April 10, 1931

Page 2



Conservative Synagogue News

Legal, Education Status Quebec-City (J.T.A.) — The provindal. lejps^latnre. of Quebec has adopted tne new' t)avid Bill, ratifying the contract recently entered into between the' iProtestant Sdiool Board and the 'Jewish School Commission of 'Montreal. According to the bill, the latter henceforth loses all legal and. educational status. The Jewish members of the Pro* vincial Legislature, although opponents of separate Jewish, schools, fought against the new bill, declaring th^at the-contemplated law deprives the Jews of the rights, to establish their »wn: schools ajb,any; time; that it takes away the-rights and powers-.of*-the—Jewish -School CQmmissi&rf' and'- ihWtr 4tr'•leaves' the: Jewish school>[qiies^ioti 'iri' Montreal as-acute as ever.;.. ; •; .: J ; .'The amendment -proposed by Jo-seph Cohentii insert a clause in the bill that the Jewish School Commission shall bei.vested^'with rer spect to the education of'persons of the Jewish faith, with the same powers as the Catholic and the Protestant commissions was defeated. -"What the'Jews want is not privi-J leges, but rights," said Joseph 1 Cohen, • in attacking the government bill, "the ' same rights as - are--enjoyed by all other elements of the population." He claimed that Under the British North America Act, Jews were qualified to sit on the Council of Public Instruction, as soon as the Legislature has passed a law to that effect. By last -year's legislation, though this was not recognized, they had at least obtained a commission enabling them to control the education of their children. This is withdrawn from them this year, he pointed out. When Mr. Bercbvitch spoke of t2b influential Jews who had helped the French-Canadians in the early days ojf the colony, Camillien Houde, Mayor of Montreal and leader of the Conservative Opposition in the Legislature, came back with the menace of Bolshevism, saying that "if "we Have complete Christian control of dur schools, we will be safer against ifee doctrines of Lenin aricT.l*rotzky." This view was shared ^ y nearly all tjhe Conservative. .deputies ; who *. gosed the bill on the ground 11 ^^ i its it present^fform it gives %|' even in Jews certain rights".which]cannot'^ tolerated.


- Nineteen thirty-one marks the banner year that the National Tire Shop, local tire dealers,' have handled the Goodyear "lines,;H'acco?dihg' to' Barney and David Hoberman, proprietors, who had some',;interesting comments to make onvtha tire* business. " " '" ~ f .";•.; '••J- ' , • "You know," said" file . Hoberman brothers, "the tire business: :has]developed so rapidly it is l i k e ' a n Arabian night's dream. I can remember Jiack in the fabric tire / days when 3,000 miles was a long-distance for tires to travel, throughtfae early cord tire days, the straight side tire developments, the pneumatic cord, truck tire progress, all pioneered by Goodyear, up through Supertwist,'the new cord that makes Goodyear balloons stand the gaff of modern low inflations, to the high mileage of today. • "Tire prices are lowest in the history of the industry, about 65 per


1931 Revue" Offers Gala Attraction at BrandeisTkecMer Friday and Saturday

I ••

Beautiful girls, tuneful music, gorgeous costumes are feaitures of Benefit Performance for, Browriell Halll Building Fund

Sabbath Services . Candle lighting time^-6:12 p. m, Friday evening servicesr-8 p. m. Saturday morning'—8:30. a. m.


Rothschild last week contributed 20.000 shillings to the budget of the Kad'dish 'will be recited this Sab- Vienna Jewish community to enable the community to meet ail the debath for William Rothschild. mands made on it by Jews for Passover relief.


. N e x t Week

Book Review

The last bo6k review of the season,' under the auspices of the Sisterhood, will be given Tuesday afternoon, April 14» at 2:30 p. m., at the Biack-j stone' Hotel.' Dr. Cohn will review H^ H. Richardson's "Maurice Guest."

Membership Meeting

! This- Tuesdajrivening^A'prfl 'ii,' ail the members of the synagogue are urged to attend a general membership meeting at the J. C. C at 8:30 p. m. Matters of great importsnee to.the life of the synagogue' will bs discussed. '

Miss Alice Keogh and Mrs. Richard Wagner are in the cast of the "1931 Revue' Two beautiful reasons why Oma- bs used for the Brownell Hall gardt and Police Lieutenant Pat Payne also have leading roles. building fund. More than one hundred Omahans The Misses Jean Redick, Alice will take part in the cast. People Foye and Dorothy Higgins, who from every walk of life, society have taken leading roles in recant girls, school girls, matrons, busi- Junior League shows, also have ness and professional men, all have prominent roles in the revue. been assigned parts in this big fun A full orchestra under the direcextravaganza. Howard Perkins of tion of Harry Brader will play acFostoria, O., who directed the Ne- J companiments for the twelve cljortTaska Diamond Jubilee pageant, is ! UP numbers. Costumes for the directing the Revue. Mrs. Louis show and scenery are said to be C Clarke is general chairman and unusual. The cream of Omaha's talent in finds time to play accompaniments ' Those who have seen rehearsals musical, dramatic and dancing' for alt rehearsals. j of the show proclaim it the finest lines, has been gathered together. County Attorney Henry Beal and j musical comedy that has ever been Stars of previous Junior League Eugene O'Sullivan appear in a assembled in Omaha. There are revues, the Community Playhouse humorous skit, "Not Guilty," in plenty of good seats still available and other local groups are: taking which Municipal Judge Lester at the Brandeis theater box office jjart^in the Revue. Proceeds will' Palmer, City: prosecutor Al Brun- at popular prices.

lians should see the "1931 Revue" are shown in the above photograph of Miss Alice Keogh and Mrs. Richard Wagner, who are chorus members of the number, in the "Cafe Rouge," which is one of the sixteen scenes in the two acts of the fast-moving revue to be given at the Brandeis theater Friday.and Saturday night, with a matinee Saturday.

cent lower than motorists paid for them in 1914," they continued, "while all wholesale commodity'prices are 25 per cent higher. And the remarkable thing about these low tire prices is the fact that the motorist is getting from 15,000 to 20,000 miles on tires a s compared to the 3,000 back in 1914. Constantly improving tire manufacture has meant that in- spite of greater annual gasoline consumption, according t o United States -Bureau of Mines reports, renewal tire sales have fallen off from 5.4 tires in 1917 to 1.4 tires per car in 1930. "Then about balloon tires.- Since they w e r e introduced in 1923 they have been gradually crowding out the high pressure type of tire so that within a f e w years thej[ will be ^fisted exclusively on hight pressure t i r e s . " £ The N a t i o n a l | gir&"fJ3]|pp has the complete line of Goodyear all-Weather and Pathfinder tires, and as the Hpbsrmans point out, the original design principle'; o f ' t h e ^all-Weather has not been changed i n the 25 years t h a t it has been used b y the company, proving its effective traction, h e declares.

The historian will ever be grateful that, wen the G^Je City League championship. . J>ag§.jis npyr, b?ck in the for this book "because it'ton tains all city, in the insurance business. the relevant ' documented the case while the layman will find it a handy By Henry Magzamin r . and concise summary of the entire Zionist situation. Mr. Segal tells us that the ladies have started an indoor baseball league that is to be played every Wednesday a f the Center. So far four teams, Tie n-Tsin, Chlna.-(J. T. A . ) - T h e have entered, the Center, Eagles, r m j t J e w i s h d a i l n e w s p a p e r ^ t h e Announces West Side Boosters and the Night- P a i . E a s t h a 3 j u s t ^ d e i t s appearThe opening of his law office hawks. Gold baseballs will bs given aacB-bl T i e n . T s i l u I t ^ published in at 728 Union State Bank the winner and silver to the dubfin-R u s s i a n anA ^ ^ ^ u t r o (Morning) Phones: Office, JAckson 4600 ishing in second place. and its editor is L. BichovsTry. WhUe Kesidence, WAlnut 9760 „ the Utro is the first Jewish daily paNow is the chance for those who . in ^ F a r E a s t i t ig n o t t h e on] don t know how to m m to learn. The] J e w i s h ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ c ^ a . Israel's WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. Center's swimming classes ar6 now M e s s e n g e r # ^ English periodical pubopen and Mr. Segal and Mr. Foster Ughed monthly/being issued in Shangorge everyone to make the best of the hai by Ben Ezra. opportunity and join one of these Tien-Tsin, in the heart of China and 638 Securities Bid g.—AT. 4451 classes. There are classes every day two hours by rail from Peiping, the in the week. capital, has a Jewish population of about 2,000. Mr. Segal's tennis classes for girls have started. He i s giving these CHARLES SIMON The publication of few historical classes every Monday and Wednesday ICecommends works are timed so perfectly as was irom 7 o'clock to 8. The young ladies The Sanitary Laundry should take this chance to learn how 'TThe Great Betrayal (Brentano ?2.50) •The Brst of All Laundry Service" to ptay this'popular jgame. Mr. Segal by Dr. Stephen S. Wise and Jacob tSIS deHaas. Coming on the heels of the Farnam can give you expert instruction if you White P»per and the tremendous prowill attend one of these classes. Well, Well! The Center is to have test against Britain's Palestine policy a kittenball league, or, in > other this important book took on additionwords, an Indoor Baseball League. al significance. Tracing the British obligations in The games will be played on the CenJOB FOUNUKY Palestine since the war days the book tral High School diamond every SunAND MACHINE WORK links together in a most readable narday morning. Those wishing to play REINFORCING STEEL rative the entire Zionist documentary should see Mr. Segal. history and shows that Britain not only broke its pledges but has beChuck Slotkin, that up and coming trayed the Jews. Forcefully, scholarHebrew welterweight, is to meet a ly and in dignified fashion these two tough boy this Friday at the Auditor- internationally known Zionist leaders Third Ave. and 11th Street ium. Chuck is to meet the pride of plead the Zionist case before the bar Phones: 89 and 519 the^ Ford stable, namely, Johnny of public opinion. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA



Mr. Allan Cohen

After July 1, P r o ^ ^ d w i n R. A. Seligman, professor of economics at Columbia University jfor many years and one of the country's outstanding economists, will become professor emeritus cf political j ^ n o m y , it Was announced by the University. Dr. Seligman, who i s editor-inc h i e f o f the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, recently sold his private library of 50,000 books, pamphlets and autographed letters in the field of sconomics, to Columbia Univer-' sity.

Certified Public Accountants


SPRAGUE FURNACES Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company

Smogie. The customers will be insured of a real battle, as both boys can give and take with the best of them. Slotkin is under the management of Roy Feltman, the man who made Tommy Grogan. Talking to Dave Bleicher I wonder how many remember this sport star. He was one of the best Jewish athletes in the city. While at Central High he was a letter man in baseball, basketball, and football. He was also a member of the Center team

wonder Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy Is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high repula-. idsj that youi try iti tioni re^omniehdsj

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209 So. 11th St.

J A. 0528

Rummage Sale

Rabbi Goldstein was in Minneapolis on Monday to- address the assemblv at the graduation exercises of the Minneapolis Talmud Torah.

WA. 576S

For 50 Years Your Towel Man ' Omaha Towel Supply Co.


The Sisterhood will hold a Rummage Sale on April 14 and 15. Phone Mrs. I. Rosenthal (Wa. 0999-) and she will collect your things.


Father Lavergne's address has i-roused great indignation in Montreal Jewry and Station CKAC -has received numerous protests. AntirDefamation League of the B'nai Brith may take some action in the matter since a new. radio bill recently passed by the provincial governments, forbids using the air for libelous or defamatory purposes. .;

"Leisure." , f •; / • i i Sunday .evening - at,, 6:30. j?. .mfi .he. -will speak before the Young People of the First Congregational Church of Council Bluffs. ' On April jlS he will reviem^Thei .Adams Famfly" for, the Pr|fessib|nal ^Men's iCIub at noon, and jat \1 p.jni. lie will review the same book at tne •* Tanigfrt._ , Paxton Hotel f f f h e Doctors Wives "Religion u)|the New l>ay" will %z * Society. .,• ... "r... • i the s^ij^jjSf Rabbi Jf1re|er|ck >C#ni*« * tiast" Wednesday! Dr. Cohn adsermon at Temple Israel tonight.* dressed the Parent-Teachers association of Yates School on "Leisure." ,

- Tomprrow morning Rabbi Cohn's Vienna. — Baron Louis Rothstopic yall be "Sacrifices." child, head of the A u g e a n house of

: Babbi Goldstein- will speak on "What Kind of Jewish* Education < Do Owe 6'ur Children?n:'" ''


Notes of Temple •I

School before the Parent-Teachers association at 3:30 p. m. Monday on

Tomorrow Morning

Tonight Rabbi Hyman Rabinowitz of Sioux City will occupy the pulpit tonight. He will speak on "Some of Our Weaknesses.



KENNEDY, HOLLAND & DELA 1503 City National Bank BIdgr. "'. ' PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Samuel A. Robertson, Deceased. ;Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the adminis' trator of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County. Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, • on the 28th day of May, 1931, and on the 28th day of July, 1931, at 9 o'clock A. M.. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment .; and allowance. Three months are allowed ; for [the creditors to Preseriti their claims, from the 25ta U«y of April,. 3932. f f J.-.( i BBYCH CBAWPORD. i" • 4-3-3T -.....County Judge.


Harry H. Lnpldus. President- Tress.


Southwest Corner - Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.


PnoneATLANTfC O6$9 313 S0.14TH.ST. OMAHA.


1405 Harney

Speaking Engagements

JA, 5277

Dr. Cohn will speak at Saunders FRADEVBCRC, STALMASTEK £ BEBEB OSCAR T. nOKRIl PHILIP M. KXCTZXICK, Attorneys SSO Omahi National Bank Bldr. NOTICE OP BISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby Bir«-n tliut the partner-] ship hrtvtofore existing; between Isidor J^evtnKmi auil Bnrney Feinstein in the op- I «ratiou of the friiit rtepartment. nt Uiej" iirocery-tSan Company af «n North 3i>thl street. Omaha, Nebraska, has been ilissolv- j ed and that the said husinrss vill be carried OH by Barney Feinstein who will lie ' responsible for all present and future debts , nt said business. l>nted at Omaha, Nebraska, this Uth day of April, 1931. ISIPOK LEVINSON. BARNEY FEINSTEIN. 4-10-31—4T

BRANDEIS SHOE REPAIR DEPT. Reasonable Prices Delivery Service Use Your Charge Account


Everything for the Aato" 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524

FBADEXBCRfi, STALMASTER & BEBEB Attorneys SO Omaha National Bank Bide NOTICE OV DISSOLUTION OF PARTXKKSHII' ' Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Hurry U. I KozlM-rgr nnd I lurry Soskin. inuler the firm:: name of Sofskiii nod Ko^berg. at 13*12 North 20th street,'at tWnaha, Nebraska, has'beeii' dissolved nnd tjiat the «Jiid .business will be carried en by Harry SoBkiu. who will* Ite fespoiitiilUe for- nil tbe prewal ami future debts of «he «aiil business. Dared at Omaha. Nebraska, this 17th day' of March. 1931. < -.•. : • . HJKKI H. KOZBEKQ. 1 HAKRYSOSKIN. 4T—3-27 . FKADENBCIW?. ST14LMASTEK & B£BEB Attorneys SO Omaha Satianal Bask Bld«. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF VICTOR VALVES. IXC. , Notice is hereby gives that, at a special meeting of all of the stockholders of Victor Valves, Inc., ield oil November 17, 1030, at Omaha, Nebraska, the following resolution wns iiniinimously ndopted: "BE IT KKSOI/VED, Thnt Victor Valves Inc., be it nil the same is hereby dissolved and Hint the offieers of the corporation be and they nre hereby nuthorixed to file notice of said dissolution with the Secretary of Stiile nt Lincoln. Nebraska, nnd <o noblish notice of £&id dissolution in the Jewish Press at Omnha, Nebraska " WILLIAM MILUKU, President. HTMIE MILDER, Secretary. 3-20-4T FKABESBCBG, STALMASTEB & BEBEIS Attorneys-at-I>aw Omabm National Bank Buildlnr, Omaha, Nebraska NOTICE OF THE INCORPORATION OF NATIONAL. INVESTORS, INC. | Notice is hereby given that the under-' signed bare formed a corporation under tbe laws of tbe State of Nelirnsta, trader the I name of NATIONAI, INVESTORS, INC., with its principal ulnce "of business at! Omnbn. Nebraska. Tbe general nature oi the business to be trnnsacted iind tbe objects and purposes tor which this corporation is organized and established nre to carry on a geneml investment business; lo buy,-sell and trade in bouds, debentures, shares of stock, securities, scrip, chattel mortgages nnd real eBtnte mortgages; to operate a sales organization for the purpose of selling or disposing of any of tbe above mentioned items; to engage in the general real estate, rental and insurance business, and to buy, sell nnd trade in real estate, • leasehold property and personal property of every nature and description; to i hi prove any real estate or personal property owned by.lt; te : borrow money and issue IHMKJS, debentures or obligations of-this corporation and. to secure the same by niortcages or otherwise; to do any and all things incidental to any of tbe foregoing. The authorized, capital stock shall be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000 00) nnd all of said stock shall lie common and of the. par value of $100.00 per share, and shall l>e fully pnid for when issued and uon-nssessnble. The corporation shall commence business upon tbe filing of its articles with the Conmy Clerk of 1J on gins County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty years from said date. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation may subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The nffain- of the corporation shall be inanug ^. by a Board of not less than two dlrocr»rs. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first Tuesday of January, of each year, at which time the Jtoard of Directors shall also hold its annual meeting and elect a President, Vice-President. Secretary and Treasurer. Any two of said offices may be held by one nnd the same person. These articles may lie amended at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders ppon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the outstanding1 stock. IN WITNESS WHEKKOF w& have hereunto set our hands this 27th. day of March, 1931. WALTER MEIEK, In presence of 4-3-31—4T SAM BEEBEll Statement of the ownership, management, circulation, etc.. of The Jewish Eress, published weekly: at Omaho, - Nebr., required l>y the Act of. August 24, 1012, for April 1, 1JB1: Business Manager, David Blacker, Omaha, Nebr. Known stockholders, mortgages and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: None. Sworn to and. subscribed before me this first dayi of AprU, 1931.1 Milton B.J Abrahams, Notary Public. : (My commission expires March 3, 1934). ;

1619 Parnam St—AT. 8481



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