April 17, 1931

Page 3

PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1331 at the Jewish Community Center Sunday, May 3 at 6 p. m. "Mrs. A. Greenberg will speak for] the Mothers and Miss Berniee Yousem for the daughters. Reservations can be made with Miss Blanche Zimman, Haf ^4871 not' later ' thanMTEursday,' A p r i l 3 0 . [•;X^:";-

v -:--.-';•'•- :'::-./ -•' \



f,!The second*"pneg Shabbos" to be

Conservative Synagogue News

we would -like to see many fans out cheering for the boys. We were watching the Central High school ball team work out and noticed that Harry Altchuler, a brother of the well-known "Milt" is holding lown'f one of the fielding positions on the first team. Another Jewish boy seeking a fielder's berth is SpeigaL Looks like Coach Knapple will have an allJewish outfield.

dore Kraft, Meyer Kohlberg, David Bernstein, Robert Bernstein, Daniel • Miller, Maurice Tatleman, Leo Chodak Harry Spiegal, Morris Rosen, Paul Bogdonoff, Israel Hornstein, Irving Cbudakoff, Albert Oruch, Joe Karonda, Charles Levinson, Thomas Ha., kin, and Fred Cohn.

Notes of

Havanna.—A resolution pledging Cuban Jewry to redeem 50 dunams of land through the Jewish National Fund in the coming year was adopted Tonight &t a conference of representatives of Rabbi Frederick Cohn wilt deliver most of the Jewish institutions held a sermon on "Nature and Judaism" here. at the services at Temple Israel this evening.

sponsored bf5the/Sadies*1Auxiliary of the Conservative Synagogue will take Sabbath Services Sam Epstein has been established place-Saturday, April 18, at 2 p . m . Candle lighting time, Friday, April' as the favorite in the Creighton handat the home of Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE 17—6:20 p. ni. , members of the Central High School :.480S Dodge street. ball tournament. "Hawk" went to • Mr. and Mrs. L. Kurs announce the choir which sang a t Des Moines last ; An" unusually interesting * program the finals last year, losing out to Bill Friday evening services—8 p. m. marriage of their daughter. Addle, to Wednesday. Stalmaster. The dark horse of the has been arranged in the form of "An Saturday morning services — 8:30 Mr. Joseph Spector of St. Paul, Minn., tournament is none other than Sam afternoon in,Jewish Bookland" con- a. m. on April 5. " Rabbi" Frederick Cohri LEAVE FOR ROCHESTER : White, who, if he is in condition, sisting of exhibits of Jewish book.' of officiated. Tomorrow Morning ;•v Mr.>nd Mrs. f H- K. Mflcfer left Tues- 'interest and a recommended list for might take the championship. Other 5 * The couple are making their home day evening for Rochesfer^Mlnn. ~ '-'•' gift and home use. Jewish boys who have entered the j His subject will be "Hygiene' at Services Tonight in StTPaol. ' : Mrs. David A. Goldstein will review At the 'regular Sabbath evening tournament are Cutlar, Rosen, Marks Saturday morning's services. RETURNS j - - ^ •• • :^- Meyer Levine's book "Yehudah" which services tonight Rabbi David A. Gold- and Blacker. ( • ( FORMER OMAHAN.WED . . ..' Mr. J. Klein has r e t u r n ^ from" an 'deals'with life'in • Palestine. ? Kaddish "Announcement has been received extended stay inRochester,*MiahT'~ • This program is open to', ajl mem- stein will speak on "The Jewish EduChuck Slotkin the youthful slugger here of the marriage, of Miss Alyce Kaddish will be recited this SabbaJ.h bers of the auxiliary, who may make cation We Owe to Our Children." of the Feltman Stables took it on the Greenberg of New York to Mr. Morris VISITS IN DES MOINES reservations by. calling Mrs. Irvin chin when he met John Smogie lasti for Ferdinand Adler, Israel Oberfeld Leaf of New York, son of Mrs. C. B. Mrs. M.,Zalk returned j home Mon- Stalmaster, Wa. 5109. Friday. The bout was the best one| er, George Seligsohn, Emil Branrleis Rabbi Goldstein Honored Leaf of Los Angeles. Beth Mrs. Leaf day from Des Monies, where she spent of the evening. John hit Chuck with1 and Henry Wertheimer. Beginning April 24 the United Synaand her son were topneriy of Omaha. a week vwtStg^h^r - flaughtezy JUrsL everything but the water bucket, butj The marriage was solemnized April 1. Leonard Hockenberg, i and Mr. HoclT- D a u g h t e r s of Israel Aid SodetVj g o g u e o f America meets in Atlantic could not knock the youthful Slotkin i A regular meeting of the Daughters City, N. J., for its annual convention. The groom is a brother of Miss enberg. Young Folks Temple League out. Slotkin should never have been of Israel Ladies' Aid society of the Ann Leaf of the Columbia BroadcastMore than two hundred congregations The next meeting of the Youug j matched with the experienced Smogie.J Jewish Old People's Home will be held ing station, and of Mrs. Esther Leaf MOVE On the other hand. Chuck learned a Folks Temple League will be held in the United States and Canada will Tuesday afternoon, April 21, at the DuBoff of this city Mrs. Sam Shyder and daughters, home. be represented. Rabbi Goldstein has lot of pointers in the fight and it the'Sunday afternoon, April 19, at 5 p. m. Cecil and Rina, have moved into th3 Election of officers will be held. Al! been honored by the invitation to de- two should ever meet again, look out,! An interesting program has been arWEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. Smogie. Austin apartments. friends and members please attend. ranged. liver the convention sermon next FriFriends and relatives surprised Mr. day evening. and Mrs. J. Batt on Monday, April Z. B. T. DINNER MEETING. i We have noticed that the Epstein Henrietta Szold 13, at their home on the occasion of The Zeta Beta Tau fraternity held In his absence Judge Irvin Stalmas- family can just about start a ball club Last Book Review At the bi-weekly meeting of the their thirtieth . wedding anniversary. a dinner, business meeting at the of their own. Sam's younger brothter will occupy the pulpit. The closing book review of the seaHenrietta Szold club Tuesday, several They received many beautiful gifts. Blackstone hotel Tuesday. ers are trying out for the Psi Mu son, under the auspices of the Sisterimportant matters were discussed. team. Aaron Epstein is a catcher and j The date for the last Junior Forum Oneg Sabbath Group HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE COMPLIMENT VISITOR young "Hawk" is a pitcher. Old hood was given Tuesday afternoon at of which there were eight in all. has The next meeting of the Oneg flabthe Blackstone. Rabbi Cohn review Mrs. Joseph Blumeathal entertained "Hawk" is an infielder. The directors of the local B'nai thirty-eight guests at luncheon and Brith lodge and their wives entering Richardson's "Maurice Guest." bath group will be held at the home bridge at the Paxton, complimentary of Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster this SaturTwelve girls and twenty-two boys tained at a dinner at the Fontenelle . His subject | Winer, Minnie Sherman. to her sister-in-law, Miss Lillian hotel Wednesday in honor of Mr. Wil-' s p e a k e r f o r t h e e v e n m g day afternoon. Tha afternoon wil) be took part in the Marathon Swim durhas not yet been chosen. The boys were Ernest Wintroub, Blumenthal, whose marriage to Mr. liam Sultan, president of District No. Definite arrangements have been spent in a journey through Jewish ing March. Many learned new strokes Barney Brody, Norman Bordy, IsaMorris Brick will take place in the and found out what consistent prac6 of the. order, who was Omaha's made for a fund raising project and near future. bookland in anticipation of Jewish tice will do for speed and endurance. guest that day. Miss Ida Blacker is in charge. Work I Book Week from May 3 to 9. ExThe swimmers were limited to an I Ask Your Paperhanger will be started immediately on this. ANNOUNCE BIRTH hibits of Jewish books of interest will average of 880 yards per evening, I HOUSE PARTY for SHRIEK'S 1931 A tea wilt be given at the BlaekMr. and Mrs. Joe Marcus announce be a feature. A list of books recom- which with 14 swimming days made The Alpha Chi chapter of Phi Delta stone Hotel in honor of Mother's Day, Wallpaper Sample Books the birth of a daughter at the Clarkit possible to swim a maximum of Epsilon, national medical fraternity mended for Jewish homes will be disMay 10. A program, consisting of son hospital last week. SHRIEK PAINT AND seven miles during the month. at Creighton, inaugurated its spring musical numbers and a one-act play tributed. WALLPAPER COMPANY Those who completed the swim social season with a house party given' -will be given and Miss Ruth Le'hoWEEK-END AT IOWA CITY . . The novel "Yehudah," recently pub- among the girls were Misses Mae 24th and Hamilton St—WE. 4211 f Her committee! . . . . , ,. ... •, . . ,.r Misses Rebecca Kirschenbaum and at their fraternity house fast Satur-' yicio is * chairman, « • Anne > rw -t. u Sara o I hshed, dealing with Jewish life in Corenman, Eva Marcus and Florence 6 t day. consists of Miss Zweibach. Dorothy Margolin spirit last week-end Cnadow. The winners of the boys diPalestine will be discussed. 3Ut This was the first of. the many af- Kaplan and Sylvia Lindenbaum. in IewaiCity, la., where they attendvision were Albert Faucek, Daniel irs to be given by this fraternity.' A hike is to be given Sunday mornReservations may be made by calle d 1MB Pbr Beta. Delta spring formal. Greenfield and Paul Giller. Those in charge of the entertainment ing, April 19, and the group will hike ing Mrs. Stalmaster. Other girts who participated include were W. Tell, chairman; A. Fellman to the Walking Club shack. LEAVE FOR HOME Sarah Jacobson, Bernke McCloud, | Miss Sylvia Bozman is president Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Taxman of and H. Rosner. Pearl Marcus, Sally Morgan, Rose { and Miss Grace Rosenstein is sponsor Kansas City left Wednesday for home. lindenbaum, Phyllis Soref, Dorothy I of the Henrietta Szold Club. Mrs. Taxman has been visiting in Omaha with her parents, Mr., and Camp Fire Girls Mrs. J. Milder, for the past two weeks By Henry Magzamin The Comwicom Camp Fire Girls deand was joined here by her husband, The Psi Mu ball club, the only Jewcided to sponsor a Mother's tea on Tuesday. HArney 7545 Mother's day, at a meeting held at ish aggregation in the city, is to play Council of Jewish Women M. S. KAPLAN. Prop. their first game next Sunday at MilFOR YOUR VISITING IN KANSAS CITY The Omaha Council of "Jewish the Jewish Communi^ Center Tuesler park. The struggle will start at day Mrs. William Bushman' and son are Women will conduct a rummage sale * 3:30, and the opponents will be the visiting with Mrs. Bushman's parents April 27, 28 and 29. Anyone who has j Cudahy Clix. The Psi Mn boys lookHathiah Society jn Kansas City. . furniture, bric-a-brac, or clothing they; ed good in the few workouts that they ; A special meeting of the Hathiah want to contribute to the sale should have had and as the season progresses Sunday, April 12, at RETURNS FROM VISIT call Mrs. B. A. Simon, Glendale 1028.1 should have a real ball club. the Jewish Community Center for Miss Edythe Dolgoff just returned Mrs!' Simon who is in charge of the Bob Jakobson, a former Western election of officers. Those elected from St. Louis after a week's visit motor corps will either call personally 16th and Howard,. —1i leaguer, is coaching the boys. They with relatives and friends. or send someone to make the collec-l were Irving Yaffe, president; Daniel need plenty of "stand support" and tion. ' ! Miller, vice-president; Bernard White, secretary; Isadore Mittleman, treasAT LINCOLN PARTY The Council is anxious to make this urer; David Bernstein, sergeant at Messrs. Max Eiekes and Edward an unusually large rummage sale and arms, and Hannah Baum, reporter. Rosen attended ^he Sigma Alpha Mu anyone who has something they want A social committeer including Danhouse party at Lincoln last week-end. to give should call Mrs. Simon immeiel Miller, Morton Soiref, Bernard diately. White and Phyllis Green was appointSING IN DES MOINES ed to plan a hike for the near future. The Misses Esther Horwitz, Sadye Dr. Frederick Clayton, who c o n - An athletic committee, consisting of | Kohlberg and Bluma Neveleff were ducts the Current Topics course, will David Bernstein, Daniel Miller and | not hold a regular meeting next Tues- i Yaffe, was also appointed. Pi Lambda Phi day, as he is out of the city. He will j Ephraim Marks was elected head of be back ^Tuesday, April 28th. The} N o SOul is exempt from a the Creighton Chapter of Pi Lambda class will meet at regular place at ^ t a r e o f madness.—Aristotle. Phi, national social fraternity, for the 10:30, at the J. C. C. coming year. Other officers chosen are Maurice Alperin,' vice-president; Jewish Woman's Welfare Justin Levey, secretary; Earl Ross Federation secretary; FrankIipp, pledge-master; 1 A most interesting:' program has If you are tired of tampering w i A that old iron of Harold Kendis, correspondent; Harry EXCLUSIVE been arranged for the Mother-DaughColick, assistant treasurer;'. Herman yours, trade it in on a new Sunbeam Automatic CURTAIN CLEANERS ter'banquetjthat is to be given by the Faier, assistant secretary. WA1350 — 5007 Leavenworth Electric Iron. v . Jewish -Women's Welfare Federation

Wednesday and Thursday Specials Semi-Flat _ 6c Wet-Wash __ 4c


Organization News





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Phi Delta Epsilon Hyman Alexander of New York was elected counsel of Alpha Chi Charter of Phi Delta Epsilon, national medical fraternity at Creighton university, at its annual elections held last Friday night at the fraternity house, 127 N. 40th St. Other officers named are William Tell of New York, vice-president; Bernard H. Bloom | of Brooklyn, chancellor; Abraham Appelsis of NewYork, scribe; Morris C. Lev of New York, historian, and Nathan Sedofsky of New York, marshall. Discussion of the spring social season occupied the attention of the • members and plans were definitely laid for the most active social program the fraternity has ever at-: tempted.

Jewish Scientist to Speak Over Vatican Station Borne.—Prof. Tullio Levl-Civita, professor of mathematics at the University of Eome, and the only Jewish member of the Academy of Pontifical Sciences, is to speak over the new Vatican's radio station on mathematical and physical science during the conference of the Academy. Professor Levi-Ciyita, who is one of the leading scientists of Italy, has an important place on the agenda of th« ccBitrence. .

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