Shana Tova!

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Men’s Event


Dear Community,


Your Federation is excited to announce that the 2013 Annual Men’s Event will be underwritten by the Mizel Family Foundation for a second year, and is set to once again break records as the largest gathering of Jewish men in San Diego! This year’s Men’s Event will be at the Del Mar Fairgrounds on November 20th.


Shalom! It’s been a busy summer for your Jewish Federation! We’ve been sending future leaders on Birthright Israel trips, planning next year’s amazing community events, and working diligently with our local partners to further understand and address the needs of our elderly. This summer flew by, now Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are rapidly approaching.

Following the success of last year, the Mizel Family Foundation has generously agreed to underwrite the event ensuring the event remains free and open to the entire community.

The High Holidays give us an opportunity for individual and community renewal. They also remind us of how we can take our responsibilities more seriously, recommit ourselves to mitzvot and tikkun olam, and improve our lives and the lives of others.

Last year’s groundbreaking event featuring keynote speaker Magic Johnson was a smashing success drawing a crowd of over 800 men! This year we hope to build on last year’s success with another amazing night of Jewish brotherhood. Co-chairs Daniel Ellman, Ira Feinswog, Jack Maizel, and Ron Zollman will publicly announce this year’s speaker at the upcoming kickoff event for table captains. For more information on the Jewish Federation of San Diego 2013 Annual Men’s Event please contact Joseph Berman at

Jewish Federation’s mobile application is now available on Android and Apple. Scan QR code to download application or search “Jewish Federation” in the App Store.

On behalf of the board and staff of the Jewish Federation, we invite you to join us in renewing our efforts to realize our Federation’s vision of a vibrant, caring, connected, and enduring Jewish community. We extend our wishes for a shana tova — a good and sweet year for you and your loved ones, for our nation, for the people and State of Israel, and for all humanity. Thank YOU for all that you do.

Shana Tova Together, We Do Extraordinary Things 4950 Murphy Canyon Road San Diego, CA 92123

(858) 571-3444

Teresa Dupuis

Michael Sonduck

Board Chair

President and CEO

Birthright Israel Trip Inspires Local Young Adults

Blueprint for the Future of Elder Care

Forty-one young adults with ties to San Diego spent 10 days living, breathing, and experiencing Israel. Eight Israelis showed the young travelers Israel through their own eyes, ears, and stomachs! They explored Jewish history inside the Old City, walking through the ancient aqueducts, and watching the sunrise over Masada. Other highlights of the trip included visiting a Bedouin tent, rafting down the Jordan River, and clubbing in Jerusalem. Deep friendships were formed that will last a lifetime, as these young adults discovered their connection to Israel on this formative journey.

It is projected that by 2030, 25% of Americans will be 65 and older, and

The Birthright Israel trip also brought travelers face-to-face with the challenges in Israel at the borders with Syria, Gaza, and the West Bank, where they spoke with Israelis who live in those regions. At Mount Herzl (the Military Cemetery) they visited Theodor Herzl’s Grave, the national military cemetery, and the Victims of Acts of Terror Memorial, where they honored all those who have given their lives for peace for Jewish people around the world.

90% of them will prefer to age in their own homes and neighborhoods. Recognizing these facts, the Jewish Senior Services Council (JSSC) identified “aging in place” as the top priority to deepen the community’s caring for seniors. Under the leadership of Steven D. Solomon, Ph.D., who served as JSSC Chair, the Aging Task Force worked for nearly 20 months to develop a local blueprint for action. An innovative SeniorLink Gateways to Care program emerged as the number one recommended means for helping elders live in their own homes safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of income, age, or ability level. Through a collaboration of agencies, hubs located throughout San Diego County would facilitate easier access to medical care, religious practices, home repairs, financial and legal assistance, hospice care, friendly visitors, civic

Another powerful part of the trip was the visit to Shar Ha’Negev. At the recently built community high school, Birthright Israel travelers heard from a local film student and watched her terrifying documentary about living and coping with rocket attacks from Gaza in the region.

engagement, and other services to alleviate isolation.

Birthright Israel is not a trip of answers. It is a way for young adults to explore their own relationship with Judaism, our history and the modern State of Israel. For more information and details about the trip, please contact Carly Ezell, Young Adult Division Program Manager, at or call 858-571-3444.

for the old, the incurable, the helpless are the true gold mines of a culture.”

For more information about the progress of the “Aging in Place” blueprint for action, please visit As Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “A test of a people is how it behaves toward the old. It is easy to love children…but the affection and care

Local Elected Officials Visit Israel This July, Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) took a group of San Diego elected officials and Jewish community leaders to Israel on a truly meaningful journey. The trip, chaired by Alan Viterbi, was specially designed to provide participants with a deeper understanding of Israel, including its political, historical, cultural, technological, strategic and religious dimensions. Speakers with varying viewpoints, including the PLO negotiating delegation now in Washington, DC, and the international spokesperson for Prime Minister Netanyahu, exposed participants to the intricate complexities of life in Israel. The trip concluded with a visit to Sha’ar HaNegev, where the delegation was warmly greeted by community leaders. The day, dubbed “Yom San Diego,” demonstrated the value of San Diego–Israel people-to-people connections. As a border community that knows only too well the challenges of daily life, yet lives that life with great hope, the Negev region is an inspiration to the world. The elected officials in the delegation brought home great knowledge of daily existence in Israel that will enhance and inform their work here in San Diego. For more information and details about the trip, please contact Linda Feldman, JCRC Director, at or call 858-571-3444.

“As a leader in the community, it is my responsibility to provide leadership that is accurate, sensitive and forward thinking. The journey to Israel is essential to my growth as a responsible leader.” Shirley Weber, California State Assembly Member, 79th District

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