Legacy Giving

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The your family’s journey Country The story ofstory youroffamily’s journey fromfrom thethe OldOld Country

Your passion for doing good

What will you pass down to future generations? C r e at e a j e w i s h l e g a c y

Your grandfather’s fedora OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY


Dropping coins into a tzedakah

Which Jewish memories

do you most cherish?

Cousins crammed around

Sipping sweet


C r e at E A J e w i s h L e g a c y

Which Jewish experiences do you most cherish? The taste of apples and honey at Rosh Hashana? Your first trip to Israel? Dancing the hora at a family bar mitzvah? In one way or another, you’ve no doubt enjoyed the warmth, closeness, traditions and support of a vibrant Jewish community throughout your life. Once you are gone, who will keep these traditions alive and thriving for future generations? Jewish tradition teaches that one of our key responsibilities is to make the world a better place for future generations. Chances are you already donate generously to the Jewish Federation. But have you considered including Federation in your will, so you can continue to make a difference for generations to come?

the Seder table

A legacy gift is your way to leave financial resources to the Jewish Federation of San Diego which is doing vitally important work. Your legacy can be structured to fit your lifestyle, goals, family and financial needs.

Kiddush wine

C r e at E A J e w i s h L e g a c y

Creating your own Jewish legacy ensures that you will be remembered and that your work and your values will continue when you are no longer here. It also serves as an example to your loved ones that you believe it’s important to support the Jewish community.

The legacy planning process can help start important heartfelt conversations with your family and can build bonds with your partners in the community.

H o w D o I Begin?

First, reflect on your priorities. What important work do you want to support? Perhaps you want to provide money to help the elderly, alleviate poverty, or support Jewish education. You may want to endow your Annual Campaign gift to the Jewish federation so it will continue indefinitely. S h o u l d I Start To Think About Leavin g A Lega cy?

The answer is different for each individual. Some people make their wills when they have a first child, or when they receive an inheritance. The time is always right to think about how you wish to be remembered, so don’t put it off. I ’ m N o t Wealt hy, Are Legacy Gif t s Righ t for Me?

You do not have to be wealthy to have an estate or to leave a legacy. No matter what your income or estate value, your gift is important. Ask yourself, will your beneficiaries miss 5% of your estate? Could you leave that 5% of your estate to the Jewish community? Those funds may be essential in keeping vital programs alive to benefit future generations.


Hearing the shofar sound Marching in a Salute to Israel parade

What Jewish experiences

inspire you?


Welcoming new neighbors

Comforting a grieving

What Jewish values do you want to sustain?

Strengthening your

C r e at E A J e w i s h L e g a c y

The act of creating a legacy empowers you to complete the work of your heart and to enjoy the peace that it brings. By leaving a legacy to the Jewish Federation, you will ensure that the traditions and institutions that mean so much to you in your lifetime will exist for future generations.


The importance and impact of your legacy gift will be most clearly felt by the community once you are gone. However, you may experience tax advantages in your lifetime, and your estate and heirs may benefit from additional tax savings.

Who Can H elp Me?

A philanthropic advisor at the Jewish federation can be your partner in planning a legacy gift that fulfills your goals and is consistent with your other estate plans. Federation is a trusted local institution with a long history of building Jewish community, supporting Israel, and sustaining local agencies that provide a multitude of essential services and activities. Do I Hav e To Ma k e A C omple te ly New Will?

No. Typically, just a few sentences added to your will in the form of a codicil are enough to make a legacy gift. You should not assume your family knows your wishes, so preparing a valid codicil with your lawyer is important. You can also make a legacy gift by simply changing the beneficiary designation of a retirement account, pension plan or life insurance policy. Your financial planner can tell you how best to make it happen.

Jewish community

Jewish Federation of San Diego County Legacy Society The Legacy Society is a group of dedicated and committed individuals who want to guarantee that the Jewish Federation of San Diego County continues to provide its programs and services for many years to come. By establishing a legacy through a bequest or planned gift, they have planted the seed for future generations, doing their part to make sure the San Diego Jewish community remains strong and vibrant and that programs which ensure the continuity of the Jewish people exist in Israel and around the world.

To further discuss planning a legacy gift, please contact Miriam Norten at 858.737.7144 | miriamn@jewishfederationsandiego.org.



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