlekes said Joseph Hart(ConUnuedoaPage2)



Omaha. Nob.. Fri., May 30,1975

Enrollment 'Near '74'

Emergency Meeting

Here is the second In a weekly series of 3ue8tions regarding your contributions to Omaha ewish Philanthropies. Answers appear elsewhere In this Issue of The Jewish Press.



to ii^ pradannaB in hto oMoa. laft, Mn. Shragtn; Banlea CraoBaa,

OMAHA - "I wonder where be is now..." Have you ever asked yourself, your relatives or friends that question? Well, The Jewish Press is asking, too — specifically, we're asking for information regarding former members of our Omaha Jewish conrununlty whose careers have taken them elsewhere. Please mall the Information — who they are, where they are, what they're doing — to The Jewish Press, 333 South 132nd Street, Omaha, Ne. 68154 as soon as possible. And let us know where we can contact you, too. We'd also like to hear from Omaha parents or relatives who have offspring graduating from college the current school year. Drop us a line (include your phone number)!

Robinson Resigns

CmCAOO - Prank Lautenberg, national chainnaB of UJA, Ylgal AUoo, Dspuiy Prime Mfaiister and laraeU Farei«i Minister, and Mrs. Roaelind RaMnowltz, ftneral chairman of ttw vm "AU-toOne" Canvata« ta Dea Motaes. pauaa for Ihto pholoraiih Id ttw reoeat IMA Emargncy Meetlag ta Chicago.


man Lodge of Kansas City B'nai B'rith coUected "a truckload" of clothtaig for Omaha victims. The gesture was greatly appreciated, Rlekes said, despite tlie fact clothing is plentiful In Omaha now. Omaha Sactton, Natknal CouDdl of Jewiab Womco, has

f Wonder...

1. It cosU (a) tl.lOO; (b) 1650 (c) t3S0 to obUin an exit visa for one Immigrant from Russia. 2. The cost of constructing a new apartment for an Immigrant fanUly U (a I (45,000 (b) tS3.000 (c) t23.000. 3. How much It the annual Federatk>n subsidy lor each chUd attending a Hebrew school? (a) 1120. (B) $23; C) $42. ^l^^^^^^fW^



OMAHA - Enrollment at Camp Esther K. Newman appears about the same pace as last year, according to figures released by Bob Litvak, camp director. On May 29, 1974, a total of 135 youngsters were registered for the summer camp located near Louisville, Neb. As of May 23 this year, 106 youngsters were registered, he said. Both of these figures are well ahead of 1973 totals, which showed 84 youngsters enrolled as of June 1. "Registration has been Increasing rapidly over the last three weeks," Utvak noted in denying rumors that camp registration was sagging this year. Litvak cited a report by the National Jewish Welfare Board, which said a partial survey showed eastern and western U.S. camps are generally maintaining last year's level of registration while midwestem camps are "very mixed .. . some... are running behind while others are the same or slightly ahead of last year." The survey found registrations are coming in later this year than last and that camps all over the country are getting increased (Continued on Page 2)

OMAHA - The Jewish Federation of Om^a accepted with regret the resignation of Richard Rotrinson from its board of directors. The board met Tuesday night. May 27, at tbe Jewish Community Center. Robinson, In a letter to Federation President Harlan Noddle, said be was moving to Denver, Colo., where he and a brother have purchased a dairy company. He had been with Roberts Dairy of Omaha. Robinson's term of office had six months to go. His resignation Is effective June 1 Noddle said a successor would be appointed by the next traard meeting. Leo Meyerson reported that 1626,600 was still unpaid on 1974 Jewish Philanthropies pledges and said a June campaign was planned. Thie Federation president said the current Phtlanthropies campaign was moving "all too slowly" and urged workers to "get the campaign wrapped up in the next few weeks." It was also reported at $380,000 pledged to the Center Building Fund for 1973has not been paid. Noddle explained the amount represented pledges that were deferred due to the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Both lay and professional people within the Federation are to receive copies of the first demographic survey questionnaire in the coming weeks. Comments from both groups will be submitted to a committee headed by Charles Monasee, Noddle said. The Federation referred the Issue of Vietnamese families in Omaha to the Jewish Family Service conunittee for further information. Lee Jane Parsow, board (ConttauedonPafe2)




Enrollment 'Near'74'

Rabin Appeals to Omaha-CB Bond^ Workers OMAHA - Leaders and workers in the Omaba-Council Bhitfs Israel Bonds campaign beard Israel Prime Minister Yitzhalt Rabin declare that "the condition and health of our economy bold the keys to our ability to defend ourselves as well as our ability to achieve a sound and fair peace setUement." The gathering on May II at Beth El Synagogue, which beard Rabin via a special telephone hookiv, was one of 48 such meetings across tbe United SUtes and Canada that day. Rabin, scheduled to meet with President Ford next month, officially launched a special cash collection program of tbe Israel Bond compaign dedicated to mobilizing all-out support for Israel'seconomy. Amaad dtow praMot May n were Jo* Klrsbenbaum, ggoerai diainiian of Uw upeonlng lf» Israd Bonds caBpaign 1B QH#M; FMcrtek (Frib) Cawwi, •pedal sales chalrmaa; HariM Noddte, praktaat tt tk« Omaha Jewish redcratloo; Mrs. C. M. (Backjr) Nwvman, Jewish Pkllanthrople* campaign laadar; Mamgr Newnum; Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suralsky, Bends dudmen of OouncU Bhtfts; Beatrice Seoamer, Omaha Bonds women's

divtslon chairman; Mary Fettman of (he RiM>l My«r Kripke, RahM Isaac Nadofl and Monty Bergman. Omaha - Israel Bonds director. Rabin stated that from Israel's Iwginning 27 years ago, "we have learned from experience that economic stability is a vital and indespensable part of our security, of our capacity to protect ourselves and preserve our independence." Noting that larael's I seek "the ami of the country "economically, politically and militarily," Rabin cited tbe Arabs' "worldwide campaign of economic wwiofc against us which also involves the blacklisting of business organizations, Jewish and non>lewish, in tbe United States and In Europe which have any connection with Israel. "The boycott represents a serious threat not only to us, but to the Jewish people as a whole. It is a situation that calls for positive action on the part of world Jewry.'' Sam RottiMtg, braei Bowl Orgaoiialten BHVM chairman, urged "muimnm covcni0s" of ewy sepneoi of each oommuntty'io relieve the critical flnmdal sitnatlan In Israel" and nrisd SBpioraUon o( aU avanuH of

Alt«matlw« School Sooking Studwit Applications IHi OMN aiMMTABT iCHOOl at Ryan Hlgli flanoMliictiofid dfscfivvivs flp|MlC9wloiia fee K flifWfh 4lfi atii^anta. k Open dnaeroniii atyl*} «•*!«• CHrrlcwIiMi, IndwAnf th* baelca phM muelc. HM arts. fllm-nwUna and pnOfOArwMiy* Aieo MiiplMala on eoclni frowHi nWrfeeH Mwelnpswant. Por Iwloiiiintlon call H< WtB or S72-MM.

In keeping with this request, Omaha wocicers will meet with two Bonds leaders, Julian Venezky of Peoria, III., and Louis Levitan of Los Angeles, at their first executive committee meeting Monday, June 2, t p.m. in the Jewish Community Center. VenezkJ' is national chairman of Omaha's Bonds region while Levitan is director of the Western Region. Those expected for tbe meeting include Miss Sommer; Martin Lehr of Temple Israel; Mort Glass of Beth Israel; Cassman; Ell M. ZalUn and Daniel Katzman, advisory members, and Noddle

(YADCalendarl JiMT International Pothick Dinner Call Jayne, 39T-73ZI. Jaatl Worl<k o( Fun. CaU Bnice, »1 •713 Pool and steak party. Call Gary, SM-ttK JNly44

iCItyWeekenl. July 10 - Bmodi In Park, details Is totlow July K - OM McSUcnar's Ftmi, DTP. Aug * Wine Art Nl^, DTF Au| 16 Car RaUy and Party with Band. Aug. 17 - Zoo Day, DTF. Ait 23M - Camp EiUierK. Newman.

The Jewish Prtu Published weekly on Frtdoy by Jewish Federation of Omoho, Stanford Lipsey

Pou) Alparton

Praaa Comfntnae CoOwrman

Ridivd B. Petri Editor

Judith Marburg Attittont

Suzanne R. Somberg OebiJoAfaroms Adnrtning Sacond Cloit Pot toga fold otOnvoHo. f4abr.ondat odditionol moiling ollicai Annuol Subtcription t7.M) Advortltlng Rotas oo Applicotion m JWiB nw IB HOT m^wi^w i^



CALDDM OF JEWISH EVENTS MTuasar.MAvai Hadouoh On«g ShoMot. Or. Ui*r Horn*. 2 p.m. «T,JUNt1 Dr. Shar Ham* Op«n HBUM. 3 p jn. Hiflh School ol Jow4sh Sludlot Cradwonen. ••thitrool, Spjn. CoRlOT Stogo Audlllom, JCC. 2 pj». tttOMOAJ, JUMi 3 Toadwr Trointng )n«>IM*, KC,*ajr>. (rt>ro<Mh Friday) OMor Adulft Trio to Grand liland. moat al Balfi B, (.IS ojn. Daportinwrt of JowW< Education eoord Moating, KC. ( pjn. taroai iondt fxacwilva comminaa inaoHna. KC, t p.m. Canlar Sloga AodKlont, XC, 7:M p jn. SAT.JUMS XOtdMman, JCC, 10:30a.m. Jawliti CvHural Arta CouncH board inaa«ln«, XX, 7:49 pjn. WMMHSAT, MM 4 •W I'rHh iroodbraalian, Fkatida. 12 noon OUT Manning Confaranca, JCC. 7:30 p.m. Sovlaf Jatwy Camnilflaa Maaling, XC, 7:4S p.m.

CARPETS NKDSIRVICE Cl«an-R«pafc' NIWCARPfTS INSTAUEO Ooti Banwtain S«ft-Way l«| Otwart Call M9-2SS4


XeyRealEstate CallRente4lKuae your naxt meva amtory Ava. Wterdey MAUH.1HINMM •^f**

"The aonli Ittm* Ceroa'

Hatm •y^Moy 7 AJM. •• a PM.

OtIIca: 333^ 3SM

Noma: 34I-M73

(OonUnued from Pegs 1) numbers of requests for scholarship or reduced fee adjustments. Fallowing Is a partial list of campers enrolled as of May


Mwtars. Joinu Slmoo, immf Wolf, Roiii Zwribact. RouS* EpoMa, Martha BHIatr, MMam BIKiw, Maureen BWnn', EllulKdi Runldi. May lUft, Lorl BMI. Darld K*alo»: Soou Tabadalek. Rkhuil BiMMt.

In Rehearse/ OMAHA - Some of Uw studaoti win wiU be In the Ibst padoatb* dMs of the Omalia Hl(0i SdMol of JewM Sludtea praetioe part of the prafram tkty will praa I StBday, JIM l, • pjn. at Belh I«MI I are, froat row, fimai left, Pnla a, BoMi Martia aad SUHH Wlntraub; back iw, ItVND Ml, Robert PTOI, Iftfk HodMObcvi flod Stovw Wlw. (JP Photo)

B'nai B'rith Disaster Fund Reaches $1,800 (Coatinued from Page 1) that they'-weren't hit by the storm that they are all looking to help. And they're looking for some way to help rather than just by giving money," she added, stating that offers of clothing have been plentiful and that home furnishings items have been made available. Bess Krasne of Hadassah Bargabi Box, 2918 Fam, said there was anoticeable increase in both buyers and donors of clothing following the storm. She said Hadassah donates clothing to the Salvation Army in disaster situations. She said the store still needs

Rot}inson Resigns (Continued from Page 1) ineml>er and clllinnan of LOVE, reminded board members that the annual Dr. Philip Sher Home Open Hoiae was from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Junel. Dick Zacharia, chairman of the Camp Esther K. Newman Committee, sahl the camp's Open House also Is Sunday. An inquiry into the conflictiiig dates was ordered

volunteer workers. Persons interested in helping can call Bess at 5S6-11Z3 or Sarah La8hinskyatSS4-330l. Persons wishing to donate to the Disaster Fund should make checks payable to the B'nai B'rith Omaha Disaater Puiid and send them to one of the following trustees: Edward A. Rosen, 2544 Dodge St., Omaha 68131; Frank N. Goldberg, One First Nalkmal Center, Suite 1740, Omaha 68102 or Riekes, 320 Service Life Building, Omaha 68102 3n A partial list of donors released by the trustees tocluded: Mr and Mn Sam Kohn; WUIIam WIntroub: Gorti Friedman: P. Wmiroub; Mr and Mn. Edward A. RoMS; E I. Wldntan; Mrs. Meyer Rubin; Mrs Sam Bcrman; Mr. and Mra. Henry Riekes; Mr. and Mr> Steven J. RIeka: Mrs. Naomi Creoiberg: Mr. and Mrs. Harry GoMbetg and Mr. aod Mrs. RldurdZacbarla.

OpMOk AHMlOdkia, ManH Kaipwma, CHia Oartir, aaodl Oortea. Aaraa KMIOW, J«fl SUn, Ml TwM, Tnn Karar, Aadir Kapioa, TMd SUHB; I>MM Maitari. lamy M Wotar. Laura YaapaMy. Liu Sadeiar. PItyllli TAockotek, Sarii NwMt, Any Novloga, Mmo Wimiwi, ItovM BnaSvy, LMa FrMid. Rak«t ImHt, Greg Oalra««ek. FlanM »mlt. »•<

Lourla Yadtor, Jidia Janlaan, Any Solft iOfW, Mary jMaMack.lMlyCan«l. Bart Nailer, ToM Nartar.

quAixmnAKKA MMwU HcnBart. Joaalt AltMoHr. DavM RubavMs, Brtaa Raaoakarg. SItvaa ralgaa. DatrtdOallaiiiiaa, Soatt HuralU. Malty Garadalaar. Rkkard Kovlti, RutMft KuvKi, ottpMn wuytt, Atkiao Hayv. Bran Upkaalli, J<« Vloar, Andrew GoM. CregStaev.

umoLM BUiaiMli Frttdnuo. Rackal ttam. Katie Pacraa. EUaa Roaaobors, RacM StedM. Jody BnMi, Uaa Bitlavlli. Alan Mallne, Abe Cribic, Barb Wlolmim. Lee Kuahner. Mike No*ka«

siovxcnir.iowA DoiM Sterling, Mike Lerloe, Edward Laien. EUolIUndMr IUCMAH«aM,nXAI Canl Lnrto, DekMe Levki, Stefkanle Kaplaa.8mtKapl«i. Dorrtl CeelHirl. Maryvllle. Mo., Pamela Rudhin. Staiiletoa. Nab. RIdi Lear. Beni. la, Bnic* Kalin. Mlaol Boock. na., SaadI Rapapon, Daa Motait, U.. MKA ronletn. Topaka. Kia. nCMCABAVAM Rachm Pocraa, Liaon, Nab., Brtaa Muaeallne. la Marty Rack lataad. Ill. Canlgia BUI Stamun. Oavaopact. U. EUani \mam. LkKota. Neb. Gmg Silver, MaSaa. Ill Rank Jonladi. Otfa>1iadl>aik.Kaa.



Funeral services were held Tuesday, May 27, at the Jewish Funeral Home for Sam Lebowltz, 74, who died Monday, May 26. IntenqnU was at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. >. Survivors: wife, Eva; broUier, Martin, Sioux aty. la.

BCX^KS Biiainati or Plaoaura Spaciot Ordart Walcoma WaCIH Wrap and Ship Chorga II at...



Zrieharla, IMt, aeospts cheek Iran Hy Rubin, District 6 eweuUve director, at the Omaha Jewish Community Center. (JP Photo)


M»yM. 1876


Omaha OrganizationsI

Lincoln Scene of Jacobson Rite LINCOLN - A garden r setting wu the scene of the marriage Sunday, May 8, of Nancy Jane Brickson and David Aaron ^acobaon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brtckion of Lincoln. State Supreme Court Judge Donald Brodkey performed the 4 p.m. ceremony which waa fMiowed by a ' receptkNL Parania of the groom are Mr. andMra. Jack Jacobaon. Miss Margaret Buck, San Francisco, was maid of honor for her couatn. Mlas Mary McClymont, Washington, D.C., and Misa Cheryl Martin, Lincoln, were brideamaid and Junior brideamaid, respectively. I Attendants to the groom were his brotiier, Robert Jacobaon, best man, and his cousin, RIctiard Jacotxon. The bride Is a graduate of

MR&IBASirfimzmiHl A/so unique stttctkms of • Pcnofulized tuilonety • Thank Vou Noln • Njpltim-Malchet • Wedding Inviuiions

if*ir<i»ii*ni Hull I n I i«im>«wniiw<i«Mx«ii«.»i—It.

Mn. David JaeakMB the University of Nebraafca at Lincoln where she received a degree in social work. She is now a guidance counselor at Boys Town. The bridegroom is also a graduate of the University and of its Law School where tte was a member of tlie National Moot Court Team and elected to the honorary Order of the Barrister. He is an attorney for the Legal Aid Society. After a trip to Lake Tahoe and San Francisco, the couple will live in Omaha.

*»»«»#*«»»»»»»»»«»»»»<»» y i

;' mg «w bright, aim f* ': mota ro iJMr* )WD bad; room aportmtnl In 1«W' , rm>e» Ml wnmiw. Call '. » talh. n7-»495. * *f**»»»*»»»»»M*0»»»tt*0»A HIUM A. HRNSTIIN

Rdjx in my home «nd chooie ftofn the ftne« lelectiom C*ll lor tppoinunml 5S«-5I97 576J Sewtid SI.




^ F 31

Rao DAVIS CO. sss-2300


John Kallna PMOTOGIIAI>HER •17 South Mth StrMt — a4S.10A4



Black and White

June Is an especlaUy busy month for Combelt Region BBYO. From Friday, June 6 through Tuesday, June 10, over SO delegates from CBR's slx-dty, three-stale area will gather at Camp Esttier K. Newman for the l«75,Reglonal Leadership Elections Conclave (LEO). Coordinated this year by Shelley Alloy and Debbie Diamond, and under the overall direction of'Ms. Marsha Plotkln, senior Omaha advisor, LEC combines "fold" seminars, officer I'.ralning worksliops, services, iiociais, recreation, traditional BBYO ceremonies. Regional itlectlons and more. The registration fee of 180 includes transportation, lodging, food, programs and recreation. June ^«— 30, a Regional delegatkm will travel to the University of WlsconslnOahkosh to participate in the 75 District Six BBYO Convention. It is vital that the Region be fully and adequately represented, especially In view of the new esteem In which CBR Is held throughout the District for upgrading of programs and unsurpassed membership growth. Besides the election of District officers for the coming year, which hopefully will involve some of our own CBR members, Jerry Sadoff will t>e among other Regional contest winners competing on the District level. Back your Region! Send In your application for District now! For, more information and applications, contact coordinators Ronna Ratner and Bob Suvalsky, Regional Presidents Debbie Ratner and

Justin Cooper or the Regional office, 334-8200, Ext. 3S. AZA No. 1 ELECTIONS AZA No. 1 elected the following to office for the summer-fall term: Bruce Frank, president; Mike Abramson, vice president; Gordie Gendler, secretary; Jeff Shkolnick, treasurer. Also elected were the 1975 Sweetheart Dance chairmen, Mike Abramson, Bruce Frank and Larry Novack; and AZA No. 1 Sweetheart candidates Cindy dayman, Sharon Comlsar, Wendy Dann, Nancy Nachman and Baib Smith. YOUTH PHILANTHROPIES CAMPAIGN The '75 Youth Philanthropies Campaign Is ending a difficult but reasonably successful campaign. Final reports will be given at the Youth Campaign Victory Party at the Jewish Community Center, Saturday, June 14. The party will feature entertainment, refreshments, music and fun. Those who have not yet contributed may do so at the victory party. BEG BEAU DANCE Omaha BBG will hold iU annual Beau Dance Saturday, May 31 at 8 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, 72nd and Grover. Tickets to this "Stalrwaf to Heaven" may be purchased from the dance chairmen, at ttie JCC, or at the door. Couples are $8; stag, 13.50.

MONSKYELECnCm Joe Erman was elected president of Henry Monsky Lodge No. 354, B'nai B'rith, at ttie annual meeting May 21 at the Ranch Bowl. He succeeds DlckZacharia. Alao elected were Stan Robbins, Shelly Lemer and Leon Pollkov, vice presidents; John Katelman, recording secretary; Miles Reamer, financial secretary; Marv Kaplan, treasurer; Gary Gerellck, warden and Max Givot, guardian. Trustees elected were Ed Rosen, Marvin Treller, Justin Greenberg and Zacharla. ORT Program activities for 197576 will be discussed next week by members of the Omaha Chapter of Women's American ORT. The culmination of one week's preplanning workshops wUl be held at the Jewish Community Center on Wednesday, June 4 at 7:30 p.m. It is open to all members. HAOA8SAH The installation of new officers of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah took place at the closing session of the Missouri Valley Region Conference on Wednesday, May 21. The new officers are Eleanor Alexander, president; vice presidents

LenI Crounse, education; Virginia Becker, membership; Mickey Sturm, program; Elaine Nachman, fund raising: Roslyn Zoob, treaurer; Gwen Pred, financial secretary; Jane Kulakofsky and Hannah Scbwalb, corresponding secretaries; Joan Zalkln, recording secretary. VARIETY CLUB The Variety Qub Is holding a coupon drive, with proceeds helping handicapped children. Coupons may be sent to Marilyn Blatt, 2416 S. 126th St., Omaha, 68144,333-«833. HADASSAH ONEG SBABBAT The Arbor Teens, 25member musical group from Arbor Heights Junior High School, will entertain at the monthly Hadassah Oneg Shabbat, Saturday, May 31, 2 p.m.~tA the Dr. Sher Home. liri: Joe Sokolof is chairman; Mrs. Jack Noodell and Mrs. Charles Fellman are cohostesses. JEWISH EDUCATION Dr. Saul P. Wachs of Brandeis University will address the open board meeting of the Omaha Department of Jewish Education, 8 p.m. Monday, June 2, at the Jewish Community Center. The public is invited.

WHAT ARE YOU HOARDING IN YOUR CUPBOARDS? Whafevtr H Is. vm need If NOWl Please remember that Hadassah needs dishes, glassware, pots, pans and working appliances.

KFAB RADIO Folkslnger and actor Theodore BIkel sings and tells stories about the experiences of Immigrants to this country on the Eternal Light program, 5:30 a.m. Sunday, June 1, on KFAB Radio (NBC) In Omaha.


0 bcwejtt iph tde Ca«to/is'uAsscmMq

A «ALA CAN?ORIAL CONCERf Sunrfan.iuKC 8. 1975 8:00q>.uU.

o o o o CO



s #0^





'cTicfeets ate ai/aifiob£e al'^ik £(Siiiiagogue.(^etlii)s«ieCSiiiiogoc|ue. 'Dewpfe vdsMieC OKd the ^^euMsIt ConuwiRiii) Centek.




M«y30. H?6


Lincoln Lights

Sandra Weiss Marries; Lincoln Scene of Ceremony UNCOLN - Sandra Fay Weiss became the bride of Norman W. Bennett in a ceremoay at the Holiday Inn N.E. here on May 25. A reception at the Holiday Inn foUowed. The bride's father is Maurice Weiss of Omaha. Mr and Mrs. Bert W Bennett of ShIcUey, Neb., are parents of the groom.

Miss Margie Amster of Denver was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Ron (Jacqie) Weiss of Omaha and Miss Marilyn Bennett of ShicUey. Be^nan was Steve Bennett of Sfiickley and groomsmen were Kurt Salzman and Glen Capek, both of Lincoln. After a wedding trip in the west, the couple will reside In Lincoln.

Omaha Community Calendar I p m. - Dr iter Haw - OfM HHH - OMiulll»Bil—I«« JwrlihmmaCrtduiUaii. Bctti IITMI ».m. - THcter TMiiliV IMUMU - JOC • pjB. - Oip( of JM* BAMaUn Bawd aiMUiit - •'CC Ipm. - lir»rt%mtt.fiwllwmiimlilwnnHlin- JOC I a-BL - Tncter TraMag iMUMt - JCC 7:«p.Bi -JcwWiCalUnlArtiCiiiiiictlBaanlaiMUaC-JCC I a.a>. TMdKT Tnkiliic laiUWU - JOC ORTPUMniBfOgnfaraaeti

7:« p m - SovIX Jrtfry CoiunHUr awltnt - JOC IkmAqr.Aaat ta.nL - TncterTraialasliiltHur - JCt'

la.a. - TMtter ftainliis IMUUO - JCC SpiaL - Ciaiartal Ooaorl - JOC ail

ORTIaaUUaUoa LunekRai lad a B'nal B riUi C<iiTiulu!r ind Maoity lailanaUMi I raca) •••iip.iatB T:»p.m - "MalleM ralcoa" rua - JOC T:»pm.-¥aiaif I^ndmMpniKlliit


T:»p.m-~Daratlte Ram" rtka - JOC 7:»pai -FaiteralloaBoardBWrtlin -JOC

By EtteUe BMW* wg Eileen Ullman will celebrate her Bat MItzvah Friday, May 30. at the South Street Temple. Eileen will conduct the services. All congregation members and friends are invited to attend. Eileen Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Frank UUman. Lori and Jane Pitlor will celebrate their B'not Mitzvah Friday May 23, 8 p.m.. at TIfereth Israel Synagogue. An Oneg Shabbat will follow services Friday evening and there will be a kiddush luncheon May M. following services. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pitlor Invite the congregation to join them. . On Mother's Day. May llth. 9:30 a.m. breakfast was cooked and served by male members of the Tlfillin Gub honoring the ladies who have faithfully served them. Services were at 9 a.m. followed by Sunday Breakfast at the TIfereth Israel Synagogue. A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Izchak Tager May 25 at 1:30 p.m. at Mt. Carmd Cemetery. Mrs. Leo Hill. Life Hadastah Membership chairman, annougped the new Ufe members WVt added to the roster. The following new members are: Sharon Misle,

Sissy Katelman, Howard Silber Are Wed in Evening Ceremony

Kathy Upsman and Mrs. Sam Zelen.

OMAHA - In a laU evening man was the bride's brother, ceremony Satorday, May H, Budd Dundee Katelman. Mrs. Silber resided In In their future reatdenoe at I Polsky celebrated his I6(h Twin Towers Apartments In Council Bluffs until 1972, when birthday, May 19 at Tifereth Omaha, Sissy Kateltnan she moved to Omaha. She is a Israel Synagogue. An Oneg became the bride of Howard graduate of Abraham Lincoln was hoated by his children. SUber. Rabbi Isaac Nadoff of High School and the Beth Israel Synagogue of- Unhrersity of Iowa and is Meal linger and Carolyn ficiated. associated with the L. H. Goodwin of Lincoln High Miss Katelman, daughter of Katelman Co. of Council School have been named the Mrs. Rose Katelman, Council Bluffs. The groom Is a dty'B moat valuable students Bluffs, and the late Uiuia H. graduate of the University of as part o/ the Elks Youth Day Katelman, was attended by Alabama. Wednesday, May 14, spon- Mrs. Bernard Barton, The honeymoon Is at sored by Lincoln Elks Lodge Westport, Conn., the IMaiatlan in Mexico. ao. The students each will bridetpxxim's sister. receive $100 scholarships and The groom, military affairs will xompete in state and editor of The Omaha World- I Adult Singles national contests. Group I Herald, is the son of Mrs. Dora I SUber, Fairfield. Conn., and Trips to Kansas City and The Lincoln Chapter of the late Albert SIU)er. Tbe best Las Vegas are being planned. Hadassah held an Israeli fashion show on May 13 in the Tifereth Israel Social Hall. AiMwart to PhRanthropi«s Quiz Two showings were held, 1 and 7 p.m. l.(a).2,«:).3,(c). Mr*. Joseph Goodman was over-all chairman with cochairman Mrs. George Burke, Kick Out the Quacks quack wfaoae unloundad daliiit assisting. Food Chairmen and unproven methodt may prevent or delay prompt and Beware of a "sure core" or were Mmse. Eli Evnen and Everette Evnen; tickets Mrs. "remedy" b* any cancer, the proper treatment for cancer. In American Cancer Society cauof doubt, leek tbe advice Nate Unger; decoration, tioiu. Thii ii (he language of tbe case of your kKml ACS. Mmse. Andrew Goodman and MarkSUbersteln. Mrs. Jack Singer was moderator with the following Cr*«tl«*nb«n models wearing the Israeli •••da fr«m Around th* WtorM fashions: ZIna FInkelsteIn, Evar/thing you n««d fo string your Ophira Bahar, Reva Mozer, Own nacklocas — corol, turquoisa, Dory Goodman, Nancy Coren. starling, h«lshl, shaHs and fatlshM. Phyliss SllbersteIn, Lynn Heun: RocUrooli Vlllaga Kuba, Betty Hill, Ruth Maline, IO:00-I:WMen.ftiruSel. lOSitiandCaniar TtMirs. HM V pjn. 403'3«3-S44a Sonta Breslow. Rose Bloch and Miriam Misle.

Tha Mocra-Beocf Shop

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CORNED BEEF on RYE. Fresh Potato Salad, and a Dill Picklel Enjoyi

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INVITIHINKY MNKY TO YOUK HAACHAl Having a Oinnar Partv? A Brunch? A Cocktpll Suppar? Let HInky Dinky do the cooking! Elegant fruit and chaas* trayi, relish trovs, fancy fingar sondwlJias. hors d'oauvra tr«>ys . . . dl mod* with the vary bast gourmat foods for your special occasion. Come in or call your order in. raa DHJVnV for Lara* PmritM UiKolm—4*S-S27* Sleua Oty—27*4»3M



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Zeidermans Wed at Beth El; Will Make Home in Omaha

Omaha Dalli lanMl

Omaha Bath El

SERVICBS: Sabbath Eve Services in the Frktay: Sanctuary at 8:15 p.m. Traditional Evening SerRabbi Myer S. Kriplce will vices (Kabbalat Shalibat) 7 deliver the sermon. Cantor p.m. Chaim Najman will conduct Late evening family ser- the musical service. vices wUi be conducted by Morning Service 10 a.m. Rabbi Isaac Nadotf and Mincha Maariv 8:30p.m. Cantor Leo Fettman and the Sunday: 9a.m. Beth Israel Choir at 8:15. Waafcdayi: Saturday: Services at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Morning Service: 8:45 a.m. BARMITZVAH •,_^ candticted by Rabbi Nadotf Alan Katp, son of Mr. and : and Cantor Fettman. Mrs. Harold Karp, will llie Talmud class will be become Bar Mitivah Friday, i. conducted by Rabbi Nadoff at May 30 and Saturday, May 31. 8p.m. followedat8:30p.m. by BATMnZVAk Mincha, Sholas Sudos and Caray Rloa, daughter of Mr. Maariv. and Mrs. David Rioa, wUl Sunday: Minyan 9 a.m. followed by become Bat MiUvah Friday, June 6 and Saturday, June 7. breakfast and Rabbi's class in MEN'S CLUB Mtshna. Election of officers wUl be Daitf: Services at 7 a.m. and 8:30 held and plans for the 1975-76 year discussed at the Beth El p.m. Men's Club meeting, 10 a.m. BAT MnZVAH Sunday, June 1, in Room 8 at Mart X^ftut RoanUatt, the Jewish Community daughter of Mr. and Mn. Center. Outgoing President Sfdney Rosenblatt, will Harold Zabin urges all become Bat Mttzvah Friday, meml>ers to attend. May30,at8:15p.m. AWAROe ASSEMBLY Omaha The religious school will hold its Awards Assembly . Sunday..JuiMvl, 9:i&*.Bi.ih•• • the sanctuary. '{ William Cohen will ' wtMeatiit tlie board In Uw SERVICES: abaence of Leon Wlntimib, rridajr: 7:30p.m.. Betfc Israel Synagogue Rabbi Sidney H. Broolis and president. Dr. James Wax ts Rabbi Bany L. Webisteln wUI head of the education conduct the services. department.BARMITZVAH (HUDUATION Betb larad Pre^icbool will., t Mlchaei Budwig. son of hold graduation exerciM* on Snaan Md Ronald M. Bndwlg. Wednesday, June 4,10 a.m. hi wlU become Bar MItvah 11 the Social Hail. RefreshmenU a.m. Saturday, May 31. will be lerved after tiie program. Omaha ' MOOOUW '-^ (ZINS) Only 2,400 Soviet ' oUm came to Israel the first three months of 1975, compared with 5,700 in Uw same time span last year.

Df• Shar noma SERVICES: ~ Saturdagr: 9 a.m. Men of the community are invited to the Home to make a minyan.

Sabhafh Candle Lighting I w' -

M4«y, M«y M, SiSI pjm. rridtry. Jun« •, Srt* pMt.

Benediction for Kindling Sobboth Lights: Borul^h Atoh Adonoy Etoheinu /Melekh Hootom, Asher Kideshonu Beitiitzvotov Vetzivonu Lehodlik Her Shel Shabbot. (Blessed ort Thou, 0 Lord, Our God, King of the Universe, Who sonctifles us by His Cpmmondments and has commanded us to kindle the Sobboth lights.)

Service Presented as a Courtesy by OMAHA SinnMGS AND LOAN ABSOCIAnON o(f>c«t al lOlh t Htfnay 341.rSrO arm 1 Wall ogaa* ROM ntjtoo 4r2lt74lllSI. r3|.0M0

Lincoln nffaiath Israal

DaaMoinaa BathEIJacob

SERVICES: Friday: 8 p.m. Services conducted by Rabbi Mark Bisman. Junk>r Congregation awards will be presented. Saturday: 9 a.m. Sunday: 'nflUinaub.9a.m.

Uncoln B'nalJaahumn

SERVICES: Fttday: 7:30 p.m. ttiroughoul the sum mer (one service >. Saturday: Morning service 9 a.m. Learning service 11 a.m. Ral)bi's Class 5 p.m. Mincha. Slwias $udos 6 p.m. Sunday: 9a.m. 12-1 p.m.: Talmud Class. Monday andnamday: 6:45 a.m. TUaaday, Wedntaday and Friday: 7a.m.

SERVICES: Friday: 8 p.m. Bilatn unman will become Bat Mitzvah and will conduct the service.

DaaMoinaa Tampla B'nal Jaahumn

Omaha B'nal Jacob Adaa Yaahuron SERVICES: Saturday: Morning service 8:45 a.m. Sunday: Morning Service: 8 a.m. Services conducted by Rat)bl Abrah^ Eisenstein.

Council Bkifffs B'nalbraal SERVICES: Saturday: 9a.m. Sunday: 9a.m. Both services will be conducted by Mr. Sam Sacks.

Suez Canal Opening Won't Halt Rghting TUNIS (ZINS) - The opening of the Suez Canal to international navigation next month will in no way deter the start of a new war against Israel, if this becomes necessary, said Egyptian Foreign Minister General Abdul Ghamsey in an Interview that appeared In the k>cal paper. El Tsiad. Careful consideration was given to this possibilty, said the Cairo spokesman. He emphasized that Egyptian soldiers are busily enga^ In maneuvers day and night. Tlie Egyptian Army, he said, is quite capable of carrying out its strategic tasks with weapons now at hand. The General was asked whether the reopening of Uie Canal means tltat Egypt will now position troops in the demilitarized zones of the Sinai, to which there was no reply.

tM and Maurann ReaanMott invll* rtwtr r*lallv«t and trtandi

to wonhip with thon ol rtM tot MItfvah otltMlrdaughlar

MARTI Fr<d«r.May30,t:ISp.m. •••Mwovi (yn«g»aw»

SERVICES: Friday: Evening Service 8 p.m. An Oneg Shabbat will follow services.

DaaMoinaa ChHdranoflaraal SERVICES: Regular minyan services Monday and Thursday 6:45 a.m. Saturday: Morning Shabbat: Service 9 a.m. at Iowa Jewish Home. Sunday: 9a.m. Special Yahrzelt service, everyone is welcome. Mrs. BIber, secretary, 2778601.

DaaMoinaa SERVICES: FMday: 8 p.m. Rabbi Barry D. Cytron and Cantor Pinchas Spiro will conduct the service. Saturday: Morning Services 9:30 a. m. DanM IJiwman, son of Mr. and Mrs. AUred Upaman, will become Bar Mitzvah. A kiddush lunctieon will follow services. Mincha 6 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Daily: 7a.m.

OMAHA — Tlie marriage of Holiie Ann Cooper and Abraham Zeiderman took place on Sunday, May 25 at Beth El Synagogue. Rabbi Myer Kripke and Rabbi Isaac Nadoff performed the 5 p.m. ceremony. Tlte brifle is the daughter of Judge and Mrs. Samuel V. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Aron Zeiderman are parents of the groom. Miss Ronna Cooper was the maid of honor and Jake Ickowicz served as best man. The bridesmaids were Marsha Cooper and Debbie Melichar with their groomsmen, Charles Ickowicz and Justin Cooper. Following tiie wedding a dinner-reception was held at the synagogue. After a honeymoon in Florida,.the couple will live In Omaha where the groom will

The bride-elect received her bachelor of science in education from tiie University of Nebraska-Omaha. She is presently leaching in a Junior high in Essex, England. Her fiance graduated from Leeds University in England and is a coat accountant In Bsaex. An Aug. 2 wedding Is planned in Brentwood, Essex, England.

in the fall.

Miia\«yTTn^«| ocnuadam ItlV-lMI by Jeremy Noakes, ed. N.Y. Vllilng Pr.. 1974. 704 p. - A (ully annotated prewntation of major documents, many never before publlslied of Oroudio by Arthur Marx. N.Y. McKay, 1972 357p-lnUmate ,^^ family portrait of Groucho Marx written by liii only tan, Artliur. Illustrated. n* KoriMT Gounnet Cookbook by Mildred Miller and Bascba Snyder. N.Y. Eriliuon, 1874. 3l2p - Two experienced cooks aliare tbe Ideas they liav* devetopad lor luaher meal preparation Geared to the needs of Uie penon wfeie Is Intamlad In Imaber cooking and In serving oUiera win an, and who leaks a guide to aounnet cooking and party planning. Arab OMrilla Pimer IMMfTl by Edgar O'Ballance. Connecticut. Ardnn, 1973. 24«p - A itudy of (he underlying Issues betiind different Arab guerlUaa groups and an analysis of Uw personalities Involved Ite RiUsr Dsubli Crass by Frederick Nolan. NY William Morrow. 1975.169p. - A novel about slop secret commando mission deep Into Nazi Germany in (he closing days of WWII. No, My Darting Daugliter by Sally Newman. NY. Harper and itow, I97S, lS4p. — Comic novel that takes seriously the pain and complexities of mother-daughter relationships.

JCC Announces Game Room Opens OMAHA - The children's game room, located in tlie nursery school wing of the Jewish Community Center, will open for summer on Jime 9. Monday-Thursday hours are 1-6 p.m. nd on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 1-5 p.m. The game room offers free supervised play for children entering kindergarten through sixth grades.

Miss Mann Engaged; Will Wed in England OMAHA - Mr. ahd Mrs. Sol Mann announce the engagement of tlieir daughter, Marilyn Jean, tb Robin Oakley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Oakley of Windermere, England.

Mrs. Abraham Zetdarman attend Creighton Law School, llie bride, WIM will graduate from the University of Nebraska-Omaha, will teach in the Omaha Public Scho(4s

Births Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Dinerstein, New Rochelle. N.Y.. annotmce the birth of a. dau(^ter, Jennifer Betb. on May 20. Maternal grandmother la Mrs. Bert R. Render. Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Henry H. Schumeister. both of Omaha.



toglatnr new for tpactol Drawing en tather'a Day, June 15. 10 choice atealu to tlie iudiy winner. A $25 Valtial

Lean Ground Beef ...u. 79* Super Shuket J^'Tl^ik. 98* WrspTs bi • nMtoty at oaytl

Beef Cube Steaks



Kosher Salami



MW». W7S


\ Senior Clt^Scen0] '^Z'^Z:^'^:!^^. OMAHA - Mary Schwartz k~.._..>k.>.^^ J John •.>.-e._. became the bride of Siref In a Sunday afternoon, May 25, ceremony at Beth Israel Synagogue. Rabbi Isaac Bcu WMMI lor nramy at Leo Nadoff and Cantor Leo FettOMnvtdi Irani Jack and Bntli Uur. Md iMBIIi' nd man officiated. The bride is the daughter of cwnmuninn 10 li^ lad EWt Mrs. Betty ScfawarU and the Wcvcr lor thdr flm iiiiilili«t mlate Louis Schwartz. The nlvetury Iron Foy SeUr oad Bortko Kalnick groom in the son of Mr. and In iDifiiory o( tUht EUooi Bailey Mrs Julius Siref. Irom Jack aad Botlo Laiar Mary is a May graduate of la manoiy o< IMBjt Koaiori FMall the University of Nebraska at fraa rm* and aaajr Mbix. Baal wldtaa Mr a ipaa4r raoaoory to Uncoln, where she earned a Kam Mayer Iroai frmtmiil^tr. degree in music educallon. Gertnidrrortna John, a student at Metro la naaary of OaaM flMa Iroai Technical Community mmmttmag College, plans to become an tar lauamj ol B<ay WclianiaM Inaa ^panHa Barynan and operating room technician. family. Maid of honor in Sunday's Cc( van arMaaia Jaaak Homalata « ceremony was Deberah Sicfawartz, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Leslie aaoNaraaqr a( iMii and 8araliLia«ar Finkel of Council Bluffs, Marti froB Ja Bteael of Omaha and Connie Faimy Belly W< FMae of Kearney, Neb. Lisa •nd lamflir. Mart and iMla Ukla, Gofxlman, daughter of Mr. Helan and MariM Niaaiaa: and Mrs. Jerry Gordman, was Kaplan. Anaaoa flower girt. EUubMk Flaad,. Marc Siref served his Ooaper aad Saai aid brother as best man. Groomsmen were Steve Siref, Leon Shrago and John DHmaa lor ingatHMMd a( aoa. Mare. Robinson, all of Omaha. front Sam and Faaagt Mamb. Coodolencei lo Mn Ida SMn tar loaa A brunch reception In the «( Iter aaa-lo-Unr, DaoM Stain, fram Social Hall followed the (reap. OondntancM lo laoUy o( OHM ceremony. Stolii fran fvH^.


I scheduled luncheon meeting on June 16.

BylWwiNwnnan Grand Uland, Neb., U Uw (twM—Hwiot our Hut but trip I ol tte HMOB an Mooday, June 2. The bus will leave Beth El Synagogue, 49tii and Farnam (on the 49th St. side) at 8:15 a.m., returning at 5 p.m. If you do not wish to bring your lunch, make reaervatkns for a II fish lundi in Grand Island. The group will later be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isador Kahn (brother and sliter-inMw of Eklward and Elsa Kahn) for refreshments. The Stuhr Museum is among the places of interest the group wUI visit. Rose Raznick, 393-7872, Is taking reservations for the Grand Island trip. Mr. and Mrs. bouls Langer celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary at tite May 2t meeting and tiieir family provided lunch for the group. Van Ferrand and Charles Neill performed several dance numbers, Bill Couch played MB banlo and sang and Jack Saylan sang several selections In honor o( the Langers. Ruth Bernstein. Sol Mann and David Lazarus were welcomed as new members. Evangline (Van) Ferrand Uam Dave and Fayna Baiacr. was awarded a trophy by Viflafe. Kan . Epkralin Bersini family and RacM Swailx Chuck Arnold. JCC athletic director, for t>elng the outstanding woman jogger. There will be no regular meeting June 2 (due to (he Grand Island tripi or June 9, when Mollie Deiman. advisor io tlie group, will be out of REGIONAL MEETING town. Attorney Michael Klefer of Father's Day will be celebrated at the next Minneapolis, Minn, chairman of the leadership and programming commiltee of Eisenman Visits Grand Lodge District 6, will be CHICAGO- Gad Eisenman. featured speaker at the 9:30 representative ol the Israel a.m. Southwest Region B'nai Aliyah Center in Chicago, will B'riUi meeting Sunday, June be in Omaha -at tiie Jewish 1, at the Ramada Inn, 1-80 and Community Center on Wed- Airport Exit in Lincoln, Neb. nesday, June 4 from noon to 5 Herb Gaba, Uncoln, will be p.m. to meet anyone in- Installed as Region president, terested in making Aliyah to succeeding Paul Cohen of Israel. Omaha.


Mff^nnnRJinnnnnnnnjinnrin^^ AUDITIONS


For CENTK STAGE'S Summar Musical

"SWEET CHARITY" Sunday, Jwn* I, 2-4p.m. Monday, Jun« 3, 7:30-9:30 p.m. «t tlM J«wWi CoMMMunlty CMitar

-SmssmmMsmMmmmmms •









OMMHUOV tUMMM rarty floom up ID ISO Alw Ofdafi to Go!

1XE.HJB.E.I T.E.E. H.E.E. stond for Tochnlcol Englnoaring Excallonce. Aitd Highly ExtrovogonI Extras. Standard Mulpmonl liko: • Four-spood ollsynchromosh stick shift • Hoavy duty raor suspension • Torsion bar front • Thra*-sp««d hootor/ d«frost«r Tost drivo tfie nunv b«r on* soiling import truck ot your Ootsun doolor, KM Small Cor Export. / Drive a Dalsna...tb«B



.i»..,.n ..w


Roie Kaufman, Kaufman. Celia Barron, Bi Rose Bebe Becker, EtU RoaanUatt and Ann Bernstein.

The families of birthday celebrants Iz Rosenblatt. Rueben Brown, Julius Falkensteln and Louis Albert hosted the tradltkmal birthday cake. Rev. Alex Katz led the group in reciting the blessing before and after lunch. New member Sol Steliunan was introduced by Preakleiil Marvin Trailer. Guests at the meeting were Abe Poska, Julius Homstein, Harry Smith andLeoWeiU. In Ofxler to assure thai sufficient food can be prepared, please mak( reservations eariy by calltiy (be Center, 334-<20O. •efM#fV0 my,,.

llomthm»,Wm»p$ W»t»rfc«ya, SnakMT


;4ttMU64^ BAKERS




Baker's 72nd & Blondo Store will re-open soon-bigger and better than ever! Until then, there are 3 other Baker's Stores close-by to serve you: * 73rd&MAi>LE— Just 3 mlnutM from 72nd A Blondol SEE OURNiWMINI4>ELII

* 50th & AMESCompl«t« with a famous ialc«r's DELII


OMAHA - rttt future dean of Gratz College In PhUadeiptala, Dr. Saul PbUlp Wachs. wUl conduct an Institute on the teaching of prayer and Skklur June 2-6 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at tlie Jewish Community Center. The Institute is being sponsored by tiie Omaha Federatkm'a Department of Jewish E^ducalion. Lunches will be served aixl babysitting is available. For additional information, call either Steven J. Riekes, department chairman (346^1800), or the Federatkm(3M«00).


BvSamZaaihMk BySamZ««aMek Special guest qieaker at our Tuesday, June 3 meeting will be Mrs. Mldwd J. BosUJevac, whOM iHMband, a capUIn In the United SUtes Air Force, has been missing in action sinceSepl.2», 1972. Mrs. Bosiljevac has traveled to the North Vietnam Embassy in Laos as well as the Paris Peace Conference and Washington, DC. trying to obtain information atxiut her husband. To date she has been unsuccessful and be Is stiU classified as "MIA" "MlBcinglnActkm". A JC Old "nmers attendance record was set at the May 20 meeting wlien 112 members heard Omaha attorney Jack W. Marer talk about former United SUtes precidents. The record was 106. Marer, wlxi Is chairman of the Inquiry Committee of the 4tta Judicial Dlstiiet of the Nebraska State Bar Aasoclation, discussed the problems many of our past presidenU faced. He cited facta and figures, all of which are In public record, (o S141pori his talk A deli lunch was served by Mollie Deiman aided by volunteers Van Ferrand, Helen Newman, Sylvia Goldberx. Trudy Falkensteln,

* 90th&POIIT~

• aaiiTii'tiiii


Seminar is Planned At J for June 2-6

OMAHA - Beth El Men's aub poated an 111 sottball Victory over the synagogue's United Synagogue Youth (USY) team Sunday. May 25, to reclaim the Traveling Trophy.


IC\v\6 '"^ "^ HOUSE



All the friendly folks from Blondo will be at these 3 stores waiting 1 to serve youl

M>y30. ^gre



The JCC - A Place of Activity

Great Foresight and a Prophetic View DES MOINES - Here Is how the great English leader. Prime Minister David Lloyd George, explained hia position to the Engllsli people 52 years ago.


BatMhxvah DES MOINES - Tracy Engman, daughter o{ Mr. and Mrt. Lawrence Engman, will celebrate her becoming a Bat MItzvah on Friday, June <, at 8 p.m. at Tlfereth Israel Synagogue. An Oneg Shabbat in honor of Tracy will be tendered by her parent* In the Clubhouse Immediately following services. This announcement Is In Ueu of personal invitations. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.

•It will be long before the Holy Land becomes once noorc a land flowing with milk and hooey. Tlie Jews atec can redeem it from the wlldemesa and restore Its ancient glory. "They belong to a race which for at least 1,100 years has been subjected to persecution, pioiage, maisarw, aand the torments of endleaa dariatoa; a race that has endured persecutkM which for variety of torture — physical, material, and mental — Inflicted on Its victims, for the virulence and malignity with which It has been sustained, for the length of time It has laated, and more than all for the fortitude and patience with which it has been suffered, Is without parallel in the history of any other people. "Is It too nueta to ask ttiat tfaoM ainai« then I m Itas wont ilian be able to I is OM iMd their fattMn made boiy by tbs ipiandar of ItNlr iSBkii, Iqr tbt MttaiM ttVMr thm^fWt. by ths fWMwrsHwi of thalr HvM, and bjr iMptretlae of dwir peet nsMi^ tonankiDdt"

DBS MOINES - The Des Moines Jewish Community Center is offering three Camps this summer for preHOTGEFILTE nSM IKXD schoolers through sixth grade By Norma Bwadi children — Camp Rishonim, Camp K'ton and. Camp The Shavuot holiday li here,- Shalom. and I have for you this week The program helps children something really imusual—a gain pleasurable experiencea dairy version of gefilte fish, and long-lasting memories. made Into a moid. It comes Through music, dance, from a friend'in Cleveland, drama, nature study, arts and Mrs.BUPoUak. crafts and sports activity, ««» each camper will Improve his skills ' and potential as individuals and as members of a group. The Jewish Community Center Camp program serves Mix iD IwglrtXKi laaKlMr ewtpl to enhance and strengthen MS vMln. wMck am bMla itliay nid •dM IM Pact Ma torse. vtU-frauad Jewish identification and moM PtaH MS iHtn pn dull fUlad instill a sense of community w«ili wilcri Md bUtt. Ml oovtrad. In xm titfi M« I" M* mn. UnmoM spirit. The camp is not overly mimmW* large, therefore It affords each camper a feeling that he Is part of something special.



W« can s«rvic« D«t AAoin«s ond all other cities in Iowa.

And we, Jews, remained true to our dream of return to our Home and to the land of Israel — unmoved and untouched by any power and undaunted — " By the torture prolonged from age to age By the Infamy, Israel's heritage, — By the Ghetto's plague, by the garb's disgrace. By the badge of shame, by the felon's place. By the branding tool, by the bloody whip. And the summons to Christian fellowship »* Tlw Jews now In Ureal are the helpless vlctinis of aO tlM homn soamsrated In these bumiag Unei of RalNrt Braeetag - Robert Brawnlng of Wtmpole Stieift lame. These Jews remained always free men — spiritually tree - and after 2,000 years they brilliantly fought their way back to their own homeland. They mean to hold It and remain there now, forever and ever I J,D.K.

Center Opens Summer Camp Registration

Jewish Cooking

M1«Mtai,0MlM,llil». («M) SIMMS

Indeed the Jews alone did build up Zion since these words were uttered in London over a half a century ago by the Prime Minister.

Please call the Center (2743467) to register a child or send in the registration form.

\ •.




V** "« 1&

Call collect: (402) 558-8485

W* ship by IOMr« perc*l — rf«llv*ry marf* to your door.


e^^m^I^«f tJim^ ««l« «gWnw

Calentbir of Events

Board f\/leet


DES MOINES - The Board of Governors meethig will be Tuesday, June 3, at 7:30 p.m. in the David MiUer Wing of the Iowa Jewish Home. The Jewish community Is welcome to attend. Rabbi Barry Cytron will deliver the D'var Torah. The main focus of the meeting will be directed to consideration of recommendations by the Budget Committee for the 1975-76 Local Needs Budget. If time permits, other Items of dlsctission will Include the Community Relations Commission's request for a staff member and a request for policy by JewiUi Family Services concerning resettlement of CamtMKllans-Vietnamese.

B*i Mtiivaliirf JaoiiKliM 1Mb II UMTnapIt M Ip m.

lewsiii.iiiye Bar MlUvati of Dvny UpMUB al TU«<Ui IVM< Syiuaaew

Bond olOovcmraMMUiis. 7:10pm lnD>vldMUl«rWliig<i(ImJt«ieill«w. II ini - OUT Honor Rdl runcUon and Bnindi Bdli ElJaa* Bowd MoMiil

B«l MKivali of Tracy Bviun «l rMtrallilontl tl S p.m. Snev.MMS HadooHh BuilMoo iMl Proloooloaal tl I :> p B. l-« p m. - Tinnlt Bcneflt - PM Nrwiurd JCX' Movie Sarin - Ev«ui«

Rubin to Be Trustee mSTOIIANTI MmNATIONAlCUISINI a400 Ingersoll -/* "De* Meines





Camp size is limited so early registration is advlslble, a camp spokesnuui said.

Reaervtrtlona tM-224*

DES MOINES - Gary Rubin will serve as a Trustee of the United Israel Appeal and as a delegate to the l>75 Jewish Agency Assembly.


By BOM Boftman DES MOINES - "There is aomething for everybody at the Jewish Community Center," said staff worker Marsha Of stein. As I gazed at the vast array of JCC activity announcements decorating the wall of the modest office where Marsha and JCC secretary Margaret Glnstwrg were working, I was amazed at the variety of offerings. "Sllnuiastlcs," "Tot-Tlme" for kindergartners, the Thursday Club, providing Interesting programs for women to enjoy, the Golden Agers on Sunday afternoons and many sports Including men's volleyball, a general volleyball game oe Monday nights at 7.30 p.m., basketball and bowling leagues, skating, and special classes, learning sessions and camps. 1 talked with some of the youth participants who were active In the JCC over the past year, DesrM SUnroer, U, iorward te Sceh OB BUDOlsr A^tCVOOOflL NttCB

Qorriwl, aaoaMr avid attMe, udd, "W« iMd a lilMt," aa he antfauriasticaly dMcrttNd his •xpariance with JCC bes^sthall. "There ere always fun lUiW to do at the Jewiab Community Contar," he wmtltaiwl. "I 'umi^fy Ukad lbs movie aeriea tUa year," he Joel Mlntzer, U, was a participant in basketball and a member of the bowling league. In addition, he attended JCC classes which he said were "real fun and Interesting." Sarah Raush had much praise for the guitar lessons which she and her younger brothers, Neal and David, enjoyed. Both boys were bowlers in the JCC league which boasts of 40 participants this season. The Raush brothers had Instruction In Jewish cooking from Thelma Kardon and David liked JCC ice-skating during the winter months. The Raush children enjoyed the week-long JCC winter camp, as well. Others expressed their satisfaction with the winter camp session. "A fantastic program," said Mrs. Sue

Ruttenberg. Two of her children, Adam, 8, and Michael, 6, "loved it". The Ruttenberg children will be enrolled in camps K'ton and Shalom for the summer. Mrs. Karen Rubin called the winter camp a "super program." Her children, Michael, 6, and Elizabeth, 4, are also "looking forward to summer day camp," she said. The FIngerman children — Leslie, Karen, Rhonda, and Gall — enjoyed winter camp, pottery-making, and guitar at the JCC. The winter camp had 92 participants and a whole host of volunteers responsible for Its success. Dave Hoffman liked to play with the air-hockey game at the Center after school and is Indebted to Center Director, Lou Williams for allowing him to use the game with ills friends. "The JCC is my pitstop service on the way home," Dave said. In reference to the friendly atmosphere and shelter It provides especially on those cold winter days. An art show in September, the Youth Lounge, a Coffee House program, the Arthur Miller play, "The Price", and several co-sponsored special events were hosted by the JCC. Plans for the Immediate future Include a College Mixer and a possible summer concert Incorporating Des Moines' Jewish musical talent. The next time you receive that colorful sheet from your Jewish Community Center, a JCC spokesman encourages you to open It and read it. Some fun and worthwhile opportunity to enjoy an activity may await! All newcomers to the community and any other individuals who wish to avail themselves of the many activities the JCC has to offer are encouraged to call the JCC at 274-3467. Your names and the names of your children will be placed on the mailing list. •>. MARATHON RABBI (JTA) Rabbi Richard Israel, 46, of Boston finished the recent Boston'Marathon more than two hours behind winner Will Rodgers

Meet the Soffermans DBS MOINES - This Is the David Sofferman family, former New Yorkers now living In Des Moines. Sofferman is asslstanti^ the chairman of the board of General Growth Companies. His wife, SheiU, U active In ORT and Hadassah. The children are Jaftrey.7,andRoeiU,4<^.Tt> family «<0it8a|ni<iii,lsa.

Aquatics /Notebook ByOafyJyrltdi

JOC 8BCX)ND ANNUAL BASKETBALL SPORTS CAMP Ibe Jewlfh Community Center Basketball Sports Camp is amtber AiUeUc Department service to meet the sports needs and Interests of our members In the 4th through 12th grades. Camp will be conducted by UNO Head Basketball Coach Bob HsflMR and his assistant. Frank Spenceri. Tbe camp will begin Monday, June 9 and conclude Friday, June 13. Menibers can regicter only by coming In to the Ptiys. EdOffkx. JOC TKNNIS LEAGUE NEWS Members, If you are interested In or have already signed up Ibr a league, please read this now! Hen's Doubles League — S p.m. Wednesday, June 4. Women's Doubles League — 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 3. Boys and Girls Singles League — 5 p.m. Friday, May 30. Boys and GIrU Doubles League-S p.m. Friday, May 30. Mixed Doubles League - This is a "aocial-lype" league; pliytn may signup lor It weekly. Entry forma are available in tbe Athletic Office at any time. REGBIVB CHILDBEN rem DAY CAMP MOW Prank Goldberg, JCC Day Camp Committee chairman, ivges parents to register tiieir children now for camp before it's too Bale. Enrollments have been coming In at a record pace, he stated, and several age groups are now at capacity. Age groups now ckMed: Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Gr. Girls and 3rd and 4th Gr. Girls in the Second SesskMi. 1st and 2nd Gr. Girls and 3rd and 4th Gr. Girls in the Third Session.

The Omaha High School Of Jewish Studies cordially invites you to attend the first annual graduation ceremonies

Camp is three two-week st lions June S3-Aug. 1. ChUdren sign for two weeks at a time and attend Monday Ihrougb Friday. MEN'S SOPTBALL Tbe JCC 1975 Men'sSlo Pitch Softball League starts Sunday, June 1, at Rockbrook Park. SltHIGHSWTBALL Tbe 1975 JCC Sr. Hl^ Softball seaaon started last Sunday with a mild upaet as USTY squeaked by AZA No. 1,14-13. The other game saw Chaira Weixmann blast AZA No. lOO, 1&-3. TKNNIB^NEBRASKA STYLE Our tennis doubles exhlbitioa was held last Sunday a(iemoon. The final standings: l«t-Harry Taylor-Rick Breunig (34) 2nd - BUl North-Gene Starmer (2-1) 3rd - BUI Foster-Kent Bond (1-2) 4tb - BiU Roach-Ray Somberg (0-3) We would like to thank these players for taking a Sunday afternoon to help us stage this event. OOMDW TENNIS TOUBNAIIEinB I t-U - BUMI Omr t)amm Touniamait (Itai's and


The first round will be played at tbe players' convenience during the week. All other rounds will be played Sunday, June 15. An even number of players must be used In each group so the last to sign up may not play if there Is an odd number of players. Players furnish their own tennis t»alla. Entry Fee: S3 per player. 1st and 2nd place trophies Match — 10 game Pro-Set (win 10 games, ahead by 2; S-outof-»-polnttie-breakerat 10-10). Ently Deadline - Friday, 5 p.m., June 6. SCHEDULES Man's Saflball, Sundty, June I 10 a.m. — College Stars vs. Kalzman's Team 11 a.m. — College Stars vs. Kozlen'sTeam Sr. tn^ SoAball. Sunday, Juna 1 9:30-ChaimWeizmannvs USTY 10:30 - AZA No. 1 vs. AZA No 100

The new outdoor pool at the Jewish Community Center opened on Sunday, May 25. During the pleasantly warm day with Its temperatures in the M's, 4S0 people made UM of the new facility. Swimmers are requested to bring tow^ to the pool and to wear shoes and shirts in the building. Tile JCC Is sponsoring two special programs, both of which will be open to the geacral ptibtlc after memhers have been anonodited. For the fourth time In two years, the Aquatics Department will sponsor its CPR Clinic. This first-aid clinic to be held on Tuesdays, June 10 and 17, on mouth-UHnouth breathing and dosed heart maasage should be of special interest to families who own swimming pools. Ttie twohour sessions should also be of interest to families where a member might have heart

^"^COUMNI PIMM X«n nw up Mr «ti* CPR cIMilc •• b* haM «n TuMday*. June n Mcl )r frofn 7 to t p.m. EnctoMd Is my sa.M p«r psrsen c<i*nM. Mwnt OdSr««»


T«l«ehon« Numbw Sacll S«c»>rHv Wo. ^Mnifr Non.AAtmMr (ClrcM On*) OMdim* . . . June Mti

i I


Mr. md Mn. JwmN E. C^Mit Judge «« Mm. SOTual Ceopv

PlMMtHm mo up feriiM Colorado Rivor Ratt trip on July 20 to 25. CncloMd Is a SM dopotH par parson to hoM • raiarvatlon. Final paymont of IZ3t.»S for mambart and UMM tor non. nnomtoort l« duo Juna IT. Kama AddroM Tolaiilioiia Mumbar Motnbar Hon.Mombor (Circle One) Tlilt trip li for oduHt only.

Mr.aid»b«.MMKM<««wm '


MMkSdwtiMn iMtySMI MoiyTuty

«%. tnd Mn. MnAm Sira) Mr.mdMnSwmnnTuly

SWvwWiM amwBfUMky

Mr. amt Mn. Mom ZHwiiir

A fMiiytian ««• Mtow the srathMiian

Omoha's No. 1 Family Restaurant k

RAERADUZINER Funeral services were held Thursday, May 22, for Rae Raduziner. Interment was at Golden Hills Cemetery. Survivors: son, William Hallemlale, Fla; daughters, Mrs. William (Esther) Singer. Omaha, Mrs. Al (Bemlece) Sliver, North Hollywood, Calif.; six grandchildren: 11 great-grandchildren.


Mrectlonsi T«ba N-SO ealt «H l«0, travelling Sewth. Thlrtewi MIIM from the Interstaif*. tuve mllae beVMNl Louisville, fov'tt sign, turn right, •nllee. to thm .^_. sign. „^.. Then ...^. right ..,„,, • next A>wn the gravel rami, taAliig the firet l*ft turn Inte CiMiy NMVNWM.

I OpmevmrrOmy, 11:30A.M. TW 10 P.M.


Wiien you come to the Ak-Sar-Ben Race«.

Be where the action isshopplng. shows, fun-in •ither West Omaha (2Vt minutes from the Track) or In Council Bluffs (2 mlnutss from Downtown Omaha). Big fun for everyone, and children under 18 are free when using same accommodations. Color TV In every room..."pamper panels beside over-size<t bed» . .. indoor pool.. rooms., right wttere ttte action 1st

On Sunday, June 1st, from 1 to 4 P.M., we're having on "Open Camp". You're Invited to join us for a day In the sun — booting, riding, meeting some of our sloif ond comp committee.

fiATUmNG ^ iMl SMteni FrM ^lvhMM4«bc


-I I I I I I I I 1

To Gary:

Sunday, June 1,1975 at 8 p.m. Betfi Israel Synagogue

VIdUClKw) JMhCooiMr ttmkHodUUbmn

Cardiovascular surgson Dr. Eugene "Speedy" Zwelback will supervise the clinic. Tbe coat of this program Is t2, deadline for ragisU-atkM is Junes. The second special program is a river raft trip in Colorado. This five-day, four-nlgbt trip July 30-2S Is for adults only and will feature two days of river-rafting on the Colorado River and two full-day Jeep tours on tbe world's largest flattop mountain, the Grand Mesa. Cost per person Is t38S.» lor members and $309.95 for nonmembers and Includes plane fare, five meals (one breakfast, three lunches and one dinner), and three nights' accommodations In a botal, •• well as raft fees. The trip Is Umlted to 21 participants. Deadline for registration and payment of fees is June 27. Make checks for Uils and the CPR aials payable to the Jewish Comnuniity Center of Omaha.

asli absel our beiia«ss/|rMp

P.S. — Just In cose If rolns (It won't I) we'll get together at the JCC In Omoho for flltns. slides, ond reireshments.



ISaisaStnaSHf TIsStMS nMin I iST-tTW

GMWil IMh I Owhi


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