Annual Report 2012

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2012 [jewish federation]



YOUR FEDERATION IN ACTION In 2012, your Federation worked to strengthen and broaden the connection of our San Diego Jewish community to each other, our friends in Israel, and Jewish People around the world.

Jewish Future

2030 Project

Israel & Overseas

Young Adult Division (YAD)

Jewish Advocacy

One Happy Camper

Jewish Caring


Sha’ar HaNegev

Women’s Philanthropy

San Diego Celebrates Israel

2012 Annual Community Report

[shalom aleichem] In 2012, the Jewish Federation of San Diego County made a world of difference here in San Diego, in Israel, and around the world. And thanks to donors like you, we accomplished so many great things last year. Among the highlights, we helped to inspire the children of Sha’ar 4

HaNegev, alongside the Gaza border, by building a rocket-proof school where they can learn in a safe environment. We worked with our international partners to feed those who are hungry in Israel and the former Soviet Union, and provided critical care for those who cannot care for themselves. Locally, our chaplaincy program comforted hundreds of Jews in their time of need, and we ensured a bright Jewish future through our 2030 Project and One Happy Camper programs. None of this would be possible without your support. In our commitment to spend your gift wisely and efficiently, this year, we are proud to report your Federation earned Charity Navigator’s 4-star rating, the highest possible, for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency. Thanks to the diligence of the Board, staff and volunteer leadership, your Federation can now count itself among the top 25% of charities in the nation! In addition, Federation launched a significantly upgraded website,, offering live feeds from breaking news

Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.

sources on Israel, engaging blogs, a local news feed from our partners and programs, new interesting videos, social media integration, and a host of community event and resource listings. You will also find the most up-to-date information on critical Federation programs, missions and opportunities to do a world of good! Your Federation continues to focus on our key impact areas: Jewish Future, Jewish Caring, Jewish Advocacy, and Israel & Overseas. This report highlights some of our work in these critical areas. In the coming year, we will continue our efforts to meet the needs of Jews around the world and build our community for the future. We are committed to doing more and look forward to working with each and every one of you. Thank you for all you do for the community.

Claire Ellman Board Chair

Michael Sonduck President and CEO



2013 Annual Community Report



JEWISH ADVOCACY The Jewish Federation of San Diego County and its partners forge connections among different Jewish groups and with the larger community, and take a proactive role in maintaining Israel’s positive standing in society.

Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.

JCRC One of our biggest accomplishments of the past year was the introduction of the new Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), consisting of more than 70 representatives from partners across the diverse spectrum of our community. 7

The council serves as the public affairs arm of Federation and the Jewish community, as well as a place for the community to come together in times of crisis, celebration and commemoration. The JCRC’s mission is to maximize the San Diego Jewish community’s impact in the areas of Israel Advocacy, Public Policy/Legislative Affairs and Interfaith/Intergroup Relations through civil dialogue, information sharing, cooperation, and collaborative advocacy. All local organizations and individuals are invited to participate in JCRC’s initiatives, as the JCRC strives to serve the interests of the entire community and create awareness and exposure for issues of Jewish concern.

2012 Annual Community Report

JEWISH FUTURE An important aspect of our work is to develop and strengthen Jewish identity — as individuals and as a collective — to preserve our history and create lasting cultural connections. The strong and capable Jewish leaders of tomorrow will require support and education that instill Jewish values and pride in Israel. Federation and its partners remain committed to building and maintaining a resilient sense of Jewish identity and continuity.


2030 PROJECT In 2012, the 2030 Project was initiated as a community-wide resource, building a network of leaders of over 20 groups that serve young adults in San Diego County. In June, the 2030 Project launched the Jewish young adult web portal and awarded its first round of program grants, funding new, innovative ways for young Jews to connect to each other and the community as a whole. Your generosity supports this critical program by providing young adult Shabbats, engagement activities and social networking activities that sustain our community, as well as more than $30,000 in travel subsidies to help young San Diegans connect to the Jewish homeland. Your Federation dollars make a difference.

Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.

YOUNG ADULT DIVISION (YAD) YAD, the Young Adult Division of the Jewish Federation of San Diego County, is the nexus of San Diego’s vibrant community of Jews aged 21 to 45. OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY


YAD offers various channels of engagement in order to be the most diverse young adult group in the county. Our mission is to encourage young adults in San Diego to connect to the Jewish community in ways that are most meaningful to them. Through this strategy, YAD is able to attract many brilliant and creative minds in San Diego and connect them to Federation. During this past year, YAD: • Hosted 1,628 paid event participants • Held 365 events • Supported 310 Shabbat experiences • Had 109 philanthropic learning opportunities • Welcomed 108 newcomers to San Diego • Hosted 5 YAD Cares events to help the community • Offered 51 YAD leadership positions • Sent 34 young adults to “TribeFest” in Las Vegas


2012 Annual Community Report

ONE HAPPY CAMPER Countless studies have shown that Jewish overnight summer camp has lasting effects on campers, inspiring a lifelong commitment to Jewish life. Adults who were campers are 37% more likely to light Shabbat candles and 10% more likely to marry a Jewish partner. They are also 26% more likely to be members of a synagogue. Recognizing these documented connections between attending camp and becoming an active member of our Jewish community was the driving force that brought the One Happy Camper program to San Diego. This past year, Federation’s One Happy Camper program provided grants for 160 kids to attend residential Jewish camp, 33% more than last year! We also provided more than $50,000 in needs-based 10

scholarship funds directly to Camp Mountain Chai. Your Federation dollars provide these kids an opportunity to connect to their Jewish heritage, build our community, and change their lives.


Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.


ISRAEL AND OVERSEAS Federation and its partner programs present unique opportunities to connect San Diegans to Israel and other Jewish communities worldwide, working to strengthen the Jewish people globally. We feed, shelter and provide healthcare and medicine to Jews in the former Soviet Union; rescue Jews whose lives are threatened in several corners of the world; and connect the next generation to Israel as a core part of their identity. Your Federation dollars make it all possible.

2012 Annual Community Report


SHA’AR HANEGEV More than 75 San Diegans and Federation leaders made the journey to Sha’ar HaNegev, Israel, for the special dedication of the Alexander Joseph Viterbi Arts Center and the opening of the Yitzhak Shavit Sha’ar HaNegev School. We celebrated the culmination of 14 years of

Arts Center and $11 million to the region. We

hard work, philanthropy and partnership. We

were blessed to be joined by members of the

proudly represented the San Diego Jewish

Viterbi family, who were instrumental in working

community, which is making a tangible dif-

with the head of the school in promoting this

ference in empowering the children of Sha’ar

visionary project. Through our San Diego-

HaNegev to flourish in their educational and

Sha’ar HaNegev Partnership 2Gether, we are

artistic endeavors in a safe, rocket-proof, state-

undertaking new initiatives and projects that,

of-the-art school dedicated to building Jewish

on a daily basis, inspire deeper understanding


and connections, make lives on both sides more meaningful, and unify us in a thriving

The first overseas organization to commit to

and fortified common destiny for the Jewish

funding the school, Federation — through your


generous contributions — has provided more than $1 million to the Alexander Joesph Viterbi

Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.

SAN DIEGO CELEBRATES ISRAEL Thanks to your generosity, Federation hosted the 2012 San Diego Celebrates Israel Yom Ha’atzmaut Festival, commemorating the 64th Independence Day of Israel. The nearly 3,000 people in attendance created a strong feeling of community and warmth that filled Ski Beach Park. The dozens of synagogues, organizations, merchants and vendors who participated in the event underscore the local community’s deep commitment to Israel. We have received tremendous positive feedback about the San Diego Celebrates Israel Festival, and recognize that it was because of the community’s participation and partnership that this dream became a reality.


2012 Annual Community Report


Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.

JEWISH CARING Our Jewish community has a long tradition of humanitarianism. The broad reach of Federation and our partners JDC and JAFI assures that we, as a community, can respond instantly to assist those in need. In addition to emergency response work, our network of partners in the San Diego Jewish community, like Jewish Family Service and Seacrest Village, work tirelessly to care for those in need. Together, we provide a safety net upon which our most vulnerable depend. Under the current economic challenges faced by our community, many long-time donors have now found themselves on the other side of the table. It has been heartening for many to find the caring hand they had been supporting for many years is now there for them in their time of need.


CHAPLAINCY The Jewish Community Chaplain responds to the acute pastoral and spiritual needs of unaffiliated Jews who are ill, at end of life, or experiencing life crises, including those in hospitals, long-term care facilities and prisons. Jewish Chaplaincy Service is a joint project of Federation and the San Diego Rabbinical Association.

As over 75% of Jews in San Diego are unaffiliated with a synagogue, your Federation dollars ensure that every Jewish person in San Diego has someone to talk to in time of need. You could say our Jewish Community Chaplain Rabbi Ralph Dalin’s “congregation” is the largest in the county! In just the last year (July 2011-June 2012), Rabbi Dalin served 309 clients through over 900 contacts. He also officiated at or arranged 47 funerals or memorial services. In addition, chaplaincy volunteers visited 572 Jewish hospital patients. None of this would be possible without your support.

2012 Annual Community Report

WOMEN’S PHILANTHROPY This has been a very busy year for the women of Federation. This year, one of our most vital volunteer groups, Women’s Philanthropy, in partnership with the Hand Up Youth Food Pantry, collected 80 boxes of clothing (over 2,500 pieces) during a six-month clothing drive that benefited 120 military families.


In addition, 17 women from San Diego participated in the National Women’s Philanthropy Heart-to-Heart Mission, traveling to Israel on a journey of a lifetime. Witnessing first-hand the incredible work of Federation and our overseas partner agencies, they returned inspired and eager to become actively involved in Women’s Philanthropy here in San Diego.

Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.


2012 Annual Community Report

REMEMBERING JAN An inspirational philanthropist, Jan “June” Tuttleman served as the Women’s Philanthropy Chair, as well as the immediate past board chair of the Jewish Federation of San Diego County, 2010-2011. She also served on the boards of Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and the 18

Sanford-Burnham Institute for Medical Research. Jan’s dedication to community was selfless, ubiquitous and aweinspiring. When she wasn’t spending time with her husband and two daughters, she was a community visionary, meeting with influential leaders and instilling in them a sense of awareness and obligation to San Diego and the Jewish community. It was never enough for her to empathize with a bad situation; she went out into the community and made a difference. Jan was a loving soul with a generous heart who made our world, and our community, a better place. After being diagnosed with stage-four brain cancer in September 2011, Jan came to epitomize the courageous fighter, dubbing herself “The Brain Warrior.” Even as she suffered, her irrepressible spirit provided those around her, including family, friends, and colleagues, with a sense of strength, hope and, most importantly, faith. On behalf of the Chair of the Federation Board, Claire Ellman, the CEO, Michael Sonduck, the entire board and staff, and the community, we extend our deepest sympathies to Craig, Sophie and Emma and the entire family. She will not be forgotten.

Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.


2012 Annual Community Report






2030 Project

Chesed Home, Hope Village San Diego

The Mitzvah Makers

Community Chaplaincy Program

Day School Scholarships

Disaster Preparation and Response

Hillel of San Diego

Friendship Circle of San Diego

Jewish Education Services Council (JESC)

G’mach Jewish Gift Closet

Ken Jewish Community

Jewish Family Service (JFS)

Moishe House

Jewish Senior Services Council (JSSC)

National Conference of Synagogue Youth

On the Go

One Happy Camper

Seacrest Village Retirement Communities

Tarbuton, Israeli Cultural Center

Victor Center Jewish Gene Screening

Young Adult Division (YAD)






American Jewish Joint Distribution

Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Committee (JDC)

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI)

Israel Action Network (IAN)

Sha’ar HaNegev Cultural Programs

Israel Advocacy Leadership Forum

Sha’ar HaNegev – P2G Partnership 2Gether

Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA)

Taglit – Birthright Israel

Jewish Public Affairs Committee of CA (JPAC)

World ORT

Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) Latino-Jewish Coalition (LJC)





Percent (%)

8 0 100

Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.

2011-2012 FINANCIALS $7,670,849 million* How much money was raised

How the money is distributed 38

Israel & Overseas


Jewish Future


Israel & Overseas


Jewish Advocacy


San Diego Area


Jewish Caring

Percent (%)

Where the money is distributed



0 100

Percent (%)

0 100


Sources of Funds


% of Total


% of Total

Net Campaign Contributions/Pledges





Program Revenue



$306,410 3%

Endowment Distribution














% of Total


% of Total

Local Programs, Services & Grants





Israel & Overseas Program, Services & Grants





National Programs, Services & Grants





Cost of Raising Funds**





Administrative Expenses





Total Uses of Funds

$ 7,670,849


$ 9,006,402


Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets

$ 259,128

Other Revenue Total Sources of Funds

Uses of Funds

$ 11,950

Selected information based on 2010-2011 IRS 990 filings. The 2011 990 information is preliminary. These amounts will differ from the audited financial statements. *Includes both unrestricted and donor designated commitments. **Includes six months of YAD expenses and cost of Federation events

2012 Annual Community Report


Claire Ellman


Andrea Oster


Jan Tuttleman z”l


Theresa Dupuis


Judy Belinsky & Susan Shmalo


Laura Tauber


Gary Kornfeld


Tad Parzen


Lori Polin


Brooke Demner


Jon Schneider


Emily Einhorn


Terri Bignell

Jack Maizel

Jeff Deverett

Gary Shekhter

Rich Effress

Stuart Starr

David Geffen

Brian Tauber

Leigh Johnson

Simon Vainer

Jennifer Levitt

Caryn Viterbi


Michael Sonduck

*denotes members of the Executive Committee

Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.


Deena Libman

Interim CFO

Senior Development Manager

Women’s Philanthropy

Carole Brewer Finance & Administration Clerk

Corrie McCoy Accounting Manager

Rabbi Ralph Dalin

Jewish Community Chaplain

Dana Mekler

Administrative Assistant

Carly Ezell

Israel & Overseas Center

Program Manager - Young Adult Division

Miriam Norten

Linda Feldman

Major Gifts Officer & Planned Giving


Jewish Community Relations Center

Allison Sanders

Administrative Assistant

Phyllis Freeman

Development & Jewish Community

Executive Assistant, Development

Relations Center

Karen Grossman Mitzvah Makers Consultant

Lisa Haney Director Community Planning & Innovation Center

Brenda J. Saunders Receptionist

Brenda Silvers Camping Coordinator

Michael M. Sonduck Mandy H. Danzan

President & Chief Executive Officer

Director of Development

Aaron Truax

Debbie Kempinski


Major Gifts Officer, Lion of Judah

Rachel Kitt Development Manager Community Campaign

Marketing and Communications

Alexa Wilson Executive Assistant

Lee Wollach

Debbie Kornberg

Planning Associate

Director, Israel and Overseas Center

Lance Yeaman

Alex Leverant

Donor Services Manager

YAD Associate


2012 Annual Community Report

THANK YOU Jewish Federation of San Diego County Donors We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the donor advised fund holders and family foundations of the Jewish Community Foundation for grants of

$3,087,434 which they recommended to

support the work of Federation.


International Leadership

Cindy Bloch

Elaine Galinson

Larry Bloch

Murray Galinson z”l

Elaine Chortek

Beverly Glickman

Theresa Dupuis

Irwin Mark Jacobs

Joseph Glickman

Jessica Effress

Andrew Viterbi

Jerri-Ann Jacobs

Richard Effress

Bertram Woolf

Joan Jacobs

Naomi R. & Al Eisman

Dr. David Kabakoff

Phyllis Epstein

Marge Kalmanson

Myron Feinberg z”l

Dr. Warren O. Kessler

Richard Fink

Gary Kornfeld

Esther Fischer

Bernard Lewis z”l

Susanna Flaster

Shirley Ravet z”l

Harriet Fremland

Marilyn & Michael Rosen & Family

Laura Galinson

Robert Rubenstein

Trude Gitler z”l

Jean Shekhter

Mark Gleiberman

Jerome S. Katzin

David Shteremberg

Frank Goldberg

The Polis-Schutz Family Foundation

Donald Slate

Lee Goldberg

Elene Solomon z”l

Richard Gordon

Gary Shekhter

Eugene L. Step

James Greenbaum

Herbert Solomon

Hannah Step

Hilary Isakow

Jacqueline Woolf

Rod Stone

Selwyn Isakow

Mark Tanenbaum

Andrew Kaplan

Nessim Tiano

Jerry Katleman

Jerome Turk

Miriam Katzin

Allan Adler

Jan “June” Tuttleman z”l

Gayle Breitbard Klusky

Judy Adler

Alan Viterbi

Joanne & Mitch Leibovitz

David & Annette z”l Alpert

Erna Viterbi

Gary & Lisa Levine

Merle Annis

Stuart Weiss

Arthur Levinson

Dan Ashel

Stanley z”l & Dorothy Winter

Shana Lew

Rusti Bartell-Weiss

Anton & Julie Woolf

James Lewis

Howard Bear

Lara Woolf Grusd

Norman Lizt

Juli Bear

3 Anonymous

Steven J. Morris

Tina Beranbaum

Andrea Oster

Geoffrey & Carla Berg

Shearn Platt

Neil Berkowitz

Kenneth D. Polin

Dennis Berman

Lee Posnock

Emily & Jordan Berman

Allison Price

Marcia Berman

Prime Minister’s Council Arthur Brody z”l Pauline Foster Enid Gleich z”l

$25,000 $99,999 King David Society Arnold & Esther Belinsky Jeremy & Joan Berg Barbara Bloom Sophie Brody z”l Hattie Brooks z”l Betty J. Cohn Melvin Cohn David & Claire Ellman Daniel Epstein Aaron Feldman Diane Feuerstein


Rae Samiljan George & Mary Ann Scher Sam Shekhter Susan H. Shmalo Gayle Slate Sharon Stein Gloria Stone Laura Tauber Renee Taubman Sarah Tiano Carole Turk Audrey Viterbi & Daniel Smargon Valerie Viterbi Charles Wax Sharon & David Wax Katherine Weber Kevin & Jamie Wechter Gary & Nancy Weissberg Stanley Westreich 1 Anonymous

Gary Jacobs

$100,000 $249,999


Arnold Fischer z”l

$10,000 $24,999 Major Donors

Elliot Feuerstein

Sybil & B.J. Adelson

Robert Fink

Lawrence & Judith Belinsky

Howard Robin Elizabeth Rose Edward Samiljan

$1,800 $9,999 Pacesetters Campaign

Edgar Berner Terri Bignell

Denotes Lion of Judah, an internationally recognized group of women whose vision and commitment support our global Jewish community with a minimum gift of $5,000 each year to the Annual Campaign.

The Ben-Gurion Society is a national Young Leadership Society sponsored by the Young Leadership Cabinet of the Jewish Federations of North America (JNFA) for young leaders (ages 25 to 45) who make a commitment of $1,000 or more to the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign.

Denotes Lion of Judah Endowment, women whose vision, commitment and generosity is demonstrated by establishing an endowment, leaving a legacy to our community in perpetuity.

Denotes Legacy Society, which is comprised of individuals who have included the Jewish Federation in their estate planning, leaving a legacy to keep our Jewish community strong for generations to come.

In blessed memory. We have tried to honor all listing requests to the best of our ability. If we have made an error, please accept our sincere apology and call us at 858.571.3444 so we can make the correction prior to the next time we publish the donor roll.

Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.


Joyce Blumberg

Alma & Jonathan Geiger

Sandra Levinson

Bruce & Michelle Rawdin-Baron

Robert Blumberg

Michael Gelfand

Gary Levitt

Marlene Sasson Recht

Rabbi Lenore Bohm

Gita Gendloff

Jennifer Levitt

Robert & Lauren Resnik

Lori Bolotin z”l

Bobbie & Jon Gilbert

Marshall Lewis

Lois Richmond

Irene Borevitz

Dawn Gilman

Leonard Liebermann

Stacy Robin Jacobs

Jonathan Borok

Milt Gilman

Morris Liebermensch

Fane Robinson

Lisa Braun-Glazer

Francine Ginsburg

Zita Liebermensch

Elena Romanowsky

Ira Braverman

Phillip L. Ginsburg

Judy Lilienthal

Jodyne Roseman

Sharon Braverman

Jeffrey Glazer

Arlene Rosen

Denise Clare Breitbard z”l

Hanna Gleiberman

Lillie Breitbard z”l

Ruth Gold

The Bernard and Dorris Lipinsky Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Jaime Brener

Robyn Goldberg

Karen Breziner

Dorothy Goldberg-Pace z”l

Barbara Browne

Robert Goldklang

Steven Brozinsky

Lucy Goldman

Pamela & Spencer Burkholz

Cheryl L. Goodman

Liz Calderon

Iris Goodman

J. Michael Channick

Martin Goodman

June Chocheles

Igal Gordon z”l

Peter Chortek z”l

Lynn Gordon

Susan Chortek-Weisman

Sylvia Gorshtein

Aaron Cohn

Dorita Gotlieb

David & Leslie Cohn

Roanne Gotthelf

Philip Cohn

Lillian Gottlieb z”l

Phyllis Cohn

Daniel Green

Ronald Cohn

Mark Greenberg

Joan Cooper

Jim & Carrie Greenstein

Avrille Copans

Brandon Grusd

Susana Cohen Corrigan

Gina Guertin

Amy Corton

Jea Guertin

Dr. Brian Datnow

Kay Gurtin

Sharon Davidson

Bryna Haber

Nelly & Paul Dean

Diana L. Hahn

Steven & Diane Demeter

Darryl Hall

Debbie Deverett

David Handler

Jeff Deverett

Dr. Monica Handler-Penner

Bonnie Diamond

Howard & Iris Harris

Sandra Dimenstein

Naomi Harris

Mitchell Dubick

Wayne Harris

Carlton Eibl

Alan & Barbara Haubenstock

Dr. Daniel Einhorn

Marcia Hazan

Emily Einhorn

Beverly Hecker Bernstein

James Eisenberg

Nancie Hochberg

Toby & Norman Eisenberg

Steven Hochberg

Lynn Epsten

Mark & Cindy Hoffman

Britney Ewing

Jack & Rosa Iskin

Leslie Fastlicht Russo

Isaac Israel

Andrea Feinswog

Sonia Ancoli Israel

Ira Feinswog

Adam Jacobs

Albert Feldman

Irvin H. Jacobs, MD, MPH

Judy Feldman

Joan Jacobs

Mike Feldman

David & Leigh Johnson

Uri & Belinda Feldman

Susan Kabakoff

Alberta Feurzeig

Marjory Kaplan

Beverly Fink

Robert Kaplan

Jessica Fink

Marge Katleman

Raymond Fink

Berdele Katz

Michael Flaster

Richard A. Katz, MD

Lisa Foster

Edythe Kenton

Judith Friedel

Karen Kogut

Dr. William Friedel

Michael & Joyce Kole

Jeff Friedman

Edith Koppel Schaechter

Lawrence Fritz & Stephanie Kogan

Carol Kornfeld

Richard Gabriel

Gregg Kornfeld

Sharon Gabriel

Lisa & Gregg Kornfeld

Daniel & Allison Gardenswartz

Richard Kornfeld

Melissa Garfield Bartell

Betty & Leonard Kornreich

Susan Garfin

Harold Krasner

Jean Gaylis

Eleanor Laverson

Dr. David Geffen

Rabbi Martin Lawson

Michael Lipman Jaime Liwerant Sylvia Liwerant Estelle & Hamilton Loeb Michael London Barbara Loonin Mathew Loonin Dr. Lawrence Lotzof Lynn & Peter Louis Allen Lyon Jack Maizel Luis Maizel Sally Maizel Marcia L. Malkus Robert M. Malkus, MD Meg Mandel Felicia Mandelbaum Sivia Mann Carl Melcher Eli Meltzer Susie Meltzer Paul Meyer Alberto Michan Carlos Michan Esther Michan Jenny Michan Brian Miller Danielle Miller Anabel Mintz Theodore Mintz Charles & Ilene Mittman Tamara Moch Mario Modiano Ronnie Morgan Amy Morris Susan Morris Selwyn Moss Ruth Nelson Paul Neustein Lawrence Newman Dr. Michael Newman Rebecca Newman Steven Oberman George & Paulette Olsher Bev Pamensky Julius Pearl Suzy & Robert Penner Shirley Pidgeon Raulf Polichar Lori S. Polin Joan Pollak Stuart Posnock Jori Potiker David & Jill Prolman Allan Rabin Seymour Rabin Robyn Rapoport Stanley Rapoport Andy Ratner Anne Ratner z”l

Gerald Rosen Judith Rosen Ruth Rosenbaum Helen Rosenberg Irving & Muriel Roston Nina Sabban Brett Saloner Nicole Saloner Lillian Scharlin Sheldon Scharlin z”l Edward Schechter Judith Scheinberg Robert Scheinberg Amy Scher Jane Scher Gloria Schiffman Irving Schiffman Beverly Schmier Jerry Schneider Jon Schneider Enid Schwartz Suzanne Schwartzman Denise Selati Brian Seltzer Boris Shekhter Barbara Sherman Reina Shteremberg Alexandra Shubin Danielle Shulman Steve Shulman Gene & Judy Siegel Jeffrey Silberman Karen Silberman Jerry Silverman Bobbie Silverman Ronald Simon Bradley Slavin Elyse Sollender Steven Solomon Irvin & Florence Sontag Tracy Spiegel Ruth Stern Ryan & Ashley Stone Iris Lynn Strauss Jennifer Strulowitz Mark Stuckelman Fran Suknow Robert Tauber Phoebe & Gene Telser Julius & Marian Tills John Tishler Beverly Turchin Laura Vainer Simon Vainer Caryn Viterbi Maureen Wallace Michael Wallace Isabelle Wasserman Melvin Wasserman Joanne Weiner Sandra Weinstein Sheila Weinstock

Denotes Lion of Judah, an internationally recognized group of women whose vision and commitment support our global Jewish community with a minimum gift of $5,000 each year to the Annual Campaign.

The Ben-Gurion Society is a national Young Leadership Society sponsored by the Young Leadership Cabinet of the Jewish Federations of North America (JNFA) for young leaders (ages 25 to 45) who make a commitment of $1,000 or more to the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign.

Denotes Lion of Judah Endowment, women whose vision, commitment and generosity is demonstrated by establishing an endowment, leaving a legacy to our community in perpetuity.

Denotes Legacy Society, which is comprised of individuals who have included the Jewish Federation in their estate planning, leaving a legacy to keep our Jewish community strong for generations to come.

In blessed memory. We have tried to honor all listing requests to the best of our ability. If we have made an error, please accept our sincere apology and call us at 858.571.3444 so we can make the correction prior to the next time we publish the donor roll.


2012 Annual Community Report Herbert Weiss

Zvi Baron

Merwin Blum

Michel Cohen

Perri Wittgrove

Michael Bartell

Adrienne Blumberg

Molly Cohen

Louis Wolfsheimer

Jodi Bartlett

Pearl Blumberg

Orly Cohen

Judith Zaguli

Alan Barth

Jeanne Blumenfeld

Renee Cohen

Marvin Zaguli

Nan Barth

Leonard Blumenreich

Robert Cohen

Allan Ziman

Bernard Baruch

Steve Blumkin

Samantha Cohen

Helene Rubin Ziman

William Basuk z”l

Jack Bober

Stanley Cohen

Lois Zlotoff

Marcelle Bayley

Richard Bockoff

Alice Cohn

Ron & Joellyn Zollman

Maureen Bear

Jedd Bogage

Guenter Cohn

25 Anonymous

Amy Bebchick

D. Stephen Boner

Renee Cokin

Karen Behar

Janice Boner

Scott Cole

Up to $1,799

Rafaela Belanich

Louis Bookheim III

Rebecca Collopy

Felicia Belcher

Jill Borg Spitzer

Harold Copans

Community Campaign

Irwin Belcher

Dovid Borok

Albert Cornofsky

Jon Bell

Ginger Boss

Lynn Covarrubias

Gary Bellowe

David Bramzon

Ruth Covell

Rosa Grunhaus Belzer

Susan Braun

Naomi Crosby

Cheryl Bender

Gail & Mark Braverman

Arthur Cummins

Morris Benguiat

Deborah Brenner

Pearl Cutler

Raquel Benguiat

Leonard Brenner

Rabbi Ralph & Hedy Dalin

Ellen Benkle

Michael Breslauer

Fred Daniel

Eli & Michal Ben-Moshe

Stacie Bresler-Reinstein

Micha “Mitch” Danzig

Sony Ben-Moshe

Yoni Breziner

Julie Datnow

Linda Bennett

Evan Bricker

Paul Datnow

Robert Bennett

Barbara Brietigam

Aron Davidson

Alberto Benrey

Susan Brodie

Dr. Stuart Davidson

Nadin Benrey

Julie & George Bronstein

Jeffrey Davis

Jonathan Benumof

Howard Brotman

Mardelle Davis

Sherrie Benumof

Steven Brotman

Steven Davis

Amnon Ben-Yehuda

Ann Brown

Congresswoman Susan Davis

Leslie & Jacob Bercovitz

David Brown

Rachel De Quesada

Judy Berg

Leonard Brown

Lawrence Delsen

Beth Berger

Roseann Brozinsky

Sherry Delsen

Frances Berger

Marla Brucker

Frank Dembinsky

Fred & Donna Berger

Lynn Bruser

Brooke Demner

Mark Berger

Barbara Bry

Karen DePodesta

Sylvia Berger

Debby Buchholz

Michael & Elena Deutsch

Erica Berick

Deborah Bucksbaum & Joel Saltzman

David Diamond

Joel Berick

Michael Buczaczer

Ellis Diamond

Michael Berk

Nicholas Bulcao

Perry Diamond

Eugene Berkenstadt

Wendy Burk

Ronnie Diamond

Barbara Berkovich

Susan Burke

Linda Dicker

Gil & Barbara Berkovich

Joyce Camiel

Sidney & Marianna Djanogly

Kobi Berkson

Rabbi Zalman Carlebach

Samuel Dolnick

Jay Berlin

Jane Carlin

Laurie Doyle

Lisa Berlin

Deborah Carnick

Richard Dupuis

Gary Berman

Edward Carnot

Howard Dworkin

Joseph Berman

Linda Carson

Liz Earne

Laurie Berman

Stephen Carson

Matthew Earne

Ralph & Roberta Wagner Berman

Leslie Caspi

Gary Eaton

Louis Bernath

Rachel Castle

Mark Edelstein

Julie Berner

Raquel Chaitas-Benguiat

Shaun Edelstein

Sidney Bernsen

Alan & Ann Chaitin

Richard Eger

Arlene Bernstein

Marc & Debra Channick

Allen Ehrlich

George Bernstein

Hadarah Chemnick

Claudia Ehrlich

Josh Bernstein

Shirley Chervin

Wendy Eichenbaum

Robert & Linda Bernstein

Joan Chesner

Floralynn Einesman

Robert Berton

Carine & Allen Chitayat

Sally Eisen

Rebeca Besquin

Jack Chitayat

Marti Eisenberg

Roberto Besquin

Ellen Chodorow

Ronald Eisenberg

Brenda Bielas

Silvana Christy

Karen Eisman

Wolf Bielas

Gary Clorfeine

Nicole Elder

Hollie Bierman

Pat Clorfeine

Joanne & Harry Ellison

Jerry & Rita Bierman

Elizabeth Coden

Daniel Ellman

Dean & Cassi Birnbaum

Barbara Coffey

Janice Elster

Barbara & Gary Blake

Florence Cohen

Kenneth Emma

Gayle Blatt

Jeremy Cohen

Steven Epner

Marvin Blecker

Kenneth & Karen Cohen

Jon Epsten

Marty Block

Lauren Cohen

Mary Epsten

Bernard Blotner

Margo Cohen

Milton Erman

Heidi Blotner

Michael Cohen

Susan Erman

Alicia Abadi Ernest Abbit Jodi Abel Brenda Abelkop Stephen Abelkop Irene Abraham Ruth Abraham Charlene Abrahamson Joel Abramson Stephen Abramson Wendy Abramson Janet Acheatel Roger & Ingrid Acheatel Loretta Adams Ellen Adamson Jozef Adato Arturo Adler David Adler Jacqueline Adler Raymond Adler Ian Aires Shira Alchalel Albert Algazi Liliane Algazi


Todd Allen Beth Alpert Phillip Alpert Lisa & Steve Altman Rhonda Amber Philip Ames Harvey Amster Judith Amster Jerome Angel Cecelia Appelbaum Suzanne Appelbaum Lina Arakanchi Barbara Arenson Perry Arenson Anne Arnold Betsy Arnold Heather & Glenn Arnold Herbert Arnold Jave Artenstein Reuben Artenstein Noam and Heidi Arzt & Family Rachel Atri Jerome Auerbach Mark Austerlitz Joyce Axelrod Lawrence Bame Samah Baouendi & Linda Rothschild Alan Bark David Bark Michael Bark & Laura Benedict Ethel Barkell Shoshana Bar-Lev


Denotes Lion of Judah, an internationally recognized group of women whose vision and commitment support our global Jewish community with a minimum gift of $5,000 each year to the Annual Campaign.

The Ben-Gurion Society is a national Young Leadership Society sponsored by the Young Leadership Cabinet of the Jewish Federations of North America (JNFA) for young leaders (ages 25 to 45) who make a commitment of $1,000 or more to the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign.

Denotes Lion of Judah Endowment, women whose vision, commitment and generosity is demonstrated by establishing an endowment, leaving a legacy to our community in perpetuity.

Denotes Legacy Society, which is comprised of individuals who have included the Jewish Federation in their estate planning, leaving a legacy to keep our Jewish community strong for generations to come.

In blessed memory. We have tried to honor all listing requests to the best of our ability. If we have made an error, please accept our sincere apology and call us at 858.571.3444 so we can make the correction prior to the next time we publish the donor roll.

Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.


Leo & Mary Eskenazi

Edward Frieman

Meryl Goldberg

Amy Hanlon

Lauren Espinosa

Andrea Frimmer

Myrice Goldberg

Jo-Ann Hardy

Jeffrey & Jill Essakow

Benjamin Frishberg

Roland Goldberg

Michael Harnett

Nathan Essakow

Lolie Fromm

Steven Goldberg

James Harris

Norma Essakow

Sabina Fromm

Michael Goldsmid

Jay Harris

Jim & Sari Esserman

Helane Fronek

Laura Goldstein

Ruth Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Etess

Jan Fronek

Meg & Allan Goldstein

Jacob Ettinger

Ellen Furman

Nathan Harrison

Jo Ann Goldstone

Candice Fagan

Eve Fybel

Stuart Goldstone

Brian Haubenstock

Jane Fantel

Gary Fybel

Daniel Goldzband

Barbara Farfel

Graeme Gabriel

Melvin Goldzband

Heidi Farkash

Sara Galante

Andrew Gomperts

John Farkash

Sara Galico-Duek

David Goodblatt

James Farley

Jan Galicot

Eric Goodman

Ruth Fasja

Jana Galicot

Penina Goodman

Sharon Fastlicht

Melissa Galicot

Sheryl & Mark Goodman

Joshua Feder

Rashel Galicot

Sharyn Goodson

Herschel Feigelson

Melissa Gans

Maury & Helen Goosenberg

Rita Heller

Judith Feinberg

Trevor Garb

Michael Gordon

Chuck Helsel

Inge Feinswog

Lotte Garber

Nancy Gordon

Harvey & Randi Helsel

Max Feinswog

Seymour Garber

Robert & Rhoda Gordon

Agnes Herman

Renee Feinswog

Raquel Garber

Ronit Gorodezky

Richard Herman

Karen Feitelberg

Pauline Garblik z”l

Salomon Gorshtein

Sandra Herman

Steven Feitelberg

Brendan Gaylis

Steve Gould

Elissa Herring

Barbara Feldman

Franklin Gaylis

Bonnie Graff

Bernard Feldman

Dr. Hyman Gaylis

Larry Herring

Vivian Grafstein

Claire Feldman

Brian Geffen

Lawrence Gratt

Tammy Hershfield

Earl N. Feldman

Sylvia Geffen

Philip Graubart

Eleanor Feldman

Harvey & Lois Gelb

Alan Green

Nomi Feldman

Jay Gelbart

Claire Green

Sara Feldman

Alisa Gelbart

Elisheva Green

Suzi Feldman

Arthur Geller

Liora Green

Zane & Alice Feldman

Maxine Geller

Orin Green

Robert Feldner

Evan Gerber

Reuven Green

Pam & Walter Ferris

Jonathan Gerber

Lawrence Greenbaum

Ann Fichman

Daniel Gersenfish

Laurie Greenberg

Charlotte Hockstein

Susan Fieldman

Gilbert Gersenfish

Andrew Greene

Barbara Hoffer

David Fingerhut

Mary Jo Gersenfish

Beverlee Greene

David Hoffman

April Fink

Gordon Gerson

Pat Greene

Justin Hoffman

Mathew Fink

Joseph Gezelter

Roberta Greene

Sam Hoffman

Nadine Finkel

Arlene Gil

Samantha Greene

Thomas Hoffman

Brian First

Gerald Gilberg

Estelle Greenstein

Scott Holden

Howard First

Marcia Gilberg

Marlene Greenstein

Karen First

Melissa Gilbert

Robert Horowitz

Clarence Greenwald

Shirley First

Richard Gilbert

Leonard Gregory

Laurie Hoshaw

Sigrid Fischer

Shirley Gilbert

Stephen Groban

Joan Fish

Ruth Gilboa

Carla Grosmann

Marilyn Fishman

Nada Gildred

Karen Gross

Meryl Flam

Tammy Gillies

Karen Grossman

Karen Flexer Friedenberg

Tara Gillman

Allen Gruber

Arnold Flick

David Gimbel

Harry Gruber

Perla & Jules Fox

Kenneth Gimbel

Judith & Allen Gruber

Karen Fox

Robin Gitman

Miriam Guberek

Ron Fox

Marc Gittelsohn

Judith Gumbiner

Israel Ismaj

Leonard Fram

Thomas Glasser

Jerry Gumpel

Dr. Andrew Israel

Marcia Fram

Rae Glassman

Rebecca Gumpel

Audrey Jacobs

Barbara L. Frank

Andrew Glatt

David Guss

Beth Faber Jacobs

Beryl Frank

Abraham & Frances Gleiberman

Martin Haas

Carolyn Jacobs

Betsy Frank

Marleigh & Alan Gleicher

Noah Hadas

Dr. Gary Jacobs

Jack Frank

Barbara Gluck

Herbert Jr. & Ellen Hafter

Dr. Jacqueline Jacobs

Jeff Frank

Ilana & Joe Gold

Judith Hahn

Mindy Gold

Karl Jacobs

Julian Frank

Howard Haimsohn

Cantor Lori Wilinsky Frank

Morris Gold

Merrill Haimsohn

David Jacobson

Patty Frasier

Phyllis Gold

Robert Haimsohn

B. David Freundlich

Pnina Gold

Jeffrey Hall & Fern Platt

Abraham Friedman

Stuart Gold

Samuel Halpern

Alan Friedman

Susan Gold

Kristin Hampshire

Barry & Sue Friedman

David M.F. Goldberg

Steven Mannis & Kane Handel

Howard Friedman

Dr. Barry & Delores Goldberg

Gerald Handler

Noah Friedman

Jerold Goldberg

Judy Handler

Paul Friedman

Linda Goldberg

Pamela Hankin

Betsy Haubrich Mike Heath & Kaye Quiroquiro Joy Hecht Lilly Hecht Lisa Heikoff Wynne Heilbrunn Saul Heiman Joel Heiser

Elaine Hess Howard Hian Arnold Hill Elaine Hirsch Ari Hirschhorn Doris Hirschhorn Gary Hirsh Jeri Hirshman

Harold Hower Deborah Huennekens Kathy Huish Linda Hutkin-Slade Brian & Jenny Ilfeld Dr. Robert Ilko Kenji Ima Shirley Imber

Ann Jaffe Charles Jaffe David Jaffe Richard Jaffe Marsha Janger Dr. Edward A. Janon Linda Janon Cornell Jaray

Denotes Lion of Judah, an internationally recognized group of women whose vision and commitment support our global Jewish community with a minimum gift of $5,000 each year to the Annual Campaign.

The Ben-Gurion Society is a national Young Leadership Society sponsored by the Young Leadership Cabinet of the Jewish Federations of North America (JNFA) for young leaders (ages 25 to 45) who make a commitment of $1,000 or more to the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign.

Denotes Lion of Judah Endowment, women whose vision, commitment and generosity is demonstrated by establishing an endowment, leaving a legacy to our community in perpetuity.

Denotes Legacy Society, which is comprised of individuals who have included the Jewish Federation in their estate planning, leaving a legacy to keep our Jewish community strong for generations to come.

In blessed memory. We have tried to honor all listing requests to the best of our ability. If we have made an error, please accept our sincere apology and call us at 858.571.3444 so we can make the correction prior to the next time we publish the donor roll.


2012 Annual Community Report



Emily Jennewein

Charles Kossman

Betty Lias

Celia Marshak

Elizabeth Jeter

Mathew Kostrinsky

Harriette Libenson

Miriam Maya

Daniela Jinich

Ana Kozlowski

Hillary Liber

Felice McGrath

Karen Jinich

Jaime Kozlowski

Jeffrey Liber

Kathie McKirdy

Ricardo Jinich

Joan Kramer

David Liberman

Michael Mellon

Roberto Jinich

Mark Kramer

Avi Libman

Daniel Meltzer

Sergio Jinich

Heidi Krantz

Sandy Lieberman

Luna Memun

Sonya Jinich

Barbara Krantzberg

Larry Liebermensch

Ed Mendelsohn

Gabrielle Joel

Bryna Kranzler

Paul C. Liederman, MD

Ivan Mendelsohn

Roy Josepho

Martha Krasne

Cyril Light

Lynn Mendelsohn

Jenny Josephson

Milton Krasner

Miriam Lincoff

Marcie Merel

Laura Jucha

Dianne & Larry Krasnow

Michael Linden

Cantor Sheldon Merel

Sara Kabakoff

Susy Kravzov

Katja Lindenberg

Brian Mervis

Marcia Kagnoff

David Kroll

Philip Linssen

Stanley Mestman

Barbara Kamesar

Alex Krongold

Dr. Donald Lipkis

Margaret Meyer

Maya Kanarek

Cecilia Krongold

Carol Lipman

Mandi Meyerowitz

Helen Kanfer

Sherry Kroop

Hilliard Lipman

Wayne Meyerowitz

Melissa Kanter

Seth Krosner & Phil Johnson

Gerald Lipschitz

Cynthia Michael

Alysa Kaplan

Elena Kucinski

Hollis & Alan Litrownik

Marge Michaelson

Dana Ben Kaplan

Roberto Kucinski

Gail Littman

Cecilia Michan

Daniel Kaplan

Jessica Kupferberg

Dr. Marshall J. Littman

David Michan

Denise Kaplan

Linda Kurtin

Mark & Ellie Livingstone

Henry Michan

Esther Kaplan

Dr. Paul Kurtin

Nancy Loewenthal

David Michelson

George Kaplan

Diane Kutner

Salvador Lombrozo

Paul Michelson

Howard Kaplan

Ian Kutner

Enrique Lombrozo

Shelley Michelson

Jeri Kaplan

Leonard and Marti Kutnik

Iliana Lombrozo

Dmitry Milikovsky

Lawrence Kaplan

Jess Lacher

Jessica Lombrozo

Joyce Miller Arovas

Morris Kaplan

Phillip Ladman

Nicole Lombrozo

Lesley Mills

Muriel Kaplan

Candice Lagnado

Casey Long

Roslyn Mintz

Theodore & Trina Kaplan

Isaac Lagnado

Marc Lotzof

Arvin Mirow

Abe & Paula Kassam

Sanford Lakoff

Beatrice Loynab

Phyllis Mirsky

Avra Kassar

Jan Landau

Marsha Lubick

Ilene Mittman

John Kassar

Max Landau

Anthony & Joan Lubowe

Rafael Mizrachi

Adam Katz

Sam Landau

Karen Lucas

Charlotte Mizrahi

Ann Katz

Barry Lander

Judge Murry Luftig

Clive Moch

Dorothy Katz

Elliot & Phyllis Lasser

Alan Lurie

Evelyn Moch

Larry Katz

Daniel & Ellen Lavis

Barbara Lurie

Esther Modiano

Norman Katz

Mara Lawrence

Karin Lurie

Tania Moel

Lisa Katzke

Anita Lawson

Michael Lurie

Barry Mogol

Emanuel Kauder

Joth Layton

Selwyn Lurie

Anton & Barbara Monk

Nadja Kauder

Fanny Krasner Lebovits

Jennifer Lutz

Andrew Mopper

Bernard Kauderer

Yvette Lechtner

Michael & Kevan Lyon

Marjorie Mopper

Myra Kauderer

Caryl Lees-Witte

Leslye Lyons

Marci Morgan

Charles Kaufman

Veronica & Miguel Leff

Michelle Lyons

Charles Morris

Richard Kaufman & Eyla Boies

Matthew Lehrer

Scott Lyons

William & Amy Morris

Norman Kellner

David Leib

Chelle Maio

Enrique Moscona

Debbie Kempinski

Rich Leib

Sharon Mair

Elaine Moser

Sol Kempinski

Ian & Golnoosh Lerner

Alan S. Maisel, MD

Charlotte Moskovitz

Susanne Kende

Lainie Lesser-Mark

David Maizel

Barbara Moss

Marcia Kern

Claris Levin

Jerry Malamud

Ellen Moss

Karen K. Kessler

Howard Levin

Ruth Malin

Hannah Moss

Clark Kholos

Linda Levin

Tanya Malk

Mark Moss

Perla Kimball

Michael Levin

Jay Malkoff

Ann Mound

Todd Kirschen

Phyllis Levin

Sharon Malkoff

Lara Mouritzen

Miriam Kirshner

Susan Levin

Jess Mandel

Nissim Mualim

Timothy Kitt

Beth Levine & Henry Abarbanel

Melissa Mandel

Monica Munoz

Barbara Klein

Haya Levine

David Mandelbaum

Alicia Mussaly

Marnie & Lew Klein

Ira D. Levine

Justin Mandelbaum

Stanley Nadel & Cecilia Carrick

Tamara Klein

Justin Levine

Sonia Mandelbaum

Barbara Nagorner

Nan Kleinman

Dr. Mauricio Levine

Charles Mann

Paul Needelman

Gertrude Klotz

Steven & Audrey Levine

Norman Mann

Avi Neikrug

Jerry Klusky

Theodore & Mimi Levine

Katalin Mannheim

Ruth R. Nelson

Todd Kobernick

Jodi Levinson

Barbara Marcus

James Nerad

Matthew Kolker

Cheryl Levitt

Bess Marcus

Sheila Nerad

Stephen Kollisch

Jay Levitt

Brad Marcus

Janice Nesses

Margaret Kopiec

Carol Levy

Danielle Marcus

Nancy Nevin

Michael Kopiec

David Levy

Suzanne Marcus

Irwin Newberg

Jessica Koren

Lawrence & Nancy Levy

Andrès & Libe Marek

Mickie Newdorf

Nat Koren

Linda Levy

Paul Markowitz

Jacqueline Niederman

Sharon Koren

Nathan & Celia Levy

Michael Marks

James Nierman

Rabbi David & Deborah Kornberg

Theodora Lewis

Jerry Markus

Vicky Nizli

Denotes Lion of Judah, an internationally recognized group of women whose vision and commitment support our global Jewish community with a minimum gift of $5,000 each year to the Annual Campaign.

The Ben-Gurion Society is a national Young Leadership Society sponsored by the Young Leadership Cabinet of the Jewish Federations of North America (JNFA) for young leaders (ages 25 to 45) who make a commitment of $1,000 or more to the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign.

Denotes Lion of Judah Endowment, women whose vision, commitment and generosity is demonstrated by establishing an endowment, leaving a legacy to our community in perpetuity.

Denotes Legacy Society, which is comprised of individuals who have included the Jewish Federation in their estate planning, leaving a legacy to keep our Jewish community strong for generations to come.

In blessed memory. We have tried to honor all listing requests to the best of our ability. If we have made an error, please accept our sincere apology and call us at 858.571.3444 so we can make the correction prior to the next time we publish the donor roll.

Doing a World of Good. Making a World of Difference.


Maureen Norwood

Bruce Raphaelson

Roman & Diana Rozenshteyn

Douglas Selik

Jeffrey Novack

Patty Raphaelson

Dr. Howard Rubenstein

Janet Selik

Mark Oberman & Judith Eisenberg

Debbie Rappoport

Judith Rubenstein

Rebecca Selk Levin & Wayne I. Levin

Linda & Larry Okmin

Robin Raskind

Dr. Stuart & Britt Rubenstein

Judy Selzer

Irving Okovita

Mark Ratner

Budd Rubin

Melvin Selzer

Olivia Okovita

Alfredo Ratniewski

Melanie Rubin

Alyssa Sepinwall

Vivian Olmos

Rosa Ratniewski

Michael Rubin

Michelle Serwin

Joseph Oppenheimer

Robert & Linda Rauch

Jeff Rubtchinsky

Dr. Mitchell Shack

Gabrielle Oratz

Gregg Rawdin

Irwin Rudick

Adam Shapiro

Glenn Oratz

Rawdin Family

Marc Russo

Jacqueline Shapiro

Arlene & Daniel Orlansky

Albert Ray

Aviva Saad

Melvin Shapiro

David Osias

Barbara Recht

Jorge Saad

Nancy Shapiro

Lawrence Oster

Michael Recht

Sarah Saad

Robert Shapiro

Barbara Ostroff

Joseph Reisman

Raymond Sachs

Robert Shapiro

Seymour Ostrow

Lori Reisman

Anthony Sacks

Jerome Shaw

Donna Ostrower

Sara Reisman

Arlene Sacks

Abraham Sherman

Elizabeth Ozer

Bobbe Reitman

Ellen Sacks

Diane Sherman

Stanley Pappelbaum

Stephen Reitman

Craig Saffer

Lauren Sherman

Renee Parker

Mark Remas

Richard Safrin, MD

Lawrence Sherman

Sidney Parker

Sherry Resh

Gary Saks

Alan Shetzer

Tad Parzen

Jack Resnick

Adele Saleh

Bennett Shiller

Leah Pazol

Lawrence Rice

Teresita Salganick

Devorah Shore

Jeremy Pearl

Beth Richford

Henrietta Salm

Jane Shore

Lisa Pearl

Joshua Richman

Brigitte Salomon

Sydney Shore

Allie Peha

Rabbi Yael Ridberg

Gerrard Salomon

Yaakov Shore

Rhonda Perkins

Gloria Rimland

Marjorie Salzberg

Davida Shreiber

Gary Perl

Shulamit Ritblatt

Clarence Salzer

Ida Shreiber

Joel & Ruth Perlin

Judith & George Ritner

Deborah Salzer

Perla Shteremberg

Judith Perlman

Dr. Laurence S. Rivkin

Mark Samson

Ingrid Shulman

Patricia Perlman

Naomi G. Rivkin

Abigail Sand

Alan Shumacher

Richard Perlman

Brett Robbins

Jared Sanderson

Harriet Shumacher

Lisa Perlmutter

Carole Robin

Diane Schachat

Charlotte Siegel

George Peyser

Toni Robin

Howard Schachat

Fern Siegel

Benji Phillips

Linda Robinson

Carolyn Schaer

Hano Siegel

Brian Pidgeon & Lisa Westlund

Robert & Lila Rockstein

Robert Schaffer

Mitchell & Elizabeth Siegler

Harold Pidgeon

Jamie Rodin

Etta Schankerman

David Sigal

Mark Pidgeon

Leonard Rodin

Sally Schatz

Debbie Sigal

Erika Pienknagura

Rebeca Rodkin

Joan & Paul Schauder

Heidi Silberstein

Jacobo Pienknagura

Abraham Romanowsky

Alex Scheingross

Nora Silberstein

Vera Pienknagura

Evan Rose

Shari Schenk

Beverly Silldorf

Russell Pierce

Laura & Howard Roselinsky

Sylvia Schenker

Howard Silldorf

David Pinn

Charles Roseman

Barry Scher

Gayle G. Silverman

Jerri Pittluck

Gladys Rosen

Leonard Schiff

Robert Silverman

Lori Pivo

Randi Rosen

Alec Schiffer

Scott Silverman

Jeffrey Platt

Sharon Rosen Leib

Arlene Schloss

Brenda Silvers

Arthur Polansky

Elaine Rosenbaum

Alan Schneider

Irvin Silverstein

Cynthia Polger

Sam Rosenberg

Jerry Schneider

Sandra Silverstein

Lorne Polger

Stacy Rosenberg

Karine & Enrique Schon

Martine Simble

Eric Sands Poliak

Richard H. Rosenblatt

Jacqueline & Ivan Schuller

Kathryn Simkin

Sharon Polichar

Adam Rosenthal

Paul Schulman

Anne Simon

Marisa Polin

Herman Rosenthal

Sidney & Elsie Schulman

Crissy Simon

Michael Polin

Jami Rosenthal

Joan Schultz

Leslie Simon

June Polis

Judy Rosenthal

Paul Schultz

Michael Simons

Jerome Pollock

Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal

Harriet Schuman

Nancy Simons

Danielle Porter

Simon Rosenthal

Jonathon Schuster

Leonardo Simpser

Howard Potash

Norwin Rosner

Phillip Schutzer

Mallory Singer

Marc & Shayna Potash

Carole Ross

Cindy Schwartz

Peter Singer

Joan Poticha z”l

Joel Ross

Cinie Schwartz

Robert Singer

Ellen Potter & Ronald Evans

Linda Ross

Gertrude Schwartz

Cathie Skinner

Beverly Powazek

Ivan Rostovsky

Judi Schwartz

Ethel Slayen

Benjamin Press

Janet Rostovsky

Rebecca Schwartz

Sandra Slivka

Judy Pressman

David Roth

Monica Schwarzblatt

Lance & Lynne Small

Beth Printz

Ingrid Roth

Dr. Richard Schweitzer

Mildred Small

Harry Proctor

Sylvia Roth

Howard Schwitkis

Marilyn Smiedt

Jacob Proud

Chad Rothbart

Karla Sefchovich

Gregory J. Smith

Edward Rabinovich

Joy & Richard Rothberger

Paul Segal

Jillian Smith

Sheryl Rabinowitz

Sheryl Rowling

Stephen Segal

Robert Smith

Cynthia Raff

Barbara Rozansky

Michael & Lynda Segall

Dora Smukler

Donna & Paul Raffer

Norman Rozansky

Jeffrey Seghal

Cynthia Sneider

Carol Randolph

Fay Rozen

Charlene Seidle

Eduardo Sneider

Joy Rapaport

Isaac Rozen

Elke Seitel

Sylvia Sneider

Denotes Lion of Judah, an internationally recognized group of women whose vision and commitment support our global Jewish community with a minimum gift of $5,000 each year to the Annual Campaign.

The Ben-Gurion Society is a national Young Leadership Society sponsored by the Young Leadership Cabinet of the Jewish Federations of North America (JNFA) for young leaders (ages 25 to 45) who make a commitment of $1,000 or more to the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign.

Denotes Lion of Judah Endowment, women whose vision, commitment and generosity is demonstrated by establishing an endowment, leaving a legacy to our community in perpetuity.

Denotes Legacy Society, which is comprised of individuals who have included the Jewish Federation in their estate planning, leaving a legacy to keep our Jewish community strong for generations to come.

In blessed memory. We have tried to honor all listing requests to the best of our ability. If we have made an error, please accept our sincere apology and call us at 858.571.3444 so we can make the correction prior to the next time we publish the donor roll.


2012 Annual Community Report



Don Snyder

Edward G. Thomas

Sydney & Cynthia Wexler

Norman Sobel

Jacquelyn Tolley

Doug White

Marilyn Sodomsky

Daniel Tomsky

Gordon Williams

Martin Sodomsky

Karin Toranto

Ellen Williamson

Vick Soffer

Yonina Tova

Eileen Wingard

Richard Soll

Steven Tradonsky & Sharon Mair

Michael Winton

Esther Solomon

Paul Treger

Joseph Witztum

Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Solomon

Rochelle Treger

Paul Wolf

Norman & Judith Solomon

Gerald Trimble

Isaias Wolfenzon

Alan Sorkin

Arnold Tubis

Marcia Tatz Wollner

Brian Sorokin

Charlotte Tubis

Olga Worm

Jorge Sorokin

Maxine Turner

Alona Yacobovsky

Mamie Sorokin

Francine Tushak

Lance Yeaman

Jenny Soumekh

Rebecca Twomey

Enrique Zagursky

Perna Southern

Susan Ulevitch

Eva Zagursky

Ann Spector

Charles Umansky

Irwin Zahn

Dale Spector

Ilana Umansky

Joan Zak

Dr. Gerald Spector

Jenny Umansky

Gloria Zalkin

Jerry Spector

Patricia Ungar

Irwin Zalkin

Nancy Spector

Evan Vapnek

David Zanders

Sidney Spector

Gillian Vapnek

Giselle Zanders

Steven Spector

Dan Vassilovski

Lyn Zanders

Jacob Sperling

Eva Veinbergs

Joshua Zawatsky

Leo Spiegel

Tammy Vener

Dr. Robert Zeiger

Melanie Spiegelman

Benjamin Vilenski

Daniel Zelac

Charles Spielman

Bennett Voit

Sandy & Jack Zemer

Evelyn Spilka

Diane Voit

Lois Zien

Dr. Edward Spilkin

Geraldine Voit

Leonid Zilberman

Patricia Spira

Stephen Voit

Stacey Ziman

Hilary Srole

Morris Wainstein

Elena Zimmerman

Daniel & Edith Standler

Philippa & Neil Wainstein

Sidney & Karen Zisook

Francy Starr

Elka Waiss

Justin Zivin

Kerry Steigerwalt

Harold Walba

Joshua Zlotlow

Dorothy Stein

Clive Walden

Paul Zlotnik

Lisa Stein

Anita Waldman

Susie Zlotnik

Martin Stein

Jordan Waldman

Jane Zmora

Daniel Steinberg

Ruth Warburg

Norman Zmora

Harris Steinberg

Bobbi Warren

Marshall Zucker

Mark Steinberg

Jack Wasserman, M.D.

Wayne & Annie Zucker

Steven Steinberg

Barbara Wasserstrom

Louis Zuckerman

Jan Allan Steinert

Jeffrey Wasserstrom

Arnold Zweig

Deborah Stepensky

Joan Watkins

Jose Zyman

Jose Stepensky

Kim Watson-Poliakoff

Sonia Zyman

Kenneth Stern

Zelda Waxenberg

Ellen Zyroff

Loraine Stern

John B. & Cathy Weil

88 Anonymous

Richard Stern z”l

Ben Weinbaum

Esther Stevens

Jed Weinberg

Ione Stiegler

Elana Weinberger

Elizabeth & Lester Stiel

Harold Weinberger

Jill Stone

Robin Weiner

Melvin Stone

Libby Weingarten

Peter Stovin

Michelle Weinger

Lilly Strausberg

Joshua Weinman

Diane Strum

Sheldon Weinstein

Jackie & Beni Surpin

Robert Weisgrau

Sue Suster-Tarr

Eric Weisman

Neal Swerdlow

Dan Weiss

Janice Swift

Edith Weiss

Jessica Swift

Kay Weiss

Rachel Swimmer-Flores

Joan & Kenneth Weiss

Phyllis Tabak

Henry Weissbuch

Becky Tal

Eric Weitzen

David Tal

Fred Weitzen Jr.

David Tartikoff

Joann Weitzen

Bruce Taub

Lawrence Weitzen

Bradley Tauber

Marvin & Shirley Weitzman

Gayle Tauber

Carlos Wellman

Lou Tauber

Doris Welt

Mark Teperson

Dianne Wertheim

Hilda Teutsch

Lona Wessel

Denotes Lion of Judah, an internationally recognized group of women whose vision and commitment support our global Jewish community with a minimum gift of $5,000 each year to the Annual Campaign.

The Ben-Gurion Society is a national Young Leadership Society sponsored by the Young Leadership Cabinet of the Jewish Federations of North America (JNFA) for young leaders (ages 25 to 45) who make a commitment of $1,000 or more to the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign.

Denotes Lion of Judah Endowment, women whose vision, commitment and generosity is demonstrated by establishing an endowment, leaving a legacy to our community in perpetuity.

Denotes Legacy Society, which is comprised of individuals who have included the Jewish Federation in their estate planning, leaving a legacy to keep our Jewish community strong for generations to come.

In blessed memory. We have tried to honor all listing requests to the best of our ability. If we have made an error, please accept our sincere apology and call us at 858.571.3444 so we can make the correction prior to the next time we publish the donor roll.

4950 Murphy Canyon Road, San Diego, CA 92123-4900


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