Federation Rosh Hashana 2012

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Men’s Event and Options Underwritten!

Dear Friends,

We are excited to announce that for the first time in its history, the Men’s Event has been fully and generously underwritten, thanks to the Mizel Family Foundation. That means that everyone is coming for FREE!

We would like to extend our best wishes to you and your family for a joyful,

The 16th Annual Men’s Event is taking place on Thursday, December 6, 2012, at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Under

The central focus of our work at Federation is to bring us together as a community,

meaningful, healthy and reflective year of growth and the sweetest things in life. The arrival of the New Year is a time for families to be together, reminding us that our community is really an extension of our families. As in all families, the ties that bind us are much more significant than any of the issues that divide or challenge us. as a people, for the mutual benefit of all.

the extraordinary leadership of four remarkable members of our community, Ronnie

In the year that has passed, we have indeed found strength as a community, pulling

Diamond, Ira Feinswog, Todd Kirschen and Alan Viterbi, and over 100 table captains,

together to serve, to help, to heal and to take care of one another, honoring the

we will offer an evening of delicious food, a world-class speaker (to be announced

traditional Jewish values of tzedakah and tikkun olam. Together, we have built

soon) and the mitzvah of Tzedakah. As in past years, the event helps us raise the funds

a school in the Gaza region of the Negev, expanded unique, impactful services,

necessary to build and sustain Jewish life in San Diego, Israel and around the world. For more information, contact Raquel Benguiat at raquelb@jewishfederationsandiego.org.

Women’s Philanthropy is also delighted to announce that OPTIONS 2013 will be generously underwritten by Pauline Foster. The largest annual gathering of women in the San Diego Jewish community, OPTIONS celebrates the power of women and raises critically needed funds for our local and global Jewish community. This year’s event will be chaired by Jessica Effress, Leslie Fastlicht Russo and Danielle Shulman. Details of these exciting events will be coming soon. For more information on OPTIONS, contact Deena Libman at deenal@jewishfederationsandiego.org Want to learn more about Federation’s great programs and initiatives? Go to www. jewishinsandiego. org/2012.aspx

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4950 Murphy Canyon Road

San Diego, CA 92123

(858) 571-3444

enhanced our vibrant community, and addressed the needs of our people here

Together we do extraordinary things

at home, in Israel and around the world. We’ve accomplished some extraordinary things, as you’ll read about in this newsletter. We are filled with gratitude for all we have achieved. You have made all this possible through your generosity and your committed support for the things we all care about. In this time of reflection, we are particularly thankful for everything our donors, volunteers and community members do to make our Jewish community thrive. We hope the coming year of 5773 will be filled with the desire to fulfill our share of responsibilities to tikkun olam, to one another and to all of Israel. L’ shanah tovah u metukah May you, and those you love, be written in the book of life for a sweet New Year. May you know the blessings of health, happiness and prosperity.

Claire Ellman, Michael Sonduck, Board Chair

Interim President and CEO

4-Star Charity Navigator We are proud to announce that the Jewish Federation of San Diego County has just earned the coveted 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator for sound fiscal

Studies show that Jewish overnight camp

management and commitment to accountability and transparency. In the world

is a key factor in inspiring a lifelong

of charitable giving, a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator is the ultimate stamp

commitment to Jewish life. Last year, the

of approval, signifying that an organization is a sound social investment for

Jewish Federation was proud to bring the One Happy Camper

prospective donors. Thanks to the diligence of the Board, staff and volunteers,

program to San Diego, and to award over 120 San Diego

your Federation can now count itself among the top 25% of charities in the

children grants to attend Jewish camp. In 2012, over 160

nation! We have worked hard to make sure we are creating the greatest impact as

children and teens benefited from this program, an increase of

efficiently as possible, and we are proud to have earned this distinction. We are

33% from our inaugural year. Through our outreach efforts, we

grateful to all of you for supporting our work, and we are glad to show you that we

enrolled campers from 19 different synagogues who attended

are using your donations responsibly.



The Federation is pleased to announce the launch of its new

14 different camps across North America. By reaching out to the secular community, we were also able to expand this

Sha’ar HaNegev School Opening

life-changing program to single-parent Jewish families and to

On June 26th, the Jewish Federation of San Diego County and our

10 families who report they are not currently members of a

partners in Sha’ar Hanegev celebrated the opening of the Yitzchak

synagogue. This year we raised $90,000 for the One Happy

Shavit School and the special dedication of the Alexander Joseph

Camper program, and next year we plan to send over 180

Viterbi Arts Center. International and Israeli dignitaries attended

San Diego youth to Jewish overnight camp.

the school’s opening and lauded the school’s state-of-the-art

website for San Diego Jewish 20’s and 30’s: www.2030Project.org. The 2030 Project helps young Jewish adults connect to Jewish experiences, Jewish community and each other. 2030Project. org features an interactive and customizable calendar for all young adult programs and activities, Jewish community resources, information on various Jewish young adult groups and opportunities for young adults to connect with each other and

fortified campus. The grounds include a science center,

to engage with the community. There are events for singles,

synagogue, archeological park, concert stage, chemical warfare

couples and young families, graduate students and Jewish young

safety rooms and 28 bomb shelters. Over the past 10 years,

professionals. Currently, we are partnering with San Diego area

Federation donors have contributed more than $11 million to Sha’ar HaNegev, which

synagogues to offer discounted High Holiday tickets for Jewish

is under constant threat from Gaza rockets. Following the escalation of rockets in

twenty and thirty somethings! The Federation wants to create

2008, it was decided that the region needed a specially shielded high school. The


One Happy Camper

a vibrant San Diego community of Jewish young adults. The

Federation took a bold step as the first organization to commit its support to building

future of our community is here now, ready to be engaged!

the school. On August 27th, in a ceremony attended by President Shimon Peres, the Yitzchak Shavit School opened its doors to over 1,200 students. For many, it was their first exposure to the arts, music, design and drama, and their first opportunity to study in safety. Through this very special partnership between your Federation and Sha’ar HaNegev, mutual understanding is growing between Americans and Israelis, and the promise of a stronger global Jewish identity is being realized.



The 2030 Project

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