Five Towns Jewish Home - 5-17-18

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MAY 17, 2018 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

Fordham Real Estate Program Gives Frum Residents of the Five Towns an Opportunity to Expand their Skills and Horizons


his summer, students and professionals in the Five Towns will get a behind-thescenes look at the many facets of the New York City real estate industry and learn what it takes to succeed in this fast-paced, high-income field. The Fordham University Real Estate Institute is offering a customized 10day program at the JCC of Far Rockaway this July to help introduce local residents to the exciting field of real estate finance, investment and development. Through a mix of in-class lectures, hands-on exercises, and case studies taught by real estate industry professionals, participants will get an insider’s look at what it takes to value and develop a property and acquire skills that can be applied to many different career opportunities in real estate. “This is great opportunity to explore a field to which some may have had limited or no exposure to in their lives thus far,” said Anthony Davidson, Dean of Fordham’s School of Professional and Continuing Studies. “And since we are offering it right in the community during the summer break with no class on Friday through Sunday, it allows people to stay local, not miss yeshiva and also get away for Shabbos.” The dean joined a group potential

Anthony Davidson, PhD, Dean of Fordham School of Professional and Continuing Studies

students last month at an informal breakfast in Lawrence. “When people think of real estate, they often think of residential brokers, but that is just the tip of the iceberg,” said Davidson. “This program helps demystify the industry

and allows participants to understand the full breadth of the industry.” Under the auspices of Fordham University’s Real Estate Institute, the seminar provides an overview of real estate finance, investment, law, valuation, development, construction, property management, and brokerage. A certificate is awarded to students who complete the summer program, and students who wish to apply for Fordham’s Master of Science in Real Estate will be able to waive the RMAT requirement and be eligible to request advanced standing. The next information session will take place on May 30th. For more information, please contact Esti Broyde at The Fordham Real Estate Institute currently offers a Master of Science in Real Estate, a graduate

certificate, and a comprehensive array of professional real estate certificates at its campuses in Manhattan and West Harrison, New York. Serving professionals and owners/investors of all stripes, the MSRE curriculum presents the essential elements of real estate finance, investment, development and management. Both programs developed and taught by leading industry practitioners are centered on imparting real-world professional skill sets. Flexibility and convenience are program hallmarks: classes can be taken in-person, online, and at various paces. The Real Estate Institute is a part of Fordham’s School of Professional and Continuing Studies. For more information, visit http://www.fordham. edu/realestate.

Shavuos Learning at Kehillas Ahavas Yisroel


he kol Torah resonates in Kehillas Ahavas Yisroel throughout the year and will be”H reach its pinnacle leil Shavuos, the yom tov of kabbalas haTorah. Led by Rav Daniel Glatstein, Kehillas Ahavas Yisroel will be offering a wide range of shiurim to the community throughout yom tov. Rav Glatstein will deliver a drasha the first night of yom tov on the topic of “What to Learn Shavuos Night.” The possibilities are endless as the Torah is “longer than the earth and wider than the sea” (Sefer Iyov). Should one learn Torah Sheba’al Peh or perhaps Tanach is preferred? Many have a custom to recite Tikkun Leil Shavuos. Is this custom reserved

only for the accomplished scholar or perhaps a last resort for one who is not equipped for in-depth learning? Drawing on a vast array of sources, a new perspective will emerge on the significance of the subject matter for leil Shavuos. The highlight of yom tov will surely be the Shavuos night learning program. From 12:15-2am Rabbi Glatstein will give shiur on a sensational topic, “The Last Will and Testament of Rav Yehuda Hachasid.” Who was Rav Yehuda Hachasid? The Rav will discuss the origins of this all-time great mystic. Is this tzava’ah binding on all of Klal Yisroel? Can new admonitions be added after Shas has been sealed? The shiur

will discuss many questions including: Can one marry a spouse with the same name as one’s parent? Can two brothers marry two sisters? Can one marry their niece? Is it really a problem to close up a window? The Rav will present the opinions of the Noda B’Yehuda, Divrei Chaim, Rav Moshe Feinstein, and Rav Reuvain Margolius as well as offer practical solutions to navigate issues that the tzava’ah may present. The Rav will also discuss the manuscript discovered in our times that was attributed to Rav Yehuda Hachasid whose publication was discouraged by Rav Moshe. This is a subject that will vastly expand your horizons of Torah knowledge.

There will also be captivating shiurim throughout the night given by members of the shul. The grand finale of yom tov will be the neilas ha’chag with beautiful zemiros and divrei Torah. The Rav will iy”H discuss the poignant saga of the Ger Tzedek Avraham ben Avraham who was murdered al kiddush Hashem on Shavuos. It will certainly be a yom tov of true kabbalas haTorah at Kehillas Ahavas Yisroel. The Kehilla and Rav warmly invite the entire community to participate in any of our shiurim, tefillos and programming over Shavuos or throughout the year. The Shul is located at 568 Peninsula Blvd – entrance in the back.

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